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-   -   Canadian PM Dumps Pilot after request to turn off cellphone and Blackberry (https://www.pprune.org/canada/238349-canadian-pm-dumps-pilot-after-request-turn-off-cellphone-blackberry.html)

BORN4THESKYS 11th Aug 2006 12:39

Absolute wa**er!!!!! Yes as far as Im concerned the captain has overall responsibility for the flight. I really get fed up with VIPS and the like and their don't give a s**t attitute, and total ignorance and contempt for the safety of the flight they are on.

They are all but a very select few the same, lick ass to get in, and then do what the hell they like anyway! I really do wonder about democracy sometimes!!!!

saudipc-9 11th Aug 2006 15:19

Just for those who are shooting off about the PM.


Friday, August 11, 2006 – Page A17

In response to a paragraph in a column saying the Prime Minister and staff had given tough treatment to a pilot who wanted their electronic devices turned off, Sandra Buckler of the PM's communications team has written to say I was on the receiving end of bad information.

Her views of the matter, which do not coincide with my own, are as follows. "For the record, the Prime Minister does not own a BlackBerry. He and his staff fully respect all of the rules of Transport Canada and all electronic equipment, including laptops being turned off before takeoff. I know of no dispute. I cannot speak to the motivations of the pilot."

Looks like a few of you have some humble pie to eat!!!!!!!

Rollingthunder 11th Aug 2006 20:44

No, he's still an arrogant prat. I don't believe anything out of the PMO. Can you trust anyone who admires Mulroney?

GreatCircle 11th Aug 2006 21:16

Sandra Buckler, the Director of Comms for Harper, has a history of producing u-turns when fat-boy PM has one of his temper hissy fits...

Whilst it is unsubstantiated in this instance, all the others of Harper heading off the deep-end cannot be coincidence.

Now, where does Stevie boy sit on matters such as....

- Purchasing Boeings for the Air Force that they didn't want ?
- Supporting the Defence Minister O'Connor, when clearly the old boy is
in the early stage of dementia ?
- Banging the evangelical drum like Georgie, and taking guidance from his
Pastor ?
- Answering direct questions with direct answers ?
- Why did he fly to Cyprus, when an empty A310 positioned in Larnaca would've made more sense ?:rolleyes: Let me think....

Somewhat off track, but a telling indictment on someone who likely did throw a hissy fit, because the commander of the A310 told him to stop gabbing on his HelloMoto in a fetching shade of blue...

pigboat 11th Aug 2006 22:54

Not to question Lawrence Martin's integrity or anything, but he is The Cretin's biographer. His partiality, or lack thereof would be suspect. :p

brucelee 11th Aug 2006 23:28

Harper shakes his kids' hands on the first day of school. Harper doesn't like the press. Harper is a cowboy, either with him or against him. This is the change we wanted. This is the change we got. Are we happy now? I would have kicked his ass right off the airplane. That is not his airplane. That airplane belongs to the taxpayers of Canada and like any other airplane in Canada the PIC is the boss. Period. Harper is an asshole and this country will see this slowly but surely. :D

saudipc-9 12th Aug 2006 04:25

Sour grapes is all I can say! You mostly sound like a Liberal supporters group who would like nothing more than to have "Mr Dithers" back in office.
PM Harper, I admit, does not have the most out going personality. However, he has displayed leadership to this country and that is something not seen for quite some time.

he's still an arrogant prat
Now if we really are going to look at who is arrogant then we must look at an ex PM namely Jean Chrétien, who is the epitome of arrogance.
Don't confuse leadership with arrogance. Harper is showing leadership and this country will see this slowly but surely. Once it gets its head out of the sand.

GreatCircle 12th Aug 2006 04:50

Nope... politicians by their very nature are all arrogant gits.

Trudeau...a charismatic leader ? No, a philandering ego with serious issues.

Clarke - no chin. Nor guts.

Campbell... a bar room singer in high heels and pink lips

Mulrooney - an arrogant taker with little or no morals

Chretien - dithering buffoon with a twisted face

Martin - an embarrassment. And a liar

Harper - all of the above, aside the labido. Just yet. Plus he loves the evangelical Bushoid. Much worse.

Not one I'd trust with the command of a complex turbine...no make that a TTC streetcar...

brucelee 12th Aug 2006 17:55

Pretty scary list I agree. The only one worthy of any respect was Trudeau. Like him or hate him, he had balls and a personality. He was respected by leaders all over the world and gave Canada a good reputation. The others, I would tell them to put that phone away and do what you're told.:ok:

rotornut 12th Aug 2006 19:12

Told you so...don't believe everything you read in the paper or on PPrune, for that matter;)

pigboat 13th Aug 2006 02:00

Trudeau was so respected all over the world that the only heads of state to show up for his funeral were Fidel Castro and Jimmy Carter.

As far as worthy of respect goes, while my father was wearing his country's uniform and putting his ass on the line for it, Trudeau was wearing a Nazi helmet and riding his motorcycle around the lower Laurentians, scaring the **** out of the Jews.

tsgas 13th Aug 2006 18:40

Who cares what sick political views, the anti Harper clowns have,this is an aviation forum, so go and stuff it.
None of your B.S. is going to influence the way that I cast my vote some the next Canadian election.

GreatCircle 13th Aug 2006 19:42

Originally Posted by tsgas
Who cares what sick political views, the anti Harper clowns have,this is an aviation forum, so go and stuff it.
None of your B.S. is going to influence the way that I cast my vote some the next Canadian election.

Well said. Very eloquent.

So - would YOU have asked Steve, as PIC, to switch off his phone and other devices ? That'll bring it back on track.

saudipc-9 14th Aug 2006 03:14

So - would YOU have asked Steve, as PIC, to switch off his phone and other devices ? That'll bring it back on track.
Actually it would not bring it back on track! Mr Harper had nothing to do with the so-called incident so the off track digression continues.
tsgas--nicely put:ok:

GreatCircle 14th Aug 2006 10:57

The point is simply no matter who the "VIP" is - be it the PM, member of PMO, Kylie Minogue, Mike Myers, Mrs Smith the City Councillor from along the road, or even Mr Smith, owner of the corner store, has to abide by the rules and instructions of the PIC.

No-one is above this.

So back to my question - would anyone here, as PIC, IF Steve Harper had been yakking into the phone, instructed him to button it ?

brucelee 14th Aug 2006 13:01

I have flown Chretien, the Mulroney family and other politicals. Chretien was a doughnuts and coffee guy and always did what he was told on board. As arrogant and flamboyant as the Mulroneys were, they were also abydant except when it came to customs. Mila was always over her limit. Hey folks, the PIC is the boss. There are no exceptions. It's the law.

29chev 15th Aug 2006 06:24

The only one worthy of any respect was Trudeau
Oh my God you don't really believe that do you??
He was an ASs who almost destroyed this Country with his energy program and deficit spending... never mind his complete indifference to anything west of Ottawa or East of Québec City.

brucelee 15th Aug 2006 12:52

He always had the best chicks and the best cars. :p

rotornut 15th Aug 2006 18:02

Really? I seem to remember one in particular - not the car.

tsgas 15th Aug 2006 20:07

I wouldn't consider an MGB as "one of the best cars".
And as far as Maggie goes,A bit of a basket case,I.M.H.O.

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