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-   -   Avcanada censorship (https://www.pprune.org/canada/384920-avcanada-censorship.html)

clunckdriver 22nd Nov 2009 14:55

Av Canada has become a mouthoiece for the following groups {1} Religious nuts, why else would a thread which said roughly "The little wheel should go on the tail where God meant it to be" be pulled? Dread to think what would happen to "If God meant the Army to fly he would make the sky brown!" {2} At least two of the posters work for an organisation which sells S/E turboprops, the subject of much discusion in Canada, any threads questioning the wisdom of this get pulled.{3} Two posters were pulled as the mods responded to complaints about their continued raging on TC, they are celibrating in TC these days as at least three TC employees were behind this, I dont think the mods understand "disinformation".The sad part is that some of the new blood at the top of TC was about to get to the bottom of these posts and was asking VERY awkward question of some of the TC employees named in thse posts, Av Canada has now silenced these disenting voices.{4} The site is in fact an American site, thus the PC culture which is chokeing the USA has now come to Canada, dont dare to use slang from my generation, any terms used must be up to date PC! Solution? Any one want to start a REAL Canadian web site?

extreme P 22nd Nov 2009 16:36

{3} Two posters were pulled as the mods responded to complaints about their continued raging on TC, they are celibrating in TC these days as at least three TC employees were behind this, I dont think the mods understand "disinformation".The sad part is that some of the new blood at the top of TC was about to get to the bottom of these posts and was asking VERY awkward question of some of the TC employees named in thse posts, Av Canada has now silenced these disenting voices.
If I understand correctly... the great conspiracy was finally about to be exposed and the guilty were to be dealt with due to internet forum posts? Just then the posts were removed and the guilty parties can breath a sigh of relief and go on with their evil ways? Sounds a bit like an after school special.

clunckdriver 22nd Nov 2009 16:54

Extreame, your understanding is right on, well done! Rather than an after school special however its closer to "how do we shut down this never ending thread thus preventing the new boy from meeting face to face with the posters", QED.

Chuck Ellsworth 22nd Nov 2009 17:07

The truth is the exposure of certain people within TCCA who were and are still a disgrace to any so called democratic government was very embarrassing for those named.

There is no denying two facts.

These issues were read tens of thousands of times by people on a world wide read aviation forum.

Those exposed never once defended their actions.

We shall see if the new person in charge at TCCA is different.

remote hook 24th Nov 2009 01:40

This honestly has to be one of the most pathetic threads I've ever seen.

I've lurked around Avcanada off and on for a while, not much there on rotary, and it is what it is. Take the good with the bad. Presumably you're all adults, grow up, it's like listening to a bunch of pre-schoolers.

I moderate a technical forum, and while in no way related to aviation, most of you wouldn't believe the **** that comes in. Even there.

There must be something about Canadian pilots, as this is the most juvenile forum on Pprune, and along with Vertical - which I do frequent - and Avcanada, I must say there's a disturbing set of common denominators/posters.


Chuck Ellsworth 24th Nov 2009 02:15

Sorry we don't live up to your standards remote hook, but thanks for taking the time to express your dissatisfaction.

Maybe some of us just never made it in aviation and are envious of those who are superior? :ok:

AAhh , I forgot something you can't be including me because I haven't been a Canadian pilot for a long time. :)

Big Pistons Forever 29th Nov 2009 05:11

I had just about given up on Avcanada because so many threads got hijacked into personal rants, trolls, deliberately inflamatory posts, personal attacks, or just plane juvenile idiocy. I think the quality and usefullness of Avcanada has significantly increased since the mods started cracking down on posters who were abusing their privilages. The bottom line is Avcanada is like every other large group of humans, 5 % of the group will cause 90 % of the problems. I think it is entirely appropriate that mods insist on an good behavior on the part of posters and deal with the problem children.

clunckdriver 8th Dec 2009 11:02

Big pistons, right now Av Canada has become a private site for one Mod to claim "inside information" about SMS and any other subject relating to TC, when in fact its all in the public domain , the self apointed experts have totally destroyed the credibility of the site, witness a recent talk show in which a pilot who landed on a taxiway was trashed by an Av Canada Mod who has never flown an aircraft and has no friggin clue what its lke to pop out at 200 feet on a dirty day, I have joined the many who have withdrawn from the site, a pity as it could be a great tool in flight safety.

dhc2widow 8th Dec 2009 15:58

Comments removed.

clunckdriver 8th Dec 2009 17:05

Widow, {1} OC holders in this area were briefed on SMS delay severall days before the "secret email", could well be that TC left hand and right hand are at it again. {2} Re the remarks about the poor sod who landed on a taxiway {but for TGOG there go all of us!} the remarks such as "he has a license" hardly take into acount some of the conditions,ie, apch lights US/not on,sun angle,distractions any of a zillion other things that can overload the guy at the pointy end. {3} Dont confuse critical coments with friendship, respect or sypathy, they are apples and oranges, what you have done is illustrate as to why many of the more qualified have left the site! All the best, Clunck.

KAG 8th Dec 2009 18:01

I was told that there is only one way to be politically correct on avcanada, the mods one.

I have been reading this website for a while, and each time somebody desagrees with the mods on different subjects (SE, Boeing/Airbus, Safety...) the post is deleted. I am not interested, I prefer PPrune, as far as the avcanada' s posters/mods don' t come here.

clunckdriver 8th Dec 2009 18:50

Well said Kag!

Chuck Ellsworth 9th Dec 2009 02:11

It is really to bad that for that what ever reason so many experienced people in aviation no longer are part of Avcanada because the site used to a good place for the people in aviation to discuss things.

I know Joe and like him and I personally was never treated badly by the mods on that site....however I just ran out of the desire to post there because regardless of how beneficial a thread starts out the idiots ruin it.

Hopefully the site will do a 180 and all the old experienced posters will return and it will go back to being an aviation discussion site not a romper room for idiots.

One thing for sure by not posting there for a while no one can blame me for the adolescent content that so frequently evolves there.

remote hook 10th Dec 2009 06:33

Are you guys seriously still at this?

Looks like this site has its share of jeuvies too. :zzz:

Big Pistons Forever 11th Dec 2009 21:28

My 02.cents

I mostly post on Avcanada instructor forum. It is IMO significantly better than it used to be and is IMO now has significantly more usefull information than the instructor site on pprune. So far pretty much every time a thread on avcanada has started to spiral downhill it has been the posters, just as much as the moderators, who have redirected it onto more usefull course. I also like that the profanity and extremely rude comments have also greatly reduced.

polyfiber 18th Dec 2009 03:07

Avcanada, to me, portrays a distorted picture of Canadian aviation to say the least. One group of posters would have you think that you are playing Russian roulette just flying anything smaller than a 737.

Any aviation accident, no matter how obvious that it was pilot error, the first party blamed is the company followed by the CP and on down the line. If you were to believe some of the comments one would have to think the average commercial pilot looses all his decision making skills and better judgment due to "lack of oversight" from TC.:hmm:

I think that this is part of the culture of PC thought that we are all "victims" of the "system" and are not really responsible for our own actions.

DHC6tropics 18th Dec 2009 03:37


You must have the luxury of working for a good company...or perhaps you are in the training department...maybe even management?

I too am lucky to work for a company that is truly dedicated to safety and having a SMS system that works...having said that, I don't think my company would be the way it is if it wasn't for a strong and active union.

I have some very close friends who are great pilots and great people but who haven't had the luck and timing required to land one of the few good long-term career jobs in Canada. The companies they work for look great on the surface...good planes, decent schedules, acceptable compensation...but when you look a little deeper, management is abusive and only pay lip-service to safety and SMS. The stories they tell are crazy. Yes, occasionally they have bent under pressure from management and done things they shouldn't have as professional pilots, but that is only because they have seen over and over again the threats and harassment that pilots who have stood up for their rights have received. Without a pilot union they know that there is absolutely no one that will stand up for them...and quitting a flying job due to abusive management is just not an option for some...I can only hope the industry picks up soon so they can move on to one of the few good companies.

Management all too often gets away with abusive and harassing behaviour because they know the industry is small. F/O's are desperate for an upgrade and captains don't want to burn a reference so they can try to get out of their s#it-hole company ASAP.

polyfiber 18th Dec 2009 04:04

You hit the nail on the head when you said union:ok: Two accidents that stand out in my mind are the Malibu pulling its wings off in Alberta and the idiot who knowingly took off without enough fuel to make it into Winipeg.

One of Avcanada's posters was badmouthing the Malibu on a radio talk show when it was pretty obvious Piper had nothing to do with the accident.

People tried to play down the actions of the pilot who landed on a street in a city after running out of gas!

That's my rant for the year......have a Merry Xmas!

Chuck Ellsworth 18th Dec 2009 14:48

Are you suggesting that a union would have prevented that pilot from running out of fuel polyfiber?

If so then the root problem is a company culture of intimidation of crews to cut corners to make more money.

Is it your opinion that unions should take over oversight of the regulations and T.C. just stick to churning out paper make believe projects?

ecnalubma 23rd Oct 2010 17:22

Boy have I been away too long.
I am a moderator on the seemingly much meligned Avcanada site. It is interesting to me that people would rather come in here and desparage this site than to actually add anything constructive by way of pm or even a note to the webmaster.
I found avcanada by doing a google search, it was on the first page of the search. I bring this up as I had a son, who at the time was probably under age and interested in an aviation career. I was doing a bit of research into the prospects and general feel for the industry in terms of a career choice only to find a site that presents as legit filled with porn links. I'm no prude but honestly? A site supposedly associated with professionals and this is what I find. Kids can access this site! I complained and have been a mod ever since (careful what you complain about I guess is the lesson).
A lot of things have changed. As with must of these forums you have your focal minorities that seem to monopolize most threads, thread stealers and all round trouble makers. We do our best with what we have in the time we can allow keeping in mind that it is time donated to a site that runs on donations. The rules are clearly defined and for those of you who have had threads pulled, anytime I have done so it has been based on clearly difined rules being broken, I can't speak for anyone else, just me.
Now I see much time has past since this thread was started and though I fear rekindling the debate, I just wanted to defend myself as many who post of Avcanada know who I am. In a perfect world moderators would not be neccessary, our site is not perfect. I'm sure those that moderate on here would echo these sentiments.

clunckdriver 23rd Oct 2010 17:50

I still maintain that God wants the little wheel at the back of the aircraft! So there! {This sentiment shared by many of my age by the way} So sensor all you wish on Av Canada, but not here if you dont mind, the Brits have a far more developed sense of humour it seems, the fact that Av Canada is in fact an American site dooms it to being totally PC, pity, but then Canada is tied at the hip to tha USA these days, which is not all bad by the way, but when our media and webb sites come under their domination then its time to find another venue.Contact the Mods?, When I took exception to remarks made by a Mod, pointing out the unfairness of her post in regards to a pilot who landed of on the wrong runway, rather than defend her position she simply pulled the post, thus leaving the rebuttal hanging out on its own, Thats hardley the way discusions are meant to go, then to confuse friendship with the right to differ on a point destroys the whole point of having an aviation site!

ecnalubma 23rd Oct 2010 18:13

As I said, I can only speak for myself. Did you take your concerns up with the mod or run to this site to complain.

clunckdriver 26th Oct 2010 12:48

I contacted you on Oct 23, still no answer, you, by your total lack of any response, have answered your own question, so please stay away from this site, thank you!

ecnalubma 26th Oct 2010 18:51

I would defend myself by saying I just checked my PM's and I have none from you on any date yet alone on Oct. 23rd, but seeing as you have decided to discredit me one here with a total fabrication that I cannot disprove, I will leave you to your shallow victory.
I'm sure those Avcanada members that have PM'd me in the past would attest to the fact that I follow up on all messages I recieve.

clunckdriver 26th Oct 2010 19:26

My "sent" log states that it was my 42nd PM sent, was sent 23oct 2010 at 1738 EST, have never had a PM not make it through cyber space before, so I put you last post up there with "the cheques in the mail".

ecnalubma 26th Oct 2010 19:37

My opologies to clunckdriver. For some reason I thought that he ment to my pm at Avcanada not here. I have recieved only 1 other message on Pprune since registering in 2004 and as I don't get an email to tell me I recieved a pm I never thought to check it.
I wish I could answer your questions clunck but I can't.
As for going away, I will, from this thread, but I do enjoy some of the other stuff I see here and will be back to visit again. As you can see by my post count, I don't spend a lot of time here.

CpnCrunch 1st Jun 2012 21:12

Sorry for dragging this thread up again, but it seemed the most appropriate place. Add me to the list of former avcanada posters. It's just getting ridiculous the number of threads that have disappeared, as well as general heavy-handed moderation. Oh, and I run a chat site and manage a bunch of moderators myself so I know the difficulties, but avcanada just seems to be ridiculous at the moment.

Minorite invisible 2nd Jun 2012 17:54

Same kind of censorship often goes on here. I had my posts deleted and I was even banned from PPrune for a period, some years ago.

The subject was flying troops into and out of Afghanistan. The British, US and Canadian troops all required that their troops be exclusively rotated in and out of Afghanistan on military aircraft that were fitted with missile protection (DAS). Other countries like the French, the Dutch, the Danes or the Germans did not have that requirement. Canada, which until 2007 had 5 A-310s with no DAS, never flew any of them into Afghanistan. They went as far as Dubai and changed to C-130s from there. It's fleet of Bombardier Challengers never did medevacs out of Afghanistan for the same reasons. They only used the protected Hercs, and later the C-17s.

I stated that several airlines flew commercially into Afghanistan quite safely, and that the Taliban had no AA missiles, that there had not been a single documented case of an AA missile fired at any aircraft since the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan (there still hasn't been any) and that I thought that this measure was in place to give the military transports the monopoly of flying all troops so that contracts would not be given out to cheaper commercial charters like British Airways. I gave examples of unprotected civilian aircraft that were flying inside of Afghanistan for NATO and of the UN airlines that also flew in and out, with no incidents. All of the information I provided was public information gleaned off the Web.

I was accused of putting the troops at risk and my posts and the replies they generated were taken down. I was banned from PPRune for x weeks........

Probably some British Military sent a message to a Mod requesting that I be gagged and he/she gladly obliged........

North Shore 4th Jun 2012 00:49

Sorry for dragging this thread up again, but it seemed the most appropriate place. Add me to the list of former avcanada posters. It's just getting ridiculous the number of threads that have disappeared, as well as general heavy-handed moderation. Oh, and I run a chat site and manage a bunch of moderators myself so I know the difficulties, but avcanada just seems to be ridiculous at the moment.
Well, Crunch, if you think we are heavy-handed, then post what got you a 1 day suspension from AvCan on here, and see how long you last:rolleyes:

treykule 4th Jun 2012 03:57

Avcanada censorship
Well, I like AvCanada. So what if some threads get pulled?
The fact is that not everyone acts so nicely, and , it seems, some dont really understand simple civility anymore.

Yes it is a bit frustrating to see this or that thread get pulled, particularily when it brings one of the dark side companies into the light. But lets be honest here.. There is a lot of unfair comments made. Rude comments.
Pesonal slurs...Mods just doing their job...

Being 6000 miles away from home for nearly five years now, and its kind of nice to read what is there. Even if the main posterships is younger..

It has been said so many times. If you dont like it, dont go there. No need to trash a site because you dont happen to like it...

J.O. 4th Jun 2012 11:35

I was accused of putting the troops at risk and my posts and the replies they generated were taken down. I was banned from PPRune for x weeks........
Gee, I can't imagine what could have possibly led them to make that decision ... :rolleyes:

CpnCrunch 4th Jun 2012 22:04

Ah, so it was you who banned me for a 'racist' comment that wasn't racist in any way and didn't have the balls to actually reply to my PM via Sulako? I made a comment about the people who (according to a TC report) deliberately killed a pilot and 3 passengers while drunk. I made a comment basically saying they are drunks and not very nice people (not using those exact words :), along with the people launching the lawsuit.

So just because they are native and I was having a go at them (rightly so, IMO), I'm racist? The fact they were native didn't enter my mind when posting. Surely that makes you racist, does it not? Or is it just PC gone mad?

Also, there were a few other reasons for my rant here:

- thread about mid-air collision pulled when people started talking about CARs.

- thread about possible CAR violation by a certain company pulled by a moderator who works at that company.

North Shore 5th Jun 2012 04:55

If you've got a PM for me, send it along, and we can hash this out in private. I didn't see the pm that you sent to Sully. I'm pretty sure that your 'ban' was a one day suspension.
Threads are pulled/moderated for several reasons, all of which you agreed to when you signed up here or on any other BB, including AvCan. If you can't abide by those conditions, then feel free not to post.

CpnCrunch 5th Jun 2012 15:24

Ok, thanks for the reply. I talked to North Shore via PM and we sorted things out. I still think there is sometimes some over-moderation at avcanada, but the moderators are all decent people trying to make the forums a sane place and I respect them.

lilflyboy262...2 5th Jun 2012 20:05

You've been brain washed cpn!!! Come back from the dark side!!! :}

7Two7Driver 28th Jun 2012 22:12

...and the avcanada kiddies come here to ruin this site... great :ugh:

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