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njsboi 12th Sep 2006 23:50

FYD i agree with winglett....just make sure you have that weekend free from anything and just sitdown and rest!!! dont go to crazy on the piss the fri night cause training is draining(it rhymes heheh):\
im glad ive already been through a ground school...but it aint gonna make it any easier...with NJS i failed 2 tests and it was like a ripple effect then...study for the re-sit then you neglect the test the next day:ugh:
hmmm i even had a word from the cc manager(mole):{
lol FYD i havnt been to school since yr 11 5 years ago...hun youll be fine!
a friends driving me out to the airport today to show me where the training centre is...just so i dont look like a blonde on the first day:E hmmm might even be able to squeeze a few coffee's in today as well hahahhaha
ps FYD hows the bible going hehehhehehe:E

followyourdreams 12th Sep 2006 23:58

NJSBOI- yes I will definitely be taking the weekend before training easy. Did you study your ass off for NJS. How badly did you fail those exams? Do you have to know things word for word? Is it all theory based exams? Or is it group activities with your group aswell? I have memorised the phonetic alphabet (easy) and have been reading and highlighting heaps of stuff. I have no idea how you are menat to know all of the aviation vocab before training begins! You will know that as you are already in the industry - Not Fair!!

Your so funny- I might go out and check out the training school too! Losers!!! hahahahah.:p

njsboi 13th Sep 2006 01:08

FYD...yeah NJS training was hard... there was 9 of us in a adl hotel just studying our butts off night and day!was good because there was 2 of us ina room... great for support but i think it had a downside as well... sometimes you were on a roll and the other was chatting or yould loose your groove lol:{
ive also heard NJS is one of the hardest ground schools...theyre so thorough and full on for only 3 weeks... then you go to INF training and so on...it will be interesting to see what the difference is... and its great reading seektofly's diary entries... but i guess everyone deals with stress and presure differently!
sweetie dont think for a minute that myself or old crew for another airline have an advantage over you!!! we have our old ways and we need to forget them!!!! new commands..new sop's and even a new aircraft!were learning jsut like you...only difference is that we can share our experience with others and help them through it like we will need help as well.....
ive already read the bible... and thought WOW!will admit NJS had you learn 8 commands and an evac drill before you started...its FULL on but were all here for one reason and its to be a FANTASTIC flighty:E
lol yeah dorky as it is...i love driving out to the airport...and i will never get sick of driving to work down melrose drive and seeing planes take off/land....that was one thing that always cheered me up when i had a **** day or wasnt motivated....
well pep's chapel is calling my name...NJS lol i can hear that coffee now...
chat later:ok:

followyourdreams 13th Sep 2006 01:26

njsboi- yeah that is very true!

And yes I will probably follow your lead and head down to checkout where it is too! I love driving down melrose drive towards the airport - I have always been like that when going on holidays, dropping people off etc and nobody except those that have a passion like myself, you and everyone on here really know what I mean. So many people at my wokr have been like 'why would you leave this job for that? Your going to be a glorified waitress, trolly dolly etc". Those comments don't even need a response do they!!!!!!:mad: I could sit at the airport and just watch the planes land and take off all day

Have fun in Chapel :p

njsboi 13th Sep 2006 01:38

ohhhh can we please bitch slap those people....i got that when i left the casino.... it all comes down to $$$ these days...cant live without it and yet some let it rule their life!!!!!
lol hey im sure weve all been plane spotting....:hmm: nope...ok then hahahha.lol the best one i heard was 'so you wanna trolly tart'

followyourdreams 13th Sep 2006 02:10

I would love to do that - but I'm not going to let anyone dictate what I should or shouldn't be doing with my life. Trolly Tart hey??

Hostee 13th Sep 2006 04:58

:D :D CONGRATULATIONS FYD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D

Well done hun..... njsboi and I know all too well about how stressful it ism waiting SO long between emails/phone calls from DJ and how relieved you are when its all over and you got it!!!!!
This might sound silly... but proud of you! A fellow Ppruner acheives their dream!!

WOO HOO!! Had to say again!! Look forward to seeing you at ground school as yes, looks like they will overlap... oh, check your PM.s

njsboi...... LOL! What you wrote bout the 2 blondes up the back, giggling, thinking "smoke break"... LOVE IT!! I can so picture it now.... ;)

Just a short post as i'm STILL sorting out what stuff to take to MEL tomorrow!
Flying in to MEL in the afternoon..... please be nice weather!!!!!!

njsboi 13th Sep 2006 05:27

lol @ hostee....well have a few more smoking before the end of training!!:E
well make this the GS we never had..mine was quite dull at NJS and werent that many funny people(besides me haha:E )
hun all you need to pack is jumper,sweater,coat,scarf and maby a pair of jeans hahahah...not bad weather today 21*deg so its a loverly day,already been for a drive to the airport,and had coffee on chapel!!!
FYD...3 words...put on your heels,lippy and pound them one!!!!:hmm:
hostee...have a safe trip tomoz...if you need anything just let me know hun.:ok:

Hostee 13th Sep 2006 05:29

Originally Posted by followyourdreams (Post 2845745)
So many people at my wokr have been like 'why would you leave this job for that? Your going to be a glorified waitress, trolly dolly etc".

These kinda comments used to really annoy me!

What people don't realise (or tend to forget) is that if the s*&t ever hits the fan (touch wood it NEVER does), who is going to save their a$$?
WE ARE! Yes we are there to serve food and drink... but the main reason we are on board... is for our guests SAFETY!!!

My dad once saw a crew member on a US airline wearing a badge that said "we're here to save your butt... not kiss it"

And my other theory is when people make silly comments like that.. THEY'RE JEALOUS!! hehe

njsboi 13th Sep 2006 05:44

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
and why do people fly.... to look at us!!!! ITS TRUE!!!! i like to have a little look and stare at the crew when i fly...im always trying to sus out my BOB for the sector:E we all do it!!!
hmmm if only they realised that we are their to save their but and go through so much stress and pressure and everything else to
bl:mad: :mad: dy do it as well....not all about popping a slide and jumping down it...as much fun as it is hehehe:E
hmmm well looks like the suns just gone away!!! bugger....:{
hmmm i think i drink to much coffee...:sad: .... i could go for another walk down chapel hahahha:eek:

DJ_Fly_Boi 13th Sep 2006 05:52

Aaaahhh Hostee - just do what I did - and pack everything!

If there is a blizard in MEL - Im prepared - if there is a heatwave - Im prepared - if hell freezes over - I may need an extra jumper!

I was in MEL last week and had with me every single jumper and jacket I own - none of which was any use - I just dont have the need for many jumpers in the Sunshine State!

I look forward to Monday - as do all the others from up here - bring on October 20!

NJSboi was right - people do fly to perve at us - I have often stopped at the Nightowl at 1am on my way home from work - only to be questioned as to whether Im on my way to work - or home from work - I replied - Im on my way home. - The sales assistant said to me, "so, its true what they say about those Virgin Blue crew - you look as hot on the way home as you do on the way to work"

I was so embarrassed. (but kinda liked it - alot)

followyourdreams 13th Sep 2006 06:17

NJSBOi- you are way too funny! If only I was wearing heels today I would slap them hahahaha. My boss keeps walking past me saying 'would you like tea or coffee with that" Seriously get a grip!!!:mad: :mad:.

Anyway, how was the trip to the airport? Is the training centre easy to find?

I have just printed out 100 pages of practise notes with things i wrote down from the bible and room for me to write and re write until its hammered into my head. I'm going to end up using all the paper in the office by the end of the month!

smile 13th Sep 2006 06:24

I was so embarrassed. (but kinda liked it - alot)
:E :E :E

All I'm going to do is smile- you know I have other evil thoughts going through my head.;)

Have fun in training on Monday- Hostee and Njsboi look out for DJ Fly Boi, he is one of the most fabulous individuals you will ever meet!!!

love SMILE:E

DJ_Fly_Boi 13th Sep 2006 06:30

Why thank you Smile! ;)

I do hope that I get to "rule the ailse" sometime with you Smile - that would be a lot of fun!

Bring on Group 89!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - We will ROCK!

followyourdreams 13th Sep 2006 06:48

and don't forget group 90!!!!

Hey speaking of group 90- is anyone on prune going to 9th october????? I haven't heard from anyone

seektofly 13th Sep 2006 07:00

I think I was in training 3 groups too early!
Hi Guys! :ok:

As happy as I am that you all enjoyed my training diary entries, now I wish that I was going through training with such a great bunch of people!!! Group 89 sounds ace, and I MISSED IT! :{

Today was my last day of online training. As of now, I am officially a fully blown cabin crew member. WOOO HOO!!! :p
I am just back from my 4 day trip. It was really nice. Last night I went out to dinner in Sydney with some of my crew. We had steak, salad and chips for $10. It was awsome! And after that, I was in bed by 8.30pm.

I am soooooooooooo tired now though. I am just about ready for bed. I now have 2 days off work and then an airport reserve on Saturday and Sunday, and then 2 available days Monday and Tuesday - but I have asked crewing to actually give me a duty for those 4 days - maybe another 4 day trip! My 4 day trip was fun, but I am absolutely exhausted!!! I am just trying to make up for the money that I didn't get during training (Training money isn't that great!!!)

By the way NJSBOI and FYD... you guys are soooo funny in your posts! Can I make a suggestion that you guys exchange numbers or something. It was like watching a game of ping pong on this page!!! :E No, but seriously, I have been reading the last few posts, and FYD - don't stress too much about the booklet. They didn't test us on that at all! Just don't tell them that I told you that!!! I think it was for background information. There is no way that you are going to learn all that information and all the information that you are expected to retain during training!!! := Yes, training is full on, but just take it one chapter and one exam at a time and you will get through it all. I PROMISE. You know I keep my promises.
You will not end up at your old job. That is another promise.

Anyway, take care you guys. Maybe we should all meet up on Chapel street for a coffee... Members of group 86, 89 and October 9 start dates should be there!!! - What do you all think? Seriously. We could call it the pprune coffee day or evening... - where the people from this thread who are going to training on 18th September or 9th October (or who have just started flying like someone I know :E) could attend. I think it would be awsome, and, gosh, can you imagine???? It would be a pretty hot looking table!!! ;) PM me if you like this idea! I can share my experiences with you all!!!

Let me know. Until then,
Take care,

STF :ok:

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