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QANTASTIC 12th Jun 2004 06:02

It would be interesting if we did get some more info from any MAM person !! As far as I was aware any casuel positions can not go over 11 months ..If it does these people must be placed as full time staff !! If anyone does know of any MAM contractor being placed in a permanant role please advise us ..It would be interesting !! I think the QF HR departmant are going to have a lot to answear for as far as I am aware as to what my manager has advised me. At Qantas we have a strict policy on staff issued placing people on a short list casuel work force and transfer of employmant. My manager has discussed these issued in depth so we will see what happens ..But good luck to the casuel MAM people if they get permanant..If they decide to extend you beyound 11 months I would be asking questions ..Lets here from other MAM people ..If not lets get more info from them and share it around,,Mr SeatBack 2 i have PM you ! Have a great day guys!!
Ps as everybody received there letter of thanks but no thanks ..I think Gally Hag mentioned her friend at checkin received one but I didnt hear if anybody else internaly had received one!!

lexus1 12th Jun 2004 09:12

If such a promise exists lets hear from some MAM people who can confirm. My understanding is that MAM casuals have never been promised a permanent job if Qantas offers permanent jobs.

OZcabincrew 12th Jun 2004 09:24

Hi Guys!

I am a MAM casual out of Perth. Just to give you an answer to some speculation etc. i received a letter from QF the other day advising that there was a change in the procedure for MAM Casual Flight Attendants to be considered for Flight Attendant positions with Qantas. Basically every year, MAM casuals have the opportunity to put their names down for Qantas permanent positions that may arise, this lasts for a 12 months period, at the end of that 12 months, you will put in another application for the next 12 months. It is not an easy way into a permanent position as much as i'd like it to be, it is simply letting us skip the whole staffcv thing with an invitation to the selection process, so MAM casuals would still need to go through the selection process, but i know when we started, there was no statement made that MAM casuals would NOT be offered a permanent position, unless it's something that's just come in for new MAM employees, but by judging by this letter we've received, it covers all MAM casuals, old and new. It is also allowing us to put in an expression of interest in for a 10 month contract with QF L/H.
I'm gathering though, that anyone that takes the 10 month L/H contract, there S/H position will be given to one of the new casuals going through the selection at the moment, therefore leaving them no job at the end of the 10 months with L/H.


GalleyHag 13th Jun 2004 04:40

I have to agree with Mr Seatback it is unacceptable that MAM casuals are offered permanent positions over internal staff. However on this occassion it is all about timing and filling flying hours quickly.

Short haul offered MAM casuals out of Sydney (not sure of other bases) 9 month fixed term contracts, not many if any were taken up, therefore leaving many flying hours to fill. Regional progression has been activated and by all accounts MAM casuals (not sure of the numbers) will be offered permanent positions in order to fill the void. No initial training is required therefore enabling QF to crew the flights. Remember casuals are under no obligation to accept work leaving QF not really knowing if they would be able to meet their crewing requirements.

I thought regional progression without permanent external recruitment was a bit to good to be true.

MAM have always told their staff that permanent positions would not be available, however the FAAA fight hard on their behalf for permanent positions over external (and obviously internal) applicants. They will always say this to cover themselves, otherwise crew would always be asking when they will be made permanent when in fact they have NO grounds to expect this, they are employed by a contract crewing company not QF.

Midnight-63 your friend is referring to the offer to be interviewed for any permanent positions that may arise not be directly offered permanent employment. MAM crew that joined some 2 years ago were given this undertaking.

Also, as Ozcabincrew notes MAM casuals HAVE to be interviewed for any permanent positions with QF they do not automatically walk into them. So if any potential MAM casuals are reading this my advice is be good girls and boys because QF will be looking into your record when applying for permanent positions in the future.

In this instance it all comes down to timing, QF need the crew and need them now, therefore by converting MAM casuals it solves the problem, whereas it would take far to long for external applicants to be trained and on-line.

Mr Seatback 2 13th Jun 2004 06:12

Now it's all starting to make sense...thank you everyone for your considered and thoughtful responses.

Sort of makes sense, if you get my drift!

yellow rocket 13th Jun 2004 07:15

Have to agree with MS2.

It's the total lack of transparency of process that has diminished the confidence I have in QF recruitment. The succession to permanent is a reasonable expectation of anyone who would accept a full time job in any industry.

Why are the opportunities not spelt out in black and white like any other professional workplace.

Iguanahead 13th Jun 2004 11:10

Just my opinion but I'm guessing that QF would also be hesitant to give internals crew positions as then they would be responsible for re-employing for the positions left open.

I imagine there are a lot of applicants from many different departments, and if they were to give these people preference over externals they would be making a lot more work for themselves.

I'm not saying it's right, just that on the business side of things you can see why they would do it.

And if that was the case you would want to think twice about joining the company in any other department other than the one you wish to work for. It's very sad that loyalty to the job and company you work for is a thing of the past, just faceless numbers that can dispensed at will now.

I'm glad I got to enjoy some of "the good old days" when you felt you were the company, and that every person mattered.

yellow rocket 17th Jun 2004 23:24

Some of us externals still haven't had a rejection letter or a phone call.

How the hell am I supposed to turn it down if noone rings me!

Cart_tart 18th Jun 2004 02:00

Where are you based yellow rocket?
I am in PER and I haven't heard anything either! I know of a bunch of other people here on the list that haven't heard anything either.
Maybe something is in the pipeline.
They are apparentally short staffed here!!

missleadfoot 18th Jun 2004 10:59

I feel for all you guys who have or have not been offered the contract with QF L/H and I have read all your posts. If it was me in the situation many of you are in I would jump at the chance to fly even knowing there will not be any future employment after the contract, but who knows what will happen after 10 months. I left full time employment in the past to operate a short flying contract and once that was over I went back to the real world, albeit thinking that contract went way too quick and was sad when it was all over. But if you love flying and thats what you do (I mean that by it's your chosen career), you really dont have to think about it, you take any opportunity offered.

When you think about it Australia has been very lucky in regard to F/A employment (with exception to the Ansett thing). Look at the UK and USA, for years they have been employing contract, short-long term crew who are tossed once the season is over. I understand it's not fair but it was only time that it would start happening here. The UK offer flying jobs for the summer season only etc, the crew know what they are applying for, and many get re employed the next season. Unfortunately it's reality and Australia has just caught up. Airlines are businesses which are there to make a proffit and I dont see anything wrong with that. Once the slow season sets in they will see themselves over staffed if they employ full time permanent. Casuals fill the gap. Most other industries have had this in place for years, hire a temp to fill a position, no one seems to complain about that situation. The airline industry is just doing that. They dont need extra staff permanantly. I do however believe that contracts should receive the travel benefits permanents get during their contract.

On a good side though, if you do a contract with QF or anyone, if you have a good record there should be no reason why you should not be considered for permanent employment if they decide to go that way in the future.

Re the internal recruitment, it works both ways, I have worked with many cabin crew who have applied internally for ground positions only to be knocked back also. I dont think its a case of favouring the externals, you were selected for your current position and maybe (this is going to sound harsh) you are not suitable for a different position in the company. I know many F/A's who got in just to do that, "get in with the company" so they can then move to another preffered position. It just doesn't work like that. Some people I worked with never wanted to be F/A's in the first place, they just wanted to get in so they could apply internally for ground, they were disapointed.

Anyway a friend of mine has just been given the nod for QF L/H MEL and starts training soon, she is leaving another airline job to do this and I wish her all my very best.

QANTASTIC 19th Jun 2004 09:30

Help Required !!
Hi guys... Hope you have all been well !! I have been very busy and havent had a chance to psot anything for a while. I need to ask PLEASE any MAM casuels that have received a letter from QF customer service asking them to go for an interview for permenant positions inJuly. I belive the interviews are been conducted at the end of June and July !! If anybody could please PM me with the letter information .This would help a great deal !! I have been advise by Gallyhag that she has seen the letter ..I need a copy if possible..Please Please !! This is urgent !!
Many thnaks in advance!!

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