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sycamore 1st Sep 2009 15:12

Sorry,having lunch and fending off anklesnatchers,Open House. Remnants of the `Raj` in that cockpit,M-B leg restraints and all..
Have you got the other side view ?

Agaricus bisporus 3rd Sep 2009 11:07

http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/c...sporus/IMG.jpgHe's back with another one!


MReyn24050 3rd Sep 2009 12:01

Mil Mi-24 Hind perhaps?

Agaricus bisporus 3rd Sep 2009 19:17

Ooh La! La!

I really thought this would last a tad longer. OK Mel, all yours, well done!

(Helitech, Redhill, c.1989) This exhibit scared the crap out of a lot of military guys who'd only known this monster from recognition lectures. It really was made of half-inch boiler-plate, was armed to the teeth, and was very, very impressive in the air too.


Cameras weren't allowed so close to the Hokum though...but heck, what kind of blindspots must there be behind those huge canopy frames? Still, if the Hind's just a big nasty dangerous bruiser, this thing's a screaming psychopath!

Just as an attack helo should be.


MReyn24050 3rd Sep 2009 19:35

Next Challenge
Thanks Ab. Here is the next one:-

MReyn24050 5th Sep 2009 20:46

No takers? This aircraft first flew in 1973.

sycamore 5th Sep 2009 20:59

Possibly ,judging by the clock ,Russian ?

MReyn24050 5th Sep 2009 21:03

Not Russian but certainly from Eastern Europe.

S'land 5th Sep 2009 22:57

Could it be the Romanian I.A.R 823?

MReyn24050 5th Sep 2009 23:12

It certainly is the IAR 823.:ok:
You have control.

S'land 6th Sep 2009 11:21

Thanks Mel, as usual an interesting challenge.

Here is the next one, although it is a much older flying machine.

S'land 6th Sep 2009 21:23

No takers, except by PM?

This aeroplane came in two versions.

S'land 7th Sep 2009 21:53

Still no takers?

The cockpit in the photograph is the civilian prototype. The aircraft was a departure from previous construction by this manufacturer.

evansb 8th Sep 2009 02:57

Junkers Ju-86 ?

S'land 8th Sep 2009 16:18

Well done evansb. It is indeed the Junkers JU 86. To be precise it is the cockpit of prototype airliner D-AREV. The divergence in design/manufacture was that this aeroplane was smooth skinned, it did not have the usual corrugated skin.

You have the helm sir.

evansb 8th Sep 2009 16:41

Thanks S'land. Here is the next challenge:

evansb 10th Sep 2009 20:14

Clue: It is a co-axial design.

sycamore 10th Sep 2009 20:15

aeroplane,gyro,or helo ?

MReyn24050 10th Sep 2009 20:40

Pitcairn X0-81?

evansb 10th Sep 2009 21:25

Sorry, not a Pitcairn, nor a gyrocopter.

evansb 11th Sep 2009 20:16

More clues: Three were built. Powered by a Lycoming O-290 engine.

India Four Two 12th Sep 2009 07:57

The Hiller Commuter?


evansb 12th Sep 2009 10:01

Simon! You are alive! I will cancel the rumors of your demise. Well done:ok:. It is officially a United Helicopters (X)UH-4 "Commuter". An all-metal co-axial design, it was a tricycle gear beauty that appealed to the post-war dream of a flying machine in every garage! Engineer Stanley Hiller Jr. went on to form his own company. You have control.

India Four Two 13th Sep 2009 03:16

Thanks, bri. Yes, still alive and well in SGN, but I have been concentrating on a new job, which has "cut into" my ppruning time. I had been absent so long, I was getting reminders from PPRuNe to make a post!

What a lovely aircraft - I had never heard of it before. I found a nameless picture taken at the San Carlos Helicopter Show, well before I stumbled on the Popular Mechanix article. Do you know if there is one at the Hughes Museum? Their website is useless.

Here is a cockpit that I have fond memories of:


ozbeowulf 13th Sep 2009 06:56

Looks like a Piper Colt to me....


S'land 13th Sep 2009 11:45

Aviat Husky?

India Four Two 13th Sep 2009 12:46

Looks like a Piper Colt to me....
A PA-22-108. The first aircraft I ever soloed. I still remember flying downwind at White Waltham ("aim for Windsor Castle"), looking at the empty seat beside me in amazement.

Well done, Glenn. Over to you.

PS Thanks to Alex for permission to use his photo: Photos: Piper PA-22/20-108 Colt Aircraft Pictures | Airliners.net

ozbeowulf 13th Sep 2009 13:15

First solo flights are definitely special. After all, you can only do it once!

Here's the next challenge. An interesting aircraft, with a unusual design feature.

I'm off to bed now, but I'll be back on deck in seven hours or so.



con-pilot 13th Sep 2009 19:13

Globe Swift???

No, guess not, we have already had the Swift.

Never mind.

ozbeowulf 13th Sep 2009 21:14

Sorry, not a Swift.

India Four Two 14th Sep 2009 15:32

Based on the compass, how about Polish or Czech?

[Thinks for a while]

In fact, specifically the L-40 Meta Sokol. The unique design feature would be the "inverted tricyle gear". I wonder what the landing characteristics were like?

g21agoose 14th Sep 2009 15:47

L-40 MetaSokol?

g21agoose 14th Sep 2009 16:39

[Thinks for a while]

In fact, specifically the L-40 Meta Sokol.
Yeah- "thinks for a while", sees answer posted and edits own post with answer- classy!:yuk:

Ridge Runner 14th Sep 2009 17:30

If he had amended it there would be a note on the post to say so! It looks to me like he got it fair and square! RR

Ridge Runner 14th Sep 2009 17:38

OK - my lesson for today! I'm still sceptical though! RR

India Four Two 14th Sep 2009 17:45

RR, I did in fact edit my post but for some reason the edit time does not show up. However, it was before g21agoose's post because I refreshed the page before editing, just to make sure no one had beaten me to it.

After Glenn has woken up and confirmed the answer, since I don't have a suitable picture to post, I'll hand over control to our amphibian friend.

Ridge Runner 14th Sep 2009 17:53

OK, I42. I was just trying to be fair for you. It appeared to be unjust to make such comments. BRgds, RR

g21agoose 14th Sep 2009 17:56

Unless there is aproblem with PPRUNE servers (and if there is I apologise) or you edited and I posted at the same time, I assure you that your post contained no edit when I posted and did not appear until sometime afterwards.

It REALLY doesn't matter and if you want the truth I researched based upon your answer so.....................................but I still know that your 'edited' answer was not there when I posted.

India Four Two 14th Sep 2009 18:05

A new post to avoid any confusion.

it's just rather pathetic
You are entitled to your opinion but if you have been following this thread for a reasonable amount of time, you might have seen that I've had enough successes ( although not in bri's or mel's league), that I don't feel the need to steal someone else's answer, for five minutes of AH&N fame.

As I said, the floor is yours, once Glen confirms the answer.


g21agoose 14th Sep 2009 18:15

You are entitled to your opinion but if you have been following this thread for a reasonable amount of time, you might have seen that I've had enough successes ( although not in bri's or mel's league), that I don't feel the need to steal someone else's answer, for five minutes of AH&N fame.

As I said, the floor is yours, once Glen confirms the answer.

Simon- I have followed this thread and you are obviously an experienced and knowledgeable person. I am not want to accuse without cause and my post WAS done before your edit appeared.

However, I have been wrong before and will be wrong again (likely before the day is out) and if you tell me that's the case I believe you and apologise for my doubts and harsh response.

From one pilot to another: I am sorry.

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