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-   -   DO NOT use Robert Weaver as a ferry pilot (https://www.pprune.org/biz-jets-ag-flying-ga-etc/533492-do-not-use-robert-weaver-ferry-pilot.html)

Jetblu 3rd Oct 2014 11:53

Hi Dave - different day, same :mad: with our friend, eh.

Just to think, he was thanking you a few years ago. :p

I'm just getting a website up and running with numpty no 2 friend, very similar
to the one I did for numpty no 1 during that era, if you recall.

A Fresh Start - A open apology - PPRuNe Forums
Professional Pilots Rumour Network

rigpiggy 4th Oct 2014 13:27

realistically we need somebody to host a robert weaver/ferry pilot page. Then we need to hit it hard, move it to the top of the google rankings. Needless to say it makes it hard when people look online for services, and the first thing that comes up are court judgements

cessnapete 4th Oct 2014 17:52

Don't worry about the threats of legal action from the Quimper caravan park. I'm still waiting for mine to arrive after some weeks, or more to the point my Lawyer daughter is!

gileraguy 7th Oct 2014 02:08

A matter is not defamatory if it is true.
And you have to have a reputation to uphold before it can be reduced by defamatory imputation. If you have no reputation, you have no reputation to protect.
Ergo: commencing civil action (along with requiring a substantial amount into a solicitors Trust Fund) would be a precarious path for the subject of this thread...

ericthepilot 17th Oct 2014 08:50

Why is it so quiet on the Robert Weaver News Network ??

Even RT TV has great news stories brewed up every day.
Can we not get more news on this guy ?
It's too quiet !!

Booglebox 17th Oct 2014 09:50

Quite right ETP. The guy needs his own reality TV show :}

Evanelpus 17th Oct 2014 10:48

I do think that the "no news is good news" analogy is spot on when it comes to Mr Weaver.

Feathered 1st Nov 2014 15:14

It is interesting that Robert Weaver / Sky Ferry who skirts the law now uses phony claims of the law to attack the people he scammed.

Would love to see him try to do this in my state, which provides for treble damages against phony claims.

Lurcherman 13th Nov 2014 18:49

Weaver strikes Again
Another victim, $16000 bucks down, plane got as far as Geneva before Weaver gone "sick" 10 days ago.
Is anyone getting anywhere near nailing this guy?

mutt 13th Nov 2014 19:21

Another victim, $16000 bucks down
They say that a fool and his money are easily parted, but this is getting ridiculous, a simple google search on RW would have revealed a lot of interesting information.

Evanelpus 14th Nov 2014 08:02

They say that a fool and his money are easily parted, but this is getting ridiculous, a simple google search on RW would have revealed a lot of interesting information.
How many times has this been said about RW. Some people are fools and look no further than the ends of their noses and will use his services because they are probably cheaper than the competition. Short term gain for long term pain!

Maybe the FAA should pull his licence. If they fail to act on reports of criminal activities by someone holding one of their licences, then clearly there is something wrong with the system.
FAA and FIFA comes to mind here.

deefer dog 14th Nov 2014 08:33


Just wondering how you got to hear about the latest victim, and if you can tell us more?

Would also be interesting to learn the registration domain of the aircraft, and if not N reg how Weaver (assuming it was him actually flying it) could operate legally with only his FAA ticket?

Cessnafly 14th Nov 2014 13:00

My guess would be..... the stuffed owner has been frantically phoning around attempting to secure a genuine ferry pilot.

drag king 15th Nov 2014 09:51

Maybe the FAA should pull his licence. If they fail to act on reports of criminal activities by someone holding one of their licences, then clearly there is something wrong with the system.
Not sure how the FAA could come into play here. In the end he's (allegedly) committing fraud, not reckless flying so it's more a contract terms violation or worse but not a breach of flight regulations. Then it's interesting how the can of worms opens when the airframes reach EU and never in US...

Just wondering how you got to hear about the latest victim, and if you can tell us more?
For those who haven't done it yet, you may want to join the AIRCRAFT FERRY group on FB. Some trustworthy chaps and companies there, worth loads of information.

Best luck the all owners!

aviation24x7 19th Nov 2014 01:58

We are looking forward to welcoming Mr. Weaver in India.

If anyone knows about his MVT through India please let us know.

Thank you.

tfsur 20th Dec 2014 16:44

Don't know if anyones interested but Mr Weaver is now advertising on Afors! Maybe he's down to ferrying flexwings

eaglescout 20th Dec 2014 20:00

Robert Weaver | LinkedIn

Jonzarno 26th Dec 2014 07:15

He now has a SR20 for sale on Planecheck including an offer for conversion training and worldwide delivery if needed. :sad:

PlaneCheck Aircraft for Sale - New planes and price reductions

Crontab 26th Dec 2014 20:06

He is now offering dispatcher courses too - Training, Faa/naa/ Jar Flight Dispatcher Course Feb 2015, Clubs & training, advert ID=31963 :}

Tinstaafl 29th Dec 2014 12:40

How is he qualified to teach for the Dispatcher certificate? Does he have an Adv. Ground Instructor certificate? What appropriate experience does he have? From reading the Seneca crash thread et al he hasn't exactly demonstrated competency in the area.

dallas 1st Jan 2015 13:36

Notwithstanding his jolly japes in the cockpit, how come nobody has prosecuted this clown for fraud if the stories have any basis? And why hasn't anyone drawn his antics to the attention of his licensing authorities in the mean time? He's not doing this in [random tin pot country] so why aren't the criminal and aviation authorities feeling his collar before he kills someone?

Crontab 6th Jan 2015 10:15

Speaking of fraud, he's back to flogging aircraft at suspiciously low prices - PlaneCheck Aircraft for Sale - New planes and price reductions

Going by this advert he obviously doesn't have a clue what he is talking about:

- That's a G1, not a G2 as the latter didn't start production until 2004
- Those are some funny-looking Garmin 496s! :}
- What's a PDF? :} (assuming he means a PFD, which the aircraft doesn't have anyway)
- That certainly isn't a three-axis autopilot!

Misrepresentation of goods anyone?

Evanelpus 6th Jan 2015 15:50

That link doesn't work.

Has no-one ever heard of a Google search?:confused:

The exploits of Robert Weaver have been well documented, not only here but elsewhere and anyone who get's involved with this character deserves everything they get.:ok:

His dudeness 6th Jan 2015 17:36

Has no-one ever heard of a Google search?
The Turkish Government apparently hasnīt....

Skyferry Aircraft Delivery LLC has been contracted by the Turkish Government to deliver multiple training aircraft for a new flight training organisation which will be benefit it's local citizens. Therefore helping Turkish nationals train for their licenses all the way from private pilot level up to Airline Transport Pilot.

The multi million dollar project has been designed to increase the amount of commercial pilots within the country. A number of supporting carriers, including Turkish Airlines, will be working closely with the organisation

It is hoped that the airlines will be able to hire more of their own nationals as opposed to the current situation of having to hire and outsource from Europe.

Multiple deliveries have already taken place this year with another 15 schedule movements for next spring which will include the ferrying of popular training aircraft such as the Cessna 172 and Piper Seminole.

Skyferry and Chief Pilot Rob Weaver are delighted to have landed such a major contract and are working to deliver the aircraft on time and on budget.

For further information regarding Skyferry, Robert Weaver or if you would like a personal recommendation please don't hesitate to contact me.

Jon Hilton


Legal Brokers Ltd

Tel; 0845 603 0708

Newforest2 6th Jan 2015 18:06

Interesting! Wonder if this is the same Jon Hilton? Legal Brokers would appear to be predominately a UK house conveyancing entity. Ironic that their address is 'The Old Police Station!'

Jon Hilton becomes first person to fly to Canada and back in microlight plane | Daily Mail Online

honeybadger7 6th Jan 2015 21:44

Liar & Thief
"Rob Weaver" is a liar and a thief.

I have personal experience with the man and am posting hoping someone's Google search brings him to this thread.

I've been contacted by local police in the UK regarding him and no measures have ever been taken against the man. Either he's a legal wizard who knows just where the enforceable limits of fraud lie, or that authorities just don't care.

I suspect the latter. Such things usually catch up, and for his sake, I hope it's the legal system rather than "Professional" job.


Jetblu 7th Jan 2015 02:03

Quote: "Rob Weaver" is a liar and a thief.

Sorry to hear that you have only discovered this now.

Quote: I have personal experience with the man and am posting hoping someone's Google search brings him to this thread.

Many of us have had similar displeasures with him, although unfortunately, he is not alone. Whilst the world of the internet has been fabulous for virtual information, these people also use it as a tool for unregulated and fraudulent activities to lure the unsuspecting.

I did note the training course here.
Training, Faa/naa/ Jar Flight Dispatcher Course Feb 2015, Clubs & training, advert ID=31963

I suspect it is also unapproved and unregulated.

Not too dissimilar to this numpty here. Neil Drew | About me

He was an ex carpenter/ wood spoiler, failed joinery proprietor.
Neil John Thomas Drew profile | free company director check

In about 2006, decided hypnotherapy counselling was his new vocation in life.

He went here. Student comment page

He has no relevant academic qualifications whatsoever, although he did
attend a few day unregulated seminars, gathered a few worthless certificate of attendance diplomas and bingo, he has decorated himself in more letters behind his name than Adi Amin had in medals and now actually refers people to himself as a psychologist. :=

Quote: authorities just don't care.

Again, you are right. The authorities would rather be out catching speeding motorists.

Evanelpus 7th Jan 2015 08:10

On time and on budget, two statements that definitely don't apply to Weaver.

I almost choked on my Coco Pops:eek:

Keef 7th Jan 2015 21:09

I hope for his sake that he doesn't try to rip off the Turkish Government. They aren't renowned for being forgiving.

treadigraph 9th Jan 2015 13:03

On time and on budget, two statements that definitely don't apply to Weaver.
He may be stretching the definition of "deliver" a bit too.

Contrail 39 16th Jan 2015 12:14

Robert Weaver - same old MO.
We contracted with Robert Weaver to deliver an Air tractor 502B from America to South Africa. His initial appearance of efficiency waned very quickly, and we were progressively sucked into more than a months delay. His excuses are legendary, and the best one, directly to me after yet another weeks delay, was that he was going through a very difficult divorce. Well, he is not even married !!
The aircraft never left America, and he still owes us money. If you are thinking of using him, read about his MO, going back 10 years and think again. I wish I had...hindsight is twenty twenty.
Below is a factual account of how he operates !!

Proflight l Sky Ferry - Timeline of events

9th September 2014

Proflight made contact with Sky Ferry (Robert Weaver), to get our Air Tractor (AT502B) ferried from Olney, Texas – Lanseria, South Africa.

10th September 2014

A contact was signed between Proflight and Sky Ferry.

In the contact, it was stated that the expected ferry timeline would be 6 days (subject to any weather delays).

A southerly routing was agreed for the ferry.

11th September 2014

We received the co-signed contact back from Robert Weaver (Director of Sky Ferry).

Proof of payment was made to Sky Ferry for the full amount.

11th – 16th September 2014

Various emails backwards between sky ferry, tom and Jeff McClatchy at Air Tractor regarding the route, fuel, HF radio etc

16th September 2014

We were informed that Thomas Handzlik was going to be ferrying the aircraft. We received all his pilot information.

18th September 2014 - Email from Robert to Terry at Proflight

“Toms flying up today to view the aircraft. Departure set of the 23rd September. All systems go.

Jeff as I previously mentioned you should get the HF for Friday or Saturday, Monday absolute latest.

Rob Weaver”

23rd September 2014 - Follow up email from Rob to Terry

“Morning Terry/Graham,

Hope your well. Tom got to the factory yesterday and has taken acceptance of the aircraft. The HF radio which I put on two day service was supposed to arrive yesterday but it will not arrive until noon today in TX. Tom will depart to Bangor later but that might not be until about one or 2 PM local time.”

I will be indisposed for the next three or four hours but you can track the progress of the flight on FlightAware.

Rob Weaver”

24th September 2014 - Payment issues from Robert to Tom

“Hi Guys,

The HF arrived yesterday at 14:00 local. My bank did make a error on a payment we sent to Tom Thursday. It was rectified yesterday and should show as credited on tins account very soon today. However I don't anticipate a departure until tomorrow by Tom.

Tom imperative your in the air Thursday so Maine aero can rig up the HF with Antenna they have on Friday as they are closed at the weekends.

I apologise for the minor delay”

25th September 2014 - Email to Proflight

“Tom will be on the way today. Everything sorted ref banking. Jeff, Tom will give you a routing amendment copy for customs. Tom no tail block on the flight plans please as we'il want to track you.
Rob Weaver”

26th – 29th September 2014

There are a number of emails backwards and forwards between Tom, Robert and Jeff. After a number of further delays the HF was planned to be installed on the 29th September 2014.

30th September 2014

Aircraft left air tractor factory enroute to have the HF radio fitted.

1st – 2nd October 2014

Correspondence between Rob and Tom regarding the routing, HF and departure date

In addition, we were asked to send the physical address for certain equipment to be shipped.

3rd October 2014

We were informed that Tom had walked off the job. When we spoke to Rob, he informed us that the pilot was still there and ready to fly.

“Hi Terry, rob here just after midnight here in Austria. I've just spoken with Tom and he most certainly has not walked out of anything. In order to avoid part shipping costs we have been placing those parts in the tailboom and also fixing some last-minute avionic issues in relation to the HF radio and some minor boom issues. We are all working around the clock to get this moving however I will call you as promised tomorrow morning.

I apologise for delays to date, there are some things which have had to be applied and done.

All at expense to me and not you guys.

I'm encircling a departure schedule from Tom

Tomorrow, the local A&P/IA has been working hard to fix some last min aircraft issues.

I've not left this with anyone else but me and Andy in the firm to deal with, I know it might not sound

Much ..... But thank you for your patience.

Rob Weaver”

4th October 2014

There are a number of emailes between Terry and Rob stating:

  • Rob isnt answering his calls.
  • Rob insisting that he is taking responsibility for the delays.
  • Tom is still on the job and that the ferry would commence over the weekend.

6th October 2014

Email from Rob stating the following:

  • He has now fired Tom.
  • He was busy boarding the flight to do the ferry himself.
  • He agreed to knock off funds from the quotation and would be repaying Proflight accordingly.

“Hi Graham, I've just got home and will be packing/planning to come and get the aircraft ASAP. I've sacked Tom (he was a employee until now) ia'l expand further but he's sending funds back to me today. I will advise the route I fly. I'm also knocking off some costs for all this inconvenience. Again Ia'l expand further tomorrow.”

7th October 2014

A number of emails from Rob in which he confirms his planned ferry route, departure date for Thursday the 9th October 2014.

8th October 2014

Email from Rob regarding the ferry departure date.

“Ken. As per my official instructions, please remove the aircraft from the hangar and tie it down outside. Thank you for the competitive fuel price and spay dissemble. In positioning from Paris shortly. Rob Weaver”

Terry’s response – “Thanks for the update Rob!!”

Rob’s response – “I won't let you down, Rob Weaver”

9th October 2014

As it had been previously agreed, Graham sent an email to Rob that he was on track to leave that day. His response:“Plan is to arrive tomorrow morning into kdfw then car over to the field to be in KCAK for tomorrow night.”
Again, we had now missed another hard date!

10th October 2014

We get the news from Rob that he wasn’t going to be flying but instead had contracted with Paul Simmions to do the flight!!!!! As you can imagine, this is completely unacceptable and against the agreement that was made.

“Good Afternoon Graham & Terry,

I had to re schedule the trip with Paul Simmons as my standby ticket today was full plus additionally I am concerned with the North Atlantic weather that with recent seperation proceedings that I'd be unable to complete the trip in time hence why I'm paying another one of my FL based pilots to get it underway.

With Thomas letting me down and other things I have to manage I can't commit 100% of my time to this at the moment. I've covered a lot of costs out my own pocket including the de- rigging as a form if compensation and paul is positioning to the field now, you'll be able to track him on flight aware.

Paul Simmons


11 PIC Oceanic crossings

FAA class 1 medical , 2000 TT

Significant pt6 & tail time.

We are honouring the commitment promised, albeit with delays. I can't give a exact arrival date, that's not possible but from departure we should be able to adhere to the predicted contractual estimated time.”

11th – 15th October 2014

  • A number of emails backwards and forwards between Proflight and Rob
  • Rob again promises that the aircraft is ready to fly and that Paul is qualified on the aircraft.

During a conversation with Terry and Rob on Sunday the 12th October 2014, Rob undertakes / commits to saying that “if the aircraft doesn’t depart by Monday night, then he would return the money back to Proflight for the ferry”

Terry spent the entire evening, tracking down the aircraft, speaking to Ken at Southern Star Aviation and trying to get to the bottom of the situation.

As it transpired, the following points need to be made.

  • Paul wasn’t qualified to fly the aircraft
  • He hadn’t been paid from a previous job and had in effect left the aircraft over the weekend!
  • Rob had no idea that this had even taken place, as he was still telling us on the 15th that the reason for the further delays we due to weather and not that the pilot had gone!

Cessnafly 16th Jan 2015 20:24



deefer dog 17th Jan 2015 12:41


When will someone/newspaper/aviation magazine/ write a book/article?

Cessnafly 17th Jan 2015 14:30

As an aside........we were chatting about this lunchtime. How on earth would somebody like Contrail 39 pursue Weaver legally?

As we know, Weaver deliberately positions himself around various parts of Europe to potentially shake the authorities off here.

Just a thought. :bored:

cldrvr 18th Jan 2015 17:26


When will someone/newspaper/aviation magazine/ write a book/article?
Based on what? Rumours and gossip found on the internet? Unless someone is finally willing to take this further and get some charges filed that stick and get proven in a court of law somewhere, this will just remain rumours and gossip.

It is entertaining at least.

Evanelpus 18th Jan 2015 19:35

Oh dear Contail.

I've said it before and, sadly I've no doubt I'll say it again, you've only got yourself to blame. Weavers antics are all over the internet, certainly long before you entered his web.

Don't people do any research these days:ugh:

Nigd3 18th Jan 2015 19:45


I get the impression that until someone is killed from his actions, none of the authorities will step up, be it the CAA, FAA, ?AA, or one of the various countries police forces. It all sounded too complicated with a co-ordinated effort needed to define who could prosecute for what and where. This got further derailed when GEP was found out to be a convicted fraudster.

I suspect that he will eventually piss off the wrong customer, who has a short temper and a big wallet and his next flight would be in (the back of) an air ambulance, if he is lucky.

INNflight 18th Jan 2015 21:07

First contact with someone and one day later you signed a contract? Even if this is true - your research wasn't very thorough, was it? :{

Lurcherman 22nd Jan 2015 13:31

Ag Tractor Pilot
First thing you have to realise you can kiss goodby to any monies paid to Weaver.
You will have start over if you can still afford to get the aircraft to its final.
Weaver is not an Ag tractor pilot and never will be.
Not wanting to advertise but I have several Weaver rescues under my belt. If you want help and are prepared to pay the going rate I can sort it for you.
PM me.
PC Rohan Khan is building the now extensive file.

Evanelpus 22nd Jan 2015 15:11

PC Rohan Khan is building the now extensive file.
How long does it take the rozzers to build a file. I remember reading ages ago that the local plod were doing the same. This PC Khan, is he West Midlands police?

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