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followyourdreams 24th Aug 2006 04:15

njsboi- yeah I know, stressing is what I do best hahahah. I'm sure you gave them the right address hahahahah. Any bets now that you have said that, you will get your welcome pack in the mail tonight oe tomorrow

Hostee 24th Aug 2006 06:22

NjsBoi- Hun i'm still waiting for the email with the link to the "welcome aboard" booklet too. And i dont think my contract has arrived yet either.
I used my mum's address in Oz for that... i DO NOT want my contract getting lost in the mail in Dubai!!
DJ recruitment rang me on Tuesday, she had to clarify something with me.
I asked her about the link etc, and she said she's still waiting for training to get back to her about something. But she is on the case and we'll get it soon!! 3 weeks and 4 days til we start training!! WOOO!!

FYD- YAY!! I know exactly what you mean about the "heart attack" you felt!
I DID THAT TOO... !! You are SO still in the running! and yes, i think its all to do with ground schools etc! Keep thinking positive....and i know it can get you down all the waiting, but i'm SURE it will pay off soon enough!

STF- Loving those diary entries..... OH MY GOD.. the wings night thing... I had to do one of those for Emirates 4 years ago... hahaha.. and now i do another one.... hmmmm... time to start thinking about it now!
Njsboi... we gotta rock that place with ours ok, we'll start brainstorming on day 1 of training!!!

Right... i'm off for some pampering... hair nails and massage... then drinkies with mates. In exactly 2 weeks, i'll be 2 hours into my 16 hour flight home!!

seektofly 24th Aug 2006 08:47

Virgin Blue Training Ground School. Diary Entry
Virgin Blue Training School. Week 4. Day 4. August 24, 2006.
6 Days to go

I am exhausted.

We are still in the post section of training.. This morning we went through the safety demonstration (you know where they all stand in the aisle and point out the exits, show you how to use an oxygen mask etc...). I am going to really mess it up ! I can feel it in my waters! :ooh:

Then we learnt about the On Board Trainer - (which for those who aren't familiar with DJ practices is a little machine that is like a cash register that records all the food and drink we sell on board. Then it was lunch time and after lunch we went to have a look at the catering company that stocks our bars, our snacks etc... It was interesting and we even got a little thankyou gift for coming down - a bottle of water and a snack pack of cheese and bikkies. It was yummy! This afternoon we learnt about what happens from the moment you get to the airport to start your duty until the time we are sitting down for takeoff. I was going to sleep in this afternoons class, but I am glad that there is only 6 days of training school left. I am over the whole classroom thing already! I mean that in a good way - I just want to get out online and put it all into practice. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I am not too sure about what is happening tomorrow, but I think that next Wednesday, we are off to Brisbane for some talks etc... but we have to wait and see if the aircraft isn't too full... The last 2 training courses had to cancel their trip to Brisbane for that day as the flight was full, and as we travel on Standby, we didn't get on :E

Anyway, I will keep you posted as to what happens tomorrow.


STF :ok:

Sylphie 24th Aug 2006 09:06

Yay FYD. Pays to not stress. :E Sometimes I wonder if thinking positively [even if you don't really feel that confident, as happens at times] just wills good news. I will put that into play next time with DJ. Though I know how negative we can all be against our own selves at times.

STF, Only 6 more days, that's soo close to the finish line. Lucky duck! I am curious about this talk about your behaviour being watched post the training as BHP has mentioned or am I catching the wrong end of the stick?

Oh, and.. I am flying MEL - SYD in mid Sept, with Virgin Blue so I am pretty excited. Even just to see the uniform again and the service in action, I will most def. be jealous and all that. You might be crewing my flight! Not that I'd know who you were though and vice versa.. Haha.

Good Luck everyone for all your future paths. May we all get there in the not-too-distant future! And STF go get some well earned rest. Have a bubble bath!


Iulia 24th Aug 2006 11:21

Haha Sylphie, you're travelling VB next month, I am too, but in November. Just this afternoon, my bf and I have booked ourselves flights to Tassie (I've always wanted to go to the chocolate factory!!) for a few days :) VB are having a birthday sale, as y'all probably already know... I'll post details of my flight closer to the date, perhaps I'll see someone on the flight?? Maybe even you STF! But hopefully we'll have gone for that coffee and Krispy Kreme by then hahaha

Awww Hostee, are you gonna miss Dubai? Didya make lots of friends there, outside of work?

The other day I called up a restaurant to see what time they were closing (we wanted to go out for dinner) and they were closing soonish, so we didn't bother going, but since I was still on the phone, I asked if they had any work there for nights and weekends, the manager said to come in sometime this Friday and she'll see me... hmmm... I'm not too dead-set on getting this job, I only want it to gain some recognised customer service experience in hospitality, and hopefully put my RSA to some use! Then when I reapply to VB next year, there'll be more on my resume ;)

This 'wings' night, is it like a fun 'graduation' night that airlines have?? Where you gotta do silly acts? Sounds great!!:E

STF.... am living for your posts ;) jks, nah its so good to get an idea of what to expect in training school... wow, its tough not only on the body, but the mind too! You poor thing... well, at least there are only 6 more days to go!! It'll all be worth it, I bet. Like someone once wrote on pprune, once you get the buzz of working as a FA, you don't wanna do anything else.

Actually, I think you once said that to me! lol:8

followyourdreams 25th Aug 2006 00:33

No Training School Till January
:bored: :eek: I CAN"T BELIeVE IT :uhoh: :confused: :mad: (sob sob sob)

A girl I know who is already flying for VB just rang me then, and said she was just in the uniform shop and asked the woman or someone that was in there about the next training school- obviously she said there is one in September, but the next one after that won't be until January!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How bad is that. That is so far away, and that still doesn't guarantee that I will be chosen for this bunch. Another girl I know that flys for VB said that they are really low in staff at the moment so it is all very confusing. I don't know why they would bother having more VRD's then people to fill spots on the planes etc. Of course I'm going to wait for as long as it takes, but still thats four months away. :ugh: :ugh: :bored:

followyourdreams 25th Aug 2006 03:17

They just rang my references
Well one of my references just emailed me to tell me they had called. She missed the call and wants to speak to me before she calls them back. The other reference is in my office. I actually heard her phone ring a few hours ago but she was on the phone and turned her mobile to silent. I asked her if it was a private number and she said it was. AAAhhh that would have been them. They better call her back soon.

I wonder how long between getting your references checked and the medical!!!

I obviously won't be able to go to the Sept 18th training due to needing to give 4 weeks notice here.

But yay, I just thought I would let you all know :O

seektofly 25th Aug 2006 07:59

Don't panic FYD - there will be another training school after September 18.
Hi guys! ;)

Just got home from training school. I am sorry I didn't write much yesterday, but I was absolutely buggered when I got home.

Wow - FYD! YAY! I am sooooo excited for you!!! :} I know that there is going to be another group after the September 18 group (Group 89) and Group 90 I believe might just be the last group this year... Maybe at the end of September, early October... They should be sending you to a medical soon. My fingers are crossed! :O

Julesz, I am still waiting for that coffee and donut from KK's. PM me your flight details, and I will put in a bid to be on your flight - but you need to do that ASAP. I wouldn't mind doing a Tasmania Flight - I might even get an overnighter out of it!!! :E

Other than that, as you all know - I only have a week left. WOO HOO :D

Oh, and before I forget, Wings night is a night where we all get together, bring along 2 of our family and friends, and we go to a venue, and they present us with our "Wings Badges" - they provide a limited amount of alcohol, and then we have to do a song or a skit or a presentation to the people who have come to see us (our family, friends, our trainers), and then we get blind drunk (because we don't go in our uniforms) and have a good time in general. :p Ok - moving right along.

Virgin Blue Training School. Week 4, Day 5. August 25, 2006.
5 days of training left!

Well guys the countdown is on - Only 5 full days of training left. I am a bit scared and alot excited but it should be great to be out online. I am really picturing myself on that cart now!

Today we had a very mixed day. We were meant to have a presentation done this afternoon by a "guest speaker" but she was not able to make it down from Brisbane. This morning we talked about our performance with customers, and with the job and good vs. bad. We also did some role plays - and some were absolutely hysterical. One group had a go at doing "the correct way to do a safety demo" which was fine, but then they did the "incorrect way to do a safety demo" which was really funny. The girls in that group were pointing out the exits as if they couldnt care less which direction they were pointing to with one hand, turning around and laughing, and with the oxygen masks they were swinging them around really casually - oh, it was sooooo funny!!! :D

After lunch we had a few more discussions about what our customers expected of us etc.. and guest care, and how we should interact with them. After that, they gave us the good news that they wouldn't give us the homework work sheet for homework, and that they would give it to us then and there... so we could complete and hand it in on the spot. We did that and then they gave us some time to practice/orgaise our skit for the wings night presentation. Our group has absolutely no idea!!!! I just hope that we are all drunk when we do it - it will probably look alot better.

Anyway, I am off now - this will be the first complete weekend off - I am soo excited about it too!!! Tonight I might even go luggage shopping for my overnight bag - exciting times!!! :D

Until Monday (or until I have something else to say), take care.

STF :ok:

milbud 25th Aug 2006 22:39

NO Schools until Jan
HI all, sorry to hear your distress over no schools until Jan, that fits with what we are hearing internally! But do keep in mind that they have just embarked on the fleet upgrade for the seat back tv's. This means at least two aircraft offline at any one given time to start with. This is until the new aircraft already TV fitted arrive through the rest of the year then the hurt will ease. This may explain why there is a lull in Training between Oct and Jan. Believe me, I had to wait seven months and I was an internal applicant, but in hind sight even the seven months went fairly quickly.

followyourdreams 25th Aug 2006 22:53

Seektofly- wow only 5 full days to go. Good on you girl, we are all so proud of you and excited of course. Yay, shopping for an overnight bag. OMG I'm beside myself with excitement just reading your post.

Anyway, I'm such a loser - I have the biggest hangover and am on here typing away (see can't you feel my dedication to this site and VB)hahahah.

Ok the reason for my hangover is that I went to see Eskimo Joe at the Forum (in Melbourne) last night. They are soooo good, and he has the sexiest voice. I actually didn't drink too much but my head is pounding!!!!!!:}

Anyway, my reference rang the HR woman in Brisbane that had called and she said she think she passed the questions she asked :) (i bloody hope she did). She spoke to the HR woman for around 15 minutes. The first question she asked was "did you work directly with ....." and she said no. The woman said "oh I see" as in "oh that could be a problem", but then she said she saved it and said "but I know exactly what she did every day and her work ethic blah blah blah". How much do you think they take references into account when employing someone? I mean I made it through the VRD because they like ME but then when they do a reference check, do you think there minds can be swayed by the reference? As if your going to choose someone that would give you a bad rap anyway - but still you never know My reference is aamazing and she said she only had great things to say about me, but the fact she told the HR woman that she didn't work directly with me etc is a bit concerning. Also, they never rang my other reference back. Geez they didn't really try did they? They rang once, she didn't answer, and then didn't even try again. Weird I say.:cool:

How long between checking references and ringing me for a medical do you think??

seektofly 26th Aug 2006 02:18

FYD - try not to panic!!!
Hi guys;)

Not another diary entry today, but just wanted to say that there is generally a week between the time that they start ringing your refs. and the time that they call you up to send you for a medical.

As far as your ref saying that she wasn't directly supervising you, I used to work in an environment where my immediate supervisor changed all the time and I just chose one supervisor to be my ref. and she told VB that she wasn't my supervisor everyday, but she has seen me at work, etc.. and that seemed to be fine.
Don't panic, your ref. interview seemed to be a normal 15 minute interview, so I don't think the answer to the first question would have been an issue - seeing that they continued with the whole phone interview. I think it would have been worse if she had said "Oh that might be a problem, I really need to speak to a direct supervisor - but thankyou for your time... bye bye" - That would have been much worse! :hmm: Expect to be sent to a medical in about a weeks time or so. - Fingers crossed! :p

I did go luggage shopping last night, but the really really nice bags are like 200-300 each. I did see a reasonable one at target, they were having a 50% off sale. I might go to DFO today, and check out some of the shops there (I know there are a couple of luggage/bag shops there) and then I will make my final decision. I need them in 10 days time (my first trip!!!) OMG!!! :eek:

Anyway, before I bore you all to tears, have a fab weekend - and FYD don't stress too much. I bet that in about a weeks time, you will be posting "I AM GOING TO A MEDICAL!!!!!!"

Anyway, until Monday's diary entry... take care!
STF :ok:

SkySista 27th Aug 2006 07:22

Hiya all!

STF, am loving your diary, it's exactly so many of the things I felt when I was doing my own ground school!! And it's funny how excited we get over things like, getting given your crew bag, your name tag, ID, car park passes etc etc...

FYD, don't worry too much about your reference being 'indirect' - I used one of my immediate supervisors (there was more than one depending on which shift was being worked) and the other was a department manger in my company, who, while not being my IMMEDIATE manager, saw me at work on a nearly daily basis, saw how I was with customers, and had even asked me for extra help during busy times when I was free to help her... so she had a good idea what kind of a worker I was, and at my interview they mentioned her... so, I don;t think it matters so long as she says the 'right' things and shows them you are a good worker!!! :} Best of luck!!

Also, one of you DJ peeps can tell me... you guys buy your own suitcases etc? WHat about 'day' bags or handbags - do they give you those? And what's this 'white trench' coat? I've seen the red/black ones, and the white 'huskie' jacket, but not this one... anyone got a piccie? :D

scottie380 27th Aug 2006 08:54

they rang my references 1 hour after my interviews.. so it varies from situation to situation.. relax chill etc.. i know its ahard wait.. as i have said before and milbud has said.. but i waited 7 months...if u get this far very very rare that u dont get in.. if they didnt want you they would have already told you..

the cream womans trench coat is for the summer weather...i dont have a pic of one as i dont have one of those cuz im a boy.. lol:} :} :} :} :} :}

njsboi 27th Aug 2006 09:19

I cant wait to wear the black coat!!!!:E but i aint a huge fan of the eisenhower the guys have to wear! YUK!!!! :ugh:

followyourdreams 27th Aug 2006 09:22

whats an eisenhower njsbois???

Hey in regards to uniforms? How many shirts do you get when they give you your uniforms? I would think at least 3 or 4.... What else do you get? I know you get to choose between a skirt, pants and a dress. Can you get a skirt and pants or you have to choose between all three and only get one option??

njsboi 27th Aug 2006 09:33

the eisenhower is the male cream jacket...ground crew could wear it to if they wanted.
dont know what dj issues as uniform... atm i have 2pants,5 shirts and a jacket and vest.
the females had the choice of 3..the 2 dresses and skirt or the pants.
yould prob get to choose what you would want... maby all of it!!!
hmmmm i love the dj pants...with the elastic in the waist for the males....:E

scottie380 27th Aug 2006 10:33

u get 2 bottoms and 4 shirst..a jumper (which very few of the guys wear only females wear) over coat and the summer coat(which i dont wear and will not be wearing EVER!!!!! option to buy more if u want to...

followyourdreams 27th Aug 2006 11:15

scottie380 - why won't you ever wear the summer overcoat? Is it not that flash?

scottie380 27th Aug 2006 11:51

its not my thing.. i dont think ist very nice:}

Iulia 27th Aug 2006 22:08

LOL reading about the uniforms... haha elastic in the waistband of the guy trousers haha thats cute, so much more comfortable too I'd imagine.
... I must admit, I've never seen guys wear cream jackets really, except those sheep-imitation ones... but who knows with this crazy fashion in a world like todays..!

Personally, I'd wear a clown suit if that were a requirement, just to know I'm working for VB!:p

Sylphie 27th Aug 2006 23:48

I must be blocked or something. :bored:

followyourdreams 28th Aug 2006 01:13

blocked from what?

followyourdreams 28th Aug 2006 05:29

well I just thought I would let you guys that may be interested know that... another one of my references was contacted today and she said she spoke to them for 15 mins or so... and said (my reference) that she gave a really good reference. YAY! Now it's a waiting game for the medical phone call. If any of you guys live in Melbourne, where does this medical usually get done??? and what kind of things do they check for other than the eye, lung, reflex and touch your toes stuff??

seektofly 28th Aug 2006 07:23

Great news FYD
Hi guys,

Just thought I would quickly reply to FYD before later on jumping on to write my diary entry for today.

FYD, Woo HOOO :} Thats great to hear. Now for the medical. They will make you wee in a cup, the will do the hearing test and the lung capacity test, they will check your reflexes and your flexibility and your co-ordination. They will make you bend and stretch from side to side and they will also do a colour vision test. :suspect:

Its alot, but just think - once you get it done, it will be all over and you will be working for Virgin Blue. By the way, there are two locations in Melbourne where they send you for medicals. One in the city and one in Sunshine. I went to the one in the city as it was closer for me. I am sure you will choose the location that suits you too - when you go for your medical (hopefully within the next week or so).

By the way people - just to re-iterate the items of clothing you get when you first start with VB. For girls it is:

2 bottoms (dress, pants or skirt)
4 shirts (long or short sleeve)
1 Red Belt
1 Red Winter coat
1 White summer trenchcoat
1 red scarf
1 red VB baseball hat (which I don't know if I will ever wear!!)
1 pair of shoes (whichever you prefer out of 3 styles)
1 pair of ear plugs
1 High Visibility vest

You also get a day bag (but you have to buy your own overnight bag/s)

Hope that clears it all up for you.
Talk to you later when I make the diary entry

Until then - STF :E

seektofly 28th Aug 2006 11:55

Me ... again...??? Am I the only one in here today??
:uhoh: Hi everyone - well, wherever you guys have disappeared to! :uhoh:

I thought I would write another diary entry - but it seems like everyone has gone AWOL!

To those who remain but don't feel like talking - yet another eventful diary entry...:zzz:
Virgin Blue Training. Week 5 (finally) Day 1. August 28, 2006.
4 Days to go

Well, we are finally into our last week of training. OMG :eek:.
Today was a good day - and I am tipping the rest of the week is going to be very similar. There was an expectant air about our class today. When we got in, it was someone's birthday today, so there were balloons and streamers and even lolly bags! There was even a cake at morning tea ladden with sparkly candles!!! The cake was really really good! I think the chocolate on it just hit the spot quite nicely. Enough about the cake.

The first day of our last week bought with it a module called Dangerous Goods - and we did that until lunch time and yes, you guessed it another exam! It was an open book exam and I did ok - actually I got 100% - but then again, most of the class did. The module was broken up as I mentioned before with the cutting of the birthday cake which happened just before we got a break for morning tea. It was really nice. ;)

As we were getting back into the classroom for our session after lunch, one of the boys in our class decided to be a bit of a class clown and he did a handstand on a chair. We all laughed and thought it was funny as he didn't quite manage to get his legs into the air. He tried again, but the next time, he did get his legs straight up into the air in a perfect head stand, however, the chair tipped over with him still on it, and he had a really bad landing onto his shoulder and neck. He went to hospital :{ . I hope he is ok now. By the end of the day, he was just about to go in for the x-rays, so by tomorrow morning we shall know if he has broken anything.

After that little "episode" we did a module called Live to Air TV training. It was ok - a computer based course but the trainer was talking us through it at the same time. So if we had questions she was there to answer them on the spot. It was really fascinating and exciting when all our planes are decked out with tv screens in the back of each seat. I think it should be really exciting.

The end of the day saw us looking at our rosters, trying to work out what days off in October we would all like and just generally checking out our internal internet. We finished a bit early so we just went home after that.

I can't believe that there are only 4 more training days to go. Tomorrow we are going to the airport to actually check out the aircraft with the screen in the back of the seat; and we have this "Airport Challenge" where I think it is like a bit of a scavenger hunt and we have to run around the airport looking for stuff. It should be fun.

Wednesday we are going to Brisbane for some seminars :D . I can't wait. I know it is going to be an early morning flight but I guess I can just :zzz: on the plane! Thursday and Friday are just going to fly. We have an exam on Friday morning - our very last one before we go out online. :eek:

This time in exactly one week from now, I will be writing a diary entry telling you all about my first day working for Virgin Blue!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: EEEK!!

Will keep you all posted.

Have a good night, and until my next diary entry, take care.

STF :ok:

oneworldairline 28th Aug 2006 21:17

Color Vision
Hi Seek To Fly...

Was wondering is color vision important to the job? My current job required me to do a full medical too and i did the color test but wasnt that bad but they passed me still..

So not sure

thanks seektofly


adam_ant 29th Aug 2006 00:22

STF: On the home stretch!! Now for the fun bits!!

I'm glad they gave you live-2-air training as you guys will have to show the rest of us how to use it! We were trained on it over a year ago now, so we old boilers will have to rely on the newbies to help us out! It's really going to change the way we do things in the cabin thats for sure. We are sort of resembling a REAL airline now. Now to do something about these uniforms.....:)

Interesting times ahead for we VB crew - thats for sure. EBA coming soon! Spread the word with your classmates how important this new EBA is to all of us and they need to read it and not vote yes just because they think its the right thing to do. It may be good or it may be bad, but we all have to stick together - go team!! :ok:

Anyway, have a great wings night - don't drink too much, and I will be waiting to hear first trip stories!! Have fun and start taking vitamins now!!

Adam xoxo. :cool:

followyourdreams 29th Aug 2006 01:38

Seektofly- wow you are soo close to finishing. Well done for getting through it all so well.

Wow, there really is alot of white in the uniform. What happens to all of those white collars after a day of flying and make up!!!!!:eek: Thats why I never wear alot of white anyway, as I always seem to get makeup all over them. Well if I get to that stage I may need to buy waterproof or colourstay stuff. Any tips??????

flitegirl 29th Aug 2006 02:18

subtle, natural, fresh

followyourdreams 29th Aug 2006 03:42

yes thats how I wear foundation, yet it still manages to come off on white shirts!!:ugh:

seektofly 29th Aug 2006 12:28

Brisbane Tomorrow!!!
Hi Ya People!!:ok:

Wow - how quickly is this week going?? Maybe I am keenly aware of it because I am online in 6 days!!! :ooh: :confused: :eek:

Thankyou to everyone over the last 12 weeks for all your support (from the moment I found out about the interview until now) - you guys have been great - and I wish all of you out there who are hoping to join VB or any airline all the best of luck in the world. If you are on this site looking for information about interviews or who is recruiting... you really deserve the job - and I mean it. To all those people who missed out this year, don't worry - just re-apply next year and the year after that. NEVER GIVE UP! It has taken me a few years - but here I am starting on Monday. :eek:

To answer some of the questions. Colour vision is important to the job (for example, on the panel, if the blue light illuminates, a passenger is calling you. If a pink light illuminates that means either the captain or another crew member wants to contact you and if the yellow light is illuminated - someone is stuck in the loo calling for help! :hmm: ) Other ways that the colour vision is important is when you are looking for stockings or hair ribbons :} !

Make up on collar is a real problem for most cabin crew, considering that Virgin Blue want you to pack on the makeup and yet have it look as natural as possible! :rolleyes: I use Revlon Colour Stay, but because they don't make a colour that is close to my skin tone (it is either too light or too dark) I mix it in with a lighter shade of the colour stay. As long as you put it on in the morning (not wearing your uniform as you do so) and you let it dry and then dust over the top with loose translucent powder (and you only go just under the chin and not the whole neck and shoulders...) you should be ok. I can get away with washing my shirt after 2 wears.

Ok. Now I think I have answered everyone's questions... now for what you have all been waiting for....

Virgin Blue Training. Week 5, Day 2. August 29, 2006.
3 days to go (Yes, really :bored: )

Well, I have made it to the second day of the last week.. Today was an interesting day, as we ran around Melbourne Airport in the afternoon. They let us loose!

The day started with training for Guests with Special Needs. This included Elderly people, unaccompanied children, people in wheel chairs, people who have never flown before, people who have a fear of flying etc....
Then we had this lovely guy come in and give a talk to us about disabled people. About 10 years ago or so, this guy who gave us the talk ran into the back of a semi-trailer or 4 wheel drive or something to that effect and he was on a push bike. He damaged his lower spinal cord and now doesn't have the use of his legs. He was quite young too! So he was just telling us that we should talk to people with disabilities like they are NORMAL people and that usually they just can't move a part of their body or maybe it is that they can't see, or hear but we just have to talk to them like we would anyone else. It was a great session, and it just flew by. :cool:

After lunch we learnt the procedures for looking after unaccompanied minors (children who travel by themselves) and what we have to do with them. That was interesting and a bit sad at times to hear how some parents treat their kids. It was a real eye-opener. I felt sorry for some of the kids that they were telling us about.:sad:
Then they told us to meet at the airport for our airport challenge. This is the part where they let us loose for about half an hour looking for stuff and asking people questions. We were in groups of 3 and we had a sheet of tasks that we had to complete. It wasn't difficult but we were running around like headless chooks, as we weren't allowed to split from our groups. When we all met back at the meeting spot (after the challenge had finished) we got taken up to the departure gates and were taken onboard the new aircraft with the live to air tv in each seat back. It was really interesting and I can't wait until all the planes are decked out in this great high -tech gear! It will keep the passengers much happier on those longer flights to Perth.

Talking about longer flights, tomorrow (in a about 5 hours time) I will be getting up to go on a flight to Brisbane. We get to go to Brisbane tomorrow as part of training for 6 or so hours. We have sessions up in Brisbane. I am really excited but I will probably sleep on the plane, because I won't be getting any sleep tonight - too excited!!! :zzz:

Anyway, on that note, I wish you all a good night. I will post as per usual tomorrow night (Wednesday night) after Brisbane, to let you all know what is going on. Thursday is our last full day of training at the training centre, and on Friday, it is only half a day. And that's it.... God help me.

Keep you posted.
Take care until then,

STF :ok:

followyourdreams 29th Aug 2006 22:57

your awesome STF!!!!!

well it is early and I'm at my desk at work waiting for your day in Brisbane to hurry up so I can read all about what you got up to. I'm so jealous it hurts ;)

njsboi 30th Aug 2006 00:14

almost there
well was my last flight yesterday....just on a few reserve days and maby a *cough,cough* day as well heheh:E
its all comming together now and im soooo excited,its sunk in and im gonna be comming home in a few days then its only 19 days till training starts!

followyourdreams 30th Aug 2006 00:26

are you originally from Mlebourne or Brisbane njsboi? Do you know where you are going to live?

njsboi 30th Aug 2006 01:50

Im a melb boi!!!! born and breed there hahahha:E
im moving back to the apartment i was in before i left...jsut a coisidence that the guy who moved in after me is moving out so i get my old room back... just round the corner from chapel st YAY....:}

followyourdreams 30th Aug 2006 02:37

awesome- great location njsboi! I am thinking about moving to Prahran actually

njsboi 30th Aug 2006 04:38

i love that area...im moving back to prahran/windsor....just off high st!its sooo close to everything and not bad rent for the unit as well!grrr ill have to start paying for citylink again....buggers:E

followyourdreams 30th Aug 2006 05:34

or you can drive up Mt Alexander Rd and get onto the freeway that way, then you don't have to pay anything :)

njsboi 30th Aug 2006 05:38

hmmmmm ive heard of that rd...not to sure where it is!im from the south so all those norther rd's are still new to me lol!i usually get on at flemington rd and its like $1.50.... its not that much for saving all that time and km's on the car....
LOL are you stalking me honey hahahha:eek: ..... i should so be doing something constructive..packing..empty out my crew bag...get uniform drycleaned...car serviced but its sooo hot here today and no motivation...ild rather sit under the fan and sip my boost hahahha:E

followyourdreams 30th Aug 2006 06:31

its kind of the continuation of flemington road. Not too sure of that part of town myself but I know it is the only way without citylink!

It is 50km to tullamarine - one way from my house, and the cost of petrol these days, it is going to cost a fortune to get too and fro.

I haven't even been to my medical yet- what am i talking about !!!!!!!!!!!:eek:

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