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Iulia 16th Jun 2006 00:46

Good luck fly_away!!
Good onya for trying as you have to get even further as a F/A, so good to see people trying. The job as a F/A doesn't just land on anyone's lap for being good-looking (presentable) or tall, as I noticed yesterday. There were many girls there who had the most gorgeous faces, like a model for a magazine would, and then there were others who just tried too hard... I didn't hang around to see exactly who was who that remained... damn, wish I had now... :confused:

fly_away 16th Jun 2006 08:05


Originally Posted by Iulia
Good onya for trying as you have to get even further as a F/A, so good to see people trying. The job as a F/A doesn't just land on anyone's lap for being good-looking (presentable) or tall, as I noticed yesterday. There were many girls there who had the most gorgeous faces, like a model for a magazine would, and then there were others who just tried too hard... I didn't hang around to see exactly who was who that remained... damn, wish I had now... :confused:

Thanks miss!
Well your right on the ball aboout being good looking coz being pretty aint going to help you in an emergency situation!
I believe virgin really goes on presonality, yeah looks are important but really everyone has the potential to be pretty they jsut have to find what works for them!
Well i'd like to officially welcome you to "the waiting game" :ugh:

HOW FRUSTRATING!!!!! hang tight these things are jsut out of your hands now.

I remember when i got my phone call from virgin, i was so nervous i said to the lady who rang me " are you serious???? is this one of my friends playing a trick on me?" coz i seriouslly thought it was !!! how funny!!
but it was the best feeling!!:p :eek: :)

oh and when and if you get to the medical stage, dont stress coz thats out of your hands too.

hey i jsut thought about htis then, have you thought about applying for jetstar,qantas ( but i knwo thats hard to get) virgin atlantic are recruiting people for SYD-HKG-SYD based in sydney???? that would be pretty exciting.
Dont jsut put all eggs in one basket, keep you options open too.

Iulia 16th Jun 2006 12:00


Originally Posted by fly_away
hey i jsut thought about htis then, have you thought about applying for jetstar,qantas ( but i knwo thats hard to get) virgin atlantic are recruiting people for SYD-HKG-SYD based in sydney???? that would be pretty exciting.
Dont jsut put all eggs in one basket, keep you options open too.

Interesting... BUT I am only 156cm and Virgin Blue seemed to be the only airline that didn't mind... so dunno about applying to the others... Jetstar is a branch of Qantas so they're just as fussy about height... who else was it, Virgin Atlantic? Bugger, don't wanna relocate to Sydney... there aren't many other options are here, are there? Anyone got any suggestions? And what about Ground Crew at Virgin... worth a try? Is it alright pay? I'd love to work for Virgin...!
Hate, hate, HATE waiting... its all we did yesterday at the VBRD!! So pretty much when it a 'yes' to go further to the medical stage, they like to call yeh? Is it a private number, or a number that comes up on the screen? Just wanna know, for if/when it were to happen... and I gather if you're rejected, its an email? Blahhh! Hate, hate, HATE waiting!!:uhoh:

seektofly 16th Jun 2006 14:49

VRD Friday!
Hi Everyone,

I am new at this, but today was my VRD - and I made it right through to the end... in other words I also had my role play and my interview. My final interview went for 1 hour and 10 minutes! I hope that isn't a bad sign. I felt ok - and I did my best. I thought thought that everyone who made it through was great - looks and personality.

I hope everyone that made it through gets a call soon.


Iulia 16th Jun 2006 22:21

Heya STF :)
Seems like you and I went through the same thing :) Can you please tell me about how many people were there, and about how many people got through to the second round (major interview and role play)? Just curious, because at my VBRD there were about 28peeps :)

adam_ant 17th Jun 2006 01:00


I've been with VB 4 years. It took me 2 tries to get in. Melbourne has always had high turnover - I think its all the day trips??? Up here in Brisneyland they don't seem to leave as quickly. There have ALWAYS been rumours of high numbers leaving, but I don't think it is above average. MEL is a few years behind BNE and still sorting out who is committed to flying and who is just trying it on for size.

Good luck to all you newbies - things keep changing so rapidly - our service keeps getting more and more mature, and the crew meals seem to have improved lol.

Iulia 17th Jun 2006 08:18

Waiting 12mnths...
Well, if I fail this time round for CC with VB, I'll have to wait another 12mnths til I can reapply! Bugger... did it always used to be this way, the 12mnth period?
.. Good to see that the crew meals have improved 'adam_ant' coz I'm a big fan of food... lol :)

seektofly 17th Jun 2006 08:44

This will be my 3rd airline. I am committed to flying! I love it - and I am sure that if I get into V.B, I will not be a statistic of their high turnover. Yesterday there were about 30 of us at the VRD - and about 15 people were left for the interviews in the afternoon. The crew were really nice, and made everyone feel relaxed and, I felt that the interviews weren't really that formal, so I was pretty relaxed and felt it was more like an informal chat than anything else. My role play was really easy and the passenger with the doggy wasn't too difficult when I told her that she couldn't bring the doggy on board. It almost seemed too easy... maybe they thought that I was not going to make it through anyway, so they just did it as a matter of course - because they had to.. not because they needed to... who knows?? :suspect:

I just hope that I make it through to the medicals.. it would be fantastic.
By the way, there are crew meals??? We don't have to purchase food on board as well? And, while we are on the subject, do you guys get a commission or incentive for selling stuff on board ? :rolleyes:

Iulia 17th Jun 2006 09:48

yeh... life as a flight attendant for VB sounds great, don't it STF? lol fingers crossed... for the both of us now! My theory is that we'll probably receive a response sometime after Tuesday as there are VBRD running until this Tuesday in Melb... I'd imagine they'd look at everyone that went through the whole day, and then start doing reference checks for those who seem alright, then if all goes well with the reference checks they'd call the peep and ask them to do the medical... (eg... US???? lol)
Would be so much fun training! Weeee! Down the inflatable slide... SPLASH! into the water with life vests... :D hehehe

adam_ant 18th Jun 2006 00:48

Good to see you guys are so positive!

I think its always been 12 months between interviews. Much could happen at VB in the next 12 months so that could always change.

Yes we get crew food. In the past its been pretty average, but the company now has a group of CC who select the meals to ensure they are nutrious so they seem to be getting better (at one stage they tried to serve us kangaroo!). Some crew hate them, but for the most part there is something in there everyone will eat (like the chocolates!). The onboard food you can buy, but after you've eaten it a few times it gets a bit boring.

And yes we get commission on our onboard sales. Its not heaps (we lose commission when crew don't mark off stock sold properly) but its enough for a movie and dinner out once a month!

I hope you guys get good news soon - you'll have a blast online.

FA101 18th Jun 2006 01:41

Hey guys,
I feel so much better after finding this forum and reading your thread...Iulia your first post sounds exactly like how I am feeling...You guessed it...I'm attending a recruitment day on Tuesday the 20th and like you Iulia I am so nervous (+excited)...I can't sleep as it this is my ultimate dream. I know I'd be perfect for the job but as I'm not as loud as the "loud girls" or in your face I don't know if the interview will really get to know me. Especially if I am as nervous as I am right now...because thats when I don't use perfect vocab and don't sound as confident as I am from day to day...I suppose if I just show them how passionate I am about the position and demonstrate I have the customer service skills, personality and looks for the job I'll be fine..

What can I do? I have no idea what to expect - Obviously I've read over this post thoroughly but I still don't understand the entire process. So first comes registration...Followed by a 5 minute 1 on one interview? When do you hand over your resumes? What kind of questions do you get on the comprehension worksheet? I'm very confident with group interviews and highly sociable however on 1 on 1 interviews I sometimes get lost for words...Were there any questions you couldn't answer? etc etc...I guess like you said if it's meant to be it's meant to be. Things happen for a reason right...

Hey btw good luck to you both sounds like you've done amazingly!!!!!! After reading through what you've dealt with at home and at your age I think you definitely deserve it girl...It sounds so similar to what I've been through with my parents...

Sorry my thoughts are very muddled as I'm in a huge hurry to go to work and I am freaking out wholeheartedly about a couple of days time...



australian boy 18th Jun 2006 04:46

:) Good luck to to every one who has a vrd. I have been a Mel based DJ FA for two years and still enjoy it, it is what u make of it. I left Australian Airlines (ao) cns to join Virgin and dont really regret it. I have just put in to go to Virgin Atlantic SYD base which is only open to dj Cabin Crew. U can also go on exchange to London if If u want so theres a lot of room to move if u get in. The loss of crew recently was from the emirates recruitment in Melb.

Australian boy:)

Iulia 18th Jun 2006 08:52

Heya FA101!!
Hehehe! You're probably feeling exactly how I felt for my VBRD! Well its okai... I'll mother you until then ;) Definately keep an eye on this thread as its jam-packed with info from other generous VB CC and peeps who also have experience in the FA industry... it really helped me out at my VBRD! However... I never let on to anyone there at the day that I was on PPRUNE as I didn't want to rub into people's faces the knowledge I had... on the other hand, some people who were there and previously FA for other companies seemed to continuouly rub THAT in! lol anyway... on the day, definately be on your best behaviour! Be cheerful, smile lots, and giggle and ask questions of other people. DO NOT be quite or go off into your own little world! Interact with others, don't sit quietly studying others... I mean, study others, but don't make it obvious! As I looked around the room throughout the day, I could see a few of the other girls in their own little world's with blank and worried expressions... these are the girls that didn't make it through to the second half of the day. Pretend as if someone's watching you the entire time, and DO NOT bitch about anyone there! IF someone says something to you eg 'ewww whats she wearing?' just hmmmm.... and leave it at that! As much as I'd have liked to comment on a few strange girls there, I saved it for when I got home to my bf and told him the story of my day :)
Well, you should have, or will be recieving an email with a run down of the day. I'd advise you be there at exactly 7.30am, coz everyone else is! I wrote on this thread that it was like 7.35am and practically everyone was already there! The room is overpowering with perfume and girl's giggles...
When you get there, you'll stand around while people 'register' eg show their documents/certificates to the two peeps that are basically in charge of the day... Leisha and Tom (most probably). Then you wait around some more till all the other recruiters (ladies from Brisbane and Melbourne VB base) come in and call anyone whose already registered to go through for the 5min interview. This is where you're asked for your resume, and basically this 5min interview is like you declaring yes to being flexible, working weekends/public holidays, that you're over 18yrs, why you want this position. I found that the 5min interview was basically a declaration that you understand the duties of a FA, nothing hard really. The person does the questioning, you do the answering, its brief, its 5mins! :) No need to worry, when I stood up to get out, I was kinda buggered it didn't last longer... lol and also, its in a room with round tables, and at each table the same process is happening with some other FA hopeful... it actually sounds a lot like the chatter in a market when you enter the interviewing room!
After that everyone is asked back into that room with the round tables, and you are to sit at a table where you don't know anyone (which was hard for me, as I'd spoken to almost everyone there!) and then you had that comprehension sheet which was easy... basically was several paragraphs about Virgin Blue, how its name was announced on the radio (I think Triple J) and then the second paper was asking 'on what radio was the name of Virgin Blue announced?' and there are four options, say 1-101.9 FOX or 2- NOVA or 3- Triple J or 4- MIX 101.1 and obviously you gotta circle the correct one. This is called comprehension, where you're given information (on paper) you read it, then respond to the questions on the next page. Best of al, you can keep referring to the info sheet! Its not taken away from you so its not like you have to remember it! Only thing is that you have like 5mins (I think it was that much) to read it and write.
Then there's group activities which are easy, you have to create a pet store blah blah blah what are its features? products? etc just brain storming ideas etc.
Seriously, after my VBRD I wanted to kick myself up the behind for being soooo worried all this time! But I guess thats how it is in life, when you enter 'the unknown....' lol
I really enjoyed my day.... you'll find that the recruiters are sooo nice! They seem genuinely interested in what you have to say.
After the group activity, we had a 45min break as they decided who went to the next round. After this we all came back from lunch (its was 1.15pm) and we were handed letters that said whether we progressed to the next stage, or not. The next stage consists of an interview that goes for about an hour with just the one recruiter, and then a 2min roleplay where you're meant to demonstrate your 'customer service' skills as you 'calm down' and angry passenger on board a cruise. Really simple, you just have to keep referring to 'our policy' and remain calm yourself and smile, preferably not slouching, stand up straight so that your posture shows you're in control.
Whenever I get an angry customer, I let them vent it all out on me, and then I gently lay out the options for them to fix the problem, and thats what I did in the roleplay too.
...Just reading over your last post FA101... I didn't actually have any problems with any of the questions, and they actually advise you to take your time in answering them (in the interviews). For example, they ask you to retell a time when you had an angry customer, and how did you resolve the issue. And you just gotta think from past experience in Customer Service of a time when you had an angry customer in your face... shouldn't be too hard, as I personally often come across loud and angry customers, even at the library! lol
Heyyyy... don't worry about the VBRD anymore! I mean, lay out your clothes from the night before, eat well before you go (I didn't, and an empty stomach contributes to nervousness!) be happy on the day, smile as if someone's watching you the whole day. Don't drift into your own little thoughts, go to the toilets if you have to, but don't make it obvious that you're thinking... participate in the group activity, LAUGH and ask questions of the others, even if you couldn't care less about their hobby (I know, it sounds mean...) act to everyone as if they're a customer :)
You'll have a GREAT time, guaranteed ;) keep us posted about your experience because I have a feeling that this thread will be very helpful for many other people who plan to apply for VB CC in the future too :) I'm so glad I did my research beforehand... good luck for Tuesday FA101!!

seektofly 18th Jun 2006 11:47

Recruitment days
Hi everyone ;)

I just wanted to comment on Iulia's last post - I thought it was great - very very insightful and very accurate. :D It was exactly how my VBRD went and I am sure that each VBRD will be the same. Having been to many many many of these interviews before (for other airlines), I would also like to add the following comments:

* When you are at the group interview (ie making up the pet store etc..) include everyone in the conversation - and if someone has an idea and says it then say "oh yeah, thats a really good idea" - and when you have an idea, tell everyone your idea, and then say "what do you guys think?" and if there is someone in the group that is not talking much, address them by name and ask them what they think - or ask them if they have a pet etc... In other words, show that you are aware of the people around you and most importantly show that you are interested in them

I particularly liked Iulia's comment about smiling :) It is important, and it (believe it or not) will make you feel less nervous. So when you can smile, smile, and smile some more.

* Try to get around to saying hi to everyone at the VRD (even the ones who don't appear to have put much thought into what they are wearing etc..) - There was a lady at our VBRD who must have been at least 60 - no joke. :uhoh: Her suit was like 2 sizes too small and her hair was like nothing I had ever seen before..:eek: it looked like a birds nest/bee hive. To make things worse, she was wearing a jacket with this ridiculous emu feathers collar and her eye make up looked like she had smeared it on with her fingers in the car on the way to the interview! I am not joking. :=

I sound mean and horrible, but I was being kind in the way I have just described her. Some of us (some other girls at the interview) made time to chat to her, because I am sure she would have arrived, seen the way everyone else looked and felt a bit out of place - and probably not feeling great :( - so we told her to sit down with us and have a chat while we were waiting during the 45 minute break before we got our envelopes. She was softly spoken - but unfortunately she didn't get through the rest of the day. I noticed the people that did make time to talk with her did get through. I don't know if that is saying something, but just remember to be kind to everyone regardless of what they are wearing and how they look or sound, or their age. Everyone is in the same boat! :bored:

* When you have your spot interviews (the 5 minute 1 on 1) and then the hour long interview (if you get through to the rest of the day), treat the interviewer like a good friend or colleague that you are discussing situations at work - try to have some examples of angry customers and how you handled them, maybe think of examples of the most stressful day you have had at work and how you managed it, and maybe even think of a time where a work colleague has been down in the dumps or in a mood, and how you coped with it... If you have some idea of what to say in the interview, then thats 80% of the battle already won. At least you won't be looking into space trying to think of something to say. If you just speak naturally - your personality will shine right through. It will make you feel comfortable and at ease when you chat with the interviewer. ;)

I hope I haven't gone on too long. I wish you all the best of luck with your VBRD on Tuesday. I am sure you will knock their socks off!

Let us know how you think you went.:ok:


Iulia 18th Jun 2006 12:20

wow... great post STF!
You definately summed up some really good points there, and I especially liked the part where you said "treat the interviewer like a good friend or colleague that you are discussing situations at work" <- that was my thought exactly during the hour-long interview, and that mentality helped me remain calm and to deliver my examples with ease :) Had a few good laughs with Tom... he asked me what one thing I dislike about my current job (at the library), and immediately what popped into mind was how sometimes when I scane books in (after someone has dropped them off from their house) they're really ewwww and sticky... and to this I added "We ladies at the library like to think its coffee or tea..." and we both laughed a lot... LOL

Hostee 18th Jun 2006 16:31

I want to cry
I applied to DJ on 9 June, applications closed 11th for MEL based CC.
I went away for the long weekend... get back Monday night to an email from DJ saying "howz about you drop in to a Virgin Recruitment Day on the 20th?"
I replied saying yes.... then ran around buying new suit, getting nails done, organising time off work, sorting flights to MEL.... then get an email back saying "sorry... the VRD is now full, but you are a priority for our next round of recruitment" :{
DARN IT!!! DJ had emailed me the invite on the Saturday..... but i didn't get the email til Monday....
Good luck to all those attending a VRD on the 20th or any other day.. wish i was there with you!
Fingers crossed i get an invite again soon!!!!!
And at least now i've got pretty nails and fab new suit! I have to look at the bright side here! :)

Iulia 18th Jun 2006 22:42

Awww... hostee... don't cry! :)
Cheer up! You know what, seems to me like they're doing a whole bunch of recruiting til they're satisfied with numbers... they did some recruitment days just over two weeks ago for Melb too! So who knows, maybe in two weeks time (after they're meant to have gotten back to us who have gone through the VBRD) they'll start another round of recruitment for Melb! They're very unpredictable these VB peeps.... but think about is, us that have been interviewed in this round will need a response within the next two weeks whether we go for a medical or not, and then those who go for a medical still ahve a chance of not making it... so in each stage people are being dropped, thus allowing for more recruitment days!!! :)
It is a bummer... but cheer up! Wear that suit! Flash your nails! lol:p I'm sure you'll get another invite to a VBRD soon!!!

milbud 19th Jun 2006 13:42

Huge Well Done
A big hearty Well Done to you Iulia. I know you are thinking "but I've not made it through yet!" But just think, you are where so many thousands have applied time and again to get to. There'll only be a handfull of you in contention now...It's great to see that you taken on so much of what was put forward to you on this thread. Both by current DJ FA's and FA's from other airlines. And believe me Iulia, those sticky stains you got on the library books are nothing compared with the unknowns of aircraft toilets!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: Coffee? I think not.:hmm:
Just be upbeat when they phone you, even if it is a less than wanted response, and i'm confident it wont be, then your reaction is important. Remember Self Control is important, very very important. And your reaction will go well to support future applications if needed.
Again big pats on the back! I have a feeling I'll be meeting you in the back galley soon enough.

Milbud.:ok: :D

Iulia 20th Jun 2006 01:21

Back galley... ohh! lol
Awww thanks milbud.... are you a part of the recruitment team and dropping me hints or something? hehe jks
LOL yeh I can only imagine what it'd be like cleaning the airplane toilets... ewww oh well! I've been cleaning the toilet in my house all this time... but I'm guessing it'd be much worse...:confused:

Wow milbud... you're such a positive person! ;) I do hope the phone call is just as positive an answer...

toodles! and fingers crossed still!!!!!:ok:

Ozzy747 20th Jun 2006 09:18


cleaning toilets??? had a flight from Los angeles the other day-we had a bunch of 100 18year old kids from arizona coming to NZ and aussie for a tour.

i cleaned vomit 3 times on the 11.5 hour flight.

vomit 1- all over the toilet door and the floor

vomit 2- the girl came into da galley while i was reading a mag with vomit dripping from her mouth oll over next to my crew members jumpseat.

vomit 3- one of the kids spewed up on the seats that he was sitting on.

i dnt really have a prob with pax dat feel sick- were all human- but 3 in one flight dats abit tooo much. ive had feral toilets as well. but this flight really topped it off.

Iulia 20th Jun 2006 09:46

Awww... Ozzie 747 I feel for you, really I do :) I've had peeps over at my place and had to clean up after them the next day... nothing that grotty, just shoe stains on the carpet and spilt drinks etc (I don't wear shoes in the house... hate, hate, hate it!) :)

Iulia 20th Jun 2006 09:48

Oh yeh, and this other time I had a gf over and just had to babysit my bro's 8mnth-old kid, and every couple of crawls it would dribble little bits of vomit on my cream carpet. Ended up keeping a bucket of warm water on standby the whole time :)

seektofly 20th Jun 2006 13:54

Gee - things are moving quickly
Hey guys,

I just heard on the "grapevine" that Virgin have already started calling people up to go to their medicals. I know one person who went for the VBRD on June 15, and has already been called up and sent an email about where to go for the medical ALREADY:eek: !!! I know that would be a great sign ... is there anyone else out there who has been already called up by Virgin to go for the Medical? :confused:

I went for my VBRD on Friday 16th June... I wonder how long my rejection email is going to take!:ugh:

Seek to fly:suspect:

cocomc 20th Jun 2006 23:33

I Applied For Virgin and Havent Heard a Thing!
HI there this is my first post in this forum so i hope i have done it right... I was just wondering if someone might be able to help me. I applied for virgin blue ages ago and i have reapplieda few times including last week when they were accepting for melbourne based cabin crew. I have jnot heard anything regarding interviews etc... I was just wondering how long it usually takes before you get called for an interview, as i applied before the aplications closed on the 11/6?? Hope someone can help me..
thanks heaps

Sylphie 21st Jun 2006 02:49


I was invited to a VRD approx 3.5 weeks after I applied. I also applied when they were just taking interest for the role, not when they had a set deadline.

A lot of the time it depends on when they are recruiting, but in your case, it may be down to selection. Keep refreshing your application and ensure that you have all the details and prerequisites. Nobody here can really tell you how they select for these recruitment days, It's unknown.. though the recruitment team do tell us that thousands apply and only a few hundred are usually invited. :sad:

Don't give up. I am sure they are going to recruit a few more times this year! Good Luck! ;)

Sylphie 21st Jun 2006 02:58

STF, with my experience, I got the rejection e-mail on the 5th day of the two week waiting period. At least they get back quickly enough for you to explore other options - Imagine waiting 13 days, that would be a huge let down!

The fact that they have already started contacting people to complete medicals so soon after the last interview doesn't surprise me. I think this because if they have done the reference check so soon for those they considered successful, like in my case getting the answer after 5 days including a weekend!, they would contact those they want to do the medical the same day I'd assume, or some time close to that. They are a pretty efficient team.

Good Luck!

And PS.. Iulia, have you heard anything yet!? :eek:

Iulia 21st Jun 2006 03:46

Arghhhhhhhhhhhh! Me gonna cry...
No peeps... haven't heard a single thing...! My manager at work is sick (she's pregnant) morning sickness and taking days off work, and I only put the work # on my resume, as I didn't have her house or mob... and my other girlfriend who used to manage over me at a shoe store promised she'd txt me as soon as she got a call from Virgin (she's my second referee) far out... I went on the Thursday 15th June to my VBRD also, and haven't heard nuffin! No email, no calls to my referees... I'm goners... I feel like crying, I think I will go huddle in the shower all alone and cry... so upset... I wished they'd send the rejection emails sooner, tomorrow will be one week since my VBRD! You'd think they'd reply sooner to those they're wanting to reject... oh bummer... so upsetting, knowing that those successful are already recieving results... :{

Iulia 21st Jun 2006 03:50

Good questions STF...
How LONG will our rejection emails take... hmmm... with Sylphie it ws 5 days (including weekend) well... tomorrow is my 7th day waiting... wahhhh!!!:ugh:

Iulia 21st Jun 2006 03:54

Well... I did a booboo mistake when I applied first with Virgin (before the close date of 11/6)... I accidentally but my yahoo id with my hotmail address... as in, my yahoo id.hotmail.com i confused the two around! And then I went back into my account with virgin and changed the email address to the proper yahoo.com..... hope it all makes sense! Anyway perhaps you should double check that your contact details are exact :)

cocomc 21st Jun 2006 04:50

yeah that makes sense thanks for your reply. I did check all my details and they are all correct. I applied last november abd have not heard a thing, im begining to feel that its not gonna happen... Its weird

Sylphie 21st Jun 2006 05:54

How available did you make yourself when you applied?

In saying that, what I mean is did you say you were willing to re-locate if your chosen base was unavailable? And did you choose more than one base to work from? This may also be what they take into account when they send out invites.

Sylphie 21st Jun 2006 07:21

Iulia, you may get an e-mail in another weeks time and the news might be pleasant. With my e-mail it may have just been a case of having a date set for a ground school so they got the e-mails out for medicals faster?

seektofly 21st Jun 2006 07:21

Don't Panic just yet!!
:uhoh: I know how everyone is feeling because I am feeling the same way. Although, from past groups, I heard that the NO emails get sent out pretty much straight away, and the phone calls take a while longer... so if that is anything to go on... then no news is good news. HOWEVER, if they have begun calling referees and asking people to go to the medical ALREADY... then the next couple of days could be the decider. Either way, it was great to have come this far, but wouldn't mind progressing a bit further! :hmm: All the best to everyone who is waiting. Its the waiting bit that is the worst :yuk:


seektofly 21st Jun 2006 07:26

Me again - sorry
I just forgot to add, Iulia you need to be more positive GIRL! :}

Don't be negative just yet. Just wait until you have an answer one way or the other, and then you can decide what you are going to do.

I might just see you in ground school yet :p

STF - again.

Iulia 21st Jun 2006 09:05

Hmmm.... (Iulia contemplates....)
Interesting... it would seem much more plausible that they'd send out the NO emails (as STF nicely put it) sooner then they'd start doing the reference checks... its just fistrating because tomorrow will be one week since my VBRD and if I'm gonna gt a NO email, I'd rather have gotten it sooner... its like, if you're gonna kill me, do it quicker rather then slower.
Okai maybe I'm being a bit over dramatic here... but you all gt my drift :suspect:
Anyhow... a thing I'll really be devastated about if I get the NO answer is that I'll no longer have anything to contribute to my new lovely thread where I've met all you lovely helpful peeps! I'll really miss that... my bf is a comp geek, I literally have to peel him away from his LCD screen and the study room (its like his lair) and these past two weeks, I've been huddled on the couch with the laptop glued to my lap and constantly checking PPRuNE (you may have noticed, I'm often online).... so sad to have to part y'all for lack of having anything else to contribute...
Hoepfully I'm wrong and in a weeks time I can whack myself over the head for being such a grumpy... fingers crossed!!!:sad:

Sylphie 21st Jun 2006 09:55

Originally Posted by Iulia
... a thing I'll really be devastated about if I get the NO answer is that I'll no longer have anything to contribute to my new lovely thread where I've met all you lovely helpful peeps! I'll really miss that...

But as you go you meet more helpful people out there that come out of the woodwork, past applicants and current employees, that can help you, not just for DJ but for JQ or QF or whatever you set your sights on next if unsuccessful. It's all just one 'new thread' away.

Plus, you will always be able to help others on this thread if they happen to be lucky enough to get an invitation. Any help is good help as I discovered when I got here.

Iulia 21st Jun 2006 10:00

Sure, I'll continue helping out others... it'll just be sad no longer having the feeling of anticipation for myself, thats all :)

Sylphie 21st Jun 2006 10:04

Yeah I kow how you feel. Though the day I got the e-mail I thought I'd be a LOT sadder than I was. I was probably a little shocked. I immediately sent off my application to JQ and did one for Guest Services for DJ. The next few days I fet a bit down because I felt I was back to square one, but then I realised I was probably better off than some of my competition at my next interview so I'm just excited to get an invite again sometime soon.

Ultimately I want to work for Virgin, I have to get there somehow. :O

Iulia 21st Jun 2006 10:23

True... well I have already applied for Qantas now and Jetstar, but both will reject me because of my height, of this I am certain. I'm only 158cm... you're probably way taller Sylphie (I think we may have discussed your height before... hmmm) so yeh... I'll probably never even get an invite because of my height. Too bad... but Virgin's the best, I feel they don't really mind height :) unless of course... you're really unusually short... I guess height cannot be labelled as discriminatory, since really it is necessary in the job of a F/A.

Iulia 22nd Jun 2006 01:46

Hey guys, I just got the email of rejection. Supposedly they were delighted in having met me, but unfortunately I cannot progress to the next stage... whatever... and another bummer is that I'll never know where I went wrong as they cannot provide feedback.
Shame... no other airline will want me, I'm under the height requirment!:{

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