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airbuff 23rd Jun 2005 17:27

(a) a person sustains a serious injury or is killed as a result of
That is exactly why it wasn't an accident - No serious injuries or for that matter NO injuries were reported upon landing and none till passengers arrived home from their trip. How ironic is that?

3holelover 23rd Jun 2005 18:19

No, it was indeed technically an "accident"... read it again... the aircraft did sustain damage to it's structure requiring major repair.

...but that means nothing, in my mind, in terms of whether passengers deserve any reward beyond what SSV offered them.

If there were injuries that cost anyone anything at all, those people ought to be compensated, otherwise I think SSV has already been generous in their response.

rsavage 23rd Jun 2005 22:44

I hope no one minds if I interject a different topic for a moment.

When I was on the plane the flight crew were collecting our customs cards and putting them into the first-aid boxes for storage. Two things struck me about it at the time. First was that it obstructs one's ability to get to first-aid materials in a timely manner, and second I wondered why there was enough room in the first-aid kit for a large stack of these cards.

Is that a normal practice on aircraft? I imagine it's probably not an issue, but it seemed a little odd to dual purpose the first-aid kit.


CDNFA 24th Jun 2005 01:02

Well, are you sure that these cards were placed in the first aid kit seeing as these kits are usually sealed unless it was used on the flight. As well I dont think it would hinder an f/a that much to open the kit to remove the cards to get something like gauze. If there was a serious problem then the doctors kit would have been used and not the first aid kit seeing as the only thing that is stored in those kits are things used to wrap cuts treat burn etc.

Using the first aid kits to store these cards would be more work then what it is worth. Are you sure it wasnt the documantiation container, or a container that housed these docs?

WJman 24th Jun 2005 11:58

I agree, I doubt it was a first aid kit unless it was on old empty one used for this purpose, even then they are not very big.
First aid kits are sealed,serialized and tagged with expiry date sickers or equivalent. It is a required piece of equipment for flight.
In my experience with over 5 airlines the flight attendant's are very quick to call mntc when the seal is broken or if something from the kit was used.
As well all first aid kit's, most of which are standard and the same manufacturer from company to company would have no room in them to stack anything.

Tan 24th Jun 2005 13:12

The Doctors’ kit is locked with the Captain being the only crew member with the key. To make a statement that any first aid kit was being used for any other purpose other then its intended use is foolish and just magnifies the stupidity of the lawsuit..

The F/A’s sometimes use the overhead bins where the first aid kits are stored to place paperwork or other items which is perfectly safe and normal.

STC 24th Jun 2005 16:30

I agree with the "accident" designation. Its much more accurate than "crash" and doesn't carry the degree of hyperbole.

Accidents don't always result in injury to occupants, or damage to the airplane. There seems to be a degree of both in this case.

Most of us however understand that the cause of the accident has nothing to do with some of the sources stated in the statement of claim.

Perhaps the lawyer should have consulted with someone in the aviation industry prior to preparing the statement of claim. Or perhaps accuracy isn't their main concern.

rsavage 24th Jun 2005 17:49

It's certainly possible I was assuming what I saw was a first-aid kit. I was sitting by the emergency exit, and the compartment I saw wasmounted around the floor on the dividing wall in the center aisle. It had a sticker with a red cross on it, and it opened from the aisle side.

Any ideas as to what the compartment is?

3holelover 24th Jun 2005 18:10

Yep, it's a stowage compartment that contains one of the first aid kits, among other things.

rsavage 25th Jun 2005 00:39

Perfect. Thanks.

YYZ 25th Jun 2005 15:09

As per you earlier post, at no stage did I state I was board nor that I had another issue to cover, All I stated, as from the beginning, "wait for the relevant authority’s to give there judgment" I feel this is a logical approach to this unfortunate situation. Obviously you disagree and are now looking for further problems with this company?

You must have a hidden agenda other than the one you say you want to keep flogging.

Incidentally, aside from my opinion, I was agreeing with the Mod as well?

Whatever you are after, I hope you get it without ruining the reputation of what is in general, a good company.


rsavage 26th Jun 2005 15:03

YYZ, you got me. I have a hidden agenda. You're going to have to tell me what it is, but I'm sure it's there. What brand of McCarthyism do you practice?

I've gotten good answers to every stupid question I've asked. The only real area of debate is the crash/accident/hard landing. I'm on record as saying a lawsuit is too soon. We don't know what the whole thing was. I can only describe it as I perceived it.

Are you trying to muzzle me? Am I touching a nerve with you for some reason? Explain it to me because you've certainly hit a nerve with me.

rsavage 26th Jun 2005 16:16

This is my last post on this site.

I want to thank the pilots who helped make things so much clearer, and remove those nagging thoughts about what turned out to be non-issues. A month ago terms like "seat pitch" or "pax" were completely foreign to me. It's been a good learning experience.

I'm not very happy about how I felt in responding to the last post. I don't want to participate somewhere where I have to worry about motives being attached to everything. I can only bounce back from that so many times without losing my cool.

Thanks again.

For the conspiracy theorists in this thread, have fun with this post.

STC 26th Jun 2005 17:13

I want to thank the pilots who helped make things so much clearer, and remove those nagging thoughts about what turned out to be non-issues.
What makes you think that everyone who responded is a pilot?

drageraser 27th Jun 2005 06:27


He's only thanking the pilots - not any of the other posts and posters. Can't you read?

Just be glad Crazzzie Crystal isn't posting anymore.:ok:

Mr A Tis 3rd Jul 2005 16:24

Anyone got any update on what is happening to GSJMC ? Have flown many times on this bird when it was Airtours International.
Shame if it gets written off.

zorx 23rd Jul 2005 19:55

Accidents happen its part of the game and anyone who judges another for such an event isn,t fit to be called a pro no matter how arrogant he thinks he is .Perhaps the Lord with ram a aluminum stake through your pee brain next time you judge another pilot.

Gilligan 24th Jul 2005 19:11

Poor excuse
No Zorx...accidents are not part of the game and a very poor attitude and excuse for incompetance. Anyone that thinks that accidents are part of the game and accepts that thought process is not very professional. In fact if I recall the details of this accident and another simular training accident that SSV had in the UK a couple of summers ago shows the incompetance and lack of professionalism in the organization. Rather than making excusses, you should have a hard look at your orginization and see how the safety there can be improved so that accidents are not an accepted part of the culture at SSV...actually kinda scary to think that for a professional you think that way...BTW is it true that the Capt on this said flight has been sacked.

Jerricho 28th Jul 2005 19:34

Sooooo........anybody got any news on how the court case is going?

zorx 29th Jul 2005 18:21

Part of the GAME
Gilligan Yep the less flying humans do the better.Should have stayed with airbus to do some professional work eh Gilligan.When you mess up I wonder what you will say ,if you live.I knew a guy with a mouth like yours.He put a citation into a carpark:p A little slow on the brakes I guess eh?

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