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-   -   Emirates - Wannabes & Recruitment VIII (https://www.pprune.org/cabin-crew-wannabes/430226-emirates-wannabes-recruitment-viii.html)

dreams82 29th May 2011 07:21

Proud mum
Moles are okay,because i have a friend who was hired and has got one,like akoti said,black spots are as a result of pimples and black heads,Ek loves smooth skin

spikes2485 29th May 2011 17:04

hello guys
i would like to know something concerning the date of joining. i was given a paper in which i had to mention about the date i would be able to join emirates if ever i was selected. anyone know whats the maximum days/months they can give you?

thanks in advance for your help guys :) :) :)

Tina1 29th May 2011 17:18

No status change
:sad:No status change on my application yet,it still says 'applied'.Looks like they will not be checking some applications soon. Could anyone please email me the phone numbers for emirates HR for cabin crew? Maybe i could call and find out why my application has not been looked at?Better to try than to remain unsure, please somebody inbox me.

Torontofly 29th May 2011 18:00

Open Day
Hi Everyone
I went for an open day in Toronto yesterday however I arrived at 920am, at this point the doors was closed, and all I had to do was just drop off cv +photos, I was never emailed back nor invited to attend an assessment today:bored:I am so upset,don't know what went wrong where? I have been to an Open day before, got through the Final Interview and re applied after a year. The HR recruiter didn't look too happy when she saw I am back after a year . I mean she didn't even know me ? But on my form she saw my final interview was on 2nd May and I got rejected on 19May. I went for an open day on 28th May but the date of the final interview was 2nd may ( I put that on the form). Maybe she just assumed that it hasn't been a year? and I wasn't invited for an assessment day

Not sure, anyway, so my question is, I just went for an open day and didn't even get called for an assessment day. so now can I go for another open day? I am gonna re try in another city/country which is happening next week. So I am allowed to go right? Don't need to wait 6 months.. etc:uhoh:???
Please advise.

Mari 29th May 2011 18:03


When do you want to join?

It takes 3-6 weeks to get the Golden Call. Then they usually offer you a course 4-8 weeks after the Call.

If you need a later date, you can discuss it with them on the phone. I'm sure it shouldn't be a problem as there are many training courses this year.

So, normally people join Emirates 3-4 months after the Assessment Day. Is it too early for you?!

ThatRedHatGirl 29th May 2011 19:41

am so upset,don't know what went wrong where

I went for an open day in Toronto yesterday however I arrived at 920am, at this point the doors was closed
I think you just answered your own question.

As for DOJ, they told me any more than 6 months from the offer they cannot accommodate you, you must reapply from the start. So to be safe I would put at most 3 months in case for any reason things get held up at either end.

Also if they say they take holidays already booked into account- don't bet on it 100%- they will try to give you leave if possible but if things are busy, forget it. I know of several crew who missed holidays they had already paid for. You are starting a new job, your leave does not carry over and Emirates have no obligation to honour things booked before they employed you (my friend had to change the date of her own wedding!!)

Zabibi 29th May 2011 20:19

Did anyone get invited to the assessment day / open day in Copenhagen yet ?
How soon do they send out the invite before the venue ?

Please let me know. Thanks!

Carso 29th May 2011 21:29

I can assure you that you are not alone! Still waiting for my "Applied" status to change! I guess we just have to be patient and see if they will invite for this one. If not, i'm sure you will get invited to the next.

All the Best:)

Rotweiler 29th May 2011 21:30

Mee too I am in inquetude of the date of open day invites!
I applied to mine but status is stilll "applied".
Any ideas?

PS: I found my last questions answers on 1st page into long post. Thanks.

wannabecc 29th May 2011 21:38

Where was the Toronto Open Day advertised? I didn't find anything on the EK website. Also for those who attended, what was the general age group there?

Torontofly the same thing happened to me years back, regarding the EK Open Day. I got there around you at 9:20am and the recruiter stormed to the door, told me and my friend we were late and took our CVs. I don't understand why call it an OPEN DAY when you have a set time and agenda for the day. Shouldn't that be the ASSESSMENT DAY? Surely an Open Day means you have an option to go there anytime. After all Air Canada calls it's own recruitment drive, Open Day and quite literally you can go there any time of the day. What dictionary are Emirates referring to :rolleyes::). This probably explains why Emirates after all lands up with a "bag of mixed nuts" on board. They don't get it quite right from the start!!!

Mari 29th May 2011 21:49

Emirates open days
Surely you didn't bother to read the homepage carefully:

Our cabin crew recruitment team conducts interviews in numerous countries worldwide and facilitate events in Dubai and the UK. Open Days are information sessions that give candidates the opportunity to meet our recruitment team. Sessions begin at 09:00 am sharp and carry forward through the day depending on the number of candidates. Applicants are required to present an updated C.V. along with full length and passport size photographs in business attire.

wannabecc 29th May 2011 22:04

True, I understand the 9:00am sharp, which is why I was turned away too for being late. But my point is why call it an Open Day. An Open Day is when you can arrive at any time. Like I said Air Canada calls it's own recruitment drive an Open Day, where you arrive any time between say 2pm to 7pm, have to sit for an hour or two before you meet a recruiter, and from there progress to the next Interview level. People flow in all through the day, and you can reach there by 7pm closing time too and still be guaranteed an interview. Emirates terming their recruitment day Open Day seems quite contradictory to the actual term.

wannabecc 29th May 2011 23:11

Interesting to see Rosegirl's and another's comment about the Open Day that was cancelled and it's applicants had no choice but to leave. However it actually happened later that day but not at 9:00AM Sharp as advertised, which actually included those that came in late that day ;) :D

Torontofly 29th May 2011 23:30

Open Day
So when I went for the open day yesterday, I was 20mins late, I understand its my fault and the HR recruiter did not really entertain me, nor ask much questions, she just took my CV + photo
so now I need to wait 6 months before going to another OD? or I can just go for an OD again? I thought only if you go to the assessment round and fail it, you need to wait for 6months

Surf_Dude 30th May 2011 02:25

Hi everyone!!

Im new here and have gained a lot of info just by reading the whole thread :).....

My only concern is that I registered online last week and completed all the steps... and submitted my application..... But, I still havn't received any invitation for the interview..

There is an open day in Seychelles on the 11th and im currently in Doha, Qatar....

Do u think i shud go even i am not invited???

Thx in advance :ok:

Torontofly 30th May 2011 06:11

Open Day
Hi Everyone
I went for an Open Day in Toronto, but was late for it, so just got to hand in CV+photos, never got called for an assessment day, can I still go for another OD next week in some other city? or no, please advise as I need to book the bus/hotel etc...

I havent attended the assessment with Emirates yet, just the Open Day. Kindly advise?

I just got this e-mail from Emirates right now

Dear xxxx, 30th May 2011

Thank you for your application regarding the position of Cabin Crew with Emirates Airline. We are pleased to inform you that we are conducting Recruitment Open Days, the details of which are given below.

Date : xxxx
Time : 09:00 AM
Venue : xxxxx

Please be informed that should the location of the above Open Day not be convenient for you; please continue to check our website Welcome to Emirates Group Careers Centre - Work for Emirates for future recruitment days in other cities.

Business Attire :
Ladies - Knee length skirt / dress with skin colored stockings.
Men - Suit & Tie

Should you wish to attend this event, please bring an updated CV along with a photograph. The Open Day will take up a larger part of the day, depending on the number of candidates. If you are successful at this stage, please note that you will be required to attend our selection process that is conducted over the course of the week.

Please also note that any expenses incurred by you will not be reimbursed by Emirates.


We wish you every success with your application.

Recruitment Manager
Cabin Crew

Daisy Akinyi 30th May 2011 06:25

Mari/fellow ppruners
Hi ppruners? Im still in a state of confusion. Your advice will highly be appreciated. I applied for the AD in my country on 12th May and got my invite on 17th May for 12July AD. I was just tryin to do that because it was a month to the end of my 6months wait. The problem is, i have received an invite for an AD a day before my 6months are over. Should i go for the AD? Will i be penalized for having applied before 6months are over. Do i ignore the invite and wait for another invite? And what will happen if i dont show up for the AD? Will i have to wait for another 6months?

imani 30th May 2011 07:16

Hi Daisy. Trust you are well. I am not an expert on this but my advice would be to email/call them and ask them if not when you go to the AD you can explain the situation and ask them if it is okay to proceed with the AD and i am sure they will be better equipped to advice you.If not just go to the AD and do your thing.
All the best.

ThatRedHatGirl 30th May 2011 07:25

"Open Day" meaning that one does not have to go through an agency or other pre-screening to attend, and does not need a specific invitation (unlike an AD)

Emirates is not a Canadian/US airline therefore it is not wise to assume their definition of "open day" is the same as a Candian/US airline. I think you may be getting confused with the commonly used term "open house" which is as you describe- a 'drop in' at any time.

Emirates have chosen to conduct their recruitment in a certain way and have been doing so for years. Why would they suddenly change it for the US/Canada just because it's more convenient for some people that way? Their process takes a long time and if they had people turning up at 7pm it would go until the following lunch time! :}

As for attending an OD within six months- it had been mentioned recently by some that the rules have changed, where it used to be you could go to one OD after another so long as you did not attend an AD, now it seems they count sic months between each attempt. Perhaps it's to be more fair and give a chance to those who attend the first time and can't get noticed with all the repeat applicants who need more time to develop.

Since she took your CV (and saw you were late) I would guess the 6 months applies. Check the EK website to be sure and see what it says there.

Daisy Akinyi 30th May 2011 07:41

Imani for the advice, i will try and contact the hr...between, do you know the human resource email adress? I need to do that soon before its too late. How long will it take before they reply the mail?

I_Love_EK 30th May 2011 09:27

6 month rule
The six month rule does seem to cause confusion these days. My understanding is you can't attend an OD if you attended an OD (not just AD) in the last six months. The last OD I attended (Nov 2010), the recruiter said if anyone had dropped off their CV at an OD in the last six months, they weren't eligible to apply and were asked to leave. It does seem harsh, this is why I think it's better to attend OD's where the numbers are low, at least everyone gets a chance to progress to the AD, and you're not just being assessed on your CV/picture/30 second interaction.

pearl23 30th May 2011 11:11

hi! :rolleyes:i have a question.....after the reach test, are they going to require to weigh each applicants????? to see if she/he's height and weight are appropriate???

anacernic 30th May 2011 11:37

Hello everyone! I have few question, hoping that someone can help me..

I just got trough the medicals and everything, to the next step, step 2 of joinig. Can someone tell me, what now? When do I get my ticket and the adress of my future home? Will htey call me now to tell me all the information?

And what kind of black trousers and black shoes do i need to have for training? Do I need anything else or do I get everything there?

Saab Dastard 30th May 2011 12:29

This thread is replaced by a new Emirates Wannabes thread here:



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