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airborne_artist 18th Oct 2007 14:55


More here

Champagne Anyone? 18th Oct 2007 15:11

Ahhhh XH558 back in the air??...

.....If you listened to the sky newsman, Jeff, it was XH855! What a plonker! One would have thought it possible to get that bit right. Clearly he wasn't an enthusiast, and not at all impressed with the lottery money spent on the project.

I wonder if there might have been 2.7million lottery players who wanted to see her restored to flying condition? I would have thought so!

Well Done Dave and crew!! Well done!! (lucky buggers!!)

(I don't mind not winning the big one now, after seeing the old girl back in the sky! This weekend though would be great thanks!!)

Regie Mental 18th Oct 2007 15:13

BBC East Mids report here:


Is it me or does female interviewee have a rather deep voice?

harrogate 18th Oct 2007 15:28

I think it's time we put Sky's 'XH855' comments to bed.

The guy was winging it on live TV and was thrown over by the anchor just as the Vulc was rotating, so I think we should cut him some slack. He had a lot on his hands.

No matter how many times you're pushed in front of a camera for a living, it's still a muddle holding it all together during a live broadcast. Sounded like he was fairly overwhelmed himself.

Let's not be snobs about it.

Regie Mental 18th Oct 2007 15:41

I agree. A rare slip from Mr Meade who is a consumate professional and pro-military, unlike certain Beeb reporters we can mention.

firefox2006 18th Oct 2007 15:42

Congratulations to all involved with the project and thanks for getting one of the most awsome aircraft back in the air. Just wished I had been near Brunty today and not stuck at work.

Can't wait for the 2008 display season now.

Tim McLelland 18th Oct 2007 15:52

Sometimes you just couldn't help thinking the great day would never arrive! Phew!

PS- my new Vulcan book is just back from the printers (good timing eh?) so it should be in the shops soon if anyone wants to indulge their Vulcan fanaticism still further (and no it's not a plug - I'm not on commission!):)

glad rag 18th Oct 2007 15:53

Just got this news after being on nights, wow!!
What can you say, really, what a magnificent team effort.
Something that makes you PROUD to be British.

Glad Rag.

Truck2005 18th Oct 2007 15:54

Many congratulations. Nice to see her up.

JOE-FBS 18th Oct 2007 15:55

Another hopefully useable BBC link:


Sorry, it's the same one!

Valiantone 18th Oct 2007 16:03

About time there was some good news in this country.....

I hear from someone on the Stock exchange that shares in Humble pie are going crazeeeeeeeeeeee...........:rolleyes::rolleyes:


TEEEJ 18th Oct 2007 16:14

Fantastic. I can't wait to see her come into Waddington in the near future. Something to do with compass swing/calibration, I believe?

Ewan Whosearmy 18th Oct 2007 16:31

Does anyone know if she'll be flying tomorrow?

old developer 18th Oct 2007 16:34

Congratulations to all concerned, a wonderful achievement

sitigeltfel 18th Oct 2007 16:49

Originally Posted by Regie Mental (Post 3645759)
BBC East Mids report here:


Is it me or does female interviewee have a rather deep voice?

And a very dodgy barnet! :eek:

Valiantone 18th Oct 2007 16:51

Congratulations must also go to David Walton for buying 558 and having the dream of keeping it where it really belongs

Something to Ponder on tonight?


tmmorris 18th Oct 2007 17:30

So when's the rose-in-butt-cheek experience? Can we watch?


The AvgasDinosaur 18th Oct 2007 17:46

So when's the rose-in-butt-cheek experience? Can we watch?

I cant decide which will get the most hits on youtube. Should we have a pole??
Be lucky

Wee Jock McPlop 18th Oct 2007 17:54

Absolutely fantastic!

Congrats to David Walton for keeping the dream alive at the end of the VDF. To the hard working engineers. To the dedicated band of supporters. To JH for his deep pockets at a time of need. To the crews who will fly her. To those in industry who supported the project.

Oh, and let's not forget the CAA. Say what you want about them, they had the confidence in the project to let the aircraft fly. Says it all about the people at Bruntingthorpe and the quality of work that they have done.:D:D:D

I think you have all earned a jar or 2 tonight folks.:ok:


P.S. Oh and to Tombstone, who will delight many over the coming days.;) I am the cheeky boy.......

OHP 15M 18th Oct 2007 18:25

₤6.5M well spent ? British Servicemen requiring hard cash to provide better kit NOW. :ugh:

sled dog 18th Oct 2007 18:27

The AvgasDinosaur
I think you meant to say " should we have a poll ", not pole, although in Tombstone`s case, perhaps it should be a pole ? :p Very well done to all concerned.
Dreams can be realised.

BEagle 18th Oct 2007 18:33

What an utterly inane post, OHP15M.....:mad:

The government should pay for protecting the troops it sends off on Bliar's follies - whereas the Vulcan was paid for entirely by public donation, sponsorship and lottery money.

Today was an outstanding day for all involved in supporting this amazing project. Many people who can ill afford it have sent their contributions to the Trust over the years - and we should all be very grateful for that

But quite what exactly that has to do with that bunch of liars and spin doctors in Whitehall who fail to equip properly the troops they send off to the $hitholes of the world to please Bush is beyond my comprehension.

brokenlink 18th Oct 2007 18:42

Congratulations to all involved and all those who kept believing. Sincerly hope that the test flying increases in radius from Bruntingthorpe. Might be lucky and reach the airfield outside Huntingdon, low pass and a power climb should do wonders for the car alarms in the car park - be just like the Great Warbirds displays at West Malling!

bythebackdoor 18th Oct 2007 18:54

Wise words BEagle!!!!:ok::D:D:D:D:D

abeaumont 18th Oct 2007 19:10

Wise words
Wise indeed! It was an utter joy to see XH558 back where she belongs. I've made sure every class I taught today knew what was going on - all were truly impressed.

All we need to see now is a high speed rose with a pink background...

...apart, of course, from a lot more displays from that remarkable aircraft.

A big thank you to all involved.

Phoney Tony 18th Oct 2007 19:13

Fantastic. Well done to everyone concerned.
I might even pay to go to the Waddo Air Day if it its there!

2002morpheus 18th Oct 2007 19:17

Gave me a lump in the back of my throat!

Well done and congratulations to everybody involved.

Simply Awesome

BEagle 18th Oct 2007 19:20

Could be a hat trick?
This week will hopefully see a British Hat Trick

1. Return to the Sky for XH558

2. England to win the rugby World Cup.

3. Lewis Hamilton to win the F1 World Championship.

Soon to be followed by:

4. The end of the labour government.

5. Boris Johnson for Mayor of London.

Any other suggestions?

forget 18th Oct 2007 19:24

Any other suggestions?
Nope. Suits me. :ok:

Wee Jock McPlop 18th Oct 2007 19:33


Scotland qualify for Euro 2008 by beating Italy at Hampden Park!:ok:

ComJam 18th Oct 2007 19:35

One more suggestion:

Tombstone to carry out his promise with a corresponding link to the YouTube video :}

mally35 18th Oct 2007 20:37


Hospitals all over the country ( A & E ) are reporting chaotic scenes tonight as admissions of aviation enthusiasts has swelled to alarming
numbers. Many, if not all , are suffering breathing difficulties caused by the ingestion of hats.

Champagne Anyone? 18th Oct 2007 21:00

Harro and Reggie...

A reporter paid what, £60,000 plus per year cannot remember five letters and numbers in the right configuration then whinges on that the money could have been better spent on hospitals etc... He should be ashamed of himself and should have stuck to the story, (correct me if I am wrong) the return to the air of a true British Icon, regardless of his personal political views.

I thought that this was a news report not a PPB for the Lazy party!

Beagle I have to agree with your comments totaly. Truly wise as previously mentioned!

All in all, well done to all those involved. I was starting to think this was becoming a bit of a white elephant...

Unless this was just a large model of the RAF's latest UAV!!


Duckandcover 18th Oct 2007 21:24

I think the fact that I am on nights and was asleep when she must have flown within eyesight of my house, is somesort of punishment for not donating another 20 quid until today.

Well done all. Has made me very happy tonight. :)

barnstormer1968 18th Oct 2007 21:24

Wise words from you earlier, and I second (or third etc.) them. To me this triumph of wills and effort over hardship/dis-belief really sums up what I see as British spirit. And definitely not, the new wave of sniping at the government, or British people at every opportunity.
As for me. I'm very excited, and I haven't even watched a clip of the flight yet, such is the power of the Vulcan!

Very well done to everybody involved.:ok:

PhoenixDaCat 18th Oct 2007 22:24

Showed the footage to my cadets tonight, many of which were not born when she was retired in 93!

They were mightily impressed. I think a lesson on the cold war, the v force, and black buck is due :)

Vox Populi 18th Oct 2007 22:31

A reporter paid what, £60,000 plus per year cannot remember five letters and numbers in the right configuration then whinges on that the money could have been better spent on hospitals etc... He should be ashamed of himself and should have stuck to the story, (correct me if I am wrong) the return to the air of a true British Icon, regardless of his personal political views.
Bit harsh. Never made a mistake in a presentation???
This is what gets me about the aviation community. Sky News make a decision to commit resources including an OB and a correspondent to a story that you are passionate about and what do you do? Moan and carp. They were reasonable questions.

XL319 18th Oct 2007 22:32


Anyway I was over the moon to see her flying again. Rock on next years flying display season....:D:D

Kengineer-130 18th Oct 2007 23:03

I have only ever seen a vulcan fly once before at the farnborough airshow years ago, 92' I think it was........ Awsome then, awsome now. Can't wait to see it in action next year :ok:

Oh and BEags for PM :ok:

Self Loading Freight 19th Oct 2007 00:24

Never thought I'd see the day. Never so happy to be wrong.

My abiding memory from all the airshows I've ever been at was one time in the mid 80's being knocked flat by a Vulcan coming in low over the sea and leaving high in the sky. Haven't been back since; i'll be there next time.


(Oh, from Wikipedia: A rose is a flowering shrub of the genus Rosa, and the flower of this shrub. There are more than a hundred species of wild roses, all from the northern hemisphere and mostly from temperate regions. The species form a group of generally prickly shrubs or climbers, and sometimes trailing plants, reaching 2–5 metres tall, rarely reaching as high as 20 metres by climbing over other plants. )

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