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brendy_au 28th Jul 2010 09:03

Jetstar already have a crew for Avalon.. But still if you go for it - You may get the odd Avalon shift.

Same with Tiger.. What ever your main base will be.. They can still get you to work at both airports and you will generally have to sign a piece of paper about agreeing to dual base.

Has anyone heard about their Tiger interviews? how did they go?

Rmondo 29th Jul 2010 03:33

hi brendy,
yep, from Tue 27th Avalon interviews I think 24 of us were left after about 15 were culled.
We were told at the end of the day that we were successful and offered employment right then and there - all a bit quick really. Evan fitted for our uniform before we left !!

Sunstar320 29th Jul 2010 10:55

Rmondo, is the uniform still the yellow shirt that resembles a pilot shirt or have they updated it again for the tenth time?

Rmondo 29th Jul 2010 11:26

the uni-shirts we tried on for size were all white but I'm guessing that these were only 'demo' shirts used only to get sizes. there were two female interviewers who were also working cabin crew and they were wearing the 'normal' yellow cotton shirt with rolled up sleeves, so I don't think the colours/uniform has changed.

LadyJ1 30th Jul 2010 02:28

I am sorry and really hope I dont sound stupid.. but who are these shirts for? And what group are you guys in?

Rmondo 1st Aug 2010 01:46

the shirts we tried on for uniform fitting was last Tue at the end of the assessment day for Avalon.
so the yellow cotton shirts will be for the Avalon crew when AVV opens in Nov. although the first month we were told will be out of Tulla to get a month of experience under our belt before going onto AVV.

hope that answers your question.

LadyJ1 4th Aug 2010 00:33

Hi Rmondo,

Thanks for this. So I'm guessing you are with Tiger? Have you heard when you are starting Ground School?


twentyeight 4th Aug 2010 05:24

I know someone mentioned before that you don't get paid during training/ground school (as casuals).

Can someone confirm this? Did they say anything about it at the interview?

LadyJ1 4th Aug 2010 05:52

I was told Tiger Casuals get paid $1000 at completion of training.:)

OSCAR 2 4th Aug 2010 06:05

just received an email from tiger, ground school will start possibly in september due to aircraft relocation.

twentyeight 4th Aug 2010 08:18

Thanks for your reply LadyJ1 :)

I got invited to the interview for the Avalon intake, but turned it down because I prefer the Tullamarine base. I'm still considering Tiger though, if they do another intake in the future.

Good luck everyone!

Rmondo 4th Aug 2010 11:34

also received email today saying my ground school will be starting Aug 23rd. and will run for about one month.
Will then be expected to work out of Tulla for 1.5 months until AVV starts up in Nov.
Correct - not paid for training but will receive $1000. after successful completion of training as a 'bonus'. better than nothing I guess.

OSCAR 2 5th Aug 2010 04:49

Did anyone else who made it through the Tullamarine base cabin crew received an email regarding about the ground school being changed to possibly September??

LadyJ1 5th Aug 2010 09:14

Hi Oscar 2, I got the same email...so dissapointed want to start now.


LadyJ1 5th Aug 2010 12:28

Yes got the email also. Not happy at all. Because I had found out earlier, I had quit my jobs over a week ago (I have 3) laughs! But now I am only working 2 shifts a week and its frustrating because I also gave up my studies because I knew training was important because of what happened to me last time. And I do not like the sound of possibly starting in September... I need to know now because money doesnt grow on trees :{ I really hope it is September otherwise I am just going to have to try somewhere else.. as much as I love Tiger, I also like to live and that involves money.

Rmondo 5th Aug 2010 12:44

tough call LadyJ,

I know these things can drag on - and as you say, we need to live and eat in the mean time.
It would be a shame to leave at this late stage though - hang in there as long as you can !! :ok:

LadyJ1 5th Aug 2010 13:04

I know, I guess I kind of gave up last year when I failed and now that I am back in, I just want to start.. I am over doing my other jobs.. plus I really want to meet you all *laughs* I am just glad I have parents that will help me out for the next month. I guess I now I have time to play around with hair and makeup... yes I am bored. :p

OSCAR 2 5th Aug 2010 13:12

Hi ladyJ1,
Yes im disappointed to coz i resigned from my job and i was expecting to train around the 16th August. But i remember they were saying that they were going to confirm the start date. I guess that they have to clear all the obstacles and then training will start. Lucky we haven't lost anything yet we just have to play the waiting game!!!

LadyJ1 5th Aug 2010 13:16

I guess we shouldnt be sad because technically we still have our jobs.. but I dont know about you guys but Ive been sooooooooooooo bored at home. I just need to find something to fill out my days... something fun. I have a manual.. we should start studying. :ok:

OSCAR 2 5th Aug 2010 13:39

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