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tiggerific_69 13th Jun 2007 21:52

Consider to fly on who,BA or Flybe?And with the greatest respect,we didnt ask to be in this situation,so why should we forfeit access to staff travel,when we have accumulated more than enough service to qualify for staff travel?

RED WINGS 13th Jun 2007 22:09


I would check that higher up the food chain as far as I am aware we get both, until the BA travel runs out, including the flybe free firms(space available, so never unless it suits them!). I would assume it has the same service accrual as sick leave, pension etc from you origional BA date of join. If you remember at first we were BA Connnect after the deal was done for a while then merged into Flybe on the 25th March, hence continous service!
Just a case of if they will honour what they agreed so prob not then, like the april RDO's!:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

dollydaydream 13th Jun 2007 22:35

How very rude:mad::mad::mad:
As Tigger said, unlike yourself, we had no choice, apart from the obvious and clearly most popular i.e. leaving.
Ex Ba Connect are NOT new employees as you well know and have lost enough of our concessions connected to doj.
I thought we were now all the same company and so allowed to criticise, plenty Flybe crew do.
You seem to have an attitude problem like many of your colleagues which is driving away many people who were happy to give Flybe a go, didn't moan and tried to just get on with the job - a lot of them have had enough of the disorganization, poor standards (and I don't mean from cc) and shoddy treatment and are voting with their feet, as are a large number of passengers.
No doubt ex Bacon will get the blame for that too!

JobsaGoodun 14th Jun 2007 07:44

Dolly, I entirely agree that you had no choice about Flybe acquiring BACon but you did have the choice whether to continue or not in your current role. It was not Flybe that removed your choice, it was the situation dealt to your by your former employer, so forgive me for sticking up for Flybe, something I will continue to do.

I have no attitude problem. I simply resent it when an ex BACon staffmember gripes about the situation they are in and attempts to pin the blame on how terrible Flybe is. If it were so terrible it would not be the success it is now, success that has been driven by the employees that have been with the company, and enjoyed being with the company, some for many years.

All ex BACon staff can help to improve the situation from here on in, for both passengers and all employees if they wish, or if not, they can opt to leave if Flybe do not offer what they want from their job. The choice is theirs. Everyone gets dealt hands in life where choices have to be made as unpalatable as they are.

As for me having a choice, absolutely I have one. I chose to join the company and I can choose to leave at anypoint, but I certainly wouldn't blame Flybe for me having to make that choice!

oldflyboy 14th Jun 2007 08:59


Totally take your point, but us ex BACON guys are used to working for a company that listened to its crew, albeit at times via our union, and really tried to support them, in particular in recent times via the Crew Support Team.

FYI, this was a team of people, based in BHX & MAN, who were available to sort problems, either personal or with schedules, crewing etc., from 0530 to 2100 throughout the year. We also had PM's who were allowed to make decisons to resolve situations, who flew and recognised our performance ( good or bad) and developed/motivated us accordingly fairly regularly and were able to override crewing when they were being unfair. Poor performance was dealt with, and good performance recognised. Now it seems they have their hands tied and though they try hard, they seem as frustrated as we are.

Of course it was not perfect, but there was support for crew; now, it is minimal.

We also had a reasonable scheduling agreement, and worked with fellow staff on the ground who treated passengers with respect and courtesy, SO unlike what happens now.

We are not slagging Flybe off, many of course will stay and fight to improve things, but many of us will leave as soon as courses with BA come up, or other airlines recruit. It's simply that we are used to better than Flybe can offer.

IF and it is a BIG IF, I saw any evidence that Fybe is prepared to listen to it's staff, or really wants to make a difference in how their crew and customers are treated, I would stay, but I have seen nothing since March that indicates there is an understanding of the disquiet among many of us, or any indication they give a damn. Statements to crew with children from the CC Manager here at BHX along the lines of " that's the way it is ( i.e. constant roster disruption), perhaps it's not for you ( i.e. balancing children and work)!" don't help.

All us ex BA crew are aware of the need to make this airline work,after all we fought for years to make BHX a success, but as I indicated in a previous post, Flybe talks the talk, it just can't walk the walk!:=:ugh:

Safe flying everyone.

JobsaGoodun 14th Jun 2007 09:07

Oldflyboy, thank you for a well reasoned post. I admire your attitude and sympathise as much as I can with the situation you are all in. There was always going to be a period of upheaval given the magnitude of the task in hand. Disruption is higher than normal and due to qualification issues and this is most keenly felt on the ex BACon fleets, however this will reduce.

As crews become multi rated and trained in particular on the 145 and as we get rid of this fleet, the blow to those crew operating this aircraft will soften and the workload of the ex BACon cabincrew will reduce. This was always going to take time. If you can hold out long enough, things will improve however I appreciate that for some, the wait may be too long given their own individual personal circumstances. If this is the case then I wish them well in whatever path they take.

oldflyboy 14th Jun 2007 09:40

Speedy response JAGU, you must be sitting on your PC!

I'm interested in your views, after all you seem to be an experienced flybe crew member. Of course I appreciate the problems caused by the Barbie Jet, re-training etc., and these are things we are all used to. After all, we went through it when BA formed citiexpress from BAR, Brymon ,Manx and BRAL, no it's the lack of support or understanding, particularly from the flybe crew managers I find poor. As well as a very inefficient crewing department who seem to treat crew like the enemy, and have no concept of anyone having a life outside flying!

As I said, our PM's (with one notable exception, but he is new so let's hope he learns fast!) are really nice people, who do try hard to help, but if they are not allowed to manage, how can they be expected to do anything but offer platitudes of understanding? Did you know that all crew roster changes have to go through the Head of Cabin Services!!?? She can't trust her Managers or PM's then can she, and if she dosen't trust them to manage us, what opinion do you think she has of us, or any desire to make things better.

I can think of a simple way to improve the high workload for Pursers and the low workload for juniors on the 145. Do what we used to do, select 'Development' Pursers on a 6 month secondment. It will resolve the short term shortage, and give development to juniors who want to dip their toes in the Purser pool, without having to take the job on permanently.

I know we all get lots or roster changes, are YOU happy with that? And how about Swissport, surely you must hear from customers how poor they are, how badly they are treated on the ground? Are you happy with that?

And as for the whole staff travel thing, if you take over a company with experience, surely you can take staff's length of service for staff travel as well as the experience Andrew Strong has said several times he is pleased to have?

Any thoughts?

As ever, safe flying.

tiggerific_69 14th Jun 2007 09:47

I have no attitude problem. I simply resent it when an ex BACon staffmember gripes about the situation they are in and attempts to pin the blame on how terrible Flybe is.

I hope this wasnt aimed at me.I have never said it was Flybe,I have never said Flybe was terrible. If anything, I think BA are harsh for taking away our Interline agreements before we can use Flybe ones.If you read my initial post about staff travel, i said "someone is taking the pi55",i didnt say who i thought was doing so.
I agree with Oldflyboy - I have been to speak to performance managers only to be told "youre here to make money". Or when positioning home,giving crewing a heads up to let them know the flight is overbooked, but they dont care and so crew almost get offloaded from flights because surprise surprise,the flight is overbooked. Particularly with the 145, in some destinations catering is offloaded or pax numbers are restricted because it is too heavy to take off.
When there is a problem to solve, who do you speak to? Contact numbers for the office at BHX keep changing, so its not in the little blue folder. Crewing cant help (not that you can get through).People are actually having to come into work to speak to someone about a problem they might have, which sometimes causes last minute "sickness" and more unhappy crew because they've been caught off standby and crewing are trying to rush them to get in asap. We NEED a point of contact to be able to speak to PM's at our bases.
I think once things settle down, it wont be that bad. At the moment, the 145 at BHX is so undercrewed purser wise - and the worst is yet to come as more leave for BA Mainline and Virgin. I dont see why they arent promoting some 145 Juniors - there are plenty to go round,and they have very little work at the moment - approx 150 hours timeaway, yet pursers on the 145 are pushing 300 hours. If people arent leaving,they'll soon be going sick with fatigue because theyre so overworked.Hopefuly with 145 Juniors being converted onto the 146 and Dash, the workload will balance out, but soon the 145 fleet is going to be grounded - no captains, no FO's and no pursers. There are already a lot of cancellations and delays - if this increases, it will do Flybe no favours.
Swissport arent brilliant - had an inicident a few weeks back, it was the first flight of the day for the aicraft, it hadnt been cleaned the night before so all the rubbish was still on and it was a tip. the dispatcher came onto the aircraft and asked if we were ready for passengers,told him no and that we needed cleaners. so he sent us the passengers,who we had to turn back into the departure lounge - of course they were not happy.why do they do that?!?!Even when we're on a long day and we've got our 50 minute turnaround so we can eat,as soon as the last passenger is off its "when can we send the passengers,five minutes?" which is frustrating because they know its stil a good 40 minutes at least before departure :ugh:
lets just hope things improve!

marlowe 14th Jun 2007 12:18

Tigger how are you? All i can say after reading this forum is thank goodness i went elsewhere, Flybe sound a very hard company to work for!!! As an ex Bacon rasher looking in, it seems that Flybe do not have the ability to run this new company they have created, its all very well saying we have a business plan that has served us well in the past BUT that was in the past!! Everybody is in affect in a new company wether you came from BACON or were already Flybe, Jobsagoodun you say in one of your posts that you have no attitude problem well i disagree, it seems you have a problem with exBacon crews expressing there views on this new Flybe company Why? They have as much right to there view on the company as any Flybe crew after all you all work for the same company apparently!!! You say that its up to the Exbacon crews to improve the situation or they can always exercise there right to leave, well isnt it up to the Flybe crews as well? After all you can also excercise your right to leave the company so maybe its time to heed your own advice?

Airbourne-Adamski 14th Jun 2007 15:14

From reading all these posts sounds like you guys are going to have a hard summer, what with lack of capt's and fo's and pursers.

I guess crewing in EXT has not really increased in nu,bers since I was there so they are no handling flybe and bacon OUCH.

Ops were crap why I was there. God knows how they cope now.

TeaAnyone21 15th Jun 2007 00:57

Well this thread is getting interesting. I have been reading for a while and am so sad to see that there is (subtle) sniping between crew. We are all well aware of the issues at bases, BHX in particular. What I want to say though is spare a second for the 'old' Flybe crews. I agree that ex BA crew are experiencing problems. However, this week I have covered 3 145 duties and hours for alot of Dash crews are rising rapidly. What I am trying to say is that everyone is suffering so spare a thought for us!

It may be a one off but I was also amazed when I read about Swissport pushing to board when the crew were taking a rest on their 50 minute turnaround. Be grateful. The dash and 195 crews would love that. Most of our sectors are rostered 25 minute turnarounds back at base!

I also want to say that we really should give crewing a break. As most people do I hate it when my phone rings on standby but they are doing their best.

tiggerific_69 15th Jun 2007 08:06

Most of ours are 25 minute turnarounds,but on a 6 sector day i think it would be a bit of a pi55 take not to give a longer turnaround at some point in the day.
I dont mind being called off standby,i know its part of the job.but its things like when you try and help them out and offer a solution to a problem,and they really dont care what you have to say.Its frustrating then that if there is a problem,sometimes crew are left to deal with it.for example positioning home and flights are overbooked AND weight restricted so you cant get on the flight, even though you've told them its overbooked,and offered to go on a flight to a different base and then road transport back to base.or when youre trying to check in for a positioning flight,and theres no booking,you call up and tell them,wait 15 minutes and nothing is done about it so you have to call up again.ground staff in outstations cant do the booking,so crewing KNOW it needs to be done and i know from previous experience of booking positioning tickets for crew myself,that it takes two minutes.
I think it is going to be a difficult summer and there is going to be a lot of disruption.But all we can do is go to work,and do our best for the fare paying customers onboard our aircraft and give them a good flight.

cabingal 15th Jun 2007 09:22

Exactly Tiggerific, also, after a 14 hour day with no crew food it's not very nice to be told that the hotel you are nightstopping in has no rooms. Then try + phone crewing who don't pick the phone up for 45 minutes to then get told you are in a different hotel. I must've left my crystal ball at check in. Then being assured the next day that you are booked into a crew hotel for that night, get back to the hotel + surprise surprise - no room booked. The hotel asks to take credit card details so we can get into our rooms - do I look that stupid? The hotel rings Flybe - no answer - the receptionist makes a joke that Flybe have caller id + probably know who it who is calling so she witholds the number. Lo + behold the Flybe phone is answered within 2 rings. Coincidence maybe??? I think not.:ugh:

JobsaGoodun 15th Jun 2007 10:58

I'm not going to intentionally disagree but has it occured to you that whilst you are working your arses off at the moment, so are the likes of Operations and Crewing who are dealing with double the number of crew, but without double the number of Crewing/Ops staff!

They are probably working equally as hard as you are and trying to come to terms with a much larger workforce. However I'm intrigued as to know how you feel it is in any way beneficial to Crewing to withold your room at a hotel by not answering a phone????? Why not give them the same 'break' that you're asking for.

tiggerific_69 15th Jun 2007 11:56

they knew they were taking on extra crew & that there would be teething problems,so why not plan for this and take on a few extra people down there?there are probably plenty of people who want to move around within the business who would do the job.

JobsaGoodun 15th Jun 2007 12:13

Ok, accepted however you can't simply take a member of staff from Finance and make them a Crew Controller overnight. I imagine you embarked upon at least a 3 week training course when you were first employed as cacincrew?? (Stand corrected if wrong) Should not the same level of training be afforded to other people commencing in a new position.

In short, I'm sure that new people could have been recruited quite quickly however what about all the ex BACon Ops/Crewing staff at BHX, should they not have been given the opportunity to continue in their carreers? It isn't always as simple as it seems! What is required is a greater understanding of each others jobs.

tiggerific_69 15th Jun 2007 12:27

the ex bacon guys in crewing/ops were given the chance.
there is only one still down in exeter.everybody else has commitments here and wasnt in the position to move down to exeter,or took the opportunity to have a change in career.
i know you cant turn someone into a crew controller over night,but they could have advertised vacancies as a back up plan.there was still a few weeks between completion of sale & changeover to get people trained.
and i understand each other's jobs,i previously worked in crewing/ops for BACX/BACON

JobsaGoodun 15th Jun 2007 12:59

And what if Flybe had promoted some staff into cabincrew positions in that 3 week period from signing to completion and then turned to you and advised there was no no need of your services any longer?? With an acquisition where TUPE applies, both legally and morally it would have been wrong.

You can't advertise for a position that doesn't exist which would have been the case and I expect that there was a requirement to hold open any vacancies for any Ex BACon ops staff if they wanted it. Anyone who wanted, had to be given the opportunity to continue there employment which was absolutely the right decision. It is likely that the reason for the shortfall now is that some who had elected to go to Flybe then decided it was not for them and this would have left them short of ops staff.

dollydaydream 15th Jun 2007 13:43

Could I ask, jagu, in what capacity you work for Flybe?
Regarding crewing/ops etc I think we all appreciate that they are trying to do their jobs and are understaffed and I can just about accept the argument that new people couldn't be employed prior to the official signing date, although many crew underwent a 'welcome to Flybe' course well before signing!!
What I take issue with is the amount of time it is taking for them to now employ people in crewing, the 'well it's not my problem' attitude of some people in crewing/rostering/ops when they are rung with problems. I'm sorry but it is THEIR problem when people are stranded away from base with no hotels booked, no positoning flights booked etc etc - this is not heresay, it has happened to me. I don't think cabingal was inferring they were trying to 'withhold a hotel room' I think the more likely attitude was 'oh **** we've cocked up again' Recently in Sou crew were changed to a very nice hotel, (according to the taxi driver 'because that ex-Ba lot moaned about the other hotel' interesting to know where he was fed that information), on checking in they were told on the 3rd night the hotel was booked up and they were moving elsewhere. Given the problems with nightstop bags through security etc, crew were anxious to know when and where they were going, after 3 days of crewing/hotac (when they answered) insisting they were not moving the assistant manager eventually retrieved the e-mail sent to Flybe the DAY BEFORE anyone checked in stating the room situation and the fact that the hotel had booked rooms elsewhere for crew. No-one had a problem with moving, the problem once again was lack of accurate information, difficulty in speaking to someone who's responsible for arranging the hotels and flights. I am prepared to do my job to the best of my ability and give 100% - I didn't ask to work for Flybe but I was happy to give it a go. I still love flying but all the problems occuring in order for me to do my job are really making me think again. I don't like having pax asking me why the check in staff are rude and uninformed, and they are, I don't like going to work wondering what time I will finish etc.
I could go on but I suppose someone will say if you don't like it leave, I feel that for some thats what they see as a solution - don't fix it, get rid of the people who want it to improve!

Miss BACON 15th Jun 2007 16:16

My delayed response!
Re: entries 210-214

Dear 1964nick, techproblem and dustybin,

I am glad you have had good experiences with Flybe - I guess someone has to! Perhaps there is a light at the end of this very dark tunnel for the ex bacon crew, I really hope so.

Personally speaking, I have been forced into redundancy at my preferred regional base, where I have been extremely happy for the last 11 years and it has come as a complete shock, as you can probably imagine. Like you, “dustybin”, for personal reasons I chose not to be based at LGW or LHR with another airline, but saying this I really didn’t expect to be given the choice of relocating to BHX or EXT, both 80 miles away, when the merger took place. It was also very upsetting to find out that if I did relocate I would lose my 11 years seniority, a week’s annual leave, my basic pay would be red-ringed (or frozen for the immediate future), and my private medical cover would cease to exist.

Perhaps now, it is clearer why I am not pro Flybe! If the situation had been reversed and Bacon had taken over Flybe and the three of you had found yourself in my position with the very few options I had, I am sure you would also feel slightly aggrieved to put it mildly. A bit of empathy wouldn’t go amiss…

Flybe have lost, and are continuing to lose, some exceptional crew - both cabin crew and flight deck and I hope they haven’t shot themselves in the proverbial foot by their treatment of ex Bacon crew. By the way “1964nick,” if Flybe are so wonderful to work for, then why are you leaving to take up employment with Bmed? Seems a tad hypocritical…

Anyway, thank you to all those people that have sent me personal messages of support. It’s very much appreciated and I wish you all the very best of luck. Me thinks, you’re going to need it, I’m sorry to say. Happy flying, I sincerely mean it.

PS To answer your question “dustybin,” NO, I do not think Flybe cabin crew “can’t get into other airlines.” I think the majority of cabin crew all choose to fly for their chosen airline but having worked for Flybe, all be it for a short time, I am quite surprised to learn that ex fliers from “bigger airlines than BA” have chosen to compromise in such a dramatic way just to be at their chosen base. Like you point out “dusty,” maybe some of the smaller bases don’t have an awful lot of airlines to choose from.

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