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-   -   Etihad - Wannabees & Recruitment III (https://www.pprune.org/cabin-crew-wannabes/305577-etihad-wannabees-recruitment-iii.html)

twentyeight 10th Jan 2008 07:12

I've been reading all the posts, and I'm a little concerned about Etihad management/HR - not only from reading this forum, but also because HR are quite slow in getting back to you, and slack with the whole employment process.

I'm due to start Cabin Crew training at the end of this month (they've changed my start date a few times - I was supposed to start at the beginning of January - this was when I started getting a bit nervous about the company). I've completed all the medicals so I'm just waiting on final approval.

I'm nervous now, because I wonder if they've also put me on hold as well. As far as I know, I'm not. I have not had that 'hold' email that some of you others have had.
I WILL BE REALLY PISSED OFF IF THEY PUT ME ON HOLD! I am definitely not waiting for 3 months or more - I will move on and find something else.

I know not everyone feels the same, and some of you are happy to wait which is fine, but for me any more hiccups are unacceptable.
I realise they are a relatively new airline, and going through a transition phase at the moment, but it is simply no excuse for bad management/HR practices.

I'm really trying to stay positive (I know it may not sound like I am in this post, but I am!), and will go over to Abu Dhabi with an open mind, and ready to work hard. While I've been taking in what's written in these forums about Etihad, I'm also trying not to take on board too much of the negative things (which I'm sure some of it's true, and some of it may not be - a lot of it is subjective, but I want to make up my own mind when I get there) so that I don't go over to Abu Dhabi with a negative frame of mind from the outset.

If any of you have questions about the recruitment process, I'm happy to answer anything I can!

Good luck to everyone!

ashlea 10th Jan 2008 08:01

What was the date of your final interview?

My best advice to you: prepare yourself for any possibility.

Sky SA 10th Jan 2008 11:01

To Summarise . . .
Hi everyone,

Firstly let me start with my story. I applied to Etihad last year, September and made it alllll the way to the assessment/interview day. BUT this date is what Im waiting for. I'm pulling my hair out checking my e-mail 10 - 20 times a day waiting for "The E-Mail".

I did send them an e-mail enquiring about the date of the assessment and they said early 2008 . . .

From what I understand reading through everyones threads:

1. Etihad are on hold with the interview/assessment dates untill April is it?

2. Etihad are on hold with the training?

Does ANYONE have a date for their assessment/interview day?

Who can I call to find out what is going on? (anyone got a number and a name pherhaps?)

Hope you guys can help out. And aplogies to you, if you reading a repetitive message l!!! ;)

Safe landings!


missydk 10th Jan 2008 11:34

Sky Sa
This is what i understand too... I also applied last year and was told that I would hear about assessment days etc. within 1-2 weeks.. I never heard back from them.. and now it seems nothing will happen till April...

harry201 10th Jan 2008 12:43

Anyone Starting on the 27 this month???
Hi Everyone !

anyone starting on the 27 this month
let me know

Mflyer 10th Jan 2008 18:37

Prior to joining
Hi everyone,

My joining date is on the 27th of January,i was just wondering,if anybody knows,how many days prior to joining they would send the e-ticket and the visa..
Any info would be helpful...

Thanx :ok:

EYner 10th Jan 2008 19:35

I am starting on the 27th anyone here ?

rockerlpz 11th Jan 2008 00:23

....... until April????......
Oh man, so there wonŽt be recruitment more days at all until April???... oh my God... , and some of us havenŽt even applied online yet... , how long do you think it will take if something happens??? I mean, in case we get selected in a future open day, do you think we would have to wait for 3 or 4 months for a final decision?......

so I guess they will put the date of the NY open day in march, right?... anyone knows anything about that open day?

Does anyone know if any other middle east airline is having open days in the United States or in south america any time soon??

I anyone knows any information IŽd Really Thankful if you could Please share it with us. IŽll be looking forward for your answers.

Thank You

.goldenboy 11th Jan 2008 06:54

Emirates will be having an open day soon in sao paulo and san jose this month , and next month in Buenos aires and Caracas.

Leito 11th Jan 2008 11:24

.... and Mar del Plata on Feb 28th. :}

Midadi 11th Jan 2008 18:43

I think thast Etihad is placing the applications on hold at the moment only because they do not have enough facilities like the training academy and crew accomodation! they are a young company and as soon as everything is built up they will recruit like they have never seen Cabin Crew before:-)

I would only apply through their website as soon as you see an avertised assessment day in a city which is the most closest to yours!

Go for Emirates Airline! Give it a try see!

TightSlot 11th Jan 2008 20:05


This forum is intended for working Cabin Crew: Some time ago it was nearly over run with wannabees, and for that reason the wannabee threads were established to be a source of information for those seeking recruitment. It would seem that the wannabee threads are now being used for a sort of social networking function instead.

You need to be very clear on this - If your post does not contain concrete fact about the recruitment then it has no business on PPRuNe - anywhere: This means that any of the following stuff is not to be posted...

Facebooks, blogs, I'm so happy for you, woohoo I got it, wish me luck, send me a PM, msn me, will you be at the interview, follow your dreams etc. etc. All of this should be done by PM on PPRuNe (if you must - we'd rather that you didn't use our server space for it) or by Text Message - in fact do it anyway that you want - BUT DON'T POST IT ON A THREAD.

ashlea 13th Jan 2008 13:04

They will offer you free shared accommodation as part of your package, for the entire time you are employed with them. Each apartment has 2-3 rooms and most likely you will have your own bathroom as well as your own room of course.

If you want to live outside company accommodation you can - and they will give you rent allowance for it. But if you move out remember you will have to launder your own uniform and provide your own transport to/from the airport.

When you first join you may have to stay in a hotel rather than an apartment for a while however until they sort out a room for you.

.goldenboy 14th Jan 2008 10:08

update from etihad!
I received an email from etihad today to inform me that, my application is still on hold due to all recruitment being on hold within Etihad Airways. In the next coming weeks, a review will be done of all the on-hold applicants, so once there is any further progress they we will be in touch .

jane1959 14th Jan 2008 15:27

ETIHAD F&B Manager
Does anyone have an idea if EY is still hiring F&B's for on board?

bizz_y 14th Jan 2008 18:39

pre course workbook
I have a qustion concerning the first week of joining Etihad. In the joining letter there is a line mensioning the msn-groups-etihad link were they have posted some information that should be studied by those who are joining. Ther is a line saying the following: Pre course workbook you will need to spend time learning the information in this section. You will be tested on the contents during your first week with us".
My question...... Is this true? Will they really test us on something we should learn before joining?
I have heard from someone that joined as late as December and this person did not know anything about that. She said the first week is only introductions, no tests. Could this be something new for new cabin crew who are joining now in 2008?


ianaav 15th Jan 2008 08:30

goldenboy since when are u waiting? At least they said weeks and not months, Gosh I definetly need an answer in February!

dazednconfused 15th Jan 2008 12:33

Hello all,
I am new to this forum and could really use some advice.. First off i would very much like to work for a middle easter airline and the way i see it there are Eihad, Emirates, gulf air and qatar...

What I do not get are the different requirements..so please corrct me if i get this wrong.....

At emirates and qatar you have to be qualified to highschool (a-levels) standard..

with gulf you can only apply if you have a university degree??

AND at Etihad you can apply if you have secondary education (GCSE)...

It seems rally weird to me that the requirments are different so pls correct me if I'm wrong... I guess most middle eastern airlines have higher requirements than for instance the UK ones as most of them only require GCSE!!!

Please reply!!! (and sorry for witing in the Etihad forum but since i prefer Etihad i thought it would be best..)


midoy10 15th Jan 2008 12:59

High school level(bachelor degree) and that is it :ok: move on and take your chance goood luck :p

dazednconfused 15th Jan 2008 13:20

I'm sorry but that makes no sense at all....highschool is not the same as a bachelor degree...could anyone else help out???

dazednconfused 15th Jan 2008 17:28

This is all a little confusing!!! it doesnt say GCSE on the website it says secondary education... when i look up secondary education it says that its basically the same as GCSE.. Highschool is just an american term for i guess 12 years of schooling....so in reality you need 12 years of schooling or a levels???? (basically you need to be educated so that you can go staright to university???) but you say some got through with 10 years? i really dont get this.....

anyone who can clarify whats required?

midoy10 15th Jan 2008 18:33

:)my friend :=High school it the same like bachelor degree or GCSE(general certificte of secondary school) for all company HIGH SCHOOL

dazednconfused 15th Jan 2008 18:46

thanks sonic83...

midoy.....as far as i know one has to do A-levels to qualify for university... GCSE is not enough........ and i checked out the deifinition for o-levels on wikipedia and it said that it was the same as GCSE which again confuses me since this is not high school...

Don't think you get my point so i will leave at this and assume they mean any education that qualifies you to go to university..

Soumaya 16th Jan 2008 20:19


anyone knows when Etihad start their tour ( open/assesment days ) ?:confused:

Many thanks..:)

midoy10 17th Jan 2008 09:50


CT7 20th Jan 2008 13:00

Please yes! Anything for more people that can understand and speak english!! Well Australian, it's pretty close...

jorrose 21st Jan 2008 02:29

thank u
:D:D:Dwho ever dont like it just leave :D:D:D:ok::ok:

jceee 21st Jan 2008 11:01

interview schedule
guys,anyone knows ey recruitment schedule for this year?preferrably in manila.thanks!

to all applicants,just be patient

ashlea 21st Jan 2008 11:32

To all of you people asking about open day dates/locations... :suspect:

You really just need to wait. Really. Think: MARCH 2008. :}

If Etihad and their website aren't stating any information about open days.. then do you really think anyone else is going to know specifics? :hmm:

Mflyer 21st Jan 2008 21:35

It looks near..
It looks its there..but however for all those who got the accepted contract at the end of 2007,will have to wait a bit more to get to Abu Dhabi.
However,the news is that EY staff are working hard to put up people in batches so they can bring people in certain time frame.
They are lacking accommodations and etc,so for all of those who were planned to join at the end of January,recheck if you are postponed for a bit later or you are going to join on time.

Best of Luck to all EY applicants and stay always positive..:ok:

ryz 22nd Jan 2008 07:34

I called Cabin crew HR dept. 2 days back and told me that my security clearance is done. However, they will just call me later to do my medicals once everything is fine (maybe she's talking about the "on hold" issue). When I ask her when I can expect a call.. she cannot give me a date or no. of weeks, but, she said.. for sure they will call.. For me.. it's good news!:ok:

For those who are waiting and dont know their status, try to call them... they are very nice and accomodating.. ;)

Let's be patient... evrything will be fine... :)

EYner 24th Jan 2008 13:52

hey everybody,

I am taking my flight to Abu Dhabi, i wish all the best for those who are waiting for the joining day, i know how stressful it could be ... good luck bye

dooday 25th Jan 2008 17:15

don't lose hope
hi guys,

It's been a long time I haven't been able to visit this site due to my training...

Well, my friend was accepted as CC way back last December and was put on hold and was told to call (HR) by mid February (as what I have observed, the last group of trainees will finish maybe Mid of february).:D

So, you guys out there who are still put on hold, have a little more patience ok?:ok:


mee_too 25th Jan 2008 17:50

To those who have been on an Assessment day recently:

Is Etihad still doing the 214cm reach test???
It is not among the requirements on the careers website...:confused:

How srtict are they with that? I can reach 213, but not one mm higher... Bummer...:uhoh:

ashlea 25th Jan 2008 20:43

February? Doubtful.
March? Perhaps. If we're lucky.
April? Looks likely.


ryz 26th Jan 2008 13:35

Hi Sonic83..

It is very confusing.... If you check the Etihad Career Website, they indicated that they are still in need of 1500 cabin crews..

ashlea 26th Jan 2008 14:28

How can the crew in training have stopped training over there? They're living there, just hanging out, twiddling their thumbs..?? :hmm:

How could management have overestimated that badly the number of crew required? Do they HAVE an actual HR department over there? Have other airlines had these teething problems, even after four years of being established?

Maybe they expected a higher turnover but found people decided to stay instead of quitting, he he. Like when airlines overbook seats on flights because a percentage of people usually don't turn up and they want the plane to be full regardless...

I think the number they note on the website doesn't really mean anything, updating it is probably the least of their concerns right now..

sil1233 26th Jan 2008 14:58

The company has new destinations coming online soon as well as new aircrafts .. this requires more crew members. I dont think they are full of cabin staff , they just lack of facilities , training , accommodations etc.
I have a colleague who left emirates and his training with EY begins tomorrow on the 27th.
I also noticed that at this moment the company favours those with cabin crew experience , those with no experience are on hold ,, :confused: i dont understand as to why ?

Good luck to everyone:ok:

ashlea 26th Jan 2008 15:15

I think you're right, it would be more about the accommodation/training facilities as opposed to the number of crew. Or at least I'd prefer it to be that!

Can I ask why your friend chose EY over EK?

I think they don't necessarily favour those with experience..but in their current situation it is easier for them to FIRST hire:

a) Applicants from Europe, as it seems applicants from there can go over to AUH and do their medicals upon arrival, instead of applicants from Asia/Africa etc having to get clearance from their home country and then again in AUH. It's a faster process.

b) Applicants who have already been cabin crew from another airline recently, as probably they wouldn't have to complete the whole 5-weeks of training, and they could start shortly after their arrival in AUH. So again, a faster process.

sil1233 26th Jan 2008 15:48

he left for EY because they do fly to his home country so it would be more flexible for him to see his family every once in a while ,the upgrade/promotion process is faster with etihad , he also mentioned its very much easier to save some cash in abu-dhabi and i totally agree on that ,,, dubai is very expensive n lots of parties and shopping and you'd get tempted , its a cash vacuum.

I am not sure about the training ,, cause with emirates even if you were a purser with another airline company once you join you will still have to undergo the training like those with no airline experience.

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