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HurryUp&Retire 10th Sep 2007 19:30

Does any one have any information about the moscow base. I went through the thread but did not find any info

what do they fly there?
is the crew home based, or do they actually live in moscow?
what is the salary like?
what is the schedule like?
is it an easy base to get?
how stable is the base?
do they give you some sort of a package for living there?

any other info about the city will be great

thanks in advance

unablereqnavperf 11th Sep 2007 21:44

Moscow is not a base as such there are several aircraft based there G4's G5's and BBJ,crews are all in hotac and work various roster patterns.Month on month off 28 on 10 off and some other combiations which I'm not sure of, salaries are dependant on the time on/off ratio. If your rated on one of the above types you stand a good chance of getting a slot out there.

HurryUp&Retire 11th Sep 2007 22:15


so since Moscow is not a base where you live, does the company buy you a ticket to and from Moscow (and would you have to live at another base that Gama does have?)

unablereqnavperf 12th Sep 2007 12:52

The company pays to position you to where ever the aircraft is, at the crew change over, you are considered to be farnborough based.

pm. me if you want more!

Sparky01 13th Sep 2007 10:23

Gama in Scotland
The problems are more like minor niggles. A great team to work with/for. I would sign up again, and dont plan to move. Excellent training. Fantastic job satisfaction. Pay and roster are the downside compared with other operators. But, the job and the fantastic aircraft make it

pimpsqueak 29th Sep 2007 17:47

Just how good are GAMA?
Looking at the majority of this thread it tends to be about the scottish operation and the moans involving that side of the Gama business.

I am more interested in the Biz jet side (and there doesn't seem to be too much on these threads about that, which can only be a good thing). I know Gama have got some serious kit & run around some pretty serious people, But JUST How good are they???
What are they like to work for ? Can you seriously put GAMA, TAG & LEA above Netjets....surely not!!
Can you even put Gama above TAG & LEA??

Bilderburger ....What did you mean when you said other "perks" that are not on offer with other rivals??

Flintstone 29th Sep 2007 21:44

Can you seriously put GAMA, TAG & LEA above Netjets....surely not!!
Quite easily actually.

merlinxx 30th Sep 2007 00:57

Good call Flintstone:D

No I'm not employed by GAMA

pimpsqueak 3rd Oct 2007 21:04

Can you seriously put GAMA, TAG & LEA above Netjets....surely not!!

Quote:Quite easily actually.


Anybody can come here and say something is better but your not showing anyone it's better!!

H.Finn 4th Oct 2007 05:49

Never worked for GAMA, TAG or LEA, but I know people who have and do. Did my time with Netjets Transportes Aereos.
I assume GAMA, TAG and LEA are all in the same league of reputable corporate jet operators as is the company I work with now. If I had the choice of joining Ryanair (or some other LoCo airline) or NetJets Transportes Aereos (also called Netjets Europe), I would probably choose NJTA. But with a proper corporate jet operator, there is no comparision. TAG etc any day over NJTA.

Flintstone, I leave it for you to explain further. Or Smeagel....

Smeagel 5th Oct 2007 16:14

I'll let Flintstone do it. I can't be arsed these days.

CL300 5th Oct 2007 17:09

I did write a reply then erased it.... Woaw, what a good therapy !

Flintstone 6th Oct 2007 20:07


Originally Posted by pimpsqueak
Can you seriously put GAMA, TAG & LEA above Netjets....surely not!!

Originally Posted by Flintstone
Quite easily actually.

Originally Posted by pimpsqueak
Anybody can come here and say something is better but your not showing anyone it's better!!

Well seeing as you asked so politely pimpsqueak I'll tell you (Phil and Barry's CRM courses are good but it seems even THEY can't train everyone, eh?).

Only with Netjets are you required to report for duty at your gateway (airport), fly as a passenger on a commercial airline to a point where you meet your fellow crew and collect the aircraft, often several hours later, and not be allowed to count all of that travel time as duty. Likewise travelling home at the end of a tour.

Only at Netjets have I had the terms and conditions of my contract changed to my detriment without my agreement or even consultation.

Only Netjets employ crew without telling them which aircraft they will be flying until the indoc course by which time they are committed having resigned from their last job.

Only Netjets insist on all crew joining in the right seat regardless of experience (unless of course you are a returning ex-employee who is in favour though those are few and far between).

My current employers have never asked me to carry a defect to a maintenance base. In fact quite the opposite.

With my current employer I am treated with respect and as a professional.

I am not micro-managed. I do not have to fiddle with a Blackberry throughout the day.

I am not referred to in derogatory terms by fbo's/handling agents ie, as working for 'Tipp-Ex Airways'.

My plans do not change by the hour as some knee-jerk reaction to a delay or malfunction elsewhere.

My colleagues in Ops, Admin and other ground departments do not work in a climate of fear and this is reflected in their own professionalism. They are encouraged to use their initiative rather than adhere to whimsical diktats.

My colleagues in Ground/Ops receive adequate training during which they are not told "All pilots are idiots" (they are left to figure this out for themselves).

The decision to go flying is mine as pilot in command, not someone sitting in front of a desk half a continent away.

I do not have to make a phone call or send an email to ask permission. When I decide it is safe and legal to aviate we do so.

My colleagues and I plan our own roster.

I often know in advance where I will be going. If to a long haul destination my family can join me.

I often have days to relax at our destination rather than rushing off after minimum rest.

My leave requests do not have to be submitted six months in advance only to be refused the month before I believed I was going on holiday.

I earn more money.

I have a non-contributory pension.

I do not feel aggrieved that some of my colleagues living in other countries face paying double tax.

Should I ever fall into dispute with my current employers the matter would be dealt with in accordance with UK law and not some some hastily convened kangaroo court.

Should I ever be unfortunate enough to say, bust a level in a non-radar environment over somewhere like Tunisia I know I could submit a report to my safety commitee in confidence knowing that my confidential report would not then be used to demote me. A theoretical scenario of course.

I have a fixed base with free parking (saves £700 pa for those with Heathrow as a Netjets gateway).

Any of my time spent travelling on company business counts as duty.

Any time spent on company business, admin and the like, counts as duty time.

Our passengers never complain as the aircraft they requested is always there on time.

I have never been asked by my present company to lie to an owner or passenger about a delay or other company failure.

My passengers are happier. Many remark on the difference in quality of service.

My uniform is not made of elastic.

I don't have to wear that f**king tie.

Specific enough for you?

H.Finn 7th Oct 2007 06:06

Thank you, Flintstone. Could not have put it better myself, actually not nearly as well.

pimpsqueak 13th Oct 2007 16:53

Thanks for that in depth reply Flinstone very well worded and a lot of valid points addressed!!

I guess that puts GAMA just about at the top of the pile then in terms of Biz jet operators??
To be honest in the UK they all seen much of a muchness TAG, GAMA Hangar 8, LEA, Gold Air (or whatever they call themselves now).

Heard rumours the other day Gama have a couple of Dreamliners & a 7X on order???

P.s I apologize for my initial blunt response but I have seen and dealt with a lot of *********'s in this industry & thought I was dealing with another one, however, obviously not.


Crosswind Limits 13th Oct 2007 18:30


I think Flintstone is referring to TAG NOT Gama.

bilderberger 13th Oct 2007 21:51

Well, where do I start?
Firstly let me say to Sparky 01 (entry 110)........If the problems last year on the scottish operation were "minor niggles"........I certainly wouldn't like to work for a company that you thought had serious problems!!!!
Anyway moving on, im not sure which company Flintsone was referring too however, I would not have thought he was wide of the mark in describing any FAB biz jet operator??
Pimpsqueak, like I have said before & I reiterate, there is almost two sides to the Gama operation.....the scottish which is a case of out of sight out of mind and the FAB side of the things which is a completely different kettle of fish! One of the main gripes of all the scottish crews was the lack of communication and the reassurance of being part of a larger outfit, you wouldn't believe in Scotland how many people think the Gama company are just 2 kingairs!
This may sound rich coming from me but I cannot really fault them when it comes to biz jet side!!! The perks I mentioned earlier,well I am not going into details on a public forum, but briefly things like company phone, generally unlimited use (within reason), company credit card useage, no limit,expenses.....non of this allowance s***e, having to worry about skiping breakfast so you can get dinner, from what I've seen & hear Gama are top draw expenses, no questions asked, if you want something you get it, simple. The way it should be!
Pretty much 90% of what flintsone said (even if he was describing TAG) goes with Gama anyway hand in hand.
I notice another thread has started regarding all the business jet operators and their rosters!Well in GA (apart from N/Jets, & personally I wouldn't call them GA anyway,you might as well go & work for an airline) I didn't know there was any rosters??? And certainly not fixed.(Although many pretend to be!)
If anybody gets a REGULAR solid roster in GA they are very lucky guys & gals indeed!!That's the nature of the work isn't it?
I always thought a solid roster was work in macdonalds.

Flintstone 14th Oct 2007 21:20


I think Flintstone is referring to TAG NOT Gama.
Thanks Crosswind, I was. Sorry for not making myself clear.

pimpsqueak, no worries.

pimpsqueak 17th Oct 2007 11:12

Thanks Flintsone & BB, lots of good points and info in there.

Bilderberger seeing as you mention the other thread regarding "biz jet roster's" can you clarify what the Gama crews do?

bilderberger 17th Oct 2007 13:56

You are asking the wrong person when it comes to Gama & Rosters!!!

Pretty much depends on what fleet you are on.........
Big Stuff (BBJ , G5, G4 etc).....month on, month off
kingair fleet.........6on/3 off
Challengers, Hawkers, lears........varied don't know

I am sure some of the guys will answer that one for you


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