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cartexchange 6th Sep 2006 12:32

Qantas Crew (cabin) Topics
well I have read the latest FAAA web news and It looks like MM wants the directors job on the superannuation board.
Won't this interfere with his position on the FAAA and surely if he has some spare time it should be utilised in regaining his flying experience after all its been a while!
Lets get some serious opinions on this matter!

Eden99 6th Sep 2006 14:01

Qantas Super Job
He apparently wants to be elected to try and prevent qantas outsourcing qantas super to private industry.

I say good on him. Obviously, Geoff Dixons attacks on MM indicate he is doing a good job. Have heard QF, are not happy with the prospect of MM being on the super board.

More reason that MM should go for it!

lowerlobe 6th Sep 2006 22:48

Here is the latest newsletter (#4 for 2006) from the faaa…

“After completing a very long ,thorough and exhaustive selection process ,the faaa has decided at morning tea over scones with jam that it’s representative for the position on the QF superannuation committee will be none other than it’s hero …. MM .

A huge number of candidates for the job were screened however, none had the track record of Mickey Mouse and his persistent record of appeasement.

The company will of course have no actual position other than to be very happy with their man for the job being elected. MM’s job will be the same as it is in the faaa and that is to be consistently supportive of the company and it’s policies.”

lowerlobe 7th Sep 2006 00:36

As much as I might dislike the policies of Darth I would not wish him or anyone for that matter any health problems and I believe it is not in the interest of this forum to propagate any rumours whether they are true or false.

cartexchange 7th Sep 2006 02:06

very funny LL about the morning tea!
I heard on the grapevine that the VR is being held up as the golden girls had incorrect packages issued to them.
they are claiming the full years of service including all those years they had off.
Why is the company so scared of them?

qcc2 7th Sep 2006 02:29

i do think MM is qualified to represent cabin crew on superannuation matters, however given the current industrial climate and assosiated changes in our flying i belive he should concentrate on his faaa job. the ongoing changing to super rules requires many ongoing courses and meetings. somewhat i find this does not fit in with his current schedule.:hmm:

lowerlobe 7th Sep 2006 02:51

If MM has enough time to take on another job then perhaps he might instead do a trip or two and see what it is like these days....or is this just another string to his bow.

Some cynics amongst us might think that the girls on the union are only there for their own agenda and benefit...and looking after the membership is secondary.Either way,if Mickey has enough time apply for another job then he is not fully occupied with his position in the faaa.

Interesting what you have said about the golden girls,perhaps one of the faaa fast response team can comment on this rumour then again they did not show up the other day when someone here was having a go at our allowances.Maybe they only react to criticism of the faaa steering committee when they have finished their devonshire tea

sydney s/h 7th Sep 2006 03:01

Who are the "Golden Girls"?

lowerlobe 7th Sep 2006 03:51

A long long time ago there were two groups within cabin crew.There were flight stewards and flight hostesses.

Under the terms of employment at the time,girls (flight hostesses) were employed only until a certain age or if they were married .It was a very achaic and and discriminatory set of rules compared to now but then again so were a lot of other employment rules at that time .You could also argue that the girls signed their employment papers in full knowledge of what they were meant to do and none of them were forced to sign up.

Years later when anti discrimination laws came into place a number of the girls took the company to court for forcing them to retire.You can argue for and against their point of view but the end result was that the golden girls won not only recieving a huge financial settlement but their jobs back as well.These women became known as the golden girls.

If the rumour is true then the company would be fighting this tooth and nail because the difference in pay out figures would be huge and could answer the delay in the VR announcement

sydney s/h 7th Sep 2006 05:16

thanks for the info.
Are there many remaining in QF?

OCCR 7th Sep 2006 06:08

LL is on track however its more complex than explained.
There is no doubt that the girls were discriminated against but they could have stayed as some did.
What was NOT fair is that they were able to retain all that seniority whilst they were gone.
Whilst they were justified in getting their jobs back it wasn't fair to get 15 plus years of seniority.
I too have heard the rumour that the package has been held up because the golden girls "offer" to accept has been extended.

either way it was another QF stuff up as usual.......

Guardian1 7th Sep 2006 07:00

Lower Lobe And His Story Telling
Whilst always interesting and amusing to see lowerlobes theories which are inevitably off the track....... it's better to shortcut some of the fairytale stuff that passes as "informed comment" from lowerlobe.

The VR announcement is imminent..... maybe as early as tomorrow.

The "golden girl" issue is being pursued by the FAAA, but this is not why the Company has taken so long to announce who and how many will be going. There are many factors that QF are considering and hence it has taken a long time.

Perhaps a benefit of the VR will be to see lowerlobe no longer being a crew member and living on here and making up nonsense as he continually does.

lowerlobe 7th Sep 2006 07:30

Ahh the usual rhetoric and twisted propaganda from the faaa in the guise of Guardian1.

If you had read my posts you would have seen that I was responding to a previous post about a rumour and then gave a brief synopsis about the golden girls as sydney s/h asked who they were and how they came about.

Neither was as you suggested a fairtale but maybe that is just because you girls have had a little too much pixie powder in your little ICAN proof bunker.If you guys took off your fairy dresses and moved about in the real world you might get a better idea of what is happening.

Guardian jumped in without checking the facts as usual just as the faaa accuses the company of.

Exactly where guardian did I spout a theory that was wrong.You just admitted that there was an angle on the “golden girls” issue and that the faaa was looking at it.

If you (the faaa) could be accurate and up to date for once it would be refreshing. Even better would be to keep us up to date with newsletters instead of send us advertising for law firms.

The only fairy tale around here is the performance of the faaa and the only ones to believe it are the 3 girls supposedly running the show.

As far as VR goes for myself,I wish as the saying goes,maybe next time when my mortgage is a little smaller…unlike one of you guys.

Guardian is that rumour true, are you prepared to be honest and tell us that one of the 3 stooges has applied for VR.????

Also if MM has enough time to apply for another job why doesn’t he have enough time to do some flying as well just to keep in touch ?

Wed Webbing Woop 7th Sep 2006 07:41

Thanks Steven
Gee I was getting worried that there were no telephone boxes around the FAAA bunker for Steven to go in and come "out" as Guardian1.
He sounds that he really has got the Acting GM's ear ( aka Tarantula ) and that the VR numbers will be announced tomorrow, How many cups of coffee did it take to that bit of info???
..................and as fo MM nominating himself to go on the Super board......WHAT THA !!!!????
Do the 3 Amigo's realise what is on the horizon during the next 12 months, -probably the most important period for an elected official in the FAAA/AICCA/AFAA history.
Oh no , not for MM, he wants to play in the sand pit with Cuisenaire Blocks and talk $$$$ with the "boyz".
Conflict of interest -nah, never .
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-sound familar????

Eden99 7th Sep 2006 10:31

Go Guardian!!
If Guardian1 is Steven Reed or Michael Mijatov or Andrew Smedley or even Santa Claus, 1 thing is certain he/she is spot on,accurate and obviously knowledgeable.

Unlike wed webbing loop and lowerlobe who continue to display their hatred for the FAAA, the vast bulk of crew support the above mentioned people including Santa.

I have been reading this thread and its related threads for quite a while. Invariably, lowerlobe and www (prob the same person) carp and criticise the FAAA . This is indicative of the fact that they are probably non union crew or otherwise part of the hopeless lot we turfed out of the FAAA a couple of years ago.

Unlike the 2 numbskulls( lowerlobe & www), the FAAA has overwhelming support amongst crew. They realise that Geoff Dixon attacks only the L/H FAAA and no other union. This means they are very effective and seen as an obstacle to the Company's plans.

Also, good on MM nominating for the super position. The company is preparing massive changes, including possibly outsourcing super and he wants to protect crew. Undoubtedly he will win the position hands down.

Its amazing that someone like MM who is protecting crew interests against QF, in a continually outspoken manner is criticised by such anonymous, gutless and useless non-descripts as www and lowerlobe.

Geoff Dixon and other senior executives can sit on many boards, but because MM dares to try to protect crews interests in the super field , he is bagged by cretins on here.


Guardian1 7th Sep 2006 11:17

WWW the scab of 2003
The "conflict of conscience" phrase used by www is very familiar. It was used by the FAAA to refer to those union members who scabbed in february 2003 during the stop work meeting.

Wed webbing loop by using this phrase has identified who he is. He is an ex line manager who worked during the stop work meeting in 2003. No wonder he so detests the FAAA.


lowerlobe 7th Sep 2006 11:41

The other third of the 3 stooges has shown up and is as usual blowing the faaa horn. He might find this interesting but I don’t hate the faaa actually believe in collective bargaining and strength through union membership.

It is the current elected officials otherwise known as the 3 stooges that I have a problem with.

I find it interesting though that Darth is telling us that he does not like to deal with the faaa.Considering the extent that the current leadership has gone to to appease the management it is nothing short of amazing and certainly nothing that MM and her gang can boast about. I think this is more of a fairytale that Guardian talks about so much.

It would appear more likely that it is nothing more than a pr campaign by Darth to justify his set up plans for J*international cabin crew. MM and her mates Eden and Guardian continue to tell us how successful they are because of this but there have never been any concrete examples of strategic wins by the faaa over management to justify this claim.

To back MM’s plans for the position vacated by Gary is incredible. Obviously MM has enough spare time on his hands to apply for another job and that begs the question why he needs so much help in the office and why he can never be reached when crew ring the faaa office. If MM wants to be on the super board that’s fine but he should vacate the current job he has now so that he can devote all of his time to the superannuation issue.

Conversely if he wants to stay in his current position with the faaa, he should stick with that job and not look elsewhere for work .I don’t care how many boards Darth and other people are on, MM was elected to run the faaa and not to sit on other committees To compare himself with the corporate club that exists in Australia is truly pathetic

twiggs 7th Sep 2006 12:21

Originally Posted by lowerlobe (Post 2830926)
It is the current elected officials otherwise known as the 3 stooges that I have a problem with.
I find it interesting though that Darth is telling us that he does not like to deal with the faaa.Considering the extent that the current leadership has gone to to appease the management it is nothing short of amazing and certainly nothing that MM and her gang can boast about. I think this is more of a fairytale that Guardian talks about so much.
It would appear more likely that it is nothing more than a pr campaign by Darth to justify his set up plans for J*international cabin crew. MM and her mates Eden and Guardian continue to tell us how successful they are because of this but there have never been any concrete examples of strategic wins by the faaa over management to justify this claim.

It would seem that your dislike of the current FAAA leadership is more a personal one than a dislike of the way they operate.
All of your posts refer to "she" when it is well known that they are male.
If you didn't refer to people you criticize in such a personal way, people might take your criticisms a little more seriously.
Are you a homophobe perhaps mr lowerlobe?
(or should I say MRS lowerlobe)

Machinegun Fellatio 7th Sep 2006 21:15

New QF Corporate Wardrobe
A new corporate wardrobe for middle and senior management is nearing design completion.
Dixon had only one requirement.
In order to reflect the current management approach to staff he has insisted that the shirt component be brown.
Dixon also discovered that he and a certain political figure of the 1940s have a great deal in common:height,an innate ability for propaganda, a total disregard for for others and a personality disorder known as narcissism.
When Dixon realised that his 2 IC Borghetti was charaterised as "Il Duce" he was livid.
Not to be outdone he is now growing a small odd looking moustache.
A door plaque is being made.Its all hush hush but inside sources suggest "DF" will be Dixons new salutation in apparent reference to a teutonic term meaning "leader."
History will no doubt draw similar comparisons.

lowerlobe 7th Sep 2006 21:27

Ms Twiggs
or Mrs Ba ,good to have you back. I could agree with you but then we would both be wrong.

My point is and I realise it is difficult for you to understand theses things that although I support the union and collective bargaining it is the current elected officials that I believe are acting like a bunch of old women when it comes to dealing with the company and no that does not make me homophobic.

However it is good to see that you have taken up psychology and trying to better yourself but I think you have quite a way to go before you are qualified.

I was making the point that although Darth has said he does not like dealing with the current faaa and that MM and his cheer squad ,guardian and Eden boast about not being on Darths Christmas card list there is nothing of substance to back these claims up.

It would seem that Darth was just making these claims so that he can justify using the new IR laws to set up the new cabin crew with J* international.The public reading the newspapers and the faaa might have swallowed the line but there have been no wins that I can remember that would have even raised Darths blood pressure one point.

My other point is that MM was elected by the membership to run the faaa not to run for the board of QF superannuation.I believe that if that is your job then you should stick with that and not be diverted to other matters.In the lead up to our next EBA or rather the expiry of our current EBA it is going to be critical that MM has his eye on the one ball and not be distracted.I am sure there are others with financial expertise that can look after our interests with superannuation.If MM has enough spare time after doing his job with the faaa so that he can contemplate applying for and fulfilling another job then maybe he should consider flying again for a trip a roster so that he can keep in touch with those people who elected him.

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