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-   -   How old are you? (https://www.pprune.org/cabin-crew/114753-how-old-you.html)

aspidustra 26th Feb 2004 22:52

just realised! there's more than one page!

sorry younger people I should learn how to use internet forums before making rash claims about being youngest :O :O :O :O

tonyt 27th Feb 2004 00:06

male, not straight ,43 yrs, senility a speciality, would recommend 'hint of grey' hair products available at all good chemists..
8 yrs crew, before that RAF. same partner for 15 years - and just been re-called back into the RAF - hey ho...

360BakTrak 27th Feb 2004 00:10

26 year old ATCO, been in the job for 6 years and first baby on the way! Sarcasm on the RT a speciality!!:bored:

Trini_Pilot 9th Mar 2004 10:25

I'm 19. Currently a Student Pilot. Where are all the Sexy Female Cabin Crew at?:E :E .

I love women to death. If you are single cutie you can pm me :E :ok:

RUMAD 12th Mar 2004 01:03

HI i'm 23, been flying for almost 3 years now and still love it:D
Been with my partner for 3 and a bit years.

What an interesting,diversre bunch of people:D xx
Great subject!!

penny_benjamin 12th Mar 2004 09:04

Sad to see so many wasted talents out there...know the feeling :sad: :E :\

Been flying for 3and 1/2yrs...solo F/A lacking enthusiasm.
Re-enrolled in uni...Sports Admin. I am a Sport Sponge!

Most of working life in Hospitality/Customer Service (that's a good 15yrs...ick!). Time for a change me thinks :confused:

Good to see and hear the diverse backgrounds of the wonderful underpaid, unappreciated ppl in our industry.

I keep telling myself it's character building, strong and independant that wins at the end of the day...but it would be nice to have someone waiting for you at the end of the day!!!

yellow rocket 13th Mar 2004 06:48

Too old for EK
What great company to be in...

brown hair/green eyes
2 degrees
former lecturer
now a 737 Flight Attendant
no money
no house
1 computer
1 car
loads of debt
will only leave flying in a body bag

Skunkie 13th Mar 2004 07:32

You should know that two degree, being a former lecture and be able to use pc are particulary negative ability for a Cabin Crew....at least if nobody knows you are able ;) ;) ;)

that's why you got no house,no money and loads of debts....

Now I'm kidding, but I made selections for Cabin Crew in different companies, and having too much experience is seen as a waste of time for this work...just smile, say hallo and give some coffee......

We all C/C know that is not excactly like that, but is a cruel thruth!

If you tell too much during a selection, they consider you much more than a mere Cabin Crew!!!!

You say you are 35 , so maybe your selection was some years ago, but then and today is the same...we should appear nice, assertive and "gray" I mean no ideals, not too much, not too low....is sad but is like that!!!!

Remember if you're gonna do other selections...

Two weeks ago I applied for Ramp agent (I'm sick to fly after 13 years) and they specifically told me (I mean the Manager of the company) not even to mention that I'm graduate!!!!

Good luck in life


ILS 119.5 13th Mar 2004 08:19

OK here goes.
Sorry, not cabin crew but love you all (not gay), without you our night stops and days off would be crap.

38 years old (male)
4 kids (2 of each)
19 years in the business
6 years as an Air Traffic Controller
13 years as a Pilot (now Captain)
Still listen to Radio One and Heavy (sorry Classic, my son tells me) Rock

After saying all this, I think a good thread to post would be "Confessions". Could be interesting. Away for 5 days now but will check to see if anyone of you daring people has posted it.

Skunkie 13th Mar 2004 18:58

Confessions....could be a right idea.....but how many people still working has the guts to say how many burdens they have to carry because of stupid people! I think I won't work in flight anymore, but i gotta a lot of things to tell....the fact is that I'm quiet and usually forget even the worst. At the end I think...ok they are stupid , let them be.....
A lot of people probably won't think like me and could be a nice thread!!!!

Come on, anyone wants to start?......Anonymous or not just as you like :O

Lunachick 15th Mar 2004 08:15

Wow so many single people...
Well here goes...

27 1/2 years
Flying for 3 years, wouldn't do anything else
Newly single & lovin it!
No husbands or children rostered
Blonde hair, hazel eyes
Height 5'6", hips 36", waist 24", bust 36"

Happy & safe flying to you all

LC xoxo


ozskipper 15th Mar 2004 20:03

You know what they say.... "Your only as old as the person your feeling!" :eek: :)

yellow rocket 15th Mar 2004 21:37

"...the hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllls are alive, with the sound of muuuuusiiic..."

ozskipper 16th Mar 2004 10:52

Anytime Dr Phil....

You have a problem, I can usually find an excuse or justification! ;)

No comment 16th Mar 2004 12:11

22 (very nearly 23!)
6 years in aviation - with the other 16 spent dreaming about it!
oh yeh, and single for past 3 months

Any nice rich pilot ladies want to buy me an ATPL?!

andyw34 17th Mar 2004 20:05

34 yrs old

just entering my 13th yr of flying........4 airlines

yet again single......and look like staying that way......remind me how you meet people off the a/c

DelseyDiner 18th Mar 2004 04:25

we should make this a dating site!?
Hi, In answer to your question:

I am 37, female, straight and single

I have been flying 2 and half years as Cabin Crew.On my 2nd Airline and just about to job hunt for the 3rd - as someone said earlier 'it is a way of life - not just a job', I couldn't bear the thought of a 9 to 5 job but aviation industry as it is today I may have no choice.

No aspirations now(did when I was at school) to be pilot as I think it is quite complicated and an awful lot of responsibility. I'd be alright getting served coffee every 20 mins though ! :D

So there's an awful lot of 'Bridget Jones's' out there is there a forum on here for a dating site? looks like some of us could do with it. After all even if you do meet someone you fancy at work, likelihood is you wont see em again for 6 months. (or they are married

Only found about Pprune few weeks ago, now I cant stay away from it .....I really should be off to bed:eek:

packone 18th Mar 2004 06:13

-19 nearly 20
-unemployed in aviation
-been flying for about 4 years, have cpl me-cir and all atpl subjects
-sell kettles at myer when i'm not at the airport
-extremely straight, yet single.

seems a lot of single people out there. does this concern you? it concerns me. i could think of nothing better (apart from sitting in the left seat of a jet) than being married and happy with kids. somehow though i dont think it is likely to happen. :sad:

34R 18th Mar 2004 11:19

Turn 33 this year
When my airline collapsed was in my 8th year with them
6 years as a flight attendant, 2 as a cabin manager

Now a commercial pilot

Am hoping to run into my old colleagues, this time up the pointy end!!

And I have one beautiful and very patient partner:\

qfmike737 18th Mar 2004 13:25

I'm 21 and look 21 Dr. Phil but I have an obsession of wanting to still look under 18 probably because you can get away with a bit more!!! LOL if i still fit into my old school uniform..I used to waer it when i used to go for a spin downtown to see the reactions of the 'older folks' i probably would wear it more often if they fit me better....Dr Phil what should i do?

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