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Emirates - Wannabes & Recruitment VI

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Emirates - Wannabes & Recruitment VI

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Old 5th Feb 2010, 18:40
  #1141 (permalink)  
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Yes, 17, but from 50 people on FI.
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Old 5th Feb 2010, 19:04
  #1142 (permalink)  
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Haaaa, so only 17 from 50 were fine Hope from us 17 everybody will be great! I am sure about it!

See you in Dubai
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Old 5th Feb 2010, 20:37
  #1143 (permalink)  
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To Mari

Hi Mari,

I was hoping you could shed some light on the living situation in Dubai. I am wondering if coordinators take into account the age of the cohabitants and try and pair people that are similar (to a point). I'm in my 30's, as you mention we have different recreational ideas than perhaps a person in their 20's (no offence 20 somethings!) so I'm just wondering if those factors are taken into account? (Hope it's not a silly question or a covered topic...scared of being told off! I did read back though and I don't think so!! )
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Old 5th Feb 2010, 20:43
  #1144 (permalink)  
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Dear Danny,

I'm happy to hear that. (I didn't realize it, sorry.) Sadly, most of the people on pprune just "wanting, wanting" and "asking, asking".

Most of the successful applicants who were asking a lot on pprune don't even bother to write about their OD/AD and share their experience about Emirates later on. A post after 2-3 months flying (about: first impressions, training, rosters, accomodation, culture, crew) would be much appreciated by a lot of people. It might help to highlight the difficulties and challenges they might have to face after arrival. Why are there resignations during or right after the training? Some people are just not prepared for the job (or Dubai) and the circumstances - beside that the recruiters chose the wrong people.

Just an example. One of the senior crew members just told me - as a new gossip - that:"Imagine! The new G2's basic salary is 600 dollars! Horrible! They are going down with the salaries now! What else to come?!" The G2 must have been very unhappy with his first pay...

The information was absolutely misleading and incorrect. First of all: if you start in the middle of the month, they will only pay for that (e.g: 2 weeks). You receive 2000 dhs in advance. It's not a bonus, it's a loan: it will be deducted from your salary after training. (1000 dhs from the first, 1000 dhs from the second.) There is a 300 dhs deduction per month in the first year which you get back after completing the 3-year-contract.

Obviously, either the new G2 is not able to read a payslip or "the word of mouth" kicked in.

Anyways, I met a lot of disappointed and/or angry new-joiner as they expected something else. Usually something more glamorous and something not very different from home.

Tones of complaints about not having a Union: forget about the Middle-East then.

Complaints about being treated like a slave: long hours, night flights (yes, even 3 a.m departure), tight rosters, not enough rest. Has anyone seen a Qatar roster?! Worse... The customer is the first, you always come second. As I used to work in the hotel industry, I never had problem with the "serving" part. (You need to please the customers.)

Accepting feedback during and after training: very hard for some people. There is a critic every single day during training. It's just a game: go with it and try to correct the mistakes. And smile or cry - in worst case. Honestly, I'm too tired to argue and I personally don't have time for a 30-minute-debrief after my flight. (I could have won an Oscar for some of my performances... Believe me: I cannot use sarcasm on my flights. I learnt it the hard way. I give up so much from my personality, really. There are only a few people who are absolutely perfect for the job at Emirates.)

Best of the best: "I don't put on this jacket because the colour is horrible!"

Good luck with your Assessment! Maybe you don't need to prepare because you are one of the ideal candidates. Many of the people just go for an OD and get the job without any preparation. Although, being prepared helps to build confidence, so I would make some effort if I were you.
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Old 5th Feb 2010, 21:00
  #1145 (permalink)  
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to Beatac


Dear Beatac,

good point. They should.

Here is my experience: When I joined in 2006, we - with my batchmates - believed that they considered cultural background and age. I was very very lucky: my flatmate was an FG1, two years older than me and she was from Eastern-Europe as well. We never had any problems with each other!

I heard about other really good matches. We were also wondering if they used our psychometric tests to find the ideal flatmate for us.

However: they are recruiting like crazy now. I'm not sure they have the time and energy to consider these very important aspects. The other thing: how many flats and rooms they have available and where. If there is a new building opening, they might put most of the people there together.

I think there is a good chance that you will get an Australian or South-African (or any native English) flatmate but nothing is sure...

Unfortunately, there is no gurantee for a good flatmate. In worst case: you can move free of charge in your first year but YOU need to find a room and your new flatmate(s) has to sign the paper. You can move after your training.

Let's hope for a good building and a lovely flatmate!

- It was NOT a silly question! Am I that scary?! It's just a forum and I entertain myself sometimes... I know: I should rather go to the gym!
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Old 5th Feb 2010, 21:37
  #1146 (permalink)  
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Tks Mari!

Thank you Mari! Ha ha no you're not scary at all...was being sarcastic myself, I really enjoy your responces...they are always a good laugh!
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Old 5th Feb 2010, 21:57
  #1147 (permalink)  
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About Mari and then some

For people who wonder why Mari comes off as "sarcastic" and maybe impatient, this is what I want to say. (For the record, I don't know Mari personally)

I always believe that if you want something bad enough, you will go all out to cover your base and ensure you stand the best chance of getting it. (Which is the reason why we are all here right? To share info and learn more about "cracking" the EK interview system) Trouble is, there are too many lazy freeloaders who enter day in and out asking the same standard questions over and over.

Things like OD/AD/FI procedures and interview questions are blatantly and frequently discussed not only in this forum (although I must say this is one of the best sources of info) but also widely in the WWW.

For myself, I've spent countless hours, ever since the day I decided to give EK a shot, over threads from various forums. And with PPrune, I sometimes spend 6 hours straight just reading back and taking notes. Call me obessesed but I have my own journal of notes that I've gathered from people's experience.
1) OD procedure, things required, photo standards, things to take note of, behaviour etc
2) AD procedure, types of questions they'd ask, typical pitfalls to avoid, dress code, english test, discussion topics, 16PF test (which i have done 4 times with different answers just to judge how consistent the test is)
3) FI questions they'd ask, prepare about 3 real-life scenarios to match possible questions etc
4) Basic EK and Dubai info: fleet, routes etc

I am not a CC with EK, but it's been 2 years since I've started taking an interest and I am giving this a shot at my AD this Sunday. I may not get to FI simply because I know so much and am so darn prepared, but this knowledge gives me an edge (or so I'd like to believe) because my fellow candidates have no idea what to expect but I do.

My point is, I am sure we are all here to share and learn from one another but if you have enough GENUINE desire to help yourself, you would have done all these background research on your own without having to rely on others. (Here I am talking about basic info which has been repeated to death. Of coz the insider info is fine, I do ask a lot of those questions myself.)

I would assume for a veteran like Mari – who has been active here since 2007 and who has probably seen countless of said freeloaders who just ask these surface questions without wanting to put in the "work", and those who disappear after relying on the help provided here, given by everyone, without "paying back" to the forum with updates on newbie CC life with EK – it is tough to resist sounding impatient or even a tad "sarcastic" as previously expressed by another member.

It is very natural to be annoyed by people who want something from others (being a CC job with EK and advice from fellow candidates) but refuse to put in just that little effort to help themselves to begin with.

I think if you are really keen on scoring a position with EK, or any job for that matter, the most basic trait is INITIATIVE.

Okay, I am sorry to be preaching but it's just my honest opinion about human behaviour. Ultimately my point is, if you want something bad enough, you'll know where and how to find your answers. Only you can help yourself. And a forum is only good when there is an EXCHANGE of information, not just certain people providing answers all the damn time.

PS: This post is not directed at any particular member by the way. And I would like to thanks everybody who have helped me so far, with my incessant tattoo and dress code questions. Also, good luck to everyone who's in the OD/AD/FI process. This is my current career goal and I really hope to be up there with you guys soon. Cheers.
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Old 6th Feb 2010, 05:57
  #1148 (permalink)  
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Very good post.

Mari, please don't apologise. As jzmn59 quite succinctly put it,'.... if you want something bad enough, you will go all out...'.

Unfortunately what you see on some of these threads is what you also see at work. We have some great crew who make the effort to deliver the high standards that are expected of them, not just in service but in safety, attitude, and appearance. Then there are those that really couldn't give a toss. 5 months into the job and preparing to leave 'cause our pax are low life and demanding, babies cry, night flights, only 24 hours off downroute, yada yada. H E L L O ! what did you expect from the job? 7 hours reading hello magazine while your First class pax sleep, then 4 days in the sun while the Captain rubs the suntan cream in and pours you another chilled glass of DP. ( Mmm.......now there's a thought.....

They don't sell you the crap in the videos. They sell you the dream. They make it look good and for many, it is. Some people just have an unrealistic view of the hard work they're about to undertake. Also, and this is becoming plainly obvious over the last few years now, we are becoming an asian airline. Many crew from Western Europe and Australia as well as North America are leaving and not being replaced at the same rate. Terms and conditions here, as well as pay, struggle to meet realistic targets set back home. For those coming from the poorer countries, this is their job for life. It feeds their families back home and they don't 'rock the boat' at work. Some of these crew will earn in one 24 Hr European nighstop, in meal allowances alone, what is the average monthly salary at home. That's why we call so many of the crew 'Delsi diners' or 'noodle nancys'. The only crew to go out are generally from the nationalities that are all leaving. Why go out with people you have little in common with and spend 20 quid on a nice meal and some drinks when that's Father's weekly pay.

Anyway, apart from the 120-150 hours you'll be working every month, 7 hour UK flights with 5 minutes for you to eat and some CCM's treat 'their' crew just like 'their' maid, you'll have a great time. Honestly!

Just don't expect them to tell you this at the open day........


Last edited by harry the cod; 6th Feb 2010 at 06:07.
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Old 6th Feb 2010, 06:21
  #1149 (permalink)  
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Can you read? It was written maybe 1000 times. If you are really interested in this position why you don't have a look on EK sites or don't read this forum properly??

Once again. For OD you need full length photo in business suit, passport photos and CV. You can also register on their website. Other documents as passport copies, diploma etc. they want before your FI.

I hope your next question won't be how OD/AD looks like? It was written hundered times as well. So make a time and read and take notes there is plenty helpful information.

Hope you will share your experience after your OD. Good luck there!!
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Old 6th Feb 2010, 07:18
  #1150 (permalink)  
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Lucy R

You forgot to tell Fareeza to bring one of her parents along to guide her through the day!

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Old 6th Feb 2010, 09:03
  #1151 (permalink)  
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harry the cod

If you are already working there,and the job is that hard for you with all the negative things you mentioned , what prevents you from leaving ?
Just leave the job ! EASY
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Old 6th Feb 2010, 10:03
  #1152 (permalink)  
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Question OMG

OMG i have chunky legs, well just the calf part but absolutely no spider veins or scars on my legs. should i still try out?
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Old 6th Feb 2010, 11:06
  #1153 (permalink)  
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Swissy Chica,

you should ALWAYS try to follow your dreams whatever you read, whatever OTHER people think!

I have a female colleague who is always wearing trousers as she doesn't have really skinny legs. (It happens: what to do.) She was hired because she is absolutely lovely, full of energy, funny, nice, easy-going, helpful and hard-working. In addition: nice smile, pretty face. I adore her!

Put on very high-heels for the photo and the OD. (Like 8 cm if you have shoes like that.) It makes you look taller and slender. The impression counts, most of the girls are not perfect. (Some of them are dead beautiful, though... Especially Indians and Koreans.)

I have a big butt! My suit was quite good and I didn't remove my jacket during the OD because I was afraid I would look fat...
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Old 6th Feb 2010, 11:35
  #1154 (permalink)  
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Angel hi all wannabeessssssss

bibos can you tell me what happend in your assesment day in lebanon

and for all of you i can say that this is a great forum
you can find a lot of information about emirates here

for me i have another story with emirates and I don't think that any one will have it
well i will tell you about it one day (car je suis occupé mnt) so see you later good luck for all of you
if you want the job ........ go for it

Last edited by flying away; 6th Feb 2010 at 11:46.
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Old 6th Feb 2010, 11:55
  #1155 (permalink)  
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to flying away

It sounds very misterious... You got the Golden Call a year ago (January 2009). What happened since?! Tell us about it.

Did you go for the training? Were you sent home afterwards? (There were some bathes sent home after 1-2 weeks of training due to recruitment stop.) Have you been in the holding pool? Did you have to repeat your assessment later on? Are you with Emirates right now?
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Old 6th Feb 2010, 13:27
  #1156 (permalink)  
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Talking love you

remember people think of you as you think of self; often times we display our self image by how we dress or express ourselves...rem love you...and feel great always.cheers
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Old 6th Feb 2010, 14:36
  #1157 (permalink)  
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Reply to Mari re: BRATISLAVA 2008 open day

Thank you for taking the time to post this, i found it very useful. i was at the OD in Dublin today there were easily over 100 people there so we just answered questions asked to the whole group by 2 lovely pleasant women representing EK.

We handed up our CVs one by one and had about a 1minute chat with one of the women as we did this. it took over an hour to get through everyone, then we watched videos and could ask questions.

we then were told we'd get calls in the next 2hours to tell us if we made it back to the screening day which will take place tomorrow. i made it to this, i got the call a while ago!! if your succesful tomorrow then the interviews are taking place mon and tues of next week so all happening very quickly!

Could anyone tell me at which stage do we need a ref letter from our surrent employer because i havnt told mine yet-of course and will we need it after the interview so a 4-6 week period?? and there is a chance we might not get a place?
my employer will be difficult about this i can tell, so im a little worried. but ill take things as they come. and good luck to those whole are attending the OD over the coming weeks!!
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Old 6th Feb 2010, 14:53
  #1158 (permalink)  
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Hi Mari

Hi Mari,
Thanks for understanding i didn't mean to sound like a begger(no hard feelings). I also believe that to whom much is given of him much will be required so you need not worry about me keeping in contact as long as time permits you will be able to share in my cheers or tears. i have wanted this for sooo long i don't want any mistakes if i am not successful it shouldn't be that i wasn't prepared.
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Old 6th Feb 2010, 15:26
  #1159 (permalink)  
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If you havn't already applied for cabin crew position, save yourself some time & effort and go straight into management. That's just the sort of reply they love to give in this part of the World! You'll walk the interview.

By the way, my post was a heads up for those about to or thinking of joining. I am merely pointing out to many who read and post on these forums what Emirates will not be telling you at the OD's. After almost 8 years here, our CC colleagues are definately working harder than they did a few years ago. No profit share and no pay rise. The only thing increasing is the amount of warnings issued to crew. Morale is low. Fact.

Whilst I do work for Emirates, you'll find me hidden away on the other side of the flight deck door. Our terms and conditions are very different.


Last edited by harry the cod; 6th Feb 2010 at 15:49.
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Old 6th Feb 2010, 16:43
  #1160 (permalink)  
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Flying away ( A/D )

It was quite the same as all the other mentioned AD's in the forum.
2 interviewers one was lebanese the other from egypt.
we started by MAKE SOME ON's DAY song , then they started to tell us about emirates and check how much do we know about it.

1- they separated us into 2 groups and each one of us had to introduce the one sitting next to him by few words.
we were called by our tag numbers to reach 212 cm and she asked each one a small question just maybe to know more about him and to take the first impression.
at this part half of us ddint make it .30 were removed and we were 62.so you better be confident at this part.

2-English test which is so easy . you should pass

3-group discussion : each group at a time , we were given something to discuss which was if we support taking the H1N1 vaccination. at this stage we should all come up with the same answer which is if we are or not with taking this vaccination. ( they want to check if you are a team player or not. and how do you act within groups.)
then half the number didnt also make it and those who were good went to the final interview. at the end 10 out of 62 went to the final.

4-psychometric test just to know more about you.

good luck
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