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followyourdreams 6th Sep 2006 22:49

Iulia- hun I wasn't targeting you as a ditzy 18yr old. I was just saying I'm not in that category as you would have to agree there would be and are probably girls out there that do get into this job for all the WRONG reasons. You girl are definitely not one of them - I can see how dedicated you are to getting into cc (hence the reason you started this thread and still continue to post).:) I definitely think thast fantastic that you are thinking of going to uni Iulia. I spent 5 yaers at uni and have completed a double degree and think it is one of the best things I have ever done. Don't worry you will get there - hell I'm not even in yet and so just want an answer either way so I get on with things if they turn me down. Anyway, I don't want this forum to get bitchy as that is not what its about - so lets keep this thread nice

njsboi 6th Sep 2006 23:25

Good morning guys.... I just want to say...i wasnt having a go at you followyourdreams!!!(ive sent you a pm,please read when you have a chance)
I guess we all know or have seen one of those girls we all refer to as the 'babies' but will admit...they cant be too dumb if they passed ground school!!!
iulia keep at it with school...and then uni,and go as far as you can! i didnt even finish year 12... and as you know there not many options these days for someone without a high school certificate(never had a real problem), but if i wanted to get into something else ild have to go back and complete yr12.... so GOOD LUCK with your exams comming up and aim for a great t.e.r score!
once again i didnt mean to have a go or a did....i think sometimes im a little too passionate about things(as you could see that was one of them)
i love all these posts... if only i knew bout this web page a while ago in drw i might have been home earlier... was using cabincrew.com and noone really posts anything on there....
followyourdream...like i said in the PM, just keep your phone close and dont miss a call!!!:E

followyourdreams 6th Sep 2006 23:44

NJSbois- Its all good. I PM'd you back. I do know what you mean though. However, I am so passionate about getting in and know its not all lipstick and heels (even though I love both :)). I will let you all know when that phone rings or the doomed email arrives.

Once again- njsbois- its all good, no offence taken:p

njsboi 7th Sep 2006 00:16

ohhhhh YAY!!!!!!! well i better go get this shagpile on my head all snipped off!!!!!!:E

laraj182 7th Sep 2006 03:38

not all of us are ditzy
I would look like I fall into the catogory of the ditzy 18 y.o when you first see me but its just a stereotype and the more you use stereotypes the more society seems to conform to them .. I maybe slightly ditzy :} but i'm trying for all the right reasons (and i know it will be difficult) .. i speak fluent french and italian and lived in france for 3 months on exchange ive worked in customer service for 5 years. I work full time and somehow i manage to go to university.. Of course at my last interview with MAM you see the so-called ditzy girls who aren't in for the right reasons but the majority of them don't make it past the first step as their negative vibe shines through.... I understand exactally where your getting at but reading so many times and ignoring the saying of the ditzy 18 yo female its getting on my nerves :) we have feelings too :{ hahaha have a good day all!!

followyourdreams 7th Sep 2006 03:55

I think maybe we should all move on now......... I don't think I said anywhere that all 18 year olds are and have to be ditzy!!!! I said I am not one of the ones that are and don't want to be compared to one. If you looked at me you would probably think the same thing but I'm not, and as soon as I open my mouth I'm sure people would take back their initial thoughts.Anyway, can we please keep this forum nice as that is what's it's here for.... No one is calling anyone a ditzy anything!! Anyway moving right along...

Seektofly- I have been thinking of you everyday and wonder where you in this big country of ours. I hope you are having a fab time. I can't wait to hear about all of your adventures very soon

Iulia 7th Sep 2006 06:26

Okai so no one on here is a ditzy 18yr old, regardless if they're 18yrs old, they musn't be ditzy, as they're doing their research!!
Wow FYD a double degree, awesome girl!!
Yeh I have naturally real blonde streaked hair and when peeps see me, they probably think 'there goes a dirty' but hell, I kick butt academically, and I don't mean to sound pompous... I won a scholarship just last year, out of all the other 200 and something candidates, and given the fact that I have a hectic home life, and two jobs at that time!
Njsboi, its good too see that you've gotten to be a FA eventhough you didn't complete yr 12.. sad though how the way its heading, most companies these day want year 12, a degree and experience... when my bf finished his advanced diploma in IT (tafe) and started to apply, no one would even give him an interview eventhough he had the right qualifications and certificates, he didn't have the minimum 2yrs that most companies wanted you to previously have in IT... he did however, have about 3yrs experience in telemarketing.. and when he went for a job interview with NEC (his third actual interview) they asked him bluntly, 'why should we hire you when you have no IT experience other then your course, and what you do at home?' and he said just and bluntly back 'everyone has to start somewhere' and a few hours later, got the call :D I guess it all depends also on how you present yourself... and many other factors... and obviously njsboi, you must be doing something right, because this company has overlooked the fact that you haven't completed VCE, so congrats there!!
I'm rambling on now... toodles, off to study, study, STUDY! :sad:

DJTibby 7th Sep 2006 06:33

Juls, you do sound really smart, and with those brains why on earth don't you become a pilot? If you have the brains and willpower I know you could achieve it. Don't listen to anyone who says its "too hard to get into, harder than cabin crew blah blah". Look into it! who knows, some day you could be a captain for DJ! xoxo

ck84 7th Sep 2006 07:40

Hi everyone! I'm just curious as to whether there is anyone else who is attending the VBRD on the 20th september that has received their email confirming a place on the day?? I'm starting to freak out because last time I was invited to attend on of these days I received the 2nd email within 2 days, and this times its been 6 (4 working days!) Is this normal or could it mean I dont have a place on the day? I got the invite email on the 1st and wrote back monday (4th) in the morning...

Please help me!!
ck xx

seektofly 7th Sep 2006 07:54

Im Home!
Hi guys :ok:

I am finally home after my very first 3 day trip with DJ. YAY !!!

Before I go on to tell you how my last 2 days have been, I want to let you know that even though I will be turning 20-13 in exactly 3 weeks today; I am the most ditziest of the lot. I remember when someone once asked in training school "why are there 2 masks in the aircrafts toilets?" - and someone else replied "incase there are people in the toilets joining the mile high club" . Me being my ditzy self asked .... "Do you join the mile high club in the toilet?..... I thought you rang up and joined over the phone!!!" - Everyone laughed and thought it was hilarious!!! Little did I know what the mile high club was ... and yes, I thought that the mile high club was the same as the frequent flyer program... points and all!!! HOW EMBARASSING.:hmm:

Moving right along.......

Virgin Blue Online Training. Week 1. Day 3. September 6, 2006.
Middle of my first 3 day trip

Today was again an early start. I was to be in the hotel foyer at 5.10 am for a 5.15 am pick up from the hotel. I sleepily got out of bed at 4am and started to get ready for my Sydney to Melbourne, Melbourne over to Adelaide and Adelaide up to the Gold Coast.

The first 2 flights were pretty short and went quite quickly. I did the service and I must admit I am getting a bit better at it now. I am getting used to the on board trainer machine that we use to record what we have sold.

The Adelaide to Gold Coast trip was the best flight of the day. I had a few kids on board and it was their very first trip ever! So we have these certificates for kids who have never flown before - and we give them out as a reminder of what date their first flight was, and what aircraft they flew on and even the Captain signs it. I was in charge of doing that on board. I did it family by family - and I had a brother and sister, two sisters, and 3 brothers. I went up to the flight deck and asked them to sign the certificates and the captain asked me to come back once I had handed out the certificates to the kids. :eek:

So I handed the certificates out, and all the kids were really really happy and I am sure they felt really special that they had the captains signature on them. I told them that he had to take his eyes off the road for a few moments while he signed their certificate! :p I then made my way back up to the flight deck and sat in there for a while, and the captain, showed me some really really cool card tricks. I was absolutely amazed. Julz, just remember, if you are ever going to be a pilot, - make sure you have some cool tricks up the sleeve. He was great. It was like being at a fun fair! :O

Anyway, after the flight, I was standing on the Tarmac in Coolangatta saying goodbye to all of the passengers, and one of the boys who I gave a certificate to (he was about 10 years old) came down the stairs and gave me a wave, and said thankyou and started walking towards the terminal - but then he turned around and came over to me and gave me a big hug! :) HOW CUTE! I was amazed! That is really rewarding when that happens - as you know that they absolutely had a great flight! :D

The weather on the Gold coast was beautiful 24 degrees, so I vowed that as soon as I got into the hotel I would get changed and go for a walk on the beach. So when we got to the hotel, we checked in, and I went up to my room. The first thing I did when I got in was kick my shoes off and sat down on the bed. I was wondering how comfortable the bed was so I lay back - and then I wondered how soft the pillow was so I put my head on the pillow. And then I woke up 4 and a half hours later at 6.45pm!!! I wasn't happy. Thats all I can say. So I compromised. I sat in the bath for an hour and had a bubble bath. It was really good. After that, I decided to get dressed and have a quick dinner in the restaurant downstairs - so I did, except this creepy looking guy who was also in the restaurant who was eating about 2 tables away from me started talking to me ... so I quickly finished my dinner (warm ciabatta bread and some steamed veggies) and was going back up to my room when I found this computer and decided to say hello - so HELLO!!!!!

I hope this entry hasn't made you all want to :yuk: (because I have just realised how long I have rambled on and on for....) but tomorrow I will continue my diary for the last day of my 3 day trip.

I hope everyone is well.

Julz, what did you think of the QF training centre? I have been for a dip in that swimming pool 2 times now. It is hard work -- especially getting into the raft that they inflate and make you get in! Did you get to go into the cabin trainer? Thats where we had to do our exams for the door and window exits -scary stuff!!!

Anyway, until tomorrow
Take care

STF :ok:

NZ_Girl 7th Sep 2006 08:11

Hi Girls & Guys!

Just want to say, all these posts are very very helpful to me. I have an interview day coming up with Pac Blue, and I hunted the internet trying to find somewhere i could research exactly what happens on the day - and i foudn this site! I have to admit, I've become a regular in here, following your posts and all the excitement with finally becoming cc. None of you know how much i value all of the info you've shared :O I'm quite nervous about it, especially since I discovered my age didnt start going backwards when i hit 30 :ugh: I work with girls 10 years younger than me who seemingly have all it takes to be a FA and they never even got invites, so I'm even more nervous now. I made up this cute little calendar that has the dates on it, and counts down to the day of the interview... it's not far away, and i think i'm organised. More so because i have inside info from all of you :ok: I know VB is a little different from PB, but i hear the VB recruitment team are coming over to conduct the interviews, so it's all relevant as far as i can see. Thanks again !!! :)

vixenvb 7th Sep 2006 09:50


I strongly recommend you complete your Year 12 certificate. It is admirable that you're so enthusiastic about becoming a hostie, trolley dolly, flight attendant etc etc however; think girl!- the 2% humidity is not good for the skin! you'll look 100 before you turn 30.... The 50+K you receive may sound fab until you get strong armed on the cap 371- you'll be working 15 hour days for less money, less LO's. less rest - basically less less less.. And in 2 years time the company will tell you to P.O.Q because you're too old (yes, over 25 is OLD) too worn out and totally demotivated about big companies, life, love (or lack of.. min rest not good for socialising) because they have "new blood" about to arrive on the scene to take your place.

Use your energy for life to be informed, independant, and free from AWA's, drafting on days off and many other grey areas that take over...

eagle01 7th Sep 2006 10:07


Yor day sounds interesting, do you get to fly to Hamilton island eventually as well?

Iulia 7th Sep 2006 10:44

aww.. thanks vixenvb
Thats real sweet, but stress less! I'm at the end of the finish line!! 3 weeks to go, so dw I wouldn't give up now! Its sad though, because just a few weeks ago, a couple other kids dropped out and are now check-out chicks or working at a mechanics... so close from the finish line, and the just decided to give up!!:eek:

Haha DjTibby... I wouldn't mind all the studying involved with becoming a pilot, as in the last two years all I've ever been doing is studying, and juggling other things into my schedule.. BUT I do however mind having to build up my flying hours, and working in the outback crop-dusting, that sort of thing... so hmmm I dunno... might apply for it via VTAC... I still have two weeks til I gotta apply, I'm really leaving it to the last minute..!:ugh:

STF we miss youuu! How cute you are though! I can just imagine you walking into a hotel and asking 'do you have the internet here?' lol you're so attached to us on pprune! hehe

I'm still holding out on those Krispy Kreme's...! So tempted to go buy one, every time I pass by Fountain Gate shops, but I keep thinking 'no, wait for STF to come down' lol.

Toodle-ooo peeps!
oh! and my formals coming up, I bought my dress back in March just for this occassion... I'll look like a cherry cake on the night coz the skirt has so many layers of tulle!!:E

Iulia 7th Sep 2006 10:52

Omgsh that place is huge on the inside!!

The roller doors are so tall!

And the life rafts are huge too, and really tough, like, I tried pushing my hand against it, and its really taut.

The pools funny, the guy turned off the lights, and these thunder lights came on, and he made 'rain' fall from little sprinklers in the ceiling and showed us the conditions FA's would be training in. There was also an octagon-shaped raft in there... at least I think it had eight sides!

And outside the building were several FA's (training) puffin away like chimneys... lucky ducklings!!

The 'slide' was sooo tempting to go down!!

And yes, we did go in the cabin trainer, and the guy turned on the smoke-thingy and the LCD windows/screens and made it show engines go on fire, and the masks dropped from the ceiling, it was so much fun! I couldn't stop laughing, because it was all so unexpected, and I took lots of pics!

However, we weren't allowed to take any picture of any cockpits ...

And we got to sit inside several of the different simulators, they looked so real! When I was younger, and we were travelling oversea's for the first time as a family, my older bro asked a FA if we could see the cockpit, and the captain said yes... so then there we were, four lil kids, inside a cockpit, mouth down to the ground... I'll never forget it, eventhough I was only 6yrs old!:O

seektofly 7th Sep 2006 11:16

Julz, never give up on your dream. NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE ON PPRUNE SAYS!!!
;) Hi Julz,

Awww thanks hun, I can't wait to get these first couple of weeks done so we can go celebrate down your neck of the woods with a couple of KK's and a cuppa.

The raft you saw down at the training center was the one we had to get into. It wasn't easy - actually it was really really hard. Your memories of going into the flight deck are lovely memories to have, as no one is allowed in there anymore! (Except of course cabin crew).

As far as following your dream... don't let anyone ever tell you not to fly. If flying is your passion - then do it. Who cares if there is only 2% humidity up there. Any one of us could be hit by a bus tomorrow - at least I have lived my dream of being a flight attendant. I flew with someone on Monday who is 42 years old (Mind you, I nearly had a heart attack when she told me how old she was... She looked soooooooo young!!!! I thought she was about my age!!!) and she is STILL loving it! We were even discussing our new EBA and how it would look - and we decided that if enough of us weren't happy with it, we just simply wouldn't agree to it. VB want to retain their good staff - not peeve them off - we had that drilled into us at training school.
Ok - being cabin crew may not be for everyone, but I think that if you do it for a few years and eventually decide you have had enough or you hate the conditions etc.. etc.. then you can leave and get any job you like in hospitality - trust me, most hospitality companies (like Crown or any major hotel chain etc..) would be lucky to have an ex flight attendant working for them. Just as a flight attendant you have so many skills - first aid, fire fighting, responsible service of alcohol, and obviously fantastic people skills. I think life is to be lived. Its great that you have nearly finished your VCE, and there are alot of flight attendants out there without any tertiary studies at all. I mean, I went to University. Am I using my degree for anything? (Apart from the decoration on the wall - I am not using it for anything) The fact that I studied overseas hasn't really helped my cause to be a flight attendant either. Just life skills, hospitality experience and a positive attitude.
DON'T EVER LET ANYONE DETER YOU FROM LIVING YOUR DREAM JOB. I know you wouldn't. You are too smart for that!;)

Take care - and until those KK's....

ck84 7th Sep 2006 11:42

Do you guys think i should leave it another couple of days or should i email VB tomorrow and maybe just make sure they received my email?

You sound lovely Julia, and best of luck for the rest of yr 12, they are the best few weeks of ur young life all the parties and everything!!

ck xx

Iulia 7th Sep 2006 21:47

Heya ck84, perhaps leave it til Monday to call them, because what I found usually happened is that my emails from VB were sent at 2200hrs... if you get what I mean, and a few were sent on Friday nights too. If you find that they haven't sent ya the email confirmation by Monday (I have also recieved emails on the weekend leading up to the VBRD) then jump up and start buggering them with email and calls :) I normally don't like to be persistent, but in your case, if Monday arrives and you still don't hear anything, then I'd set myself into nagging mode :E

STF... yuuuuum!!:p

njsboi 8th Sep 2006 03:46

STF i couldnt have said that better myself!!!!:D
and thats what i was saying the other day "what gets my goat".... if you dont like it LEAVE or find another easier airline!i know now, im not gonna know what hits me when i start flying.... with no cs at njs it was pretty layed back and you could get away with a few things!!!eg reading mags in your crew seat... eating 10 left over pax meals if you wanted to...
so theres always something else out there if you dont like your current conditions!!!
lol @ the casino..... think we had it a little easy as well.... counting to 21 for 8 hours.... lol those were the days hahahha!:sad:
well wnt to go get my uniform fitted today... they were doing maintenance or something so didnt/couldnt get it done!i called them back but no answer...maby mon morning can do it.
stf check your pm's...youll never guess who i saw today....you might remeber them

njsboi 9th Sep 2006 00:35

well its been a bit quiet in here the past day or so lol....
STF did you hear anything back yesterday??? i heard from a cs friend that another 2 groups are most likely to go through still...to keep up with the number of crew leaving(thats a good thing)....and dont forget to keep your phone close at all times...and answer PRIVATE numbers!!!!
well i went and got my uniform fitted yesterday....ohhh god its nice to be back in the chino pants....and im loving the male crew's black jacket:E
and level 2(new crew area) looks really nice as well!!!

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