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VSOP Fables 8th Jul 2010 16:18

Surely if Unite accept your vote and you are NOT a member, it makes the ballot illegal????? Remember last November?

Betty girl 8th Jul 2010 16:25

I got my union paperwork today and I had also left. Were you in AMICUS like me or BASSA. The information with mine is full of anty BA propaganda too but the letter heading is all AMICUS. I just was wondering if the BASSA info is the same.

I was suprissed because I thought they were just going to let us make our own minds up and not try and persuade us either way. Just wondering if BASSA stuff is the same.

HiFlyer14 8th Jul 2010 16:39

BASSA have made a complete hash of everything (sorry for stating the obvious).

They have been unsuccessful in their industrial action. They have been unable to produce legal ballots. Now they are going to be unsuccessful in producing an accurate list of who is a member and who isn't.

The Professional Cabin Crew Council are urging cabin crew to act with dignity and decorum here, to rise above the immaturity that BASSA have shown, and to do what they are entitled to: ie. either accept/reject the individual offer if you were not in the Union on 25 June or vote in the Union ballot which arrived this morning if you were.

If we start playing games and voting twice etc., the numbers simply won't add up. I would imagine both sides will be asked to declare numbers of acceptance/rejections/spoilt papers etc. If the numbers don't add up then we will be back to square one as one side or the other will shout "foul play".

We must take this opportunity to cast our votes, legitimately, and to prove to BASSA once and for all that we the cabin crew community believe that this offer is reasonable and fair. It is time for all of us to put this awful conflict behind us and move on.

It's our one chance. Let's not blow it.

Betty girl 8th Jul 2010 17:13

Highflyer. Moraly you are right people really should only either vote or sign the offer not both.

However, I don't think you need to worry about the figures not adding up because in all the previous votes so many crew have not even bothered to vote. The turnout has been so low and basically it seems that apart from people like you and me, and all the other passionate posters, mostly only NO voters vote, which is why they got such a large % vote in favour of a strike.

I know that alot of crew just stayed in to vote NO to a strike and really want to be able to accept the offer. I think you are morally right but no one in either BA or the union can be sure of the membership. The union office must be in total disaray they have barely enough staff to deal with the disaplinaries let alone their paperwork.

None of us want them to strike again and voting to accept the offer might help to stop this but signing will also help to show BA they have our backing.

So I think the only people that will suffer if someone was to vote and also sign would be the union. So don't worry too much.

Snas 8th Jul 2010 17:33


In which case, contact BA (HR and/or your manager) and send them a dated copy of your resignation from the union.
Yup, doing all that, and more :ok:

harrypic 8th Jul 2010 17:59

If you have received ballot papers and are not eligible to vote as your no longer a member of the union you should inform the independant auditor of the ballot ie the electrol reform services.....

stormin norman 8th Jul 2010 18:22

I'm not sure anybody can trust UNITE

In their recent communications on pensions they state

'although it was our intension to do so ,we did not hold a consultative ballot on the pension issue for our cabin crew members within the timescale afforded to us.
We must apologise for this oversight'

I presume due to an oversight they forgot to put out the original (BA) offer to crew as well ?

Caribbean Boy 8th Jul 2010 19:21

Strange, I'm a GMB member and somehow they found time to ballot us on the pension proposal.

52049er 8th Jul 2010 19:52


Of the most important change to members T&C's in years. A change that could make the impositions of last summer pale into insignificance....and they forgot to ask you about it.

Now do you believe the sensible majority when they warn(ed) you about these..... Well you fill in the blank.


the flying nunn 8th Jul 2010 21:28


The 'tentative' talks were 'thats what we are offering - take or leave.

That is simply untrue PC767, there have been several offers from the company, each one of them worse than the last. I just don't understand how you say you voted against striking, went to work but then come and defend BASSA as if they have been right all along? What exactly is your position on this dispute?

DeThirdDefect 9th Jul 2010 06:04

Surely if Unite accept your vote and you are NOT a member, it makes the ballot illegal????? Remember last November?
No, that law specifically covers strike ballots, not consultative ballots.
There is no legal requirement for a union to consult its members (or former members) before accepting or rejecting something offered by an employer during negotiations.
And if a union does choose to consult, they can do it in any way they deem appropriate.

WeLieInTheShadows 9th Jul 2010 09:28

What's getting me is people ate saying the new fleet is such bad pay blah blah blah.

Well.... Big news guys.

It's the same (or even slightly more!), than LGW pay.

No strike ballots over the past 4 years over that one.

The shortsightedness of the unions over that one is truly astounding. And they wonder why LGW crew feel sold out when they are asked to LOAN money to help out get the CSD off the trolley, and why 20 or less people went on strike.

Architects of their own destruction, and protectionism at it's very worst.

I hope LHR crew wake up and see BASSA for the self serving cash cow milking fools they are.

Unions are supposed to work for all their members, not just for the minority on WWLHR.

Unfortunately it's too late now. We're all screwed. Nice one. You couldn't make it up!

ftrixiebelle 9th Jul 2010 10:19

feeling isolated as a union member
HiFlyer14, you say

'We must take this opportunity to cast our votes, legitimately, and to prove to BASSA once and for all that we the cabin crew community believe that this offer is reasonable and fair. It is time for all of us to put this awful conflict behind us and move on.

From this I assume that you are still a Union member?

From the strength of feeling I'm gauging amongst strikers there will not be acceptance of the 'Final Offer' As someone who has remained with the Union post 25 June (to have my voice heard and to remain part of the collective bargaining that BA is part of) I now feel seriously isolated.

I too would like to have had the chance to sign an agreement with BA and am now the most worried I've ever been about the future (and believe me I've been worried the last 19 months)!:sad:

Snas 9th Jul 2010 11:08

An Update
My partners offer letter has arrived, despite the unions poor administration with regards to membership status...

There is a simple declaration to make regarding your union membership status on the 25/06/10.

I know at least one person that is very happy today - :) - Lets hope that many more are happy soon also, on all sides and departments.

HiFlyer14 9th Jul 2010 11:32

My offer has arrived today - and I am more than happy to sign it.

Ftrixiebelle, no I am not a union member - I left well before Christmas as it was clear that this Union had no idea what it was doing. The Union has achieved nothing for its members, has virtually led them to financial ruin - paying full fare tickets from abroad to get to work has to be the most absurd thing I have ever heard. Yet still they do nothing to try and resolve the situation for their members.

I hope that you have joined the Professional Cabin Crew Council. There are many people on there like you that are still Union members and are very worried. You can log onto our forum and hopefully gain some support from being with like-minded crew members.

We would suggest that you vote in the union ballot and then resign from the Union. What have you got to lose? I would also say - don't worry (I know it's easy for me to say). If you came to work during the strikes, that is the important thing. BA would not want to target people who crossed the picket lines. The more people that join the PCCC (it costs nothing!) the more chance we have of approaching BA for representation. If people don't sign up, then we can achieve nothing. It's down to all of us to make our voices heard, so JOIN NOW!

Everybody who wants to accept this offer owes it to themselves to join the Professional Cabin Crew Council. It is, quite literally, the only chance we have of having a reasonable, and moderate voice to collaborate with BA on the things that are important to us.

nurjio 9th Jul 2010 13:06

The above, represents quite the most perfunctory piece of journalistic tosh I've read in a while.

vertigowerty 9th Jul 2010 13:12

I got the offer this morning, signed it on the spot and returned it..

But I have the feeling that the brainless bassaists will reject it... and my scenario is... another strike ballot which will either be deemed illegal and it will all start from the beginning, or the strike will go on and then hopefully those militants will be jobless...

I still can't believe how some people still believe bassa... I have to congratulate them on doing such a good job in brainwashing and putting people's brains in halt...

I joined pccc as soon as it started and I think it is important for all of us to join so we can get rid of bassa asap...

Tiramisu 9th Jul 2010 13:53

Got mine too, Vertigowerty!http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...lies/wink2.gif
Signed, sealed, delivered, I'm your's BA!http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...ies/thumbs.gif

Bill Francis(Head of IFCE) in his latest web chat this morning, has said he will do everything he can to support all crew who came to work normally whether they are member of the Union or not.

Caribbean Boy 9th Jul 2010 14:00

Did BF say what this support would be? No doubt many strike-breaking crew want support due to intimidation suffered downroute and in the CRC.

gcal 9th Jul 2010 14:49

All this is going around and around and the business as a whole is passing it by. A small minority of the employees of the company seem to be digging their heels in.
But take stock for a moment:
The company is shrinking, just take a look at live departures from LGW to see that. So many destinations gone.
The travelling public are confused as to the situation. They were always confused as to the scale of the strike.
Competitors are forging ahead, and take a look at this:
Emirates have ordered almost 80, yep 80 A380s to bring their total of the fleet on this one type to 90. Just think about that for a moment.
Isn't it time once and for all to wrap this up?

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