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Iulia 11th Sep 2006 08:08



seektofly 11th Sep 2006 09:30

Fyd - I Told You So!!!!!

Hi guys :ok:

I don't post for a day and I miss out on all this gossip?!?

Gosh, I am now in Sydney overnighting - I have eaten way too much airline food today and I am really paying for it!!

I have found the Business centre in the hotel which offers a computer which you buy a card for to use the internet - so here I am.

First and foremost... Congratulations FYD. Well done. Didn't I tell you not to worry?????? I bet you are out partying your success. Ahhhh my work here is done... Julz - you are next. I promise. Even if I have to train you up for the interview myself. :E

Julz, how is your new job treating you? I am hoping that next week or sometime then, I might have to come and visit you for a coffee break... or a KK break??? When I get home from these trips, I love to drive - pity though I only live like 8 minutes away from the airport!!!

Welcome home Hostee, I hope that we will get to meet soon. PM me if you like.

OK. My first week of online training is over, but I have entered my second week of online training and it is going well. Today my trainer told me that he was impressed by my progress, and he thinks it has something to do with the fact that I have flown before, and I understand why we do things so therefore, I have picked up on them - without him having to tell me when and what to do.

Today something interesting did happen though. We were flying into Ballina in NSW, (which is a tiny airport with a short runway) and due to a strong tail wind which changed direction, we weren't able to land so some metres off the ground on landing we kind of took off again! It was scary for a while and when the Captain did the go around, I thought we would not stop in time.. but we did thankfully - PHEW :ooh:

It is nearly 7.30pm and I am completely buggered believe it or not. I have been up since 3.45 am today, and I need to go to sleep. Tomorrow is another early start - I will be up by 4.10 am. Gosh, Winglett's is right in saying how tired you get in this job. I am already feeling it. I was going to run across the road to Coles here in Sydney, but it is absolutely pouring with rain outside, and I am not going anywhere!!!!

I know this wasn't a real diary entry today - but we had 4 pretty short flights today, and the service was quick. I had this one sleazy man trying to get me to sit next to him for a "chat" but I was conveniently very busy in the back galley so I couldn't do it. You have to watch some people :yuk: .

Anyway, I am off now, my card is running out - so Congratulations again FYD - PM me with your details and we can get in touch before you start training. All the best.

Talk again soon guys - perhaps from Melbourne, when I can tell you what happened in the last 2 days of my online training.

Until next time, take care,

STF :ok:

FYD - October 9 isn't very far away!! YAY YAY HIP HIP HOORAY! ;)

followyourdreams 11th Sep 2006 10:34

Hi guys,

sorry for that short message but they rang me at 5pm, my head was in the clouds, I had to resign right after the phone call and of course call my entire phone book !!! AAhghh.

Well I got the phone call at 5pm today- I was on the phone to a client and I saw that a private number was ringing through. I told them I would call them back tomorrow as I had a gut feeling it was Virgin. Sure enough it was. The lady was talking for 10 mins or so, and I didn't hear a thing she was saying as I was waiting for her to say 'congratulations'. She said I could call her back in the morning as many people do, as they are like me 'dumbfounded' from the phone call. I thought this day would never come. Anyway, she said the only thing is the training school starts in exactly 4 weeks. I was like- does that mean I have to give notice today and she was like well if you have to give 4 weeks notice- then yes you do. So I was running around the office- none of the mangers were in except one. I said I had to talk to her, and she was trying to brush me off and told me it could wait till tomorrow becasue she was about to go into a meeting and then i said- NO I REALLY NEED TO TALK TO YOU, and she guessed it. She was really happy for me but horrified at the same time but said I would make the perfect hosty- so YAY! I'm IN GUYS, I'm really in. I'm sitting here slapping myself.

So I finish work on the 6th which is a FRiday and start training on the Monday. God, I have no time to have a few days off- maybe I will somehow catch a cold within the next month!!

I have been wanting to do this since I was a kid and can't believe I am finally going to get the opportunity. I don't think I have actually registered the news yet. I have so much work to do and am kind of sad that I am leaving as I love working in my industry but hey this has to be done. You only live life once and I don't want to live with any regrets. And hey, it is so hard to get into so I definitely am one of the lucky ones. I've had a pretty rough past three years (excluding my 8 mths in Europe last year), and am so grateful luck has come my way for once.

Iulia- if you really want it, which I know you do, you will hun. You wait babe, it will happen. It might be in 1 year it may be in 6, but I'm sure it will happen for you.

Seektofly- yes we definitely must exchange details and have a proper chat. I can't wait to meet you.

Hostee, NJSboi and to those I have forgotten, I can't wait to meet you guys too. My training school isn't that far behind yours. That means we will be training at the same time - how does that work? Will it be the same place??

OMO- did you get the call too?

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

njsboi 11th Sep 2006 13:15

ohhhhh YAY:D
lol i go shopping to southland,buy a nice tie,do my food shopping and chat to hostie on the phone and i MISS the goss!
OMG congrats sweetie thats fabo news....well i:D s a little late now and i better have my before bed ciggy and do my teeth:E
better catch up on the goss tomoz...until then groupies lol
night night:}

SkySista 11th Sep 2006 16:29

FYD - I know I haaaaaaaaaate it when people say it to me, but...... I TOLD you so!!! :p

No doubt at all that you were in, isn't it such a relief to get 'the call'!! I am picturing you on the phone with a stunned mullet look (just like I was when I got my call, and STF the same I'm sure!)

Well done and enjoy training... dw, it's probably better not to have a break between quitting and training, as risky of getting too used to 'spare time'!! :E I went right into training and I'm glad I did, I don't know if I'd have had the attention span otherwise if I'd spent a week lazing at home!!! ^_^

Congrats again!

followyourdreams 11th Sep 2006 23:34

Hi guys,

thanks heaps for all the kind words - it still has not sunk in. I couldn't sleep last night and I think I was singing in my dreams all night.

I have to ring the girl who called me last night as I don't think I heard a thing she said to me.

Is the training school as full on as everyone says? aaaaghhh next thing to stress my little brain about.:eek:

njsboi 12th Sep 2006 00:56

lol GOOD MORNING MY PEPS.....FYD congrats again!!!!:D :D :D
were all not gonna say it...all at once guys(we told you not to worry) lol i actually think it was the same for me..stress,stress,stress and now your in!
i know the feeling of releif...its great.cant believe the didnt give you 4 weeks...hmmmm
lol its prob best you dont have time off...ive done all i need to do...seen all i need to see....and now im bored!might go down to chapel again later hahahha thats all i ever seem to do in melb!:E
once again congrats....now who will it be next?????
and FYD you will see hostie and myself as it looks like the ground schools will overlap!!!! :ok:

followyourdreams 12th Sep 2006 01:28


you should come and have coffee with me in Richmond sometime before you start- that's where I work. That's going to be cool seeing you and Hostee at training- thats if I get to see what you two look like.

I am so excited I can hardly do my work.

I rang back HR and she didn't answer the phone- so whats the deal? Do they send all the info in the mail or via email? I was soo excited yesterday I forgot to listen to what she was saying to me- LOL

njsboi 12th Sep 2006 05:26

FYD....heheh richmond(bridge rd) i love it...god you appreciate melb when your away in a small town...thats if they can call drw a major capital hahhaha!!
ohhh you will know who hostee and i are...2 little blondes down the back of the classroom(running a muck):E and making each other laugh...lol the sad thing is i can see it happening...then looking at one another...are you thinking what im thinking b1...ohhh yes b2... smoke break hahahhaha....
its gonna be a hoot... and with all the hard work that lays ahead why not try and make it fun hehehehhe
i bet you can't concerntrate.... ohh the 'welcome aboard' pack is an email...they will send you a link(you need a pdf reader) and you have to prink it out...its like 60 pages so do it at your current work place and use their ink hahahhaha.
what a beautiful day....forgot how nice melb is this time of year...jeans and a bonds tshirt...just right.couldnt do that in drw....god i love melb:}

followyourdreams 12th Sep 2006 05:35

njsbois- your too funny. Ok will look out for you guys at training. I am blonde too and love wearing red lipstick so that is a little hint I guess. How long will I wait until the email has been sent? I want to start reading it now- I'm beside myelf. Everyone at work is really envious hiihihihih

Yep you gotta love Melbourne - especially when the days are as nice as today.

Hey has anyone else on here gotten into the 9th October training school??:confused: :confused:

njsboi 12th Sep 2006 06:44

lol @ FYD- i remember the comment about shoes and red lipstick....ill look for a chick with snake skin heels and red red lips hahahhaha....itll go noice with the red jacket the girls wear hahahah.
hmmm what to do with myself now???? suns starting to set and my balcony isnt getting as much sun as before:{
ummm t:{ e link was sent in a few days....youll get it and then youll be done reading it in a couple of hours hahahha:E .... well i was lol...i dropped everything to sit down and read it:(

njsboi 12th Sep 2006 06:54

FYD....i have a suprise for you....check your pm's.... BUT first you gotta reapply your RED lippy:E

followyourdreams 12th Sep 2006 07:07

njsboi- you are a champion. I just got your pm- I love it!!

And yes I just reapplied my lippie hahahahaha. I don't wear snakeskin heels though :p

njsboi 12th Sep 2006 07:30

FYD.... we wont hear a peep from you tonight will we hehehhehe:E

SkySista 12th Sep 2006 08:39

(sings) Heh heh heh, I know what you just did... :p :}

Omg you will be so obssessed with everything about training now, but NJSboi is right - use as much printing, emailing etc from the office, no-one can afford 60 pages of printing at home or a net cafe, LOL!!!

DJ_Fly_Boi 12th Sep 2006 08:56

and never ever rely on a Virgin Blue printer to work!


They are always either; jammed, out of toner, out of paper - or you just cant find the printer you want to 'add printer'.

followyourdreams 12th Sep 2006 09:04

Njsboi- no I am here!! what a loser :}

I just got home and have been doing a bit of you know what- there is so much. Do you think there is way way way more than that to come at training? OMG - I think I am going to be a hermit for the next month and then when training begins even more so. Aagghh the joys :) :) :p

followyourdreams 12th Sep 2006 11:13

So nobody wants to play tonight?:uhoh: It looks like its just me and my you know what tonight. Ok well I'll say goodbye for now and pop in tomorrow morning to say hello.

Ciao for now
Followyourdreams :O

Wingletts 12th Sep 2006 11:53

all too familar
DJ fly boi , i kinow what you mean about VB printers dont tell me they have a new crew room and crappy printers STILL! :ugh:
that was a real problem when i was there which is a while ago now!
How much did I laugh when i read that ....:)
follow your dreams, congrats darlin'! you will love it im sure, just remember all the things that you are told and be aware, and dont get sucked in by everything you hear...
if there's one piece of advice I can give you now it's -GET MEGA LOADS OF SLEEP AND REST BEFORE TRAINING STARTS !!!!!!:zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: have a break before starting...
YOU WILL NEED IT BIG TIME! YOU will be tired beyond belief and need to be alert every day to take in lots of info -as one of my friends told me "it's like putting a fire hose in your mouth ( haha!;) and turning it on full bore "- with info ...dont hesitate to contact me by PM if you want to know anything or need a chat,... anything at all ask away...i have been around a while in this industry and know it like the back of my hand as im sure a few others on prune do too!
just enjoy your happy moment and again a big congrats - it is a very special indsutry and yes ...i admit it i do miss it...
go get em! and good luck!

followyourdreams 12th Sep 2006 23:01

Oh Wingletts that was the nicets post- thanks heaps.

I would love to say that I had a break between my current work and training - but I don't! I finish on the Friday and start training on the Monday. I have been reading the guidebook .... and I can't believe you basically have to know it back to front before training begins. It is not the info that is hard, but the amount of info you need to remember. Is there like 100x times the amount once training begins??? I have a feeling there will be. Aaaghh its been 3-4 years since I was at uni so I am going to have to remember how to study effectively. Should all be good!!:p

How embarrassing if I don't pass the exams and end up back at my old job :{ :eek:

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