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chinup 13th Nov 2004 08:15

summed up in one word
the suffix of galley hags sign in identity sums her up, so don't listen to the rubbish she dishes out. She was banned from QF forum so guess she needs to divide her time now.

Leanne, I very much agree that knowing or befriending an important EK staff member would not secure a position, Afterall EK is one of the finest carriers in the world and does not do what Virgin Blue does, give merit for knowing someone.

However, I was offered the position before meeting the person in question.

Now galley hyag will probably get back to us all and say that the HR Director only travels EK etc......now I may have been dreaming then with the flight i took, coz it certainly was not EK.

Galley hag it is unfortunate that u did not make it to Dubai that u were rejected, and u have not the opportunity to make tax free dollars, I really am sad for u:{

TightSlot 13th Nov 2004 10:55

GalleyHag & chinup - Please take your war of words off this thread and into PM's, or else your access to this thread andd forum will be restricted - and No, none of us know, or care, who started it.

PerthFlyer101 18th Nov 2004 13:03

Hey Guys,

Just keeping you all posted. I received an email a couple of days ago thanking me for my photos. I was then told i would hear within the next three weeks on my email.

Anyone else in the same boat. Did anyone else have to update their application with more recent photographs.


:p :ok:

Elena_Romania 19th Nov 2004 08:38

Great they received your photoes!! Another 3 weeks again :confused: they were suppose to call me 2 weeks ago and up till now nothing.. I guess with the death of sheick Zayed and the Eid holliday they have been closed a lot..

OZcabincrew 19th Nov 2004 10:03


I was talking to a girl who has flown for Emirates and Gulf Air and she was saying that the whole tax free salary etc doesn't really work out the way it sounds it would? It just sounds good on paper.


PerthFlyer101 21st Nov 2004 08:01

It wont be long now tho Elena. Remember that Dubai's weekend is Thursday and Friday. So we will hear this week from Monday the 22nd to Wednesday the 24th; or next week from Monday 27th to Monday the 29th of Nov. Monday the 29th marks the 6 week period since the call in which they stated that we would definently receive a ''Yes" or "No" Response. This is for Perth Australia candidates anyway. Anyways Keep on staying postive Elena. Remember for getting this far we are very special people.

8 :8 :8 :8

Elena_Romania 24th Nov 2004 18:04

I've called Ek Offices yesterday to inquire about my application, as they would ahev had to call me 3 weeks ago.. Of course that did not help and i still haven't got an answer, but the lady said i will have it within 2-3 weeks.. God Help they will stick to that this time.. Meanwhile, I have a final interview with qatar Airways on the 10th of December (just in case Ek decides they don't want me) and i am very much under pressure as i have to get a deceision by then..

Elena_Romania 24th Nov 2004 19:16

yes Lusky.. let's hope Ek will take me.. But unfortunatelly they take so much time to decide.. I've allready rejected an offer with Gulf Air because of Emirates and now don't wanna loose Qatar as well and end up with nothing if in the end Ek rejects me..
And as you most probably very well know , we non EU citizens , don't have too much choises as far as airline jobs are concerned..

I know Qatar or Gulf Air are not as great as Emirates , but in the end they are all airlines that are giving me the oportunity to do the job i so much want to do..
A year has passed since this EK game has started and right now i just know it will be stupid to throw away another opportunity in the hope that someday Emirates will remember my name. If this will happen nothing will make me happier, but i cannot put my life on hold and wait for them .. :{

luksy 24th Nov 2004 21:18


Elena, check your PM

budgie73 25th Nov 2004 02:00

I know how you feel. This has been a nearly two year odyssey for me so far (although the hard stuff has all been this year since the first interview).

In the home stretch now. If anythiong goes wrong I have a backup plan. But after having the world dangled in my face for a year it's gonna be tough to find out I'm still stuck here when tehy pull it away - that's why I'm leaving anyway.

amongthestars 25th Nov 2004 02:32

Hi there,
I went to the Ek open day in Melbourne at the start of this year and I was wondering what they did with our resumes considering they havn't come back yet. Does anyone have an idea if and when they will come back again?

PerthFlyer101 29th Nov 2004 07:04

Today was the day
This was supposed to be the day that i find out but so far I hjavent heard anything. Wats going on.

Mmmmm. Anxious and very excited and nervous too.

Hope i get it. Anyone else heard.

budgie73 29th Nov 2004 23:55

Yeah I've heard

Three weeks ago they email me saying they have ' forwarded the contract '. Now when I chase tdhem up because it still hasn't arrived they tell me they're still waiting for places to become available in training and they'll send it then.

Say what? Am I moving forward or still on hold? Which is it?

Sorry if I sound bitter but all you guys know how hard the wait has been. For me, I feel with all the stops, starts and false alarms that the wait has been considerably more stressful. Moreover the hassles show no sign of letting up.

All we can do is hang in there and hope...

PerthFlyer101 30th Nov 2004 01:45

Watiing time
Well at least you have heard
Have u done your medical yet?
We are still even waiting on a Yes or No and that has been since June
They wouldnt say u have it and the reneg on that
Emirates is a professional company.


budgie73 1st Dec 2004 02:28

No I haven't done the medicals. that comes after the contract is received. It's not like I've been impatient here. It's been nearly two years.

Now I see other people getting in - starting in late Dec or Early Feb. I'd give anything for that kind of certainty.

Don't worry Perth Flyer, everyone who's getting in now finished their interviews long after I did. By that rationale, you're almost certain to get the call soon (sooner than me at least)

Don't give up friends. We've come this far.

Elena_Romania 1st Dec 2004 08:53

I got the call!!
Hi Guys..

Just wanted to let you know that Emirates called me yesterday to tell me i have been successful. I will be travelling to Dubai on the 3rd of February.

So, hang in there.. it won't be long till you'll get that call too.
Budgie, i am really sorry for what's happening to you..I really don't understand what 's Ek procedure with candidates in your situation.. It doesn't have any logic at all..Hope they'll give u joining date soon,. coz the wait for you it was way too long..

luksy 1st Dec 2004 09:58


You see....DREAMS DO COME TRUE! One day is your day!!!!

Good luck Elena, have a pleasant journey and enjoy Emirates as much as you can!!!

I knew you'll make it!

:D :D :D :D :ok: :D :D :p

SUKE_QA 1st Dec 2004 10:48

Jewel,would u mind telling us where will be the interview? please!!

Eddie_699 1st Dec 2004 10:53

Great Elena

Good for you, We have just to wait for our call as well.



Elena_Romania 1st Dec 2004 19:04

Thank you guys!!

It's the biggest satisfation ever..I've never been so hapy in my life..

OzzieO 1st Dec 2004 19:53

Hi Elena,

Just wanted to wish you the very best in your new career and life with emirates.

Its so obvious to anyone following this thread that this is something you really want with a passion and I am really pleased for you.

In fact you remind me a bit of me 19 years ago when I first started my career in aviation.

You will love it I am sure, its a fantastic lifestyle.


RaverFlaver 1st Dec 2004 21:44

Hello Elena,


It was worth waiting for!!!!!!

I know how you feel......

Good luck in training, and hoping to hear all about it.

Raver :)

JonBoy80 2nd Dec 2004 06:56


welcome to ek elena.. xoxoxoxo.. See.. told you soo.. U CACA!!!
Budgie and elena.. You are very few ppl I know with so much patience and optimism.. Good on ya...

Budgie. I do really hope u get called.. **** u really deserve it.. After all this..


See you guys.:)

PerthFlyer101 3rd Dec 2004 12:14

Hey Elena
I too am waiting for a response as your aware
I will let you know as soon i as i hear
Once again congratulations
Were you asked what time you wanted to start or did they tell you when you were to start. What was the date of yor final interview?


gehenna 3rd Dec 2004 13:12

Well Done!
HI Elena

Just wanted to add my congrats! I joined EK in Oct as a DEC - yes real lucky.

The company treat us pretty well, and the course is slow, but thorough and professional.

Look forward to meeting you when you get out here - any idea of fleet yet?

Keep smiling, and look forward to plenty of sun out here in the desert!

Elena_Romania 3rd Dec 2004 19:06

Thank you everybody..

Perthflyer - see you in Dubai ;) My interview was on the 9th of June..

gehenna - I can't to get to the sunny Dubai .It's so cold in my country now ....brrrrrrr.. :{

luksy 6th Dec 2004 15:38

Hello everyone

Check their site for their .....Cabin Crew Global Assessment Days!!!!!

It's up and running all over again in Jan, Feb and March!

Good luck!

Pin Head 7th Dec 2004 13:03

Do alot of Oz girls go to Dubai or are they comptempt with the sun down under?

What % do they make up 1% (:* ) ot 90% (:D )

budgie73 8th Dec 2004 00:13

Made it!
I'm more relieved than anything, but I finally got the call. Starting late February (fingers crossed on the medicals). Thank you everyone for putting up with me and helping me through this.

Elena - I'll be there just after you, thanks for not giving up on me

Coldplay - I better see you there

Maverick - don't give up

HennyLuv - big big thanks - there's still time to reconsider

EKGuy - you're a stud, my guardian angel

JF - you know who you are and I hope I do one day as well;
another guardian angel

Special greetings to:
-Arabian Aussie
-Seasoned Traveller
-KT pops

For those of you still waiting don't give up. For the rest of you, see you in the friendly skies.

PerthFlyer101 8th Dec 2004 01:40

Well Done Budgie. I knew you would get it
I hope to see u in Dubia.
I am still waiting on an answer, where some of my friends have already received 'No' emails or got their call.
I am going crazt with anticipation.

Hopefully anyday now.


So wats the process now. Wats involved in the medical. Have tyhey given u any instructions.

budgie73 8th Dec 2004 04:10

Thanks Perthflyer

Okay so they emailed the medical forms and I'm supposed to fill them in and fax them back. This involves visiting a doctor or two. get one who'll refer you to all the others (optometirst if necessary, hearing center and diagnostic lab.) In one two hour stint I visited the doc and gave a blood sample, another to get a chest X-ray and one a hearing center for the audiogram. Tomorrow I'll see a Dentist. All my results should be ready by Monday.

then you just fax them back and the coordinator said in a day or two they confirm. You can start preparing to leave and they'll send the contract no later than 30 days before your start date.

Basically though she said it's okay to resign from my job after the medicals have been approved at their end.

luksy 8th Dec 2004 07:27

Budgie73, congratulations!!!!

Dreams do come true!! :D :D

Wish you all the best and enjoy your time at EK!

I hope EK aren't too strict on medicals? :rolleyes:

Good Luck


PerthFlyer101 11th Dec 2004 03:17

i just called them
I just called Emirates to let them know that i was still really keen on the position. They advised me that i would have to wait another 2 weeks for a response. They set hopefully by the end of December. Im staying positive tho.


fly_guy100 11th Dec 2004 05:20

Wow, they really go thorugh a real medical! If I'm correct, once you arrive in Dubai you go through another one? But why do you have to see a Dentist? Just curious.

amongthestars 11th Dec 2004 22:23

ek dentist
They make you go to a dentist because before you go to Dubai you need to have all dental work complete. So if you need fillings or whatever EK wants you to pay for it YOURSELF before you go, so they don't have to fork out for it in the dental plan later on.

budgie73 13th Dec 2004 00:03

Don't give up Perthflyer. You've come so far, so hang in there. I'm sure you'll hear something by the end of the year.


Yeah I just forked out about US$300 to get some dental work done (HK is expensive!!!) but it's worth it, lol

amyyma13 13th Dec 2004 10:47

EK Medicals
Good luck with the Medicals as they are very, very extensive. You basically spend one to two weeks running from doctor to doctor and to the dentist then off to get dental x-rays. This part of the process really tests your patients and durability as once you think you have sent all the information from a pool hall at 1am as thats the only place open to fax they will call and tell you that you are missing at least three iteams.

The Medicals are twice as hard as the interview itself so make sure you follow their instuctions very closely. And they will not tell you to resign until every last peice of information that they need is in front of them.

Good Luck

:O :O :O

OZcabincrew 13th Dec 2004 13:21


I know Qantas used to make you provide a dental xray as part of your medical paperwork, this was so you were identifiable by your dental records in the event of an accident-this hasn't been the case in the last year or two?


lester727 18th Dec 2004 23:15

Can someone tell me if being an experienced Cabin Crew would make your chances better of being hired by Emirates.:D

luksy 22nd Dec 2004 12:13


I am so sorry. That they have the nerves to keep you waiting for a 6 mth period and then no. Well, I am speechlees. :( It certainly must have been someone from their Head Office....to whom they recommend you....I hope you have more luck next time, as they start their campaign all over again. Apply if you really want it that much...

Look ...I got in with Adria Airways on my third occasion and I am not asshamed to say that. I tried and tried and wanted it very very much and finally got it. How many hours spent just wondering why not me, why somebody else???? You will never know, but you can show you're keen and determined and they will see it! Believe me!

I believe in you! Hold on!;)

Good Luck in the future....


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