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dollydaydream 29th Apr 2007 08:33

There seems to be a complete lack of organization, how has this company survived for so long??? I've heard of people being stranded because positioning flights haven't been booked, people being asked to operate right up to legal limits and being told to ground the aircraft overseas to avoid going out of hours.......the list goes on.
You flybe people say it has always been like this so why are you not constantly onto the unions in protest. It is disgraceful, like going back in time. There will always be people willing to put up with anything in order to be crew so flybe will always be able to recruit but as mia donna says this was forced upon us and most people who are left have reasons preventing them from leaving at the moment but I don't think there is anyone left who still thinks things may get better!!
I tried to make an informed vote and suspected at the time that the information we were given was inaccurate to say the least.....how true that is. I suspect at some bases there are passengers voting with hteir feet too!

JobsaGoodun 29th Apr 2007 09:25

I am genuinely suprised by some of the comments on here. It's just over 1 month in an everyone seems to be forgetting the enormous task and acheivement made since 25MAR.

Bringing two huge companies together was always going to be tricky, but jeez at least let things settle down a bit (ie) a few months, before you start to gripe at how bad things are.

tiggerific - If the aircraft for the crewmember was a 145, then no, there are no qualified cabincrew based in SOU so looking to standby's is useless. Although I think there are probably a few ex BACon flightdeck who were made to transfer base out of SOU when the base was closed who are now quite happy that Flybe have opened it again for this aircraft.

dolly - did you seriously think that things would just carry on running as they were post 25MAR! Organising one airline of 250 flights a day takes careful planning, doing the same with one that operates close to 500 a day is all the more tricky I'm sure! You'll know how easily things can go wrong, so why not just give people a chance to catch up and take a breath before making judgement on them.

I hope that many ex BACon crew may already have realised that they are operating aircraft with many more passengers on this month in comparison to last month, a clear sign that the Flybe business model is right. Success will mean that conditions can be changed to better everyone's lives so long may this continue.

I've heard that the punctuality results for the combined operation for April is currently around 80% of all flights departing within 15mins of scheduled departure. If correct, and given what has been done, that figure is an awesome acheivement for everyone involved!

dollydaydream 29th Apr 2007 12:04

I find your reply patronising.
I am aware that this is now a much bigger operation - it is a pity Flybe didn't come to the same conclusion 'pre March 25th' and organize things in advance.
Why now realize they need extra people in crewing and only now start to train them, surely this would have been obvious given the increase in the number of staff.
No, I didn't expect things to carry on as they were- the fact that it wouldn't was made perfectly clear to us at a very early stage. We were however told many things that appear to be inaccurate.
As for pax numbers I haven't noticed any particular increase although I have heard many complaints particularly from the business sector.
Unfortunately I am not in a position to leave at this present time so will be around to see things 'settle down' in a few months - I just won't hold my breath!

1964nick 29th Apr 2007 13:15

Please give it all a chance to settle down April was the first month Rostering had done it with the new crews and aircraft, think they have done a great job. My May roster is good, happy with what I have got, I except there will be changes as there are a lot Standbys.But thats part of the job.
Flybe is not a bad company to work for, but certainly wouldnt like to be in ops at the moment with all the extra work they have, give them a chance it will get better.

JobsaGoodun 29th Apr 2007 13:57

dolly - I'm sorry if you find my reply patronising. It was not my intention, but I do think that there is much legal informatuion that has affected the situation that very few may be fully aware of.

Why now realize they need extra people in crewing and only now start to train them, surely this would have been obvious given the increase in the number of staff.
The deal was signed 3 weeks prior to full aquisition, it would not have been possible to recruit, train and have new employees up to speed in time. It's in everyone interest to have the best staff possible controlling the operation and your roster. As with flightcrew, I'm sure there would have been certain parameters that had to be followed along with obilgations to those employed in the BHX Ops centre. I doubt it would have been legally possible or morally correct to recruit more staff without first offering those staff in BHX the opportunity to relocate and continue in employment.

It may have meant a difficult April for you guys on the line but i'm sure it was no picnic in Ops either having to run the programme on fewer staff than normal, but morally it would absolutely be the right thing to try to integrate the BHX staff if they wanted to relocate.

I guess what i'm, trying to say is that there is more to it than may initially be the case on first sight.

tiggerific_69 29th Apr 2007 15:31

the thing that peeves me off the most is that they cant have a bit of consideration when rostering - EVERY single days off ive had rostered by flybe, i finish on a late before them and go back on an early afterwards.ive got leave at the end of may,and guess what,i finish on a late,and i wont be surprised if when i get my june roster,i'll be going back on an early.is it REALLY so difficult to just plan it out a bit better?

JobsaGoodun 29th Apr 2007 16:13

It would pee me off to tiggerific but I think the only way that you can get away from that situation is to adopt a different rostering practice. I guess there would be some form of trade off (eg) it could be done but only by reducing the number of days off you'd get. Starting on a late and finishing on an early would automatically require more workdays out of the employees to make it work.

I'm sure you should be protected from late finshes/early starts before and after requested leave? Ask your line manager about it.

tiggerific_69 29th Apr 2007 18:05

checked the shceduling agreement about it.its only if you have 15 days off or more,to55ers.

i know its going on about Bacon again, but they didnt always give you late finish & early start either side of days off,and we used to get at least two days off a week,so why are flybe so incapable of doing it?

1964nick 29th Apr 2007 19:03

If you want to finish earlier before your Leave, have you rang crewing and asked for shift change they can be accommadating if you ask.
But we always start on an early after days off or leave and late before days off, thats how it works at Flybe.
As for finishing on a late and starting an early the following day this never happens, you always get your required legal rest time.
If things are so bad for you guys go and speak to your Base manager they will sort it out.

tiggerific_69 29th Apr 2007 20:25

i never said anything about finishing on a late and starting on an early the next day,im on about either side of days off.
thanks for the suggestion about calling crewing,i might ask nicely and see what they say.
It might be the way flybe do it,dont you think it would be nice for a change though,if you did finish on an early before your days off.even better if you went back on a late aswell?

Mia Donna 29th Apr 2007 21:18

:ugh: ask the base manager ??? our base4 manager at man has been given 90 days notice and the performance managers (we have three !! why ??) are too busy kissing arse trying to ensure the security of their own jobs .

Flybe should have sacked the lot of them and started a fresh !!!! ha ha ha


dollydaydream 29th Apr 2007 21:25

Only 3.........seems so many more!!!! Bet their s:mad: ts turned flybe red!

What is happening with crew support team there?

Anotherflapoperator 29th Apr 2007 21:34

Perhaps a bit unkind.....

The reasons for early starts and late finishes is it means they can work with less crew, and right now they have a lot of crew in wrong places, trained on the wrong types and to the wrong S.O.Ps to make the numbers work enough for a quality roster.

It will take time and realistically, until the 145 is taken out of bases like SOU or IOM, etc and pushed back to BHX and MAN, then a FlyBe S.O.P. introduced and the type operated by crew also working Q400 or 146 then these problems will continue.

The logistics folk clearly have made the odd mistake, but they at least think on their feet and have a go, a definite improvement. We all need to blow off steam sometimes, blowing it off at each other isn't the right thing though...

Some crewing errors are understandable, but if we keep being polite and civil, we'll get them trained up eventually!

1964nick 30th Apr 2007 04:52

Funny you should say that as I have just looked at my roster as Im on 2 days off at the moment, and I go back on a late and finish the week at 18.00 finish. Seems they do do it sometimes.

Bear132 30th Apr 2007 18:51

Take over
Hi Guys,

I left Ba Connect /Flybe whatever it is, recently and i left due to the take over and i have to say that from talking to my friends still working there and reeading this i have clearly made the best decision of my life!!!!!!!!!

Most people are on constant home standbys, not being caught and picking up £900 per month now?? GREAT!!!!!!!!!

Good Luck to all staying, but god it feels good to be out!!!


tiggerific_69 30th Apr 2007 19:09

Yup sounds about right Bear.were you flybe or connect crew?

Bear132 30th Apr 2007 19:30

I was good old Connect. Never wanted to work for Flybe so now i don't have to!!!!
I loved my job and wouldn't have left for a long time. I may have been given a job rather then being made redundant like lots of my close friends but its a job i didn't want so i feel as though i was completely pushed out!

tiggerific_69 30th Apr 2007 19:35

i think if there was a voluntary redundancy package and it was good,id take it.

Bear132 30th Apr 2007 19:55

I would've too, but it all got too much i had to get out!!

Are you bhx based Connect?

tiggerific_69 30th Apr 2007 20:31

yup.indeed i am!

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