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Sylphie 18th Jul 2006 12:40

JQ recruitment department consists of 1 individual co-ordinating all INT and DOM and she has just started as the previous lady just left.
Hahaha. I wonder if that is the lady I suspected of having a bad attitude towards me!

Iulia - The way you have been brushed off when you did everything they asked and rightfully deserved to attend the day, saddens me. But as they say perhaps it's a case of 'silver linings'...

wa.man 18th Jul 2006 13:13

It surprises me that with all the post on this thread and other similar website,the media reports about Jetstar and the general bad reputation that Jetstar have that people still want to work there. Move on and look for other options guys....Jetstar is really not worth it....You all deserve much better!!!

Iulia 18th Jul 2006 20:26

I don't think you understand, I think I speak for many when I say that I'm soooo desperate to become a FA! I'd go with any airline, big or small :) MY ultimate goal however to is to work for the red and blue someday... *sigh*:O

Iulia 19th Jul 2006 22:04

Jetstar... pffft!
Hahaha they sent me back this email:

Very sorry Julia, there was a typo on the email sent out. Unfortunatley numbers were limited and you missed out this time. Please keep your details up to date on our website to secure your best chance at being invited to another assessment centre.

Kind Regards,

Jetstar Cabin Crew Recruitment

... its like, whatever!:rolleyes:

male31 20th Jul 2006 02:00

I went to the recruitment day in sydney on the last week. Jetstar called my references yesterday. I wonder what will happen next.

Any idea anyone?

Iulia 20th Jul 2006 07:52

I think you have nuffin to worry about, coz you're male, and its a known fact that when it comes to FA positions, MALES have a HUUUUUGE chance!!! Funny how, all males always get through to the reference checks/medicals etc... honest, at my VB day, there were three guys, and allll got through, even this one Indian guy whose accent was hard to understand, he got through. And at my REX day, there was the one guy, and he too was wondering whether he'd progress to stage two and I was like pffft no doubt, I rekon when recruiting for FA's, males are sought after, because there aren't that many to begin with. Just like there aren't many male nurses.
I think its great for guys to be trying out for such a position :) I've often asked my bf to try, but he'd never want to leave his job in the IT world :eek:

Ozzy747 21st Jul 2006 11:56

hey does anyone know how much the base wage for csm is going to be????

approx $$???

if a f/a is on 32k how much more would a csm be on??? 39k????


Wingletts 22nd Jul 2006 06:03

jetstar international
hey guys
its a while since i have posted here but have been a busy cabin manager with VB for the last few years...I have left VB now ,but it seems the whole industry has changed and forgotten it's manners, esp when it comes to airline mangement bodies..Ditzy paints a pretty applaing picture of Jetstar, but beileive me that sort of behaviuour and treatment from managemnt is alive and well throughout the whole industry! it's so sad that it has come down to a sytstem of accountablity and keeping everyone towing the line with under handed tactics and mistreatment..rather than preserving and respecting the loyal and dediated employees that 98% of the time, have a real passion for flight attending....
I had a wonderful time at Virgin blue and like Jetstar worked with some great crew :ok: they are the thing that I miss the most as I am now having a break from flying - have been invited to a JQ international assessment day in early august, but like everyone aware of the shortfalls..is hard to throw the bug of flying when in your blood but all the same I am aware and ready to be dissapointed...:(
I hope one day this great industry will do full circle, and realise the fundamentals of running an airline and get back to basics- happy crew = good service = customer retention!

Ozzy747 22nd Jul 2006 06:47

ok so the base wage of csm is how much???????

Ozzy747 23rd Jul 2006 02:29

hey guys,

does jetstar international f/a's still have to clean the planes?????

i think thats the last thing you would want to do after a long sector.


Mr Seatback 2 23rd Jul 2006 03:46

No one knows for certain what the base wage for Intl CSM is.

Cleaning is being talked about...again, haven't seen how much of what is to be done by the crew.

OldBoiler 24th Jul 2006 06:33


The short answer to you question is that nobody has been told anything definite about JQI! There is no information and definitely nothing in writing re the wages, conditions or cleaning duties. So settle petal, all will be revealed in good time and when it is I'm sure it will be posted on here.

Sailorgal 24th Jul 2006 13:07

Hey male 31, congrats that's great that you've had your refs called for JQI. Did they then invite you to the morning tea? I was expecting not to get through as the recruiter who did my 1 on 1 turned off completely straight away, and you can just tell they're not even listening. I haven't heard anything from them at all though, and I thought they would at least send emails to let us know either way seeing as they invite you to the day in the first place and ask you to pay $40 for the privilege of attending!!!

OzyOS 25th Jul 2006 05:19

I actually just had my Ref's called the other day aswell regarding JQI, but still no word yet on the morning tea.....we shall see! I find it actually quite funny because when I walked out of the interview, I truely believed I hadnt performed as best as I could have (been out of the industry for a couple of years, so was suprised how rusty I felt!). But I take the Ref's being called a positive step in the right direction. As much as it would be great to hear good news, Im just as fine if not, if you get too caught up in the process it can be really distressing.

Just know and believing that one day you will achieve your goal to be an FA (and in my case 'again') is enough to put my mind at ease :p

Sylphie 25th Jul 2006 08:06

As much as it would be great to hear good news, Im just as fine if not, if you get too caught up in the process it can be really distressing.

Just know and believing that one day you will achieve your goal to be an FA (and in my case 'again') is enough to put my mind at ease :p
That's how I took it w/ both the two recruitment days I've been to. I was much better at the Virgin Blue day because I sincerely love the company, whereas I was almost held back at the JQ one despite performing well I that makes sense. I half expected a rejection so when it came it wasn't a shock or cause for sadness.

I hope the reasoning for it all is somehow in the stars and it's in my path sooooon to be flying. Maybe I got knocked back because I'm due to get accepted with flying colours with VB next time :E

One can only wish.

Good luck Ozy and any other applicants going through the waiting game!

OzyOS 25th Jul 2006 09:20

Hang in there Sylphie, its all going to come together for you in a way better than you could have imagined! If you truely feel its in your blood to be flying than that is where you will end up :ok: . And like you said, regarding DJ, JQI may not have been suited to you, but DJ could fit you to a T....looking back when I was flying, I wouldn't have changed it for the world, at the time QantasLink was perfect for me, but now it feels right to give something else a try!

I wish you the best of luck :p

Iulia 25th Jul 2006 10:50

Thats great OzyOS! Goodonya for having your references checks ;) amazing, you could be flying once again, JGI!
Keep us updated on any new progress ;) Its great to hear of people making it through, as much as I would love to be in that position too, maybe it'll be me, one day:ugh: But it gives everyone else hope.
However, when you do get through, and I'm sure you will soon enough, don't forget us!
All the best!!:D

First Class Nuts 25th Jul 2006 10:58

I heard my referees were called today as well. Fingers crossed it leads to the morning tea !

Iulia 25th Jul 2006 11:13

Gooonya too! Who knows, maybe you'll be serving those nuts first class before you even know it!

Thats awesome how y'all are having the reference checks done!!:D

summa101 25th Jul 2006 14:23

the waiting game...
I went to the morning tea.....had references checked,medical and ASIC check done...and.... and....(sob...sob) i still havent heard anything....:{ and this was all done back in May...in Sydney..I guess I just have to get on with it...and if they call...they call...I truly hope things work out for everyone else that has applied...and you get answers..real soon...and dont get put in a holding pattern like me....Im living by the phrase...'no news,is good news'..and one day they will find my file under the desk where it must have fell....:bored: ..

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