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-   -   Shall we introduce ourselves? (M-E-R-G-E-D) (https://www.pprune.org/cabin-crew/144390-shall-we-introduce-ourselves-m-e-r-g-e-d.html)

SocialFlyer 2nd Jun 2004 08:15

ATTN Pruners: Tell Me About You!!!!!
Hi Guys,

These days this forum is so busy it's hard remembering who is who. I know it has been done before but I thought it would be a good idea to write a little profile of yourself to let everyone get to know some of the oldies and newies on the forum. So since I started it, maybe I should go first:

So, I'm 26 yrs old and living in Melbourne. Have studied at University and have a Bachelor Degree in Business. Currently I am work for Government as a HR Consultant. I've worked for the airlines in the past and would love to get back into it.

Having attended a number of interviews over 5 years I think it's about time I got offered something. Currently I am on the shortlist for Eastern Airlines and awaiting confirmation of employment :eek: ....

So tell me about you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


RaverFlaver 2nd Jun 2004 09:01

Nice topic - I think it's great to hear a little bit about each other, makes posting a little more personal :)

Well I have just arrived in Melbourne from living in Tokyo, and am not coping with winter here! (Originally from Melbourne but try to avoid winter).

I'm 24 yrs old, and have a varied background. Have worked in customer service, hospitality, legal, photographic, education, and aviation just to name a few (a short 6 mth stint at Ansett....you all know the rest)!

Had 4 cabin crew interviews - and am pending success on my fourth. Have made it through my final interview with Australian Airlines, and am awaiting the go ahead for my medical.

I'm a trampolinist, gymnast, gemini, roller skating gay guy, and love logging on to pprune!


Raver :)

sinala1 2nd Jun 2004 09:06

About me hey?

I am a Cabin Supervisor for Virgin Blue, been here almost 3 years (ish) now. Previously have worked for Westpac in Telephone Banking, and before that on Hamilton Island doing Cocktail bar work. Worked in a variety of hotels/casinos doing mainly bar work, and when left school I was a burger boy for Maccas for 3 years!

I am not quite as athletically talented as raver guy, although I have just started roller blading so my next few posts to you may come from a hospital bed! My passions include aviation (I will be here for the rest of my life) and travel, not to mention friends. Currently single and always looking :E actually, no - men are bastards so am going to be a single boy the rest of my life :ok: :ok:

mez78 2nd Jun 2004 09:27

Hello, I live in Perth but originally from Melbourne and moving back there in 6 weeks! I'm 25 and spent all my working life is in the advertising industry. I've wanted to work in the air for as long as I remember but only had the courage to start actively pursuing it about a year ago. I attended one assessment day at VB in March and nerves took over on the day and I choked so badly and didn't make it through and was devasted but life goes on so I'm back on this forum learning as much about the industry as I can.

Just want to thank everyone for contributing to this site! Its a god send for people like me who don't know anyone that works in the industry to ask all my questions! Thanks! xxxxx

nickmelb 2nd Jun 2004 09:42

all bout me
well i work in travel and have been in the industry for about 7 years! worked as a travel agent, corporate travel agent, did the corporate travel thing in london, worked as a sales rep for a travel company, and now I run a small sales and marketing firm that looks after travel companies marketing and advertising needs.

I have had about 12 interviews for cabin crew and these include: Qantas, Impulse, Eastern, Qatar Airways, Emirates, Southern Australia......ummm i think thats it! ha ha:O Oh and Virgin Blue of course!

I used to know a lot of people on here, but the last 1-2 years have lost touch with a few. Some of my mates around me have moved into cabin crew positions, and some are still trying.

I still peek around in here, and have made some really good mates from here. Keep up the good work kids

:ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok: :ok:

oh and social flyer, good idea to start this thread!

exmax 2nd Jun 2004 12:01

oh well here goes.....
Hi all!!

What a great topic:D I thought I might as well say a few words too.

I'm originally from London and yes, I miss it at times:( BUT I moved to Sydney to join my Sydnersider partner after conducting a long-distance r'ship:eek: I've been here for nearly 9months now, still love it here and applying for the "de-facto" type visa in a few months time.

My 1st flying job was for a charter airline when I was 20 and I did for 6months, I'm 32 now!!!! I flew for BMed & BA for 7 and 2years respectively.

I currently work in hospitality and even if I never fly as crew again, I'd like to remain within the travel industry but having said that, flyings' in my blood and its been interesting taking a break from it. My decision to move to SYD was a complex and difficult choice but I I know I made the right move.
I enjoy reading PPrune, especially the Aussie threads because it's given me INVALUABLE insight into the industry here and it's helped me to make some choices, so thanks all. For the wanna-be crew PERSERVERE because it really does pay off.:ok:

Cheers folks and hi to all those back home:D Happy and safe flying all.


GlueBall 2nd Jun 2004 13:57

While attending university I couldn't even get a part time job as a baggage handler; and after graduation, wanting to travel the World, I couldn't get a job as a flight attendant...so I got my pilot's certificate and became a pilot. :cool:

SocialFlyer 4th Jun 2004 04:58

It's Quiet!
Hi Guys,

I was expecting a better response than this, it's unlike Ditzboy, GalleyHag, QFSkywalker, Cloud Nine, Smile, QF Mike, Qantastic not to contribute.... I'm waiting so all of you get those fingers typing.....



Mike16 4th Jun 2004 07:24


Thought i would add my two pennys worth.
I am 35 years old and have been cabin crew now for just over one year based with Easyjet at East Midlands Airport.
Before this i was in the Police service working on Child protection unit and also Domestic violence unit where i did this for 8.5 years.
And before all this i worked in a department store selling cosmetics.
I love my job now, at first i did not, a whole new lifestyle experience, but now it is good fun and i work with lovely people so i am very happy.
Also i live in Derbyshire in the UK.

Bye xxx

cabin secure 4th Jun 2004 07:54

I'm 35 years old. I have a science degree. I have been flying since I was 19.
Flew with Ansett until the very end. Had a stint with Sunnies during the dreaded '89 ( most of you too young to remember it)
Got to fly in America on an exchange program during 1990.
Have worked at Australian Airlines from start up and have recently started with DJ as direct entry CS.
Born under a lucky star.
Single with one gorgeous 8 year old son.
Some of you know. I'd stake my life on it!

SocialFlyer 4th Jun 2004 11:32

Cabin Secure
Cabin Secure,

Looks like you have had a great career in the airline industry with many stories to tell. Definately born on a lucky star, but I'm sure you are probably deserving of it all. Write a book, I'm sure it will make great reading!



Flying Swan 4th Jun 2004 12:07

What a nice topic!

Well...I am 27 years old, female and from The Netherlands.

Started as a classical ballet dancer, and lateron after study, I worked for different management projects.

Working in an office made me really depressed and at an age of 23 I jumped into aviation and started as a flight attendant for a Dutch charter airline for one year. Had a wonderful time at this company! Lateron I switched over to KLM.

Very recently I got a call from Emirates...now doubting every second whether I should go for this...or stay at my current post in Holland?!

Enjoy life in aviation!

Flying Swan

Eddy 4th Jun 2004 13:28

I'm 21 and live in Aberdeen, Scotland. I currently work for British Airways as worldwide crew based out of Gatwick.

I started with BA on the 22nd December 2003 and came online on 1st February 2004. This was the first and only Cabin Crew job I have ever applied for so was stunned when I got the job offer.

Used to work as a travel agent in Aberdeen, Jersey (C.I.), Brisbane and Auckland and know that as much as I loved the work, I could never go back to a desk job after doing this!

I see myself retiring as a British Airways crew member.

flybywire 4th Jun 2004 23:40

Thank you for this thread, it's really good to get to know a bit of all of you guys!!!

I am 24, female, Italian currently living in the U.K.
I've got a degree in music and I am actually a professional violinist but I have always wanted to fly so 2 years ago on the 11th of june I started my first job as cc with Air Europe Italy, on my favourite plane (the 777).
I moved to the uk march last year where I started immediately with First Choice Airways (at that time still air2000) and I am leaving in a month to go to BA (what I've always wanted...at last!)

Eddy, at first I got offer the same start date as you- 22 december!!!! we could have been course mates ;) but they didn't give me enough notice so I couldn't leave FCA at that time!!:(

Anyway, my other half is in the industry too and I only met him thanks to this job:O

So many ppl from Australia....you make me really want to come and visit it guys! Maybe I'll be one of your next passengers ;)

Take care!


Sky_hi! 6th Jun 2004 09:06

hello everyone

I'm new and little :O and don't know much about the airline industry apart from what I've heard from a few friends who are pilots.

I'm 24 and have always thought about being a flight attendant. When i was a kid i used to pretend i was one and serve my dolls and stuffed animals meals! I must also add in my 6 year old world the flight attendants flew the plane aswell! ;)

I have a degree in Design and Visual communication. Have worked alot in Pharmacies and are currently working as a part-time Graphic Artist and part-time promotional model. I would love to try a full time job flying!

thanks for the insight into the aviation world! :ok:

Summa 7th Jun 2004 04:00

Hi there everyone,

Well more than anything I want to fly.
I have been applying to the airlines for eight years now and even though it has been a long process I am still hopefull :/
I have woked in various industries including hopitality, health and the fashion industry. Out of al the industries I loved hospitality the most. I love the people it attracts and the get up and go it gave me as an instant buzz.
I have applied to most airlines here in Oz except Australian Airlines which is next on my list.
I love this site, this is a great place for folks to meet/chat about the industry. There is a wealth of information here and i am glad i ran into it (:

c3000 7th Jun 2004 11:59

Canadian Fly Guy
Hi all!

Seeing as there hasn't been anyone from Canada adding his two bits, I thought I should.

I have been flying since 1999. I started with a charter, Canada 3000, on Novemeber 11th, '99 and was there for two years to the day when the company went bankrupt.

I was lucky enough to be one of the 50 out of approx. 400 f/a's in the Vancouver base to be picked up by Skyservice less then a month later. Skyservice laid us off after 6 months and then 6 days later I was hired by another company to do adhoc flying so I have always been exteremely fortunate.

Skyservice finally called us back from lay-off and did it until March of this year when I resigned to accept a flying position as Purser with the United Nations. I am currently based in Liberia, Africa and loving it. So the story continues!

Me? Well I am a 25 y.o. guy, yes gay if that at all matters, and always looking for the next flying adventure! I really would love to do the Hadj one day, strange I know.

Happy flying everyone and good luck to all the hopefuls, persistance does pay off.


Marshall Bowman

jb_flyer 7th Jun 2004 12:36

Hello to you all!

My favourite subject is finally being discussed... ME! (just kidding, im not that egocentric....)

I guess I would be at the younger end of the scale on this forum, as a fresh faced 22 year old, but I have had a few jobs and done a few things in my time.

Schooling was the usual normal thing, then I decided that the promise of a guaranteed job and pay during study sounded like a good idea, so off to the Australian Army went I! Was knocked back once, told to get some life experience, so I worked in various customer service/ sales oiented jobs (mostly retail sales) until I was accepted into the Australian Defence Force Academy as an Officer Cadet in JAN 2001. Studied Physics and Computer Science, until I fell ill of a medical condition that meant I would never be able to go to war, so being surplus to requirements, I was returned home.

Since coming back, I returned to Universtity at the University of WA, completed the remainder of 1st year before yearning to get some money again, so left that and went back to Customer Service. Went into bicycle sales, then progressed to Car Sales, working for MINI/ BMW, then back into bicycles.

I came to the conclusion while selling cars that I loved helping people, I loved attending to them, but I disliked the pressure of trying to trick them into buying a car, so I did a lot of soul searching and discovered the Cabin Crew role, and thought it sounded a lot like me! So over a few beers, I decided to put an application in to pursue this path. Since then, having read up on it a lot, I have fallen in love with the idea...

So now I guess I am just in wait... Waiting for the day that I get the call!

Hope to see you all in the skies soon....


PS: Im not gay, not that it does all matter c3000!

qfmike737 7th Jun 2004 12:41

Sorry Social Flyer

Some of us have already posted stuff to something similar to a post by Twin Star in a topic called "how old are you"

This is what I originally posted and ill make the changes in a new paragraph.

20years old

Completed 2 Diplomas Business and marketing. 4 Certificate IVs Business/Public Relations/Advertising/Travel and Tourism

Worked in Hong Kong 6 months in Events management

Been in the airline industry for 14 months in the airline catering/aircraft service side of things

I also work as a cabin attendant on the tilt train/sunlander/spirit of the outback

Have just completed 1 hour of my PPL as my new years resolution was to be a pilot

Single and loving it

pray each day that one day ill be in cabin crew and appreciating allt he positive support you guys have been giving me :-)

NOW : My prayers must have been answered and I'm about to start with a new international airline that I've always wanted to work for! can't wait to start! I've done so many interviews that I became what one called a serial interviewaholic! I have now done 15hrs on my PPL. I have worked in the airline industry now for 20 months.

Raver Flavour are you able to land double axels? I was thinking we could try out some training at a cool spot in CNS.

hey JB-Flyer could get me a hot deal on a Z4/M-roadster? Or any bikes?


RaverFlaver 7th Jun 2004 12:57

qfmike 737,

Not quite the double axel - but can certainly land a single axel. Trying for a double sometimes, causes me to be treated for first aid! Not that I will have to worry when we are styling it on the streets in our skates in CNS........I will be surrounded by AO crew at the ready to assist!

But if you're not a roller skater, I will most certainly teach you.....you just have to wait for me to get to CNS....hopefuly won't be long after you and QFskywalker! Have fun in training boys :)

Raver :)

jb_flyer 7th Jun 2004 13:42

Sadly QF mike, M roadsters are no more, well unless they have announced it after I left... but im sure I can find u a nice Z4... id buy it in QLD though as the Stamp Duty is soo much less!!

Great to hear about your great news re job! fantastic!!

My uncle travels around the world a lot, he has some arrangement with a ISP (internet service providor) that has local call diallup servers in just about every worldwide city, and good rates as well. He just selects where he is, plugs the phone in and voila! instant internet/ email access.

Make sure you keep us in touch with how your tarining goes, and I will try and find out what this internet service is called

Teddy Robinson 12th Jun 2004 08:40

I am my mistress's alterego: a small grey teddy bear now 29 years old having been adopted from the 'Hamleys' home.

I have travelled the world in her suitcase, lived in too many countries to remember, and been left in hotels on several continents, kidnapped by engineers, taped to the radomes of aircraft, and served up as crew food.

This harsh treatment resulted in a painful visit to the bear hospital for a skin graft, and a new snout. :{

I want to find my real parents but DNA testing has so far produced too many matches. :confused:

See you down route..

:O Teddy R

ditzyboy 14th Jun 2004 07:53

Social Flyer -
You say you know me well enough to say that it's unlike me to respond to such a thread. Yet I am insulted too. Do you have any idea what weekend it was in Sydney!!? hmmm? It was Big Queer Nation!!! (As opposed to just a 'normal' Queer Nation party) The first one! I was just so so busy preparing for and 'doing' this weekend I didn't even log onto the net - let alone Pprune! Busy busy busy! Sleep - what?! Argghh I need to sleep. :zzz:

Big Queer Nation, Honey. Me and 10 000 of my closest friends partying for however long. (I was the one going off!) :rolleyes: Believe you me. My fingers were VERY busy - just not typing!!! :oh:

Umm. So I like to dance. And I like to go dancing. Sometimes I like to go out dancing.

Opps. And I do flying too. When they make me.

24 (very nearly almost). Have been a gymnast. Gymnastic coach. Pharmacy assistant. Nurse. Customer Service at a bank. And flying since I was 20 (Good God that feels SO long ago!).

Wanted to be cabin crew since I was 4. Fortunate to have had the opportunities (postive and negative?!) I have had. More a testiment to Karma than my own will power. People life alot about the energies that YOU project. Make them positive (mostly that is - no one is perfect!). I can absolutely assure anyone truly wanting to be cabin crew that you WILL get the job soon.

(Was going to delete above but then read Teddy's post. Mine doesn't seem so abstract anymore! LOL!)

RaverFlyer -
I so wanted to do trampolining!!! But in the Northern Territory (where I grew up) we were lucky to have qualified coaches and proper equipment - let alone trampolining! Also I had next to no spatial awareness. Sort of a neccessity when on a trampoline I am told. I was level 7 open in my prime. (Which, like most of my climaxes, was all too short! :\ )

Flybywire -
Come to Sydney. I wil show you a good time. Just ask Mr Seatback about my Mardi Gras inductions. A learning experience for all I can assure you. :ugh:

I absolutely love the idea of this thread. All we do in the galley is talk about our social lives (and world politics :hmm: ). Seems silly that we atleast don't do a bit of that here! And embarrasse ourselves at the same time... :}

Whatever. :ok: :E

SocialFlyer 14th Jun 2004 08:30

Great One!

Can always rely on you for entertaining and articulate post... Nice one...:O ....



Ps.. I agree about the need for more comical strories on this forum, Galley Style.

Mr Seatback 2 14th Jun 2004 09:27

I can attest to Ditzy's Mardi Gras routine of late.

Who looked after who Ditz?

Remember - I was the one who went 'unenhanced'. And I didn't like the second set.


Floaty 14th Jun 2004 12:34

Mmmmhhh... okay... since I'm not bitching about any airline at the mo' I can as well post a bit about myself. I only hope it won't come out when a potential future employer presses the "search" button... :}

33, female, c.c. in between jobs, ex First Choice (with Flybywire)and abt to become a BA slave. Before that I was a scuba diving instructor overseas. I call Europe home but lived in so many places I couldn't tell you my last year's address without checking a bill...

Had about 16 c.c. interviews between Australia and Europe. Honestly as a kid I never dreamt of becoming a flight attendant. Despite all the energy I spent to get this, I realise it's bad for my social life, my health, my self-esteem, my brain... but it pays the bills, it's good experience and I can stay in bed more than 2 mornings per week! :\ I'm starting Uni in a couple of months and I plan to keep flying until I certify. I'd like to stay in the airline industry but I know for a fact that I won't work in the sky forever.
Surprised? Hey! Not everyone enjoy the Boeing smell!

grumpy FJ :ouch:

TSSOV 14th Jun 2004 13:32

ditz - it wouldnt have been a 'BIG' queer nation without you. talk about being happy to meet 10,000 ppl in one night! hope you had a blast too and youre recovery was speedy (and not so lonely;) )

timmcat 14th Jun 2004 16:19

Ps.. I agree about the need for more comical strories on this forum, Galley Style
Come and join the mad crowd in Jetblast.

We're a bit off the wall, but harmless. :}

stanleystan 16th Jun 2004 20:43

Not sure if it's a bit late, but thought i'd post a reply and introduce myself at the same time!
Well I'm From Watford in England and am 20 years old. I went to university, but hated every second of it and was desperate to get a job as cabin crew so left university and went for an interview with BMI (British Midland) the next week and two months later I've just got my wings!!! I haven't started duties yet as am STILL waiting for my Airside pass. I've been waiting about four weeks already! Just have to sit at home and wait, but in a way that's good as I can re-read my manual.
Hope to speak to some of you soon!

lemmegetback2u 24th Jun 2004 06:43

I am a 25 year old bored graphic designer that decided one day that he might like to work as a flight attendant. Thirty four interviews, one collapsed airline, quick summer charter and two stints in the desert later I start a ground school with Eastern in Sydney on 12 July.

To all you kids that dream of a flying career things are clearly never going to be the same as they were for the generation previous but I am proof that if you really want something it will happen you just have to keep going back and going back and one day you too can over night in the luxurious Dubbo RSL!

watch this space for my (free) book on airline selection processes and a tribute to all the melting make-up, bad french rolls and nanna neck ties I encountered during my journey!!

peace out.

gallie girl 14th Jul 2004 09:21

I hung my wings up nearly 12 months ago now after 5 years of being a regional flight attendant... 3 years with Hazelton Airlines (subsiduary of ANSETT) and then bought out by REX (regional express) after the whole Ansett debacle.. i am 28 years old married with nil children.. oh but have a horse, dog and cockatiel who are my children and have sinced moved to the country and gone back nursing... yes call me crazy i know.. but i am loving the country life...still wishing i could fly again but the country is way to good. i miss the crazy conversations with pilots and the whole social aspect of flying and meeting new and interesting people.... i really enjoyed the 5 years of flying and have some cherished memories of fun times.. have toyed with the idea of writing a book... will have to wait and see.

Gallie Girl

lemmegetback2u oh yeah baby the Dubbo RSL club Resort... just sensational... but i really think the Cattlemans at Armidale was better.. what do you think?

PS at least you guys have APU's on those Dash 8's the SAABS honey they have to be at least 15000 ft before the cool comes on by then i have well and truly thrown up twice...

HAMO 14th Jul 2004 10:43

Hey Galliegirl

Another ex Hazos crew - good to see

You wouldnt happen to have been at a wedding of a mutual friend in Newcastle couple of months would you ??

PM me!!

Flying_Sarah747 15th Jul 2004 17:56

Hi Everyone!

Well, where do I start? I'm female (obviously), single (unfortunately) and I've just turned 21 (had a great night stop in Lisbon on my 21st!), and am from Perth Australia, but am currently living in London working as cabin crew for British Airways, Eurofleet LHR. I arrived in London on Christmas day with a suitcase and 1500 pounds, and started training on the 29th of December 2003!

I have just done my 6 months with BA, and I love it there! YAY, I don't have the little 6M next to my name anymore! :ok:

I have a bachelor of science in forensic science, completely unrelated to what I'm doing, but I just had to get my degree, just to say I have one. :)

Ultimately I'd love to become CSD (cabin service director), transfer to LHR long haul with BA, go 50%, one month on, one month off and live in Australia on my month off! Crazy? Yep, that's me! :}

corsaman 17th Jul 2004 21:06

Hi all! I'm 38 and am now into the 15th year of my aviation career, currently with easyJet at BFS, where I am an SCCM. Initially worked at British Midland, of which I have the fondest of memories, especially in the tail of a leaky DC-9, with gash bags on our knees as we taxied (wouldn't happen now.....) Larnaca nitestops, too - very nice. Worked up to Flight Service Manager, then joined Airtours for a season on a Skyservice 320, again at Belfast. Then joined BA as a Customer Service Agent, and later Station Controller and Load Controller. I hammered the concessions to death and loved every minute of working there. The base was closed suddenly in 2001, and with great regret I'd to jump ship, and "turn low-cost" - I miss the perks, and the frills, but I still have a life, love being back in the air and work with some great people. Any regrets about the career? Not one - would do it all over again, without any hesitation and will always embrace a new challenge, should one appear. Happy landings everyone - Rob;)

hostie 18th Jul 2004 22:21

This is making me feel old...

I'm 37 next month, I've been in the travel industry for 19 years, 11 of those in aviation, nearly 9 years flying.
I'm now Long Haul crew with BA, this is my 7th airline!!!
Other than crew I've been a Hotel Manager, Travel Agent, Airport Manager etc etc

I've just gone back to flying and I'm loving every moment of it
Oh I'm female, straight and single (happily single at the moment!)

Josh10524 18th Jul 2004 23:44

I live in a suburb of Los Angeles, California. I'm 16. I'd like a career in aviation, mabye airlines, mabye corporate, perhaps law enforcement aviation. I'm currently learning to fly at El Monte Airport, in a Grob 109.

sixmilehighclub 19th Jul 2004 11:19

Yippeee! A chance to tell my life story....!

Started as a travel agent, bit of ground pax services work, flew as CC and SCCM for a bit, went into recruitment of travel agents and various aviation staff including engineers, and I am licenced on B737, B757, B767, A319 and A320 (old and new).

Once in aviation, it is very hard to leave isnt it?? Love the industry. Never leaving again.


Waldarie 11th Sep 2004 12:42

Shall we introduce ourselves?
Shall we introduce ourselves?

I hope everyones doing well. Maybe we could tell a bit about ourselves

I'm valérie from Québec, Canada.
I'm working for Air Labrador since april, but I'm in the airline industry since 5 years...


flyblue 11th Sep 2004 12:56

Yet another lost occasion to hit that "search"button...:rolleyes:

The Invisible Cat 11th Sep 2004 20:14

One thunk it might be a good idea to post a link to this page in the CC forum too. :rolleyes:

although 'twould be yet another sticky ;)

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