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Duggie Fashion 17th Jul 2010 14:23

BASSA offered £52m in savings that were costed by PWC. Even one shareholder at the AGM questioned the logic of rejecting those savings and instead embarking on a policy of confrontation with the union that has so far cost over £150m, and more than £900m lost in forward bookings.

The only reason why the large insitutional shareholders still publicly state they support the current LT at BA, is to say otherwise, will put the shares into freefall.

The strategy of provoking a strike then defeating it to union bust BASSA has failed. Last year Walsh stated that BA only had "six months to survive", then the airline made a small operating profit in the third quarter. On top of this Walsh has boasted about the cash BA has at its disposal to cope with the volcanic ash and over £3bn in a secured credit line.

If you read this:

ScienceDirect - European Management Journal : ‘Embracing and Exploiting Industry Turbulence: The Strategic Transformation of Aer Lingus’. Denis Harrington, Thomas Lawton, Tazeeb Rajwani [European Management Journal 23(4) August, 2005.]

you will see the blueprint for all that is going on at British Airways at the moment.

Juan Tugoh 17th Jul 2010 14:34

BASSA offered £52m in savings that were costed by PWC
BASSA were asked for more than £52m in savings and delivered a misleading and ill costed plan for temporary savings as a loan to be repaid, not the real permanent savings that BA need going forward.

maintprog 17th Jul 2010 14:38


BASSA offered £52m in savings that were costed by PWC.
If we are dealing in facts then this statement is somewhat disingenuous. Everyone else has given permanent savings but this was effectively a loan to be paid back later.

The only reason why the large insitutional shareholders still publicly state they support the current LT at BA, is to say otherwise, will put the shares into freefall.
No, they want control of their company back and they want to pay market-rate for the people employed.

Wirbelsturm 17th Jul 2010 14:45

BASSA offered £52m in savings that were costed by PWC.
Nope. These were the £170 million in savings that BASSA projected that were then costed down to a realistic figure by PWC.

Also they were to be considered a 'loan' to be repaid, in full, after two years then the BASSA gravy train rolled on.

The only reason why the large insitutional shareholders still publicly state they support the current LT at BA, is to say otherwise, will put the shares into freefall.
Fantastic! Where do these ideas come from? BA has always made a profit, up until the current economic situation. Pressures from other carriers and internal costs have meant that the companies profit margin has been squeezed constantly.

The ability to permanently address cost overheads and take a leaner company into the future is of great interest to the institutional shareholders. The merger with Iberia, the sorting out of the pension fund (without the input of the CC I noted) and the pending tie up with American all strengthen that position. The CC strike is a drop in the ocean compared to the potential future returns.

Investments on the levels of these companies take a long term view, the personal investors, those looking to turn shares around quickly, might take a different view.

The strategy of provoking a strike then defeating it to union bust BASSA has failed.
BASSA wouldn't negotiate meaningfully. They stonewalled any attempt to talk about anything apart from the possibility of compulsory redundancy. 'What their members really wanted to know' they said. BA gave them time and then called it a day. BASSA provoked the strike.

The company have done nothing except try to continue a service to their customers whilst BASSA have thrown their spat. Don't forget that it was BASSA who refused to negotiate with BA and then cry when it all goes wrong.

As to the 'exploiting industrial and economic turbulence', if you trawl the internet you will come up with thousands of 'proof' publications both for and against global warming. It is up to you and the author to decide which you believe.

Duggie Fashion 17th Jul 2010 15:09

To further rub salt into the wounds, the LT had the nerve to cancel a shareholder dividend whilst defending their own bonuses with the thinnest of veils, that they had made some sort of customer satisfaction threshold. Surely if no other evidence was required, this showed up the integrity of the BA board and LT.

The BASSA offer was based on that of the pilots, where the principle applied was that the recession was temporary. BA pilots will receive shares as compensation for sacrifices they made. BASSA did not believe the propaganda about structural change and how the business premium market would never recover. IATA figures just released show that premise to be false and the union was right.

As his strategy has failed, Walsh now has a dilemma. He cannot change tack; he is boxed in. There is huge support for a NO vote in the consultative ballot to be announced on the 20th, and there will be a strong YES vote for industrial action in the ballot to follow, scheduled for September. All Walsh can do is more of the same; scraping the bottom of the barrel for additional VCC from the USA and elsewhere.

There is a saying you know: when you are in a hole, stop digging.

Meal Chucker 17th Jul 2010 15:15

Originally Posted by Duggie Fashion
BA pilots will receive shares as compensation for sacrifices they made.

They would be the same shares that we were offered (and a free ST ticket), that Bassa rejected without any consulation to its members.

Wirbelsturm 17th Jul 2010 15:20

The BASSA offer was based on that of the pilots
By 'based on the pilots' do you mean the simple expedience of grabbing the 2.6 figure whilst ignoring everything else?

BA pilots will receive shares as compensation for sacrifices they made.
Have you costed the value of those shares compared with the cuts made by each employee? No? Didn't think so. Also the hoops required to be jumped through and the gates achieved make any payout unlikely.

Oddly enough the same deal was made available to ALL negotiating departments. Its just that BASSA didn't get that far as they couldn't be bothered to negotiate.

As his strategy has failed, Walsh now has a dilemma. He cannot change tack; he is boxed in. There is huge support for a NO vote in the consultative ballot to be announced on the 20th, and there will be a strong YES vote for industrial action in the ballot to follow, scheduled for September. All Walsh can do is more of the same; scraping the bottom of the barrel for qadditional VCC from the USA and elsewhere.
Once again you reveal your singular source of information to be either BASSA rhetoric or the socialist worker, or, perhaps, both.

Where has the strategy failed? The fact that during a strike that BASSA proclaimed to the world would 'grind BA to halt' hasn't? That the other, non striking, 40,000 employees in the company don't agree with BASSA?

By all means poll your yes vote, it means nothing. How is that a sucess?

As to the VCC from the USA, oddly enough the staff in the USA asked to be taken in to the VCC system. As the can operate from the USA, hotel in London and operate back to the USA they provide a very useful 'backup' service.

Must be very annoying that your irreplaceable crew mentality has been proven to be totally wrong.


Willie Walsh has, again, turned down his, Board agreed bonus. If you don't understand the city wide bonus system applied to senior managers then don't make it an arguing point.

Juan Tugoh 17th Jul 2010 15:22

As his strategy has failed
You say you are fond of facts - yet this is clearly opinion and one not held by many outside the BASSA enclave. The rest of that paragraph is based upon this supposition and has the same dubious provenance.

Please provide evidence of how the strategy of the Board and the CEO has failed.

Hand Solo 17th Jul 2010 15:27

BASSA Update

BASSA > Latest News

Jul 16th, 2010 by admin

Mark Everard.

You will have read our open letter to CEO Mr Walsh, we hope you will agree that it was written in a spirit of openness; we didn’t receive a reply but it would appear that his feelings were perhaps very publicly communicated at Tuesday’s shareholders AGM.

It was widely reported in the press that there were turbulent verbal exchanges between Mr Walsh and a number of cabin crew members; “Interactive Investor” reported that “whenever he mentioned BASSA (the British Airways Stewards and Stewardesses Association, part of the Transport & General Workers Union) he spat it out like a swear word”. It was also reported that two rows of cabin crew laughed raucously when Mr Walsh said that the airline was "not in dispute with staff" but with the Unite trade union, which represented "a small number of staff".

Today his venomous hatred for BASSA was poignantly but explicitly brought home to us when Mark Everard became the second Branch Committee member to be dismissed from BA.

Far from fulfilling Mr Walsh’s wild notions of being a “militant” Mark Everard was and is, in reality, a “BA man” through and through; he epitomised everything that is good in BA - or sadly was. He joined directly from school, firstly as an apprentice engineer and then becoming cabin crew. His whole adult life has been spent serving BA.

But, thirty-two years of blemish free service counts for nothing when you are a representative of a union that Mr Walsh is “in dispute with”.

Mark is a person of boundless energy, industry and commitment on your behalf. He also was - and still will be - BASSA’s “fixer” - a person who made things happen, from websites to five thousand capacity venues; if members needed it, he could arrange it all. If he said something could be done, it was done. There aren’t many people in life left like Mark, he didn’t crave the limelight or have a need to be centre stage. He was the strong foundation that our union, and indeed our airline, has been built on.

A lot of people talk a good fight, Mark simply did it, with loyalty, dedication and without complaint, his actions were always worth a thousand well-intentioned words.

As reps and colleagues of Mark, we are shocked, hurt but no longer surprised; we have lost another of our own.

Why? Because British Airways believed that Mark had “offended’ four anonymous founders of their sponsored “union’ the PCCC on the internet. Their names were of course kept secret and never revealed; like the rest of their organisation, they remained anonymous, shrouded in mystery. But as they appear to have somewhat easy access to British Airways’ data base to enable them to check perspective joiners, they also appear to have equally preferential access to the company’s “Asset Protection Department”, who of course, were more than enthusiastic at the opportunity to pursue a “real” elected union rep.

Duncan Holley has now had his final appeal and is awaiting the inevitable. Of our two BASSA branch auditors, one has been sacked, Norrie Petersen, and the other, Martin Houghton, has suffered too, as his wife has also been dismissed for a dispute related incident. The assault on all things BASSA continues unabated.

There are now only seven Branch Committee members left, five of those remaining still have the threat of disciplinary action hanging over them and their families. Willie Walsh has constantly stated he wants regime change at BASSA and this is his way of achieving it. We are sorry to have to say it but this, tonight needs to be said - his behaviour is nothing more than the actions of a bleating bully and a morally bankrupt coward.

If this continues, there simply will be not be a union left, or at least not one that dares to have a different view of the world than Mr Walsh. What ever union remains it will be the poorer without Mark. Every crew member, whether they are still in BASSA or not, owes Mark a debt of gratitude. We are all where we are today because of the likes of Mark and the many BASSA reps that went before him and the ones that are still there, fighting the cause.

My highlighting. Another example of BASSA selective reality.

the flying nunn 17th Jul 2010 15:44


Brand in a tailspin, a carrier in terminal decline, are you proud of the part you have played in acheiving this state of affaris? Terminal basically means the end of the line, what will you do if, as you say the offer is rejected by a huge majority, more strikes are called, forward bookings collapse completely and we all head of into the sunset?

Wirbelsturm 17th Jul 2010 16:59

Every crew member, whether they are still in BASSA or not, owes Mark a debt of gratitude.
Is that because he gave us a free selection of pornography under the PCCC banner?

At least he had the honesty to post the site ownership under his own name! :ugh:

JUAN TRIPP 17th Jul 2010 19:17

A lot of people talk a good fight, Mark simply did it, with loyalty, dedication and without complaint, his actions were always worth a thousand well-intentioned words.
Yes his actions certainly were worth more than words. Nice to know his precious time in Bassa was spent buying websites, paid for by Bassa no doubt, and then putting hard porn on them. A valuable way for a paid representative to spend his time and the members money. Anyway at least now he can truly dedicate his time to his other outside activity. Fitted kitchen anyone?

JUAN TRIPP 17th Jul 2010 19:31

Their ideas just get more bizarre!!
Well you have to say that they do have some imagination at least. This is the latest idea from a Bassa member on their forum

Hi Guys how do you feel,
Mark my heart goes out to you thank you for all you have done, we have a fight on our hands and you know what its time to show the press the true colours of our melicous management.

I propose a candle lit vidual in Tafalgar Square for all crew to stand united with candles in a peaceful silent protest at this unjust and aporling bullying. What you all think and lets do it for Mark and all those sacked and suspended.
If its possible we take pictures of all sacked, candles, and flowers, and lay them under Nelsons Collome.

We will treat this event in black with reverance to morne the loss of people we love and we will,

Your thoughts!!!

Was wondering if we could take a coffin there to to show how BA Management are killing our airline.

"Mark and all our reps im so proud of you all, you make me see sence where there seems to be no sence,
You pic me up when im down, you show pride and give us pride, you fight for our dignity and respect in the workplace,
Without you we are no union you bind us together". Thank you! lets all link arms be strong and show our strength.
Love you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

giza 17th Jul 2010 19:38

spanner / bees
Thanks for the VCC tips

giza 17th Jul 2010 20:12

Quote "To people like gizza here, would you take a full time cabin crew job on £11,000 a year plus £2.40 an hour? I don't think so. Go back to your ground job before you make yourself redundant "

Doug, You right, as VCC, I am not being asked to do this on £11,000 a year, but then again, nor are you.

Ironically, I am actually doing this to stop redundancies

stroppy jock 17th Jul 2010 20:14

Q for Mr E.
Does Mr Everard deny that he created the web site in question or that it directed viewers to pornographic images?

Or is it his claim that his actions did not merit dismissal?

beesflyer 17th Jul 2010 20:17

From Giza,
Thanks for the VCC tips
:ok: Sad though, we shouldn't have to be doing this, but glad to. But I guess we are to keep all our jobs going, and has been posted before. I'll do this as a temp job, so that I have a permanent job to go back to.

Re BASSA candles etc, I really don't how to react. Should I laugh or cry :confused:

Some CC have NO IDEA what other areas of the airline have had to do, have done to keep he airline going. Still some CC think they are the BA. What a joke !!

Love Duggie, he must be a re-incarnated MissM, WWW or Ava. Same load of tosh though. Still hasn't answered my question on his/her lost T and C's.

Giza. Enjoy the training as I have said before, it's intense, but fun. Trainers are fab and really helpfull, not at the exams though, your on your own !! Work hard and you will get through. The group I am with are a dream, from Holland, Belgium, Germany, Australia and T5, and having a great time. Take care.

LD12986 17th Jul 2010 21:00

I note the latest BASSA missive conveniently ignores the fact that Martin Broughton made it absolutely clear at the AGM that the Board fully support WW and the Leadership Team and that they have "run out of patience" with BASSA.

Yet, BASSA still make out this all about the agenda of one man.

Also note the continuing reference by BASSA to "our airline". No it isn't. It is a business, owned by its shareholders. And all WW and the rest of the company is trying to do is run a business. Profitably.

giza 17th Jul 2010 21:30

New Routes
Why do we not fly to KL, Melbourne and Detroit, among others -- because our cabin crew cost 30% more and we can not make a profit on these routes.

Why do ba want to reduce costs with new fleet -- obviously so we can expand and operate to these and many other new routes.

Why do ba want to be a profitable airline -- All departments have an obligation to reduces costs to produce profits, without profits we can not buy the planes we need to operate the new routes.

Simple really. This is the only thing thats driving Willy to cut costs, it not personal, its business.

Duggie Fashion 17th Jul 2010 22:52

The problem at BA Giza, is that there are too many groundstaff like you. You prove my point by being able to be released from your 'day job' to be a VCC.

BA only has 25 more aircraft than RyanAir, but 32,000 extra employees. What are they doing? Not much by all accounts, as so many are available to fly.

VCC crew like Giza will find themselves redundant in the near future as BA moves its headquarters to Madrid. Waterside will be closed down and BA will become a sateliite operationfor IAG based at LHR. There won't even be any further AGM's in London, besides the fact the deal is 56% in BA's favour.

That is the thanks you are going to get from Willie.

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