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elixir8 1st Aug 2007 00:15

anyone leaving on the 31st August?
Hi everyone,

I'm new here so would like to just say hi to all of you...and oh, not to mention thank you(for the previous posts) as well 'cos they've been very helpful in preparing me for my interviews with Emirates.

I've done my medicals and been told that my joining date is scheduled on 31st august. I'm just wondering if any of you share the same date of joining?

Thanks and all the best to those who will be trying for the job!

Highsky24 1st Aug 2007 14:32


Is there anyone else on here waiting for 'the call' at the moment?
I am, its been nearly 3 weeks and im thinking about it allll the time! argh!:)

naddy1983 1st Aug 2007 15:43

waiting for the reply
Hi Highsky24 (and all you guys)

I'm waiting for the reply aswell. Had my final interview on 12th July in Birmingham. I'm very scared. I don't want to know incase it's bad news but really want to know aswell.

Can anyone tell me if you receive an e-mail...is it bad news because the trainers said in assessment to expect an e-mail but everyone on this forum speaks of waiting for the golden call. I'm accessing my e-mails with butterflies at the mo hoping I don't get an e-mail. :confused:

Also, can anyone tell me - what kinds of things are they looking for at final interview. I've been told that interviewers look for buzz words but I answered the questions honestly but don't remember throwing in too many key words.......

I've been reading the posts on my lunch breaks and it's been really really useful. I wish I'd found the site before the assessments - people give really good advice on here.

Highsky24 2nd Aug 2007 09:19

Hi naddy1983,

I also had my interview in birmingham, final one was on the 13th, so we must have been there together on the 11th!
I kept in touch with one girl who had her interview just after me, she got the call on monday to say she had got it! from reading on here the call is if you have got it and the email is if you haven't. No news is good news im thinking! I had a call from one of the recruiters last week to say they were waiting on one more peice of document but i had already sent it with some other stuff which they had so seems it may have been misplaced, anyway i just faxed it over to her and she said it would then be sent to Dubai, so im just hoping that if i really did rubbish in the final interview they would have just sent an email to say ive not got it??!!
About 'Buzz words', i havent heard this before but im pretty sure they just want you to be yourself, honest and relaxed in the interview.

Let me know when you hear!!:)

naddy1983 2nd Aug 2007 10:30

Hi Highsky24,

It's really re-assuring to speak to someone else in the same boat. I'm quite similar as I needed to submit new photos so was a bit delayed but I'm guessing if they take the time to call you to ask to re-submit that's a good sign.

It's terrible waiting though - I'm imagining your feeling the same. Lots of luck I hope we both get it and be making our way to Dubai soon :)

naddy1983 2nd Aug 2007 12:34

Missed the 'call'
OMG - I'm gutted..... I've just had a missed call from Emirates Dubai and voicemail saying they're not back in until Sunday.
I've had my phone with me all day and the one time I pop out!!!! Arggh

Has this happened to anyone else? Do they call you if there's any problems with your application. I'm trying not to get excited now incase it's not good news but got to wait 2 whole days....


cantwait 2nd Aug 2007 13:06

Call from Dubai

I was at the assessment in Birmingham on the 11th too, I had my final interview on the 13th. Its positive if you have had a call from Dubai even if it is asking for further information! well done :ok: they have taken the time to call you so it sounds v promising.....

I've been on this forum quite a lot since I applied and have found it really useful and reassuring that I'm not the only one with loads of questions. I'm really anxious to find out if I've got it or not like Highsky24 I just can't stop thinking about it :bored: I just hope that my pictures are ok because its taken me so long to get them sorted.

Have you kept in touch with anyone else from the assessment?

whatzmyname 2nd Aug 2007 14:12

'Naddy1983' the call was most probably good news....You must be very frustrated. Call them next week and say to them that you received a missed call.

Highsky24 2nd Aug 2007 14:46

Naddy1983, wow, bet your well excited! im pretty sure they only call you if its good news so maybe they will call you on sunday to let you know but i would try calling them on sunday too if i was you.
Oh i hope this means that it wont be long till they contact me!! when did you re-submit your photos?
Hi 'Cantwait', i too had my final interview on the 13th in birmingham, keep us updated!! so far i know one girl who i kept in contact with got the call on monday to say she got in, so maybe we will hear soon!! fingers, toes, legs and everything else crossed!!:)

cantwait 2nd Aug 2007 17:36

Wow that means she found out less than 3 weeks after the final interview thats fantastic! because the letter said 6 weeks. :)

I had a call from the recruitment team today in London to find out if I had sent my photo's. I only sent them yesterday because its taken so long to get a suitable time arranged with a photographer but royal mail tell me they will get them tomorrow now because of the strike :uhoh: I'm glad I sent them special delivery now!

I've read alot on these forums that for those who get through, the medical can take a while and be quite expensive too; but most of the posters seems to be outside of the UK. Does anyone have any idea of the cost in the UK and what vaccinations etc you need?

Also has anyone been asked to do the Raven test after their final interview? Its the one with the different shapes and symbols that get more complex as they progress.

mother hen 2nd Aug 2007 18:05

Hi there, as I've mentioned before not crew daughter is. Hope I might be able to help, though I'm sure there are others who can provide you with better info. We(my daughter and I) were in your position about this time last year. My daughter was getting her medicals done, she actually flew to Dubai, 8th september last year.

We don't live far from you i think. Anyhow, if you have a good helpful GP you should be ok. Our doc wasn't very helpful. The cost for your gp to fill out the forms varies, but can be anywhere from £60. My daughter was refered to our local hospital for her chest xray but we had to go private that cost another £60. The eyetest and audiogram were free at our local opticians. I didn't know that opticians did audiograms till a relative informed me! I know specsavers do them. And then there was the cost of the dentist....which of course varies from dentist to dentist. I'm not sure of the vaccines, they send you a list of everything that needs to be done. I'm sure someone has posted all the info though on here previously.

As for photo's, my daughter had to do hers again, and she was going on holiday the day after they contacted her, so her dad took some more of her with our digital camera and we changed the background colour on the computer then printed them of. They were fine.

I'm sure everything will be fine for you, and I wish you all the very best of luck.

Best wishes, mother hen.

cantwait 2nd Aug 2007 20:00

Hi Mother Hen

Yeah we don't live too far away from each other, as it happens the girl who had her final interview straight after mine was from Wolverhampton and I do wonder if she got through, I hope so she was nice girl :ok:

Thanks for the information its really useful to know where to get an audiogram done I wouldn't have had a clue! and anything you can get gratis is an added bonus. ;) And now I know how much approximately to budget for the medicals if I do get through aswell.

I think its really good of you to still post on these forums even though your daughter has been in Dubai for nearly a year. :D

Thanks for the good luck wish x and I'll keep updating on the forum.


SkyHighFlyGal 3rd Aug 2007 03:52

Dont worry about missing the call darling - I missed mine too and know exactly how you feel, it sucks, but remember that a call MEANS GOOD NEWS is on the horizon, even if it is just for more documents, it means you are being seirously considered for the job - well done!

I tried phoning them back and left a message on their voicemail... then called again and left another message, to no avail. In the end I was frantic, but they did return my call about a week and a half later to tell me I had got the job (pending medical of course).

So ... tentative congratulations to you !! :D


SkyHighFlyGal 3rd Aug 2007 03:54

October 12 start date
Hey there - has anyone been given a start date of October 12?? PM me if you have, I'd love to have contact with you before the big start!


jeaniepie 3rd Aug 2007 05:20

Anyone Leaving On The 7th Of September?:)

Buford 3rd Aug 2007 06:52

I'm ex-EK crew but I left end of 1999. I'm helping my sister with her EK resume/CV and was wondering what the current standard is? Do they want it kept brief or is it still like when I applied in 1996 ie. several pages long with height, weight, marital status, etc? She's submitted her online resume so right now we're putting together her hard copy to hand in at interview.

She's attending the open day on the 11th August in Melbourne.

steegily 3rd Aug 2007 07:24


I think short and sweet is better,. They only look through the CVs whilst the video introduction is being played. And you know yourself, that there could be a couple of hundred people there. That's a lot of reading. I don't think they looked at my CV again after that.
Also, they didn't want any binders or folders, just the pages of the CV. I spent €2.50 decent paper and laid out my CV in two pages, very clear and neat. I just put in the important info about experience, education and a bit about my personality. I also stuck my online application number on the top. Hope that helps.

Annabell 3rd Aug 2007 09:24

Hi jeaniepie!
I'm leaving on the 7th of September as well. :ok: So I guess we start training together. Have you already got your ticket and the final approval?
I'm so excited!

pb138 3rd Aug 2007 11:24

hey hows it goin ? i am a male to and am quite keen on applying to Ek, just wanted to know how u managed to get a interview with them in Dubai ? did you apply for the Dubai open days ? coz there is no open days coming up in my home country and so was unsure on how to go about this. I currently work in the healthcare industry so hopefully this doesnt impede my chances of getting a job with them aye, i quite keen and passionate about this travel indstry and love to travel.
Hope to hear from you and all the best with the upcoming interview.
Cheers !

naddy1983 3rd Aug 2007 12:17

Thanks guys
SkyHighFlyGal - thank you for re-assuring me... it's hard waiting but I guess there's lots of people waiting for the call so we have to be patient. I was reading through your posts and you must have been very stressed keeping missing those calls

I will call back Sunday so hopefully find out then (crossing my fingers)

HighSky24 & cantwait - keep in contact - let me know when you hear (crossing my fingers for both of you too)

Nad :)

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