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ozflyboy 21st Apr 2004 03:43

Decisions, decisions

What a difficult call - I really don't know what I (hopefully it is a WILL) do.....same as Mr Seatback.....18 months ago I would have ONLY accepted permanent full-time, however, now after waiting for so long and wanting to give the long-haul thing a go, I just MAY take a contract....although, do u give up another well paid full time job??

Cant wait till we all get together - cause we r going to guys - in training!!

U r SOOO right - the last part is the longest....geeeee!!!!


QANTASTIC 21st Apr 2004 07:26

I am not sure being an internal staff member that we do have a choice. Last I spoke to HR they advised that if you are a QF internal you can only be given a full time positions. If they offer fixed term 12 months etc they are only available to external new hire as we already work for the company they cant offer anything else. If I did have a choice I think life is to short to and take things when they come. Ok so its not full time but with QF everything starts if as a contract and it generally always becomes permenant some how. I know this as its happend to so many areas . You would be silly if you dont take it, that is the fixted term contracts. OZFLYBOY and MR SEAT BACK 2 how long have you guys been on the short list??? Have you been over 18 months ?? The reason i ask is that a couple of friends of friends received a letter from QF saying thanks but no thanks . They were on the short list 18 months. If you guys have been on it for that period or longer i would say its looking good becasue they could have say BY BY !! Anyone else internal(QF) or external on the short list more then 18 months?? Or do you know of anybody .. It would be interesting to get an idea of who is the longest torcherd person!! Ciao for now and yes Its the hardest whai this last bit. I do however hope and truly belive that we will all meet one day and have a big group HUG and many drinks in celabration. Like i said they being QF could have said TA TA to all of us if they had Noooooo intention of doing anything. Keep the post flowing !! Aloha for now !!

Mr Seatback 2 21st Apr 2004 08:41


I've just gone thru my emails (since this whole application began) and since I applied, the process has taken 17 months approx.

From the moment I was advised I was on the shortlist (4th Feb 2003), it is 14 months (with the interview, medical, etc. spanning an additional 3 months).

As far as being an internal staff member, what does that include? Does it include those strictly employed within Qantas, or more broadly speaking, those who work for subsidiaries as well (eg. Eastern, etc)? Not that it worries me, but as I work for a subsidiary, I'd be curious as to how far the internal aspect (from HR's point of view) extends, given that subsidiary staff earn profit shares, staff travel benefits, etc. just like mainline staff (and that includes ground staff, etc).

All the other people that I work with at the Pulse have been extended (to my knowledge), and all are of the same 'vintage' as me on the shortlist.

I'm really surprised, even now, that QF culled the list further. There doesn't seem to be any real method applied in who stays and who goes - but then again, has there ever been a clear, black and white method? :}

Bodum 21st Apr 2004 11:39

In referance to the post made by Qantastic.

If a Qantas staff member applies internally for an advertised internal "Blue notice" position then the full time to full time conversion would apply. Qantas cannot legally offer casual or fixed term contracts via a blue notice..This also applies to subsidiary staff who ARE eligible to apply for "Blue noticed" positions, however subsidiary staff are forced to resign, and have to start all over again with the company, but it would still be on a permanent basis.

However... If a Qantas/subsidiary staff member applies via the external system,(staff cv) ie no blue notice, then that employee is treated as an external applicant and may be offered any type of employment.

Hope this helps :O

Mr Seatback 2 21st Apr 2004 13:11

Aaah - that makes sense...

Presumeably, however, if you transferred over to Long Haul from a Ground Position (for example) via a Blue Notice, you would NOT have your years of service transferred across for the purposes of seniority, etc?

Career Progression (if memory serves), along with Divisional Transfers (to or from Short and Long Haul) are the only methods where this occurs, as I recall.

Correct me at will people - just idle curiosity on my part!

QANTASTIC 22nd Apr 2004 22:52

Morning... To a wet day here in Melbourne !!
Just wanted to let you all know that I have been told that my friend who flys short haul who applied for the position for the Interview officers later last year received a call from QF HIRE to start training for the positions as they will be conducting a recruitmant drive in the next bid period in ..I think starting in Jun/jul.. Well I guess that is now official and not rumour any more !!
I wonder how this will effect us short listers. As I said before there is not many of us left on there.I have been told that it is GOING TO HAPPEN by many crew as they are drafting SO MANY people and spending a a lot of money on overtime !! FINGERS CROSSED AS I AM SURE IT WILL BE SOOOOOON. ANY OTHER GOSS???

Mr Seatback 2 23rd Apr 2004 07:00

I guess the only thing to do now is just wait...patiently, ever so patiently, wait...


ozflyboy 25th Apr 2004 00:53

In relation to time...
Hey Qantastic....

Sorry it has taken me so long....been away....

I am exactly the same as Mr SB2 - 14 months since shortlisting notice and 17 months since the whole process began.

Mr SB2 - did u go thru the SYD recruitment as well??

I just soo hope that they don't ditch us for NEW shortlisters....surely not.....then again.....

Fingers, toes, EVERYTHING that can be crossed will be team!

Oz xox

cloud nine 25th Apr 2004 11:42

Rumour or not?
I had a paxing Longhaul FA on one of my flights today, and he advised me that QF are holding ground schools in July 04.

Hmmmm......interesting.......stay tuned ;)

QANTASTIC 25th Apr 2004 12:11

Thanks for that info cloud nine !!
As I said before the email that we received saying "we may be doing new hire in Mid year" I am sure they already know how many people they need and as always mentioned in the GALLY GOSSIP they advised new hire can only occuer in fiancial year 2004-2005 not before as its not in the busget !! I know from talking to CSM that they said becouase of all the drafting of crew special crew that come back on the midnight horror service get asked to do a sydney return.. this has happend sooo many times that thisd is a signe more staff are required !! We will be there soon guys ...By the way doesent seem like anybody had been on the actual waitlist for more then 18 months ?? mm interesting..

Mr Seatback 2 25th Apr 2004 12:26

Hey ozflyboy - yes, I was at the SYD recruitment. Small world this shortlist thing!

It's only April...this last leg of the shortlist is going to be the hardest I think!

cloud nine 25th Apr 2004 13:41

Just over a month to go. Curious to know if they will wait till May 28th to call us, or if it will happen sooner.

Speaking to previous people on the short lists, they had to make their decision straight away on the phone in regards to accepting employment. So be prepared to accept or decline straight away when they offer fixed term, contract, in what ever base! If you ask for time to think about what is offered, you may be told that you are not guarenteed another call. Sadley we are just a number at this stage.

However, we have had well over a year to think about it.:}

I'm still sitting on the fence in regards to accepting/declining fixed term. have heard some pretty hair raising stories about people not being offered permanent jobs, or extensions on contracts.

What to do, what to do:confused: :confused:

GalleyHag 25th Apr 2004 13:45

Galley Gossip dated 23/4/04 states that positions WILL be available mid year (which everyone was aware of) but at this stage they are unsure if permanent full-time positions will be available. I think ALL positions from the short list will be LH as QF are only looking to employ more casuals in SH and I'm sure they will just do another MAM recruitment for those positions. Good luck everyone I hope you all find out soon the state of your lives and careers. I hope a few of you are prepared for the move to Perth!!

cloud nine 25th Apr 2004 13:56

Hmmm, permanent LH in Perth, sounds great. :)

Fixed term, with no staff travel to enable getting home cheaply to visit family and friends is a concern.:(

Love flying, but also love family and friends.:)

jb_flyer 26th Apr 2004 09:22

I have only just registered here, and am relativley new to the QF recruitment saga, as it seems to be a very long one for all those involved.

The situation as I seem to have peiced it together, is that some time ago (perhaps 18 months) QF had a recruitment drive. I am assuming this consisted of advertisements etc... and people applied, then were interviewed etc. Those successful were then put onto a "shortlist" and told they would be hired next.

That was 18 months ago... with not many communication. Now there are rumours (albeit verry good ones) that QF will be hiring mid year, in the 2004-2005 FY, and all you shortlisted candidates are hoping to be top of the list. (and of course, you probably should be)

Now I submitted an original application via StaffCV on Jan 2004, then after I got all the other bits of paper (like renewed my passport, and got my RSA) and after a job change, have resubmitted 2 times now.

I have not heard anything back whatsoever. However, after seeing these posts, I take it this is not an unusual thing.

My question is that is anybody else here not on the shortlist, but is in my position in limbo, ie submitted an application but no response yet. I am trying to work out if it is just me, or if there are others in my boat.

My preference is for Short Haul flying, but only from a family perspective... because I will gladly fly Long Haul! (In fact, my real preference is Long Haul, but its simply my family choice... but I have lived away before... )

I am from Perth, so based out of PER would be ideal. I oculd relocate if it were necessary...


If anyone would like to contact me, you shoudl be able to email me...

overhere 26th Apr 2004 09:35


qf will only respond to your staffcv application when they are running a recruitment drive, which they haven't since December 2002.


Q-Tee 26th Apr 2004 14:59

Marsha,Marsha,Marsha !!!!

They need ' new blood' in LongHaul, forgive me if I take that a bit personally .... I happen to be LongHaul, and believe most of us are pretty damn good .... even if we are old blood :)

Oh, and ten years of ground work with QF ??? I wouldnt really consider you 'new blood' ... :p

Sorry, I have to go and manually retract my claws ;) (the automated retraction system was designed by Boeing, and therefore is U/S !!!!)

OZcabincrew 26th Apr 2004 18:41

Hi Guys!!!

Gosh, i haven't been on this site for a long time! I was one of the 10 new SH casuals to start flying online the 8th of April based out of Perth and it is great, the people are all fantastic!

Just a question, i don't know if QF would do this so correct me if i'm wrong. This is to everyone on the shortlist, if you were to receive a call with the offer of a casual long haul position based out of Perth say through Adecco (if that's who it is done through?) would you take it? I don't know if QF would offer a casual position to shortlisters if it required them to move interstate? If someone has the answer to this that would be great. and does anyone know if it is correct about the Perth LH people transferring soon back to the east coast, the positions need to be filled, would they be casual or permanent?


QANTASTIC 26th Apr 2004 22:26

Hi ozcabincrew..

I have been told that in the next bid period that they have actioned transfers from Perth to Melbourne and Perth to Sydney and Melbounre to Sydney and Sydney to Melbourne.
I am not sure if they can offer casuel positions in long haul. I dont think this is an option. This is only available via mam but only at short haul I am also under the understanding that Adecco are only via New Zealand and Thailand Long Haul not in Australia. I could be wrong however !! As i have mentioned before I have been also advised that in July they are going to be starting new schools for long haul , I belive this is for people on the shortlist as a friend of mine called QF HR as she is on short haul and is placed on the transfer list from short to long haul and advised they will not action any further transfers to the end of the year. !! So i can only belive that they might start taking new poeple !!
FINGERS CROSSED and not long to go !! 4 and half weeks to go!!
Any furhte infor Mr seatback 2 Or Q-tee??

Bodum 27th Apr 2004 12:17

Mr Seatback 2.. You are correct indeed.

If a qantas employee transfers from a ground based position into a flying position, years of service, start date, etc remain and a "flying seniority start date" is created along with a "seniority number" If this staff member starts with external applicants for example, regardles of age, this person would be considered "senior" to their fellow Groundschoolers in regards to seniority as they were already within the company. This does not apply for a subsidiary employee applying via blue notice as they are forced to resign and given new start date etc.

Divisional Transfers, ie: Regional/Short/Long. Nothing changes..years of service, seniority, sick leave, holidays etc, remains.

Again hope this all helps. Good luck all. :O

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