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..Ann.. 25th Nov 2010 00:54

doj 29 nov
Hi!! I received my e-ticket yesterday, not the visa yet. I am arriving at dubai on the 30 of december!!! Cant believe it yet....

Have a safe flight to all of you that are joining soon...

see you soon!!!!

dianabasto 25th Nov 2010 01:42

Ann i have a question, since you are in argentina the same recruitment team will be here in Colombia next month and i got the invitation for the AD, can you tell me more less how it is ?? thank you

Coco05 25th Nov 2010 08:47

Anyone else staying at Al Hudaiba Bldg, Block S2, Al Hudaiba?

purelife 25th Nov 2010 09:54

Ele87 and dubaiiii
dubaiiii: It doesn't matter what time it's in your home, they called me at 4am! So have your cell phone 24/7.

Ele87: You will be my neighboor :) Yes, it is far away, but WHO CARES? it's FREE, the apartments are BIG, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms plus a visitor one, nice furniture. We have Sahara Mall just next to us, so we can walk there.. we have two supermarkets downstaris, a hair salon. And if you wanna go to the center, you can take the Emirates bus to HeadQuarters and then get a cab from there or from there take another bus to the buildings in the center.. it's not that bad, it's all how you look at it.
we are very close HeadQuarters, just 10-15 min.
And a huge plus would be if you get a nice flatmate :)
Ahh and of course we have a pool and a gym on the roof. :ok:

Ele87 25th Nov 2010 11:51

Thanks heaps Purelife

You've been a big help, I have been trying to google information on that area and building but nothing comes up. Thank you :-)

dubaiiii 25th Nov 2010 12:31

sorry for all my questions
but i have another one:)

when you get to Dubai
and you have to do the medical stuff
will the doctors there strip you
down to inspect your body for tattoos, scars, piercings?

also i have heard they will do
X-rays and ECG etc, do we have to take our clothes
off or something to do those in front of the dr´s?

im just curious,


pinkey 25th Nov 2010 12:39

Thank pprune for having this wonderful forums and also thanks to everyone for providing as with such a wonderful information about the OD/AD of emirates. and i hope am going to have a wonderful time here since am new in this forums thanks. can someone please help me out, i have applied for AD with ek since october and have not receive any invite but they came hear on 20NOV. does anyone know when they will be in Ghana again.and those who went for the AD can someone please tell us how it was, we want to know how many people were there and how many went to FI thanks. .

CABIN DUBAI 25th Nov 2010 13:17

Hey everyone does anyone know if it's ok to take your medical tests and translate them at an authorized translater or they should be written in english by the doctor? or the translated copies should be signed be the doctor after they are translated? i'm very short with time and i don't know what to do?:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

dubaiiii 25th Nov 2010 14:04

Good luck everyone on receiving the golden calls
good luck to those who will attend open days

ally23x 25th Nov 2010 18:01

Geat post!!! Every wannebe in here should read this manifest to the importance of wanting bad enough this thing and making all the efforts to get it!

Good luck in receiving your GC :)

Ismena 25th Nov 2010 19:22

single or married
hello everyone, I'm new here.

well done DUBAIII great post, very informative, I wish you good luck and I'm pretty sure you'll get the GC soon, you deserve it !

I'd like to ask a question if I can..

some time ago on this forum I read that when you join Emirates you need to remain single for 3 years, I am married does it mean I have no chance of getting this job?

thanks in advance for answer,
and good luck to everyone,

dubaiiii 25th Nov 2010 21:29

ally23x thank you and CONGRATULATIONS i just read you got the call and you will start in January, wish you the best!

Ismena thank you for your kind words,
during the whole recruitment process they never told us we have to be single during 3 years or so.
i think this is a rule that Qatar has if im not wrong.
one of the girl who also made it to the final interview with me was married and had kids.
I have heard many crew in emirates are married and have kids too.
You should 100% try your luck with this company!!!!

ally23x 26th Nov 2010 06:47

Emirates recruits also married persons...you might have to really impress them, and you will also have a different contract and accommodation status, and I don't know what else, but you give it a try...they do recruit married person.

They mentioned very openly when they told us how to do our professional full lenght photos, that the only jeweleries accepted are small earings and the wedding ring if this is the case :) So no worries about this!

Good luck!

ally23x 26th Nov 2010 08:10

I have read on this forum that they sometimes call with hidden number! If those weird hours were during office hours of Emirates Group (Sunday to Wednesday:07:00 hrs - 15:30 hrs Thursday :07:00 hrs -15:00 hrs - time zone is GMT + 4 hours) then it is possible that they have called you :)

Anyway...I am sure they will call you back! :)

Best of luck and congrats!

ally23x 26th Nov 2010 08:22

Certificate of dental health & Cervical smear test report
Can anyone tell me what tests do I have to do before I go to the dentist to complete the report? Meaning I saw that I have to do a dental radiography...but the two bitewings I don't know precisely what they are...or if the dentist makes them.
Also I have read on this forum that someone said what the dentist should write in the general appearance part...but how I can't find the post anymore...can anyone tell me what do you have written?

And about the cervical smear test report. I saw on the papers that we can also refuse to take the test. Would it be ok to do so? I believe that refusing to take that test wouldn't look that good :(
The problem is that I have taken the test in june this year, and is negative for papiloma virus, but came up something else (cured at this moment) ...and I don't want to upload that report, but in the same time I don't believe it would be heathy to take that test again...what should I do?

Thank you in advance!

ally23x 26th Nov 2010 08:28

Documents for security
I want to ask if the foto we need to upload can it be with smyle? :) And if it has to be PDF or JPG would be fine?

And the passport copy has to be PDF or JPG would do?

I am so stressed :D I thought I won't be...but it turns out I was wrong. I will deeply appreciate your help!

Youyito 26th Nov 2010 13:45

Text speak
[Text speak]

Read the first sticky thread at the top of the forum.

ThatRedHatGirl 26th Nov 2010 14:24

You can repeat a smear test after 3 months from the last one, otherwise there's nothing there to test. If you're concerned I'd just repeat it.

Generally refusing the test is only to be done if there's no reason to do it (i.e. you haven't had sex before; the cancers/cell changes they are screening for only happen if you have, so if you haven't, no need to worry)

I guess you could also refuse on religious/cultural grounds but I wouldn't know anything about that. I had to repeat it as they messed the sample and couldn't get a proper reading, the doctor said it's fine to do it again they just wait 3 months in between as there needs to be enough cells there to test. So I wouldn't worry about it being 'unhealthy' to do it again :}

(Sorry if that was too much information but that's what they told me!!!)

ally23x 26th Nov 2010 16:36

Thank you! I didn't spoke with my family doctor yet, and I did not knew that you can do it again in 3 months. And as I had read on the forms it said that it has to be made in the past 3 years....so I fugured this is a test that you shouldn't do to often...but as you said I understand that there aren't reasons to do it to often, but not that it would be unhealthy ...

And about too much information...I believe that too much is better than not enough! Thank you!!!

I was thinking these days that if God will help me get my final approval I would love to thank in person to everyone that helped me...Many people from this forum!!! Do you think it would be possible? :)

All the best!

edoble 26th Nov 2010 20:43

AD in México City?
OMG I'm worried because the information about the AD in México City is no longer on emirates website, could it be that maybe it was postponed?

dubaiiii 27th Nov 2010 17:20

waiting process
lack of anything else to do while waiting for this golden call/ rejection email
i tried to calculate few of peoples waiting period from the time they had their FI to the GC...during 2009 and 2010
and i thought i would share this info, interesting dont you think?
or perhaps not :)

also it seems as if 20 days + few days - + seems to be the ´´normal´´ time dont you think?
or not?
and yes i do not have a life these days, :)


Ismena 28th Nov 2010 11:38

married or single

thanks a lot for that, it means there is still hope.

I hope your GC comes soon, good luck!!


thanks for the info, it sound like they actually consider married people too.
good luck!

..Ann.. 28th Nov 2010 12:30

Hi all!!! I have just received my accommodation details.
It is Obaidulla Building 4, Al Qusais.
Could anybody tell me something about it please????

Thank you in advance....


perkin1 28th Nov 2010 14:57

Here's my situation.. I came through the open day in Sydney last month, had my FI on Oct 12. (i was one of the 3 boys to make it to this stage)
I also took down most of the other girls contact details so we could check on each others progress..
9 days later my online status changed to APPROVAL IN PROGRESS.
Didn't hear anything then 2 weeks after this I received a uniform and image standards declaration form to sign and email back. (several of the other girls also got these)
The following week a bunch of the people who made it to FI with me received the 'sorry' emails..
(as far as I know none of these had approval in progress nor received the uniform forms to fill out)
then starting two weeks ago, most of the people remaining have received the golden calls (these people also seemed to have received the uniform form and had app in progress - before changing to A RECRUITER WILL CONACT).
I still haven't heard anything nor has my online even changed from approval in progress..
From what i've heard and read on here, It seems like I've passed my FI and been recommended by my recruiters, and my application is still being approved by higher management..
Last Tues, since it was 6 weeks after my FI, i decided to phone the emirates cabin crew HR in dubai, told her my situation, gave her my email/details so she could look me up, and she told me that my application had been sent for approval, and that the joining team should PHONE me within the week.... Still no call, nor has my online status even changed.
As we know, a phone call would mean successful, but its been the longest 7 weeks of my life!
What do you guys think?
So annoying, since I'm currently overseas, and have had to leave my phone in international roaming, which is costing a fortune! haha

Feel like such an idiot over analysing this like i am... but as a lot of you are probably aware of, its hard to get it out of your mind haha

Anyway best of luck everyone else with your applications!

Samantha in Sydney 28th Nov 2010 22:11


Maybe just turn your roaming off. The recruiter Sandy couldn't reach me (I gave them the wrong international/country codes) so she ended up emailing me and telling me she's been trying to ring me with an employment offer and can I please call her back or let her know my correct number and a good time for her to call me again. I just ended up calling her straight back and that was my GC!

Sam :)

anna19b 29th Nov 2010 15:40

security documents
Hi guys! I have a problem. I've uploded my security documents a day after I've received my portal detailes. And today after 4 days I've received a email and a message from EK HR that I am late with my security documents with 4 days. In my portal my documents are uploaded. It might be a problem with tha system? Anyoane had this kind a problem? I am very strest:-s Thank you very much for your time guys

leiser182 29th Nov 2010 15:57

The same happenned to me i upload my documents for security and 2 days after i received an email saying they were overdue, i email them to tell them that but they say just to ignore the email, hope it helps, just write them an query good luck!!!!

Mari 29th Nov 2010 15:58

You're fine. The problem is with the system. Don't worry too much.

rose gil 29th Nov 2010 20:29

can anyone help.....if you go for an open day before the 6 months are up like someone did today......then was called back for the assestment day tomorrow......what should she do

Samantha in Sydney 29th Nov 2010 22:22

Anna19b - Security Documents
Don't worry, it is a system generated email. I have received it twice already (emails and text messages) even though I uploaded the documents already. I wrote a message in the portal and they replied telling me to ignore the emails.

Ele87 30th Nov 2010 00:16

leaving for dubai
well today is the day I finally depart for Dubai, congratulations to all those who received their Golden Call and will be joining me in Dubai, to all those who are still waiting, stay positive & keep your chin up :)

Samantha in Sydney 30th Nov 2010 04:49

Congratulations Ele87!

Please keep us informed on everything! Have a safe flight!


PassionFruit 30th Nov 2010 15:30

6 weeks waiting
Hi everyone,

I'm posting for the first time, and i'm doing this, because i'm freaking out :)
I know that you are going to answer me, all the things that I expect and that I already read in foruns and blogs... but whatever I need to hear it

I got my FI on 19th of October at Lisbon, they said to wait four to six weeks... and nothing until now, just one girl received a rejection e-mail 5 days ago.
Can you imagine 6 weeks waiting? when I read everywhere 3/4/5 weeks. but I'm ok because i'm not the only one waiting here in Portugal.
Emirate HR said that Portugal was exceptional, because we were 50 persons to the FI. and they divided us for days. and we were so many people that they had to flew to uk and come back again 2 weeks ago to interview the last ones.
They said if we were all good, they would took all, but... hummm :)

and I read everywhere that you got a login in emirates to see your "status", we didn't get a login...

it's just 6 weeks now and we are going crazy... they called me from uk 2 weeks ago asking for my new passport, because the old one would expire in less than 8 months.

so... I'm just writing here to comfort others in the same situation, and to know news if anyone knows something about it.

Hope I'm going to the hot Dubai,**
wish you all the best
best regards***

ally23x 30th Nov 2010 20:48

About your login...to be able to see the changes in your status, you have to register on their website by completing the application for cabin crew position (there is one that is always opened).

At the end of all the fields you have a place to mention your FI date, and you mention yours....maybe they have already processed your application...

However, keep in mind that the letter or acceptance (why work for us) is a very very important part of your application that could both increase and decrease your GC chances...and a very negative part of having access to your status is that you go crazy checking it each and every day/hour/minute/second :p

P.S. you can contact them if you have waited for more than 6 weeks, asking about your application

Youyito 1st Dec 2010 00:57

Hello PassionFruit.. Do I know you??? I was int he same OD... And I did the FI the 19 too...

How do you feel? Do you know something about the people? In my group we're all waiting too... Do you know if the people has got the GC or rejection mail already? Or are we all waiting for an answer...

If the UK office called asking you for yoru passport that means your application is not sent to Dubai yet... So the faster you send it, the faster they will process yoru application... They received all my documents three weeks ago, and then emailed me saying that my application had been sent to dubai for further processing, and that i should start my 6 weeks waiting FROM THAT DAY...

About the rejection mail of that girl... Do you know if it was sent from Dubai or from UK? I've always had the doubt if the UK office rejects people too or they send your profile to DXB even if the recruiters don't reccommend you.

Ally23... I didn't know you still can do an online application after your open day... I thought it was just for the ones who made a previous application... But... if the "why work for us" is so important... Do you think it's worthy to take the risk of filling the application, and soing something wrong just to follow your status?

I'l d like to track my status as you said... "yepp in fact i would be checking it every minute"... But i'm afraid of what could happen if I do something wrong at that stage... could you imagine? :O


Best wishes to all people! :D

MLiz 1st Dec 2010 09:37

Hello everyone,

I was just wondering...when did the people who sent documents after the FI received the e-mail saying that their file was sent to Dubai for further processing? Was it quite fast? I'm asking because I did not receive any confirmation e-mail after I sent the pending documents and I'm afraid they rejected me because they might have not received my e-mail. I read on other forums that they usually don't answer e-mails...but some of you say they received info about their file...
I sent them an e-mail asking about that but I still have no answer. Thanks in advance for your answers! Good luck to all of you and for those flying to Dubai have a nice flight!

ada123 1st Dec 2010 09:40

I don't know what to think. I attended the Open day in Rome, on 27 november and did not receive the invitation for the assesment. It was the second time this happened to me, after a Qatar open day in October.
I start to believe that maybe I am not what they are looking for. Did any of you attend several open day before getting an invitation? Do you think I should continue or stop here?
I really want this job, but I don't want to loose time and energy for a dream that may never come true.
I don't know what type of girl they invited for the next day, but do you really need a top model look? Or it's enough to have a pleasant grooming, a nice smille and customer service experience?
I feel lost and hopeless...

Youyito 1st Dec 2010 09:51


How did you send the documents? Was it via courier? I mean... Do you have any chance to track the sending?

In my case, I sent the documents and wrote them an email. I got a reply the next day...

Then, after a week, I received a call from them asking about my documents again, so I tracked the parcel and answered via mail that the documents were already in their officce (they arrived the same day so I assume that they was still in delivery when they called me)... And the same day they wrote me telling me about the application sent to Dubai.

I mean... They sent the email because they had to phone and ask me or something like that... I don't think they confirm any single application sent to them, It would be a mess.

So don't be afraid, that doesn't mean rejection.... The rejection ALWAYS means a mail, you know...

Remember, no news are good news.

I hope this helps to you... Don't worry about it, okay?:ok:

ally23x 1st Dec 2010 09:55

I am surprised your recruters did not tell you that you have to apply on-line...for us it sounded like it was almost compulsory, but well...

My advice is to fill in the application. This way you can proove them that you really want this job. And in the WHY WORK FOR US part make an essay through which to convince them of hoe much you want this job and further make them wanting to hire you (maximum 4000 characters). You can say there everything you believe it would bennefit your application and might have not gotten the chance to say during your AD :)

Good luck! And if you have any questions...don't hesitate to ask me!

MLiz 1st Dec 2010 10:16

I sent the documents via e-mail, unfortunately I have already received the e-mail (rejection) but I hoped it could be a mistake since I did not receive anything after submitting the documents...well, I think I'm a little desperate :) but I'll be fine soon.
Thank you for your help Youyito!

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