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Iver 8th Jan 2009 13:52

Netjets Europe Falcon 7X Progress
Looks like Netjets Europe has started to receive the first of its batch of Falcon 7Xs:


I am still not used to the funky paint scheme but it is growing on me. How many more 7Xs are expected on line in 2009? Any estimates? I understand the economy will play a role.

What about initial comments/impressions from 7X pilots? How do they like flying the 7X vs. other aircraft they have flown, etc.?

It will be nice to see more of those on the ramp in the future. Do you think NJE will hire FOs into the 7X in the near-medium term? I know some new FOs get placed in the G550.


Iver 8th Jan 2009 21:13

Sure is quiet out there... Echo echo echo

Aussie 8th Jan 2009 21:14

That has to be the dullest paint scheme yet!!!!:yuk:

Nice aircraft though!

x933 8th Jan 2009 22:45

It came through Farnborough yesterday (Tues). Its better in the picture than in the flesh...

pascualito 9th Jan 2009 05:25

I have already seen some ugly paint-schemes, but not many as ugly as this one...

I guess it goes withthe image: Different, better and lesser minds can't get it anyway, kind of "Modern Art" which would please the boss :E :E :E

joehunt 9th Jan 2009 05:43

How is the "progression" onto such an aircraft handled at NJE? Is it Seniority, experience, a grovel, or is it their staff relations are such that it is a "roll of the dice/luck of the draw" thing?

Just interested that's all.

Flintstone 9th Jan 2009 09:04


See all those threads with Netjets in their titles? It's been done to death mate ;)

Rusty Trombone 9th Jan 2009 09:35

NetJets New paint scheme.
The New Paint scheme is at best from the 1970s I know that the Lisbon team thought long and hard to get their own scheme including interiors from the USA scheme.
Well I guess they have won on this one?, maybe they had a few monkeys round the drawing board and hanging from the office when they was all inspired.
Lets hope the uniform will look better or have they contracted Air India to design that as well.

themoonsaballoon 9th Jan 2009 09:58

Twas Sir Norman Foster no less, and he built a building that looks like a Gherkin!
Nuff said!

Morgo 9th Jan 2009 10:23

here's a gallery of the NetJets Falcon 7X and also some of Foster's design docs
Gallery - Wallpaper.com - International Design Interiors Fashion Travel

joehunt 9th Jan 2009 11:13


Yes you are quiet right.

Trouble is my wife said I am only allowed on pprune for 5 mins per day and as I am sh*t scared of her I do as I am told. My secretary is on leave and my PA is unavailable. So I only have a few minutes a day to trawl through all those threads. Thought someone could help me out.

Iver 9th Jan 2009 13:04

Thanks Morgo - those are some great pictures. I can see why the Falcon 7X would be popular among NJE customers. I wonder whether the 7X will cannibalize potential G550 customers since comfort level and performance are roughly the same. Some non-aviation people might also argue that 3 engines are safer than two (I could see that as possible rationale). I believe the 7X is cheaper too in terms of purchase price and fuel economy.

Anyone know how many we'll likely see on the ramp in 2009? What about flying impressions from NJE pilots thus far?

joehunt 9th Jan 2009 14:03


Thanks for the effort making the response.

Funny? Take it how you like mate. Suffice to say, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. Are you ex military BTW? That fits.

So the whole thing is a grovel job. Glad I am not with NJE and never will be. I grovel to no one and detest people that do.

The Beer Hunter 9th Jan 2009 14:10


Flintstone unhelpful? Where have you been for the last ten years? Off the top of my head I can think of at least three pilots in his present company who benefitted from his recommendation, three more in NJME and at least half a dozen in yours not to mention his efforts in finding the EBJ guys jobs when their company went tits up. Not all help goes on publicly in the forum, I'll bet there are a number of people reading this thread who he's taken the time to respond to by PM. Oh, and wasn't he also instrumental in setting up your online crew forum for you when almost everyone else was too scared? Look at the trouble that caused him courtesy of your management in Lisbon!

Some people need to engage their brain before spouting off.

The Beer Hunter 9th Jan 2009 14:41


It didn't read that way which is always a danger in places like this. If you were kidding then I apologise and would like to lend you this ;) for future use (that was a joke by the way).

Maybe I'm getting touchy in my old age but the guy's helped me out a few times with no expectations in return. A rare thing these days.

Evanelpus 9th Jan 2009 14:52

I've heard of the retro look but this is the dreadful look.

Reminds me of a cartoon racoon with a Dick Turpin mask!!

Time Traveller 9th Jan 2009 15:38

the guy's helped me out a few times with no expectations in return.
me too :ok:

Iver 9th Jan 2009 17:12

How about less accusatory drama and more facts.... That might be asking too much.

duxone 9th Jan 2009 17:21

i saw a two of them parked at the dassault at lfpb yesterday...

Flintstone 9th Jan 2009 17:31

Saint Flintstone enters stage left............

Jeez. This reminds me of the time a small gay New Zealander and a large lesbian in dungarees started fighting over me in a pub. :\

Joe. Stop acting like a wuss. Tell your wimminfolk to get their knickers on and make you a cup of tea* while you peruse the NJ threads.

Paint job aside I hear, like what smallfry said, that so far the NJE aircraft has been incrediby unreliable. If the previous crew haven't shut it down just so the following crew can't go anywhere. Oh, and approximately 1400 software amendements required. Might not be a good idea to be mothballing those 400s and Bravos just yet.

Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to walk on water.

*Copyright, 'Monkfish, The Fast Show'.

Rusty Trombone 10th Jan 2009 16:12

Falcon 7X
The Aircraft needs time to settle down as with any new product, great looking machine and very well built and put together. I think Gulfstream G450 may hurt on this new product but it will never beat a G550 or Classic GV in terms of range etc.
The larger cabin is fantastic and I recently saw a 7X at EGLF with Bunk beds for the kids private operation.
I wonder how the pilots are getting used to the nose wheel steering (Minus Tiller)

As for the Paint Scheme are they painting the whole fleet? they must have a deal from UPS at Doncaster Airport.

G-SPOTs Lost 10th Jan 2009 16:49

Was trying to put my finger on where I'd seen the paint job before and then suddenly it hit me..... :E


Rusty Trombone 10th Jan 2009 17:00

paint scheme NJE
perfect love the ninja turtles, but maybe the monkeys were retired early from twycross zoo and employed as painters at Doncaster Airport where all future paint jobs will be done.

P.Clostermann 12th Jan 2009 08:27

They actually hired/paid someone to design this liverey????

" How to degrade a sexy looking airplane in an old granny of the skies" for dummies

Boy oh boy....some companies DO still have lots of money to go to waste!:ugh:

south coast 12th Jan 2009 08:32

I dont really understand the negativity towards the paint scheme.

Who cares, we are just the drivers, the planes dont belong to us...

Someone else has taken the decision to have the planes painted like this, thats their job description, so let them worry about it looking bad and being laughed at, they will have to defend their choices.

Rusty Trombone 12th Jan 2009 08:54

7X Paint Job
Well put South Coast, your correct if they want to waste money and new livery let them go ahead.
Your right we do not own them and NJE has sold them to the customers so thats that.
What we all have to remember in this industry as long as we are burning Jet Fuel being paid they can paint it what ever they like.

With the current market I am grateful for a position at the moment.

Flintstone 12th Jan 2009 16:31

South Coast. Time for your medicine :p Calm down old fruit.

Most people are saying it's a lousy paintscheme but I don't think anyone is blaming the crew. There's a new rumour though (just being started by me, right now) that crew on home standby are being called in to paint the rest of the fleet ;)

Stupidbutsaveable 12th Jan 2009 17:33

Right now I'd probably jump at the chance to do something productive.:bored:
Unless of course you know of anybody on the lookout for crews with the right experience and background................

suchiman 12th Jan 2009 19:11

It would look really bad if they have to let people go and meanwhile they are spending millions painting aircraft that don't need it. We will see.

SpainFly 12th Jan 2009 20:11

No one even thinks about letting people go mate, don't be too concerned about a company like NJ :ok:

doubleu-anker 13th Jan 2009 03:26

If that is what you think, then you are seriously and clinically deluded. They will drop you like a hot potato should they feel the need to "let people go" as companies don't get where they are today by feeling sorry for people.

No ones job is safe and that includes yours. This year things will get worse, so please don't kid yourself and try and lead others into a false sense of security.

Might pay to stay away from the military style indoctrination for a while, then you maybe able to think with a "clear head".

Abeo 13th Jan 2009 08:37

What are you so angry about W?

DA50driver 13th Jan 2009 10:02

550 vs. 7X
If we keep letting the bean-counters making decisions regarding airplanes the 7x may eeke out the 550. I used to fly all the tri-jet Falcon's , and I may have been heard praising the three engines as well as the flying qualities of Dassault products. After having made the transition to the G450 and 550 I am a 100% convert. The three hair-driers on the back of the Falcons can't compete with two honking BMW-Rolls Royce engines on the 550.

The Gulfstream is way ahead when it comes to long haul flying, it looks better on the ramp and I get a woody every time I fire those bad boys up. (In the interest of full disclosure I also own a BMW, get a stiffie when that baby purrs to life as well).

The Falcons are great airplanes, but the Gulfstreams are more great. (Poor grammar on purpose for you hall monitors)

falconbis 13th Jan 2009 10:50

I do not agree with you, what you said is true regarding the 900 but the 7x its a different game , it is powerfull, fly fantasticly and don t use fuel and yes it perform better than a GV but not a 550 or global express XLS on range but he can do airport than none of those will ever do even in privat ops.

As an exemple NJE 7x flew Barbados London in 7 h mach .87 using 3700 air nm and 2300 lbs of fuel, the G550 flew longer London Barbados using 4300 air nm because of 120 minutes circle of the 2 engines. Pax actually noticed that it was lots shorter on 7x and its also lots cheaper, the cabin is wider and the galley in the front, pax don t usually like galley at the back apparently so without going into who is better etc... the 7x is a bit smaller than a GV but perform better in all areas except on range against the 550 and global XLS they can do 500 nm more ! that s set.

NB:Dassault is waiting after the paper from CAA to do London city ..wonder when we gone see un G there ;)

Smeagels Boyfriend 13th Jan 2009 10:54

Yes that was **** use of the english language DAdriver, i think you'll find the phrase is "more betterer", now go and stand in the corner.

Quite right though, 550 is a fantastic machine and certainly wouldn't swap my seat for a 7x. I'm told we have applied for 180 minutes so that may alter the scenario Falconbis just described.

CE550B 13th Jan 2009 12:39

@ smallfry,

Not true, brought a F2000 classic to LBG yesterday for a D-check plus repaint. :ok:

His dudeness 13th Jan 2009 17:51

Luxury problems....7X or G550....

CargoOne 13th Jan 2009 19:18

How often you really need G550's max range? Can any G550 driver put a rough estimate on % of "ultra" long haul flying he is doing (say longer than 12 hours)? Barbados-London is something what you can do even with CL604...

babemagnet 13th Jan 2009 19:38

The CEO of Netjets Europe is saying they have to save money where they can in the Crewmagazine! (the crewmagazine itself is a waste of money)
Why are they repanting the aircraft to this ugly coloursheme? They probably paid big bugs to a high roller designer to come up with just 1 stripe over the aircraft !! My grandmother could have designed this!

south coast 13th Jan 2009 20:28

An excellent posting by Babemagnet...:D:D:D:ugh:

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