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Mr Seatback 2 16th Apr 2004 01:42

The MAM people were those who ticked "ANY" employment in their application on StaffCV. QF rang those people (as I understand) and asked if they'd be interested in joining MAM, as they needed their permission to hand the applications over to MAM since they're a separate company.

As for QF HR, never believe anything they say. The right hand rarely knows what the left hand is doing.

One of my close friends (who was put onto a shortlist before I was - he was part of a language speaker recruitment) rang HR and asked what was happening...they said "thanks but no thanks - you're finished" and then 1 week later received an extension to his shortlist!

So many things happen in QF HR that the person you speak to rarely knows all that is going on...hang in there people, without hope we have nothing! Except each other! :p

easternboy 16th Apr 2004 03:31

Cloud nine

No my friends are not from eastern. They all went through the November 2002 recruitment drive. The one that received an extension to 28 May but than got the dreaded letter in the mail was an external applicant, the other two were internal applicants.

I agree I think it will all be long haul, according the FAAA short haul still has a surplus of some 200 cabin crew. God knows how they come to this conclusion when MAM crew are getting full rosters and crew are being asked to work on days off etc. Maybe if you add up all the crew on mat leave, leave without pay etc thats how they get the surplus.

The other rumour is as well that external applicants will only be offered fixed term or casual, as QF may only take short term leases on more aircraft etc and they want to see if they can get the number of overseas based crew up during the next EBA meaning they will than require less Australian based crew.

I know of 2 internals at eastern that have both been extended to 28 May, so QF must know there will be some permanent positions available to them, otherwise they would have just got rid of them with the others, you would think but than again it is QF afterall.

Jetstar_Virgin 16th Apr 2004 05:22

geeze, i didn't realise there were so many problems with cabin crew recruitment. you guys have it worse than us pilots with some regard!

is it a bad reflection on an airline if they're the supposed spirit of a country when all they do is stuff around the occupants which keep it afloat?

Mr Seatback 2 16th Apr 2004 06:04

I have heard about the Short Haul surplus, but with the last Short Haul to Long Haul transfer, the numbers that transferred across were 150 as opposed to the normal 50 within a financial year period.

Hpoefully the surplus won't be an issue once regional flying, etc. is all sorted out.

As far as contracts are concerned, the current Long Haul EBA states that contractors cannot be held on a contract for more than 12 months without being offered permanent employment or having their contract ended. The last time contractors were hired they were on 11 month contracts as I remember.

Most of the rumours doing the rounds right now are that we'd get 3-5 year contracts. Without a dispensation, or negotiations within the next EBA changing that, 3-5 year contracts can't happen.

News just released that Hong Kong Govt has reached an agreement with Australia for onward traffic from Hong Kong to Europe, in exchange for Dragonair to start flights to Australia in SYD, MEL & PER. Hopefully, this means more aircraft and more flights for QF - meaning employment for one and all!

SO...fingers well and truly crossed that all works out for us and others waiting patiently on the shortlist.

GalleyHag 16th Apr 2004 06:45

News just in Qantas to add Hong Kong to their London, Mumbai, Joburg, Singapore and Shanghai wish list of overseas cabin crew bases LOL. Thought I would get in before Mr/Mrs Dobber predicts all the doom and gloom.

Q-Tee 16th Apr 2004 07:49

Will QF hire from the current shortlist? It sounds like no

In writing, from a management Q&A regarding crew :-

Q:Is there any recruitment planned?

A:It is anticipated at this stage that recruitment for a Shortlist will commence in mid 2004

Sounds like they are ready to create a new Shortlist, not actually employ new crew.

Mr Seatback 2 16th Apr 2004 07:58

Never say never Q-Tee...

The rumour that recruitment will occur again for a shortlist (new or otherwise) is not a new one...could it be, thinking on a positive note, that the new 'shortlist' is being recruited to replace, for example, the CURRENT shortlist?

Wishful thinking I know...but it's always better to try and find the good in a situation. Otherwise, we'd all be basket cases and on medication by now with the run around we've received from this shortlist!

BTW, Q-Tee and others - did you notice in that Q&A that the new term for 'down-sizing' is now 'right-sizing'...I mean, really...who came up with that one? LOL!

QANTASTIC 16th Apr 2004 09:55

All sounds interesting !!
I myself like Mr seatback 2 is trying to be positive. I also have heard today the anouncment re the HKG to Lon direct with QF . I belive this will be used with the extra slots that QF purchased this year. I have heard again nothing concreat that they have already received the allowed numbers of permanent positions. They thought that they would have got a biger number for approval. Since they didnt they have had to reduce the short list further as they know after this there would not be any further permanent positions in the near future. I do belive we have got 6 weeks left before we get advised anything further. A friend advised me that they must know when the next schools are starting that is why they only extended the short list to 28 May. They could have easliy done it for anither 6 months since I have only been on the short list for 11 months now and max i think is 18 months..special from reading the threads. I do however feel for the short listers that are no longer with us. Its sad that you give it all, spend the money wait for about 4 months before you even know if you have been succesfull to be on the short list. I do however belive if its somthing you do want to do be positive and apply again and again. The rumer is that there eill be a further recruitmant drive in jun-jul some time to get a new short list happening. It does make me wonder how many people are still left on the short list. I am in Mel and know of about 12 of us who are still on the short list. All based in Mel and are all internal QF staff.. Is there a patter there?? I do see however from the threads that a lot of SYD based staff have been knocked back. I think this might be becouse they have been given ther go ahead to expand the L/H base in Mel. Extra flying and trip also to Lon. Who else know of others on the short list and were are they based and are they QF internal staff of external staff ... Lets keep us all informed and again to those not on the list try again. YOU CAN ONLY GET SOMEWERE IF YOU KEEP TRYING !!

easternboy 16th Apr 2004 12:24

REALLY, I'm sure you all feel soooo bad for the people that have been thrown off the short list, as long as it's not you right?

I tend to agree with Q-Tee its only a matter of time, but by all means be as positive as you like but dont come on pprune complaining after you have received the dreaded letter!!

QF skywalker 16th Apr 2004 12:59

easternboy ,

The members of this cabin crew forum who are on the shortlist are very "caring" people and I am CERTAIN that they are genuine in their dissapointment of seeing others being removed from the waitlist.

In case you don't know "Caring" is one of the qualities listed as part of having the Qantas spirit and these people would certainly have not been chosen as potential employees if they were not genuine caring people.


Mr Seatback 2 16th Apr 2004 14:01

Who are you referring to easternboy? I don't believe anyone here has posted a 'phew, thank god it's not me' post on this thread...but in any event who can blame them? You're still on there, but your friends aren't - right?

Quit with the 'you guys don't care' routine easternboy - I'm a veteran of 11 FA interviews over the years, of which I've been through the whole medical routine only to be told later 'thanks but no thanks'.

No one more than me knows what it's like to go through the whole process, wait for what seems an eternity only to be told 'thanks but, you know, not right now..." - after spending hundreds of dollars on a multitude of tests...of which you receive none back!

I genuinely feel for those who were eliminated - but the sooner you make the choice to either a) continue applying or b) choose another industry, the better. Waiting for sympathy won't get you the job, nor will it make you a better applicant.

You either be positive, or be eliminated. Very simple.

And if you agree with Q-Tee that the whole world will end, and that's there's no hope for us on the shortlist, etc...then I feel sorry for you. For without hope, you have no direction.

And if that's what a job application for an airline does to you - what would a major disaster do instead?

I don't normally lose my temper, but pull your head in easternboy. You're talking to someone - and indeed to many other people on this board - with an inordinate amount of time served in this industry and in interviews. Don't go there with the whole 'you don't know me or my friends' routine.

Flying_Sarah747 16th Apr 2004 22:56

Well contrary to some people's beliefs ;) Im truely sorry to those of you who have been kicked off the QF shortlist. It really does suck what QF are doing to everybody. I received the e-mail about the mid 2004 recruitment thing, but it's not all that positive. I mean it said there MAY be recruitment, not will be, so it just seems like more games to me.

Just to throw a spanner in the works, maybe QF doesnt need crew because of the training courses they were doing through Adecco, the CHEAP LABOUR company who hire Thai's and New Zelanders. I'm afraid after hearing that I lost a lot of respect for QF. As somebody else said, very un Australian.

But if they do recruit, I wonder if it'll be long or short haul? If it's long haul and they offer me a position I don't know what I'll do. I love it here at BA, but London isn't home, but then again, are QF as good to work for as BA are? All my friends at BA would have me believe they're not, but I'm sure their vision is slightly clouded. What does everyone else think?? BA or QF?

ozflyboy 17th Apr 2004 02:55

How RUDE Easternboy!

Sorry, but our words of sympathy ARE genuine, mate. Most of us posting here have been doing so and supporting each other throughout this whole thing.....so yes, we feel for those who are taken off the shorlist at this late stage.....how awful after all this time!

I'd be very careful jumping on this particular thread and posting random messages.

On a lighter note, the clock is ticking once again folks, we're finally gonna know one way or another soon....fingers crossed for you all - yes ALL of u.....


cloud nine 17th Apr 2004 09:00

I agree Ozflyboy
That was very out of line to say that we do not care about those that have been shafted from the wait list. If it has ever hapened to you, you would understand how dissapointing it really is.

Most pruner's are very supportive to each other, and thats how it should be.

Q-Tee 17th Apr 2004 10:18

Mr Seatback2

Please dont take a swipe at me for providing information, as delivered to me. I am not taking 'the whole world is ending' line, just trying to pass on what I have been told and read. That is the second time that you have swiped at me for providing you guys with information. Either you are thick or you do not read my posts .... your comment The rumour that recruitment will occur again for a shortlist shows that you cannot read. It is not a rumour. As stated by management - it is 'anticipated' which means it is planned, ie not a rumour. Recruiters have already been told to be prepared to be called.

The fact is, if new training schools were going to happen in 6 weeks time, they would already be planned within learning and development. The time it takes to remove trainers from flying, book classrooms for that length of time, EP's etc is huge. Learning and Development have no plans for new schools, bar from the announced NZ based crew.

In future I will not post any further information regarding recruitment, as it would seem you will swipe out at anyone who posts anything other than what you would like to hear.

Good luck, but if your temper is that short - QF's crew and customers will eat you alive mate.

QANTASTIC 17th Apr 2004 10:44

I am sorry if I sounded smug easternboy but I mayself have gone throught the process a couple of times and yes I am happy I am on the short list but if it so happens that we will be all thrown of you cant be upset with the world. If you realy want it you will apply again and again. I know its fustrating but thats how it is and we dont have any control. Only time will tell what will happen but If there isnt going to be further new class I am not sure why they dont send everybody a letter and be done with it. There must be a reason for QFs HR madness!!
Keep smiling all and remember be positive !!

Mr Seatback 2 17th Apr 2004 11:11

Oh Q-tee, temper temper....

Firstly, I apologise if you felt offended by my post. The vast majority wasn't aimed at you, but some of it was related to your previous post.

When I read your post originally, it read as a very negative post (to me). On second viewing, it is not as negative as I first remember, but still not the best news to read when so much good news has been rumoured on the same thread.

Anyway, sorry for any hurt Q-T. Feel the love.

However, in response to your post, let me state the following:

1) By anticipated, do you mean the same 'anticipated' that was trumpeted 18 months ago when this recruitment process began? Qantas just loves the word 'anticipated'..

Anticipated, by it's very meaning (just like the word 'planned') means exactly that - is it concrete? No. Is it open to change, just like our anticipated recruitment 18 months ago - you know, right before SARS and Iraq started...??

2) I have never had anything against people such as yourself posting information - however disheartening - on this forum. Facts are facts and I've nothing against you, or anyone else, reporting them. In fact, without them, what is this board worth? Well, provided the facts can be substantiated like yours (I also read the same info minutes later on the Q&A Forum).

But if you re-read your post (as quickly as I did originally), it would be quite easy for it to come across as negative. Factual - but negative. There wasn't the slightest hint of a positive spin on any level! And trust me, for people who have been left hanging as long the shortlisters have, positive news, even negative news with a positive spin, is better than perceived doom and gloom!

I just try to look for the positive in everything I read, and I try my best to turn around those posts with 'doom and gloom' (however small) for the sake of others - not myself. Far too hardened to take it personally.

3) My temper is not normally that short - but you have to understand, for someone like myself who has been in this industry for many years now, it is insulting for someone (not yourself I might add) to insinuate that I - and indeed others like yourself - don't appreciate what it's like to be eliminated after enduring such a long process and wait time.

I flew off the handle and it's only reserved for those circumstances that deserve it.

4) As far as training schools are concerned, I am aware there are none forecast for this financial year - that's been stated repeatedly on Galley Gossip. So, effectively, we can't expect any real movement to occur prior to July 1 - unless, of course, something else happens...oh the change!

Remembering, of course, QF now have instant access to London via Hong Kong - something Dixon is really keen to take up ASAP from what I've read in the papers and online today.

In closing, I hope you accept my apology and that you enter into the spirit of PPRUNE like we all do.

easternboy 17th Apr 2004 12:07

OK OK my post was a little harsh and I apologise.

Mr Seatback 2

You have issues, you come across so bitter and twisted and pleeease enough about how long you have been in the industry for, you are exactly the same as thousands of others in the Australian aviation industry.

As for Q-Tee he/she was just posting information directly from Qantas word for word. You cant blame Q-Tee for not putting a postive spin on the post. Its because of people like you that more and more QF people are choosing not to post on pprune (and it seems all these people are Impulse). Just because its not what you want to hear dont take it out on them.

Are you sure QF is the airline you really want to work for? From your posts it seems like you have so much cotempt for the airline, like it was QF's fault that SARS happened and not to mention the on-going war.

Mr Seatback 2 18th Apr 2004 02:52

Oh easternboy

Don't mistake directness for being bitter or twisted. Just my way - don't take offence!

I already apologised for to Q-Tee for taking her post out of context. Kudos for jumping to her defence, but since I've apologised, what's the problem?

With respect to my length of service in the Australian aviation industry, I have no illusions that I am not alone in this regard - on the contrary in fact! Your post did, however, take a contemptuous tone against all of us in this thread who stated how happy we were to stay on the list. Obviously, hindsight on your part (just like mine) has provided an apology for our posts.

I like how I (allegedly, and single-handedly!) managed to scare away QF people because of news I don't like. I speak my mind and question info where, and historically at least, it makes little if any sense. Oh, and as for the dig at

(and it seems all these people are Impulse)
...I'll let others decide for themselves on that one. Found it quite funny actually.

I've never blamed QF for SARS or Iraq. Don't be silly easternboy. The point I was trying to make (which I thought then, as now, was clear) was that 'anticipated', by it's very definition, does not solidify anything! Just like the recruitment 18 months ago was intended to fulfil 'anticipated' crewing needs THEN, external influences meant that we have sat on the list for 18 months thus far - with ANTICIPATED needs possibly determining future recruitment mid this year.

From here on, I'd like to suggest to all (and this goes for me also - because my passion can sometimes cloud my judgement - particularly after a couple of sav blancs) the following:

We quit taking this whole thing so seriously and let what happens, happens.

Feel the love guys.

ditzyboy 18th Apr 2004 03:01

What is wrong with Impulse people, Sweetie?

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