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clareprop 7th May 2009 12:12


I agree..firstly I should say that on most of the flights I take, the crew do a very good job and when I thank them, I mean it. However, that's me as the customer thanking them. Ritually thanking each other out loud three or four times over the PA just seems a little odd. My late BA SCSO father-in-law (who retired in 1980) would not have known what to make of it all...:p

Glamgirl 7th May 2009 21:24


As long as you're amused, that's all that matters, I suppose.

(btw, you spelled my name wrong...:oh:)

The one that really gets me is this one from a couple of our Captains:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to xyz, bla bla bla.... If you've got bags to pick up look for flight number xxxx. Talking of bags, Cabin Crew, doors to manual and cross check".

It was funny the first time I heard it, but at least one of our Captains has said this on every after landing pa for as long as I've been with the company. Anyone got any new "jokes" I can supply him with?


BetpumpS 7th May 2009 21:37


sorry about the typo

Nicholas49 9th May 2009 10:30

I think that it is inappropriate for the FD crew to "thank" the cabin crew for all their hard work. After all, the cabin crew are paid to do a job. They do it excellently, so it really is cringe-worthy and not a little patronising for pilots to make such announcements. What would be the reaction if the purser announced "didn't the captain fly well today?" I wonder...Couldn't you tell them that it doesn't go down well in the cabin?

Glamgirl, you must hear the same jokes over and over again ;) It's quite easy to over-step the line between a making few witty comments and sounding liking an idiot. The bags joke isn't very funny....

bondim 9th May 2009 15:33


of course we get paid to do the job, but it is still nice to be thanked on the PA once in a while. I am not sure if this is some long standing tradition, but I have heard it on lots of airlines.

I don't see why it should bother pax if not overdone.

Nicholas49 9th May 2009 17:23

Bondim - trust me, it doesn't look good. If the captain wants to thank the crew for their efforts, he should do it after the flight once all the passengers have disembarked. It's hard to explain, but it basically comes across as a public display of "aren't we great".

Please don't get me wrong: I am not for one minute suggesting that praise shouldn't be given. It is very important for a leader to say 'well done', but there is an appropriate time and place.

Glamgirl 10th May 2009 14:39


What if you were a passenger on a flight where a crew member was rude to you, lazy, couldn't be bothered, and at the end of the flight the Captain/First Officer/Purser said "thank you Cabin Crew for all your hard work" (or similar). It wouldn't make you feel good and you'd think that it was all wrong...possibly. I know if I had a bad crew as a passenger and this happened, I would be even more upset, because that crew member in particular obviously didn't work hard/well.

This is the main reason as to why praise should be done in private, hope this clarifies.


DIA74 10th May 2009 15:20

Hard Landings
PIK/LON late night, I looked out the window on approach and we appeared to be very high. Suddenly dropped pretty fast, hit runway with a couple of thumps, then everything went into reverse with a roar. Aircraft shaking like crazy, stuff going clatter in the galleys. Left runway last exit almost on two wheels. SILENCE FROM THE F/D, but the No.1 opened up the F/D door and shouted "Let's have a big hand for that man!" As you may imagine there was a huge cheer form the cabin. A bit of a "red necker" for the driver, who was our Chief Pilot. LUCKILY for the reputation of the carrier, there was only crew on board that night!

wiggy 10th May 2009 16:46

"it is still nice to be thanked on the PA once in a while..." but why on the PA, why do you need for the thanks to be done so publicly? I can promise you it certainly doesn't go down well if some of the passengers feel they've not had a great flight (Glamgirl's point).

As you've probably guessed I'm another who doesn't like it...I would hope that a good, hard working crew were thanked after the trip by their Captain and/or Cabin "Chief", and I certainly thank the Co-pilots I fly with for looking after me :ooh:..but I wouldn't dream of thanking him/her on the PA....IMHO it just sounds crass and just a little bit "luvvy".

leeUK 10th May 2009 17:32

Not forgetting the biscuits
On GB flight during the cruise addressed to my daughter who was working as a member of the cabin crew: "This is the captain speaking- Cxxxx (my daughter), will you please put on the kettle!"

dkul 10th May 2009 18:29

Some years ago flying ORD to IAH on CO on a 735.
Cabin crew was excellent...first to start the safety briefing we heard a loud piercing whistle on the PA followed by "hey, up here!!!" Certainly got everyone's attention. During the part of the O2 mask and "put your on first before helping someone else"...the FA at the front of the cabin held up a baby that was on a lap in the front row. Of course everyone was paying attention.
But the best part had to be upon landing in IAH...it was a very "firm" touchdown. As we exit the runway the flight attendant makes the PA: "ON behalf of Continental, your flight crew and the people that installed the speed bump at the end of the runway, welcome to Houston." When the laughter died down, she continued: "Here at Continental we are proud of our pilots, so we just wanted to say that the hard landing was not the captain's fault. It was also not the first officer's fault. No, that hard landing was due to the ass fault (asphalt)." Very funny.

MagnusP 11th May 2009 10:05

One of the funniest I heard as SLF was the usual announcement followed by "and I'm sure you'd like to congratulate ****** who is getting married on Saturday. ******, is it true about the strawberry yoghurt?"

(Followed by a scream from the back of the cabin)

jodiem 17th May 2009 02:00

On a flight SYD-CHC a few years back, as we crossed the west coast of NZ, we were informed by the slightly effeminate male Pursar that we would shortly be "Passing over Ass...I mean Assing over Pass, I mean, Passing over Arthurs Pass!".

Seemed to have been an unintentional faux pas, but it had a few of us looking at each other to see if we'd all heard the same thing. :ooh:

ozangel 17th May 2009 05:39

I personally am not a fan of the 'thanks for your hard work' PA.

I understand it is well intentioned and usually made in the spirit of good CRM, however I find that it is better saved for the crewbus or the walk to the carpark.

On the other hand, there have been a few occasions where it has been appropriate and appreciated - and followed by applause from the passengers - however those occasions usually follow an emergency.

sunnybunny 17th May 2009 09:04

A few years ago on GEM flight Liverpool to IOM.

During taxi out Pilot: Thanks for flying etc.

Today we are expecting severe thunderstorms and as a result there will be no cabin service.

But it is xxxx's birthday so I would like everyone to congratulate her, please stand up xxxx so everyone can see you.

Now please fasten your seat belts firmly as it may get a bit bumpy.

and later

Sorry we've tried to avoid the worst thunderstorm by going towards Dublin but we can't so everyone please strap in firmly we are going to have to go through it.

Which we did and after 15 mins we arrived shaken but not stirred.:D

SLF3b 19th May 2009 19:05

I don't like it because it is not sincere. If you sit behind a locked door how do you know if the cabin crew did a good job or not?

Challenger05 20th May 2009 06:06

well the funniest announcement I have heard and I believe it was a faux pas was,

Dear passengers we have arrived at XXXX we understand you have a choice of other airlines and have chosen XXXX and appreciate your business and hope you will fly with us again... once again from theheart of our bottoms we would like to thank you you for flying XXXX. Have a good day!!!


olster 22nd May 2009 20:32

yup,you guys are right -the 'well done cabin crew, hard working team etc 'is patronizing and embarassing,



Hussar 54 23rd May 2009 08:37

About five years ago...late night flight out of Nice to Luton.....

Skipper with maybe the strongest Ozzy accent I've ever heard comes on the PA and announces that the C/P is called Susan and will be " flying us back to Luton tonight.....although when we get there I'll probably have to park the aircraft on the stand "......

Pilotinmydreams 23rd May 2009 11:39

Wasn't on a plane, but a train but this always makes me smile. I was on a the Waterloo to Weymouth train and we were delayed by about 30 mins. The conductor came on the PA and says:

Ladies and Gentlemen, i'm very sorry for the delay to this service.... we're on the line behind a 70mph train........ this is a 90mph train so God only knows what they were thinking when they did the schedule today..... i've told them time and time again, but do they listen?!!!

There were a number of equally amusing anouncements that I now forget but it certainly calmed a lot of people down given the Friday rush to get home from the city.

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