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-   -   poll:70% of Netjetspilots looking for other jobs (https://www.pprune.org/biz-jets-ag-flying-ga-etc/239876-poll-70-netjetspilots-looking-other-jobs.html)

aka punisher 22nd Aug 2006 12:24

So Scambuster, I don't need to tell the viewers how a poll works, as we all know that a poll is always done under a representive part of a group and therefore representive for the whole group within small margins..but what do you have to say about another poll that 67% of the interviewed want to join a union(IPA) and 21% allready has, that is 88% of the people who want things changed....That leaves 12% with people like you and Longhaul and the likes who don't want to have things changed because that threatens their position and a few others who are happy with what they have, mostly new people still watching the world through pink glasses.Can't blame those, their hart is at the right place but they will soon realise how things work and join the majority.

So if two polls shows people being unhappy, do you think you can still maintain your opinion about it being a scam? wake up scambuster and start applying elsewhere, you can't change the flow anymore, we will win and get a voice.:D

winkle 22nd Aug 2006 15:59

Well well well! I really hope you guys get it sorted in NJE. I left a short while back as in voted with my feet. The flying was great but at the rate i was going there was no need for anything more than 10 years becuase i would have burnt out. i really tried hard for the company and got lots of rewards i had a great time but big BUT! the 18 days was toooo much especially with the p!55 taking leave bit of subtracting the leave from 22 days ie 5 days leave = 17 day month. the ridicoulously early starts and late finishes meant very little quality of life. I was told maybe naievly (how do you spoll it) by CM it was 6/5 even though when i pitched up to Lis the contract said 18 days- oh dont worry we mean 6/5 so i duly signed the worthless piece of paper. just before i left an office boy who didnt understand banter ( i was harping on to a about how wrong the positioning rules were) he duly blubbed to my FM and i got one of the most painful phone calls from a chap i respected and it aint easy to explain yourself over the phone. this just fuelled my fire for an earlier departure. now i hear he got the push - very dissapointing.
would i go back to NJ if they called me - yep and i would be as keen as when i left but i would only do it for a 12 day a month contract.
my new company - well regulated - excellent package - loads of leave and benefits and about a 15 day working month. I must be mad you say but everytime i see or hear a fraction i have a little smile to myself, to a man (woman) everyone I flew with was great fun. Thanks guys and gals and good luck with the fight i will be watching and wondering.;)

aka punisher 22nd Aug 2006 17:27

Winkle you are absolutely right.The problems in the company don't come from the pilots, they are a fantastic bunch. That makes it so sad our lives are ruined by this management and makes us feel sad. Nobody I spoke to has said the reason to leave is their collegues or the nice people in the different departments. Very sad indeed and I could not agree more with your statement, good luck up there in the clouds, I hope tailwinds all the way.Thank you for expressing what most of us feel.....

major C. Draper 22nd Aug 2006 18:50

Ladies and Gentleman, I am utterly shocked by what I have just read!
My Grandgrandson has joined Netjets 6 months ago and I am worried what he got into. Back in the thirties when I was flying a de Havilland Puss Moth under London's Tower Bridge things were a bit different. People had manners and we all treated eachother with the utmost respect.I sincerely hope that this management has the decency to resign and give up their positions to real gentleman.
Yours Sincerely,
Major C. Draper

Smeagel 22nd Aug 2006 21:32

Hey Scroll Lock!!!!

Still waiting for your reply on those first two questions.

We're not going anywhere until you answer. Then we'll try a couple more and a couple more and.......................... you get the idea.

In the meantime perhaps Looooong Haul can help out.


Smeagel's Mum 23rd Aug 2006 08:03


You're engaged??!!! When did this happen? This is so sudden.
When am I going to meet the lovely girl?

She does actually exist doesn't she?

Smeagel 24th Aug 2006 09:10

Scroll Lock.

Still waiting for your answers. You were vocal enough earlier on yet have gone awfully quiet since you were asked for specifics. Likewise Loong Haul.

People are watching. Your failure to reply though speaks volumes.

Mum. Course she exists. I've been stalking her for years

morescalps 25th Aug 2006 21:24

we are waiting for answers- hello- ?

Smeagel 28th Aug 2006 10:25

Dear Scroll Lock,
I know you are home, ie not on tour. I know you are on the internet because I have just seen you in the NJE forum. So I will ask you once again for answers to the questions put to you earlier in this thread.
How legal is day one travel in NJE?
Is it true that pay reduces (in real terms) annually because of the 2% pay 'rise'.
We can do with just the answers to these two before moving on to far more juicy areas.
You are always very quick to leap to the company's defence whatever the subject yet strangely fade into the background when it comes to specifics. It is always the same group of you too, always the same tactics. You think you are ingratiating yourselves with Lisbon by defending them when in fact all you do is raise the profile of topics they really would rather nobody knew about.
Anyway, it is too late. You have already told us we are wrong.

Prove it.

Smeagel 29th Aug 2006 14:20

Well there's a surprise.

Scroll Lock and his buddy refuse to answer specific questions. What does that tell you? It tells me that they are more than happy to lay smoke in an attempt to ingratiate themselves with management but when it comes to specifics and the truth they run away and hide.:D


I think you can all work that out for yourselves

Scroll Lock 30th Aug 2006 08:03

Perhaps I have had better things to do with my time.

I ONLY engage in this banal chatter as a form of cerebral jousting, for laughs and a little light entertainment.

Phil Brockwell 30th Aug 2006 09:55

Has anyone done a poll on non-Netjets pilots. It seems to me that the nature of being a pilot is wanting the next stepping stone.

Is this high statistic down to Netjets, or down to the fact that pilots by their very nature are always chasing a higher ...salary...MTOW....Mach etc etc.

I can be pretty sure my Seneca guys all are looking for their next job, and so they should be.

Is it not normal for Bravo, Hawker XP, Excel pilots to chase jobs with 737, 747 A340 etc etc.


Smeagel's Mum 30th Aug 2006 10:25

Hey Smeagel,

I'm worried about you. Your best friend called, he wanted to know if you still wanted the 20 yo lesbian twins at your stag night. Sounds like I'll have to go and buy some extra strong paracetamol.

Your luving Mum.

Smeagel 30th Aug 2006 16:25

Originally Posted by Scroll Lock (Post 2808252)
I ONLY engage in this banal chatter as a form of cerebral jousting

That being the case I'd say you were knocked off your horse some time ago. Hope you didn't fall in anything soft, warm and smelly.

Looking back over your posts I detect a trend. You leap into the fray whenever someone has the temerity to criticise NJE and declare them wrong. When the conversation turns to specifics you initially ignore the questions but when pushed try to deflect them with joviality (splitting my sides here).

Sorry to tell you Scroll Lock but it does not work.

Now, answer the questions please.

(Thanks Mum. You spoil me. Where would I be without you and Dad's money?)

tophe 31st Aug 2006 11:03

So many pilot jobs are now available on the market. Why the unhappy pilots flying for NJE or any other company are not changing jobs iso complaining all the time.
Is life so difficult that everything is so negatif ?:sad:

Smeagel 31st Aug 2006 16:57

Originally Posted by tophe (Post 2810782)
Why the unhappy pilots flying for NJE or any other company are not changing jobs....

I cannot speak for other companies but on one NJE fleet every captain has applied elsewhere.

simmatt 31st Aug 2006 17:05

And thats the one people lust after too! With flight attendants and all!

I hear on the other "big" fleet most have CV's out and about.......

CL300 1st Sep 2006 05:36

Originally Posted by Smeagel (Post 2811569)
I cannot speak for other companies but on one NJE fleet every captain has applied elsewhere.

May be but they are complaining on this forum do they ?

How can you be sure that ALL off them applied elsewhere ?

How do you explain that none left ?

Smeagel 1st Sep 2006 09:22

Originally Posted by CL300 (Post 2817191)
May be but they are complaining on this forum do they ?

Apparently not. Your point being?

Originally Posted by CL300 (Post 2817191)
How can you be sure that ALL off them applied elsewhere ?

They told me.

Originally Posted by CL300 (Post 2817191)
How do you explain that none left ?


CL300 1st Sep 2006 10:09

Originally Posted by Smeagel (Post 2817573)
Apparently not. Your point being?
They told me.

My point is this is a lot of rumor and not a lot of facts, you know personnaly ALL the captains on this fleet and ALL of them told you PERSONNALY that they applied somewhere else.
Would one think if the job was so awfull like some people are saying they will try to share their enbearable living conditions.

Things being strange none of them had left.

Netjets is the BEST GA company to work for in Europe, even if some things need to be tuned like in every other company in the world.

Some time ago, people were complaining on this site about FTL, comparing the portuguese ones with the UK...which was a complete nonsense. You try to compare apples and oranges..( in the comparison one should had sample the others european countries like france or switzerland and be very surprised as well)

Now people are complaining about contracts, what will be next? the color of the tie ? the tailor of the uniforms? the Anr headsets? Come on stop colporting words from a fraction of netjet's pilot community trying to say that this is the majority !

It would the same kind of comparison if we say that we had to sleep in sh... hotel to help to pay the mortgage of someone or the sport car of the other one.... Please, if you have nothing true to say pass on , and let the people working at Netjets to sort out their issues.

By the way you still did not answer me : you quote "we" when talking about Netjets...:p Still involved ? Or it was so good that you cannot get your mind out of it ?

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