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-   -   JAA CPL/Multi/IR FIC to ICAO ANAC (https://www.pprune.org/caribbean-latin-america/440573-jaa-cpl-multi-ir-fic-icao-anac.html)

speedover60 24th Jan 2011 07:19

Hi Guys,

Has anyone gone through this process with ANAC?

Could you tell me how long did it take? How much did it cost?

Appreciate any help.

varigflier 24th Jan 2011 12:43

FAA to DAC took me over 8 months back in 2004. I doubt anything has changed for the better. The process should be the same. I had to pay for a few hours in a seneca. I think it was around R$900 an hour back then.
You gotta have tons of patience. Good luck!!

Soave_Pilot 24th Jan 2011 20:49

It took me 4 months just the Heli CPL, you can easily add a couple of months for the rest. You need indeed lots of patience... That was last year.

speedover60 24th Jan 2011 21:00

Thanks for your replies! I've been told by ANAC it would take 2 months... I knew they were talking :mad:

Jiri 8th Feb 2011 20:50

FAA conversion to ANAC
I'm citizen of Czech Republic living in USA holding FAA/Com-IFR Helicopter and would like to convert my license to ANAC.
Can you please help with any information regarding conversion possibility and getting working visa in Brazil.
I'd love to move to Brazil and work there as Heli pilot but I have been talking to many people in US and got very different opinions so my questions. Is there any chance to get it done?
Thank you for any information.

Tweedy 9th Feb 2011 03:13


Conversion would not be enough. You can only fly in Brazil if you are a brazilian citizen. Or, if you are flying an aircraft as an instructor, and just for the period of time necessary to form a pilot able to fly the one you are instructing him.

Só, if the intention is moving to Brazil without the citizenship... forget it. Politicians are conducting a lobby to change this, but local pilots will keep it away from their jobs. Even thought seems to be a lot of jobs available, that is not the true.

Find a good and charming brazilian lady, get married, and apply for the job. I did it ! And worked pretty well. Brazilian women are the best, and the paycheck here is really nice too.

Jiri 10th Feb 2011 00:34

Thank you very much for your useful information I really appreciate that.
The idea you have sounds actually pretty good. I'm currently instructing a Brazilian guy and he told me to get married as well, it sounds like a long process but it would solve everything I guess ? I'll do whatever it takes, this is my big dream to move there.
Do you know how long it takes to get a citizen after you get married and do you think I can try find someone in the US and get started here ?
Again I really appreciate your help.
Where are you from ?

Tweedy 12th Feb 2011 02:38

Hi, Jiri.

I am from SBSP, living here. I suggested you a brazilian girl to get married, because I can`t foresee any better option. I am really married with one. I am Brazilian ! And I have a close friend flying for EMBRAER who being a foreigner, did it.
What will take longer is to find the Braz girl. Or maybe not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Country is outstanding, even thought violent. Paycheck is great, food is among the best in the world, and aviation is growing stable.

where are you based?

Best wishes,

flyingswiss 12th Feb 2011 19:01

@Tweedy Country is outstanding, even thought violent. Paycheck is great, food is among the best in the world, and aviation is growing stable.

you are joking right? have you ever flown/lived outside Brazil?

Pay sucks big time, food among the best??? Aviation stable??

pay: a Capt gets what the avarage FO gets in Europe

food: unless you have 50 reais to spend on a meal, food is always the same and only tastes good because they put a ton of Ajinomoto in it (MSG), foreign food sucks, they have no idea how to make a pizza or cook pasta. Everything is full of salt or sugar, everything you buy frozen as MSG in it!!!!!! FK peanuts have MSG in it!!!!!!! beer is cut with soy......

If you think BBQ is good, take a trip to Uruguay

there are some good dishes but i`m talking about the avarage stuff available..

Today I bought a file mignon, I paid as much as I would pay for the same piece but organic fed back in Switzerland!!! even Milk is more expensive then Organic one in Europe!! wtf?

man you need a reality Check

to answer above

in order to get a CPL here as foreign you need to have an RNE 9the ID for foreigns, takes loooooooooooong time to get. there are 3 ways to become a legal resident:

-you do a stable union with a Brazilian girl, YOU DON`T NEED TO GET MARRIED (it will take the same time to get a passport), this will take like 30 minutes to do at the notary. A stable union does not give you any rights on anything your gf owns or has, the only reason there is such thing is for sharing things like health insurance, life insurance....

-Get a kid with a Brazilian girl


When you have either of this 3 you can apply for the RNE at the federal Police, in order to apply with the 1st of the 3 methods you need the girl to show that she can provide for you (she needs to have a job and it has to be with carteira assinada)...in some rare cases they allow you to start the process without this and you can get a job yourself (good luck with that....I made it and it`s a pain...now it`s even harder since visa holders can`t have a bank account anymore so it`s almost impossible to get a job with carteira assinada as foreign).

After you get the process going you get a protocol number and you will start waiting for the RNE, I applied back in Dec 2009, my RNE has not come out yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Without RNE you can`t start the process for the CPL conversion at ANAC, you can get a CCF and a 90 days validation, or even a PPL...but that`s it

@Jiri: it was easier to move to the US for me (I lived and worked there) then doing the same thing in Brazil, I`m the second generation of immigrants here (my dad moved back)....

STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE, but if you really wanna move here then go to SP

alemaobaiano 13th Feb 2011 10:13

Flyingswiss, that just about sums it up, the paycheck here is anything but great and your other points are spot on :}

But I can't agree about pizza....it's only Cariocas who haven't got a clue, here in SP they know what they are doing :oh:


BTW, my RNE took 9 months, but that was almost ten years ago.

Jiri 14th Feb 2011 00:45

Hi Tweedy
I'm currently living in Philadelphia U.S., working as Helicopter flight instructor.
I was thinking to go to Brazil end of this year, I hope this would be possible if I start to process everything right now.
Do you have any idea how long it takes to get citizenship after you get married ?
I really appreciate all your help and positive answers.
Thanks again:ok:

Jiri 14th Feb 2011 00:54

Hi Flyingswiss
Thanks for your useful info regarding conversion.
Love Brazil:)

alemaobaiano 14th Feb 2011 09:24

Do you have any idea how long it takes to get citizenship after you get married ?
The last person I know who did this waited seven years after getting their RNE.

zedoscarro 16th Feb 2011 17:19

If you have big pockets or big pay (working in Brazil??:eek:) then go to Sao Paulo
If you DONT, then go to Campinas

varigflier 18th Feb 2011 11:44

Tweedy, you need to get your IRS realigned. You're way off course.....

TOFFAIR 18th Feb 2011 12:41

There are still places in Brazil with great places for food. SP has really outstanding places, unfortunately prices have picked up lately, the "rodizio" that last year was for 17,40 is now 40,00!!! Expresso at the airport got over 3,50 !!! (imagine doing stand-by). POA, CWB, SSA, NAT and FOR are culinary joy layovers... RJ is the place i agree lacks most either price and service, its cool lifestile though living there...
Salaries are still on the lower side, unless your options are Panama, Chile or Argentina...
I think it looks quite promissing though for those looking for Heli jobs, specially if you are interested in offshore with experience on the big boys!
In my opinion one has to ballance the options.
And by my own experience whatever you bring from abroad in experience and quality are completely undervalued by ANAC and most Companies specially in regard to the :yuk: crappy quality of initial training offered here.

varigflier 19th Feb 2011 13:46


You're right on the money about experience from abroad. Couldn't agree with you more.

gonzags 19th Feb 2011 13:52

Any of you guys, know what do you need to perform a conversion of a JAA CPL/ multi/IR to the ANAC license? im trying to contact ANAC by phone but seems to be impossible, next week my girlfriend will go to ANAC Recife and try to do it, but if someone can help me would be great.

flyingswiss 19th Feb 2011 18:04

Send me a pm and I will put you in touch with a friend of mine that just did it, he went to EVORA, he got everything done in just over 2 months in Rio....

flyingswiss 19th Feb 2011 18:06

@TOFF we live in SP now...I will give you a call next week..

gonzags 19th Feb 2011 18:19

Thanks for your help swiss, i have just send you a PM.

speedover60 19th Feb 2011 19:30

Send me a pm and I will put you in touch with a friend of mine that just did it, he went to EVORA, he got everything done in just over 2 months in Rio....

I have mentioned earlier on the topic that ANAC have said my license conversion would take around 2 months and a few people said it would be very unlikely.

Very good to know that your friend managed to get it done within 2 months.

gonzags 19th Feb 2011 19:36

Speedover, what are the requirements that they ask you to convert your license? thanks in advance.

flyingswiss 19th Feb 2011 22:44

The Seneca at the aeroclube was not available, so he also had to wait couple weeks, unless he would have been done a lot earlier. But keep in mind he had all the paper required already in Portuguese and all the Brazilian documents ready...he had the book to study for the Air law test and the CCF way before starting the process too. He was fresh out of Flight school so he really only needed 2 flights to get done.

gonzags 19th Feb 2011 22:50

Do you guys know which is the book for the air law exam and where can i get it?

flyingswiss 20th Feb 2011 14:32

Livro Regulamentos de Tráfego Aéreo - Vôo por Instrumentos - 16ª Edição - Relativa.com.br - PLINIO JR. - ISBN 8586262404.

but the best is to get the question banks from any Flight School

gonzags 20th Feb 2011 15:31

I really appreciate your help flyingswiss, thanks so much.

speedover60 20th Feb 2011 17:41

Hi gonzags!

The documentation and requirements asked by ANAC were:

* Identidade (Brazilian ID)
* Titulo de Eleitor (Election vote prove)
* Alistamento Militar (Prove that you have tried to serve the Brazilian army)
* Certificado de conclusao do ensino medio (Secondary school diploma)

* Copy of your license (It has to be authenticated)
* Pass Air Law test ( Regulamentos de trafego aereo)
* Get Brazilian Medical

The minimum requirement of training in Brazil is:

* 2 Hours IFR including 3 landings at day and 2 landings at night
* Flight test (approx 1.40 minutes)

I have spoken to someone in ANAC Rio and I've been told I can have my ICAO level 6 on my Brazilian license if the authority that have issued my license (in my case UK CAA) give me a letter confirming I have that level of English.

Has anyone gone trough this situation?

flyingswiss 20th Feb 2011 19:25

In Rio they don`t give you the ICAO level you have on your foreign license, both me and my gf had to take the test.

gonzags, you can`t get a CPL license unless you have an RNE, they will give you a 90 day validation (it`s a PPL VFR day only) only. If you have a student Visa you can get a PPL, funny thing is that ANAC allows you to get a PPL if you just come here as a tourist, but the aeroclube won`t allow you to fly their planes without a student Visa, if you are in Brazil with the protocolo of the RNE you will need the Policia Federal to do a declaration that you are allowed to train.

to take the CCF you will need to get a yellow fever shot (the rest of the stuff you probably already have it) and a letter from an aeroclube or ANAC that you are doing a validation of the CPL, unless they will only give you a 2nd class medical.

All your documents have to be in Portuguese, translated by a sworn translator, the signature has to be recognized and the copies authenticated.

You don`t need your high school to be recognized until you start flying, but I will do this 1st since can be a pain. Your Diploma has to be recognized at the Brazilian Consulate of the country you studied in and then translated like above, you don`t need to recognize the transcripts...make sure you have them for all the years you studied, if Spain has an exit exam that will do it too over the transcripts. Take all this stuff to MEC.

you don`t need to do any night IFR.

speedover60 20th Feb 2011 19:50

Flyingswiss, if you speak Portuguese have a look at this email sent by ANAC.

Peço perdão pela demora. Segue em anexo o modelo de requerimento a ser preenchido para a solicitação de validação da Proficiencia Linguistica em sua licença brasileira. Reintero que além do requerimento são necessários também: a cópia autenticada da sua licença estrangeira e uma declaração da autoridade de aviação civil estrangeira constando a data em que foi realizada a avaliação, o grau de proficiência obtido e contatos telefônicos e e-mail para consulta à autoridade. A partir do recebimento de tal documentação e feita análise, será necessário a confirmação das informações junto à autoridade.


Setor de Proficiência Linguística

gonzags 20th Feb 2011 20:09

Hi flyingswiss, i already have the JAA CPL/ IR/ MULTI license, so i would just need to convert it, for the moment im going to start the legal bureaucracy to get my RNE, and then i will convert my license.
One question, what is CFF and MEC?
If i already have the license, do i need to present the high school diploma and do that stuff on the consulate?
Cheers guys!!

flyingswiss 20th Feb 2011 21:23



I know you already have a license the stuff I said above are things you can get based on your license, to get a PPL validation for which is not required an RNE you only need a tourist visa (not needed in your case), but in the regs the aeroclubes (still from DAC) have it says a foreign needs an RNE or a student Visa to do any type of training.

Why do you wanna go to Brazil? if there is a 90% chance you will not be able to work as a pilot, you don`t even have an FAA license that would still allow you to do some flying..

gonzags 20th Feb 2011 22:05

Well, my girlfriend is from there, she lives there, and im going to try it, i basically want to be with her. Call me romantic!! :p

Jiri 24th Feb 2011 00:54

Hi flyingswiss
Do you have some contact or info for Evora as you have mentioned in mess., that would be so cool...
I appreciate your help.

JumpJumpJump 17th Mar 2011 02:55

In all honesty, do you think it would be better to just throw away your logbook and start from scratch over here?

I feel like I am getting nowhere with ANAC as an estrangeiro to co validate an FAA PPL.

I got married yesterday to a Brazilian and just started all the nonsense towards getting a permanant right to remain. If anybody is in Brasilia and wants a coffee and a chat, please PM!

The goal is to work in the amazon flying light twins or caravans.

All advice appreciated.



varigflier 17th Mar 2011 04:50

Your hours won't be validated no matter how many stamps, signatures, proof of ownership of airplane etc you show these idiots but you should still be able to get a conversion without your time counting. It just takes forever and the process sucks. Get used to it.


flyingswiss 17th Mar 2011 18:21

All the time gets validated, they validated mine (hundreds of hours flown as private pilot) and all my gf hours

JumpJumpJump 18th Mar 2011 03:35

So I will have a zero hour ppl?

zedoscarro 18th Mar 2011 15:45


You´ll have a licence. However, in case you apply for an airliner, you´ll have to show them something from outside Brazil showing how many hours you actually have.

No Big Deal.
Happened to me. Only 4 hours in Brazil, but over 200 in Europe. No problem in getting a job...

varigflier 19th Mar 2011 03:39

Same with me. Over 2200 hours when I got mine convalidated. 3 hours in Brasil. No problem getting a job. I haven't met anyone who got their hours validated yet.

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