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mixture 22nd Oct 2012 07:16

I've been using it on my iPhone 5 for a while and don't have an issue with it.

Admittedly I don't use the built-in Maps app much which seems to have been most people's bone of contention. I suspect Apple are working on a fix for that, but fixes will be released gradually but ASAP. I've got a copy of London AZ and various other city maps whose format I prefer anyway.

MacBoero 22nd Oct 2012 09:50

A couple of people I know with iPhone 3GS who have updated to iOS 6 and it appears to work. The thing they missed most was the old Maps app, but I don't recall them having much else to say about it. It doesn't get all of the bells and whistles, but I believe most of the useful stuff is there like, iCloud syncing of shared calendars and todo lists.

aviate1138 23rd Oct 2012 19:18

I see Apple have revamped the iMac and in doing so have denied me the pleasure of buying and installing Crucial RAM and OWC SSD drives as it is now Apple items or nothing.

My mistake - the 27" iMacs can have non Apple RAM....so much cheaper.....

Some iPad 3 [only 6 months old] owners are going to be pissed off - the iPad 4 is now available!

crewmeal 24th Oct 2012 06:05

Reformating Mountain Lion - iphoto problems
I've just done a clean install of ML and put most folders back. However when it came to iphoto all the folders in it had disappeared. Instead all the photos were installed as one folder and in certain cases in triplicate. My question is do I have to go through over 1000 photos to delete the triplicates and make up new folders, or am I doing something wrong?

Is there a better solution to iphoto?

NRU74 24th Oct 2012 18:09

Could I ask someone to give me a bit of ipad help on how to send e mails using wifi in France please? [Yes I have spent a lot of time on google and still can't sort it]
For c 20 months I've used my ipad using wifi to send e mails from bars, hot spots etc.Although I couldn't get TalkTalk to work I could use gmail OK.
I've now signed up to SFR's 'wifi illimite' 7 euros a month contract as I have a very strong SFR WiFi Public signal in our appartment.But now the gmail doesn't work [for outgoing emails] either.
I know it's to do with the smtp server and blocked ports but, try as I might, I just can't get the configuration right.So, if I want to send an email ,I've got to go out to the internet cafe etc.
Anyone able to give me a [really] Noddy guide on what to do ?
I'm in the UK and going to France in Nov

bnt 24th Oct 2012 18:57

As a general rule*, you need to use the SMTP (outgoing mail) server of the internet provider you're actually connected to at the time - not the one who provides the mail. They tend to check your IP address, so if you try to send via e.g. O2 UK when you're on Orange in France, it won't work. Try smtp.<provider>.fr e.g. smtp.wanadoo.fr , smtp.orange.fr etc.

* yes, there will be exceptions

mixture 25th Oct 2012 17:36

Anyone able to give me a [really] Noddy guide on what to do ?
Use a service such as smtp.com for roaming smtp sending.

herman the crab 26th Oct 2012 03:40

I use the maps quite a lot so maybe I'll wait then.


NRU74 27th Oct 2012 17:06

I'm going to France end of Nov-will report back [or, if successful, whilst I'm there]

Sunnyjohn 27th Oct 2012 17:13

Alternatives to iPhoto
iPhoto works well most of the time but when it has an aberration it is a pain in the backside. It upsets all your folders and puts photos in the wrong order and goodness knows what else. We've just spent weeks putting them all back in order after it had a go.

A good alternative is to download your photos straight into the Pictures folder and open them up in Preview. Preview has some editing features but I use Snapheal, available from the Mac Apps page. It has some really good editing features, not the least the fact that you can erase unwanted stuff like telephone wire and electricity pylons very easily and with no apparent side effects.

TWT 1st Nov 2012 09:31

Pentagon to acquire Apple and Android devices
Pentagon plans to buy iPhones, Androids in threat to BlackBerry&rsquo;s market share - The Washington Post

Is it possible to secure Apple and Android devices to the same (not perfect) standard as Blackberry's ?

MacBoero 1st Nov 2012 13:50

I haven't tried it, but on reading the enterprise deployment documentation for iOS devices, it sound feasible. My understanding is that you can for example, lock down an iOS device so that it can only connect via VPN to the Internet. The VPN end-point would be your own corporate servers, thus subjecting the iOS device, where ever it is, to the same filtered Internet the in-house employees get. It also means the iOS device effectively operates inside the company network, and is able to access the usual corporate intranet services.

Android is not something I've looked into. We had a couple of projects that wanted to use it, but they had great difficulty securing the systems to the satisfaction of the Information Assurance bods. That was a couple of years ago though, so maybe things have changed. I haven't seen the security model of Android either, as I have for iOS.

There was a report by the SANS Institute in late 2011, that describes how some of the techniques, like those native to the iOS Enterprise deployment tools, can be implemented, but at that time they were pretty much a DIY job. This involved getting messy with command line access to the device over SSH. That was a year ago, so I would be surprised if things haven't moved on and Google and third parties haven't developed tools and scripts to automate much of this.

mixture 1st Nov 2012 23:02


Is it possible to secure Apple and Android devices to the same (not perfect) standard as Blackberry's ?
Can't speak much for Android, but its certainly viable with Apple.

For a start, the platform itself is very solid and stable. If you don't jailbreak an iPhone/iPad it has a very small vulnerability footprint.

There are already enterprise deployment tools available (for free or little cost I might add... especially compared to the expense of Blackberry and BES Enterprise !). The more large customers Apple gets onboard, the more features the enterprise tools will gain.

But the existing Apple tools already cover most of the core bases e.g. ability to set key restrictions (e.g. no app install, no camera, no you tube, no iCloud etc. ). And it works well .... for example, if you restrict camera usage, the iPhone hides all references to the camera (i.e. no camera app to be seen).

With Apple's APNs service (free at point of use, just need a low cost developer account to get a certificate) corporates can push notifications to intranet apps they may build. No need for Apple servers either, you can push messages from a 5-10 line PHP/Python/Perl script ! Push email is a given with Exchange and probably other major platforms too.

A colleague and I have recently switched from Blackberry 9900s to iPhone 5s and I tell you, I'm not bemoaning the loss of the Blackberry.

TWT 2nd Nov 2012 15:02

Thanks for your comments mixture,much appreciated.

aviate1138 13th Nov 2012 10:49

To those wanting to order a new iMac I am told the Apple Store preorder page may be [May be!] updated tomorrow Wed 14th Nov. I am not holding my breath though.....

Something must be screwing up the delivery of Late 2012 iMacs as I have never known the present non availability [even non preorder situation] for such a long period.

Will the 27" be in stores by Christmas even? Nearly a 2013 model then.......

Ho! Ho! Ho!

luca321 19th Nov 2012 15:11

Macbook Pro Parallels and OAT CBT problem!
Hi everybody!

I have a Macbook Pro and I've just installed Windows 7 on Parallels. It runs perfectly.
However every time I try to install the OAT Essential Mathematics and Essential Physics part 1 & 2 software, an error like this comes up:

"Could not open input file

If I choose to ignore every file, other errors like this comes up!

Does someone know how to solve this problem? I have searched the web for information but i have found absolutely nothing.

Thank you for your attention,


mixture 19th Nov 2012 20:05


This refers to a shared drive, likely on your employer's servers.

Has your employer provided a remote access mechanism ? Sounds like this isn't working correctly. Speak to your IT department and tell them that "the remote access mechanism is not correctly mapping the shared drive on psf".

Oh, and don't mention Mac and Parallels to them.... they should troubleshoot the Parallels install of Windows 7 just like a normal Windows 7 machine.

luca321 20th Nov 2012 08:49

I have no employer! I'm only a 19 yo guy trying to pass the assessment at OAA! :O

How can I fix it on my own?

mixture 20th Nov 2012 12:24

In which case, it sounds like a software developer at OAA might not have removed a hard-coded link to the shared drive.

Much as I'd like to help more, I think you'll need to speak to the IT people at whoever provided the software.

Best of luck with the training.

Milo Minderbinder 20th Nov 2012 16:58

one possible answer is that you've incorrectly configured the installation as a client / server setup, rather than as standalone

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