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Twin Star 10th Jan 2004 03:36

How old are you?
So how old are you and how long have you been in aviation?
Are you married and do you have a family?

Me: 22 years, 2 years in aviation, single :)

Now you plz :D !?

Fokkerdriver 10th Jan 2004 04:43

Good evening!!

24 years and counting....

Been flying since I was 18 and that fact has just left me single once again ;)

Aerofoil 10th Jan 2004 05:58


Aged 19
Almost 2 year in the industry (10 months as a baggage handler and 10 months as cabin crew).
Currently 32.5hrs into my PPL
Contemplating the professional studies loan to pay for the rest of my training.
Aiming to become flight deck. The sooner the better as this is my dream.



TrafficBoy 10th Jan 2004 06:18

im 20, been flying for 2 months, been in the industry for 3 years, and im oh so single...... not that i mind THAT much


hostie 10th Jan 2004 06:30

Should a lady disclose her age???

I'm 36 now (where did all those years go?)

18 years total in the travel industry

including 11 years in aviation

8 of those flying

Presently single (and loving it!)


Why? :confused:

OzzieO 10th Jan 2004 11:38

Oh god what a depressing subject, oh well here goes. 42 years old been flying nearly 18 years!!! God I can feel a migraine coming on..................:*

halfscaledelfection 10th Jan 2004 13:20

22 yrs old, 3 years (training+degree in aviation) finishing off 3 subjects for FATPL hopefully will be in jets by 23/24????

dupont3700 10th Jan 2004 18:05

23, almost 24
3 years experience
4th airline (1bankruptcy)
single(straight) hating it

TomOfScandinavia 10th Jan 2004 19:04

Hating being single or hating being straight...? ;) :ok:

qfmike737 10th Jan 2004 19:27

a little spill
20years old

Completed 2 Diplomas Business and marketing. 4 Certificate IVs Business/Public Relations/Advertising/Travel and Tourism

Worked in Hong Kong 6 months in Events management

Been in the airline industry for 14 months in the airline catering/aircraft service side of things

I also work as a cabin attendant on the tilt train/sunlander/spirit of the outback

Have just completed 1 hour of my PPL as my new years resolution was to be a pilot

Single and loving it

pray each day that one day ill be in cabin crew and appreciating allt he positive support you guys have been giving me :-)

Ranjha83 10th Jan 2004 20:07

Just turn 20, lifes going fast after school

Currently studin Dimploma Tourism Sales and Marketing..

Waiter 4 months
Supervisor 1 and half year

Nearly got selected for QLD cricket team to play for AUS. bad luck:{

I will be a FA one day after studies. hope so and you all out there are the best for advice. :ok: pprune rocks. :sad: :)

Cliff 10th Jan 2004 21:12

Age: 38 years
17 KLM years

EnglishmaninNY 10th Jan 2004 21:38


28 Years old; came to US in 2001 after graduating university in the UK to pursue career in professional aviation. However, met a beautiful young lady, got married, bought a house on Long Island, NY and have a wonderful 8 month old boy...however, my progression through the flying ratings has been somewhat hampered! Currently an Investment advisor / stockbroker and still desperately want to make it as a commercial pilot. However, every time I plan a flight, most of my paycheck seems to have been already accounted for by Babies-R-Us!


EinNY ;)

Itswindyout 11th Jan 2004 01:15

A long time
Got my licence in 66, told by BA-BOAC that I did not have the aptitude...perhaps they were right.....so did not go airline but went corporate, slightly outside the rules in those days perhaps, and still at it... that is not outside the rules...so that makes age 55, time in business 34 years....:cool:

Chiney 11th Jan 2004 03:38

Interesting thread!
37 years old, 16 years flying for Delta Air Lines.
1 husband, 1 dog.

Tart with the cart 11th Jan 2004 04:00

just turned 24, flying for 2 and a bit years, and engaged :)

FormerFlyer 11th Jan 2004 04:57

29 Flew for too long (about 2.5 years) with wrong carriers.

1 boyf & 1 rabbit.

Skunkie 11th Jan 2004 11:46

With the exeption of someone...I'm 34, nearly 35 with 13 1/2 half flying......feel like a grandma ;) ;) ;)


Iguanahead 11th Jan 2004 16:10

I hear you Skunkie ;)

36 married with 2 kids, one of each, 14 years total as Cabin Crew.

Have been taking a break wth the babies and playing full time Mum but I reckon I might jump back on deck soon. My God I'll be one of those old boilers I used to snigger at when I was young and gorgeous :{

Ah but all the experience I have and I don't feel a day over 20.:ok:

Skunkie 11th Jan 2004 16:31

:D :D :D

iguanahead...I perfectly understand you!!!!! no children for me (so no stop :( ) but I think this is really ....Flight and galley love!!!!!!!



raine 12th Jan 2004 02:48

Nice to meet you all!!

36 here, married with three kids.......and two dogs...and three cats....oh and lest i forget a rabbit too!:D

spent 17 years in the prehospital emergency care arena...had enough of that...kids are older...went to the aviation arena....6 months now with a regional carrier....csa....about to go inflight f/a in a few weeks or so!

to all of you thirty-somthing gals with kids or without.....cheers to us!! we still got it!! and we're still young enough to do something with it....and wise enough to know when we shouldn't;)

Happy flyin' Raine

Jinkster 12th Jan 2004 05:26

Currently 20 - 21 in March. Started flying when I was 13 (flying in the Air Training Corps) started my PPL in Jan 2002 and finished it in March 2002. Currently studying for my fATPL - and will hopefully be flying the jets soon when I get my theory out of the way :ok:

Almost forgot single and straight too ;) so PM......

VFE 12th Jan 2004 06:27

He don't miss a trick that ole Jinkster! :)


eire_boy 12th Jan 2004 06:28

23, working on cpl, single and open to offers:ok:

YYZ 12th Jan 2004 16:41

29, 2 years flying, studying for the ATPLs
Girlfriend & Tortoise in tow.

Jinkster 12th Jan 2004 16:46

Hey VFE,

Had no replies yet - so much for this proon dating thread.

How do I enclose a picture??

Jinkster :p

galley-wench22 12th Jan 2004 18:42


I am 23, been flying for 1 year as cabin crew. In a long term relationship.

Northern Highflyer 12th Jan 2004 20:07

33 with 2 years flying.
Studying for ATPL exams.

Single :( no kids (yet) and open to offers.

Hope to be looking for my first job in 2005 :O also open to offers

Potential girlfriends queue on the left, potential employers queue on the right. :ok: :E

OBK! 12th Jan 2004 20:36

18 with 2 years flying.

Currently work in operations, specifically crewing for airline which flies banana-coloured planes. Currently completing IR hopeing to gain RHS one day, which couldn't come any sooner!

Single but getting to know a few people ;)

Jinkster 12th Jan 2004 22:42

I dont think that a very funny remark :} :} :} :}

Hostie from Hell 12th Jan 2004 22:43

28 years old

spent 8 years in aviation, gave it up 2 years ago.

happily married to a pilot;)

Kelas 13th Jan 2004 00:55

27.......very very single and been in the game from the age of 19!

PPRuNe Radar 13th Jan 2004 01:24


We're here to help :}

Had no replies yet - so much for this proon dating thread.

How do I enclose a picture??
So I'll put your pic up for you ... go get him ladies :E


Jinkster 13th Jan 2004 04:30

PPrune radar - where did you get my picture from??

:E :E :E

Northern Highflyer 13th Jan 2004 18:01

I feel a PpRuNe singles (or married and bored) night coming on. :E

WeLieInTheShadows 13th Jan 2004 19:19

Im 29, male, straight

Been working for BA as CC for over 6 years now.

Got a G.F. been seeing for 6 months now, she's just moved in and I reckon she's the one! She's also CC for BA (surprise surprise!!).

Oh.... And I reckon cabin crew is one of the greatest secrets in the job market ever (especially for straight guys).

I still love it and have never looked back and never will.


chuks 13th Jan 2004 20:01

56, just, with one wife, two children and numerous semi-feral goldfish. 28 years in aviation.

Started in aviation as a mechanic then failed the entry exams for hippiedom so had to drop back into the straight world of aviation.

Words to live by: Not everyone in aviation is a son-of-a-b*tch, but all of the sons-of-b*tches do seem to be in aviation! Still, it beats working for a living.

MarcAir 13th Jan 2004 20:29

As young as I feel!
MMMMM well started with australian airlines 14 years ago, transfered to qantas long haul at merger transfered back to shorthaul CSM now transfered back to longhaul to be a Flight attendant again. all care no responsibility ! grin
Single (Hate it)
Gay (Love it)


:ok: :O :cool:

jbird11 14th Jan 2004 00:55

28 Years Old

10 years In the Business and enjoy every minute off it. Seen some fab places through work and with concessions, met and have some wonderful friends through this industry.

5 Years with British Midland on the ground

and now just over 5 years with JAL as Cabin Crew

Twin Star 17th Jan 2004 02:30

Thanks for your inputs up to now. Seems to be quite different ...

@hostie: Why? Just curious ...
Hope you didn't find my question inappropriate !?

Now go on plz if you want to

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