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Wirraway 8th Dec 2002 04:15

Air NZ plane forced to make emergency landing
ABC News Online

Sun, 8 Dec 2002 14:47 AEDT

Air NZ plane forced to make emergency landing

An Air New Zealand plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Brisbane earlier today.

The 767 aircraft landed safely and no one was injured.

Flight NZ 132 took off on schedule from Brisbane, but while the plane was ascending there was a loud bang and one of the two engines shut down.

An emergency ground alert was declared at Brisbane and the plane landed safely around 30 minutes later.

Air New Zealand's technical manager Craig Sinclair says there are signs of damage to the metal around the engine and near one of the edge flaps.

The incident has been referred to the Australian Transport Safety Bureau.

The airline has been plagued by a string of similar incidents.

Twice this year pieces of wing flaps have fallen off aircraft, one landed in a carpark near Auckland airport, the other into water.


Jet emergency at Brisbane Airport
December 08, 2002

EMERGENCY personnel have rushed to Brisbane Airport after a plane reported technical problems.

The 767 aircraft, which was carrying around 200 people, had left the airport and was on its way to New Zealand when the problem was reported.

The plane was forced to return around 10.30am (AEST) and police, ambulances and firefighting units were called as a precaution.

A police spokesman said roads were blocked around the airport.

The plane landed safely 15 minutes later and there were no injuries.

Engineers were inspecting the aircraft and the 200 passengers will be transferred to another plane.


TIMMEEEE 8th Dec 2002 09:02

Damned shame that.
Does that mean their ETOPS approval for the B767's are yet again under review?

Wirraway 8th Dec 2002 15:00

Mon "Melbourne Age"

Pilot warns: prepare for crash landing
December 9 2002
By Bernard Orsman, Ainsley Thomson and Joseph Kerr

Passengers on a jet that suffered a major engine failure at 11,000 feet screamed after the pilot told them they were heading for a crash-landing in Brisbane yesterday.

"I thought we had hit a small plane," said former New Zealand rugby league player Brent Todd, a passenger on Air New Zealand's Boeing 767-200.

"Then there was a jolt and my heart sank. I thought we were in some major trouble."

The pilot of the Auckland-bound flight NZ132 was forced to make an emergency landing only minutes after taking off from Brisbane at 10.05am. The engine failure was accompanied by a loud bang about 40 nautical miles from Brisbane.

Parts of the damaged engine broke out of the casing, forcing the crew to immediately shut it down and rely on the second engine to land the plane.

None of the 190 passengers on board were injured, said the airline and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority. After landing at Brisbane at 10.40am, damage was reported to the engine's casing and wing.

Mr Todd, travelling with his daughter, Jessica, 7, said he heard a loud bang as the aircraft climbed. The crew tried to keep passengers calm but "from the look on the chief steward's face I could see something was seriously wrong".

Mr Todd said the pilot announced the plane was going in for a crash landing. "When the pilot announced it, everyone started screaming and the air hostesses were yelling, 'Keep your heads down, keep your heads down'. The landing was pretty heavy."

Another passenger, Dean Rawle, said he had not worried until passengers were told they were going in for a crash landing.

Mr Todd described seeing the engine: "The whole side of the metal casing was totally off. And the back of it was disintegrated. Apparently it ate itself out."

Some metal pieces were reportedly recovered from the Brisbane runway.

Australian Transport Safety Bureau investigators were on the scene immediately, and the airline will conduct its own inquiry.

An airline spokesman, Craig Sinclair, said there were signs of damage to the engine exterior and near one of the flaps. He described the single-engine landing as "uneventful".

On the eve of an Air New Zealand application to regulatory authorities for a deal under which Qantas would take 22.5 per cent of the carrier, its chief executive, Ralph Norris, said he was unhappy about the emergency. "There were no indications prior to that engine being run up or through the climb that there were any problems with the engine," Mr Norris said. "The engine obviously did have a major malfunction at getting to cruise height."

- with The New Zealand Herald

Snowballs 8th Dec 2002 20:09

Maybe it is about time to start a forum and repository dedicated to the appallingly naive standard of aviation reporting. Reports like the one above would be a good start. Full credits could be given to the reporters and source of this type of report.
I cannot believe that any professional pilot would tell the passengers to prepare for a “crash Landing” over the PA after an engine failure ………………… Emergency landing yes, as a precaution.

Going Boeing 8th Dec 2002 21:58

I saw the channel 10 report last night and was absolutely disgusted with the over-dramatisation and poor choice of words. At one stage they even referred to it as "the doomed plane" which according to my understanding of the Queen's english means that the aircraft crashed instead of the completely normal engine out approach and landing that actually happened.

The media have done nothing to improve my low opinion of them.

Congratulations to the crew on a job well done.

CI300 8th Dec 2002 22:02

What great reporting!

I think Brent Todd had one to many beers before departure, he never was the brightest.

TIMMEEEE, I never knew you were an expert on EROPS.. Your not Les Bloxham in real life are you?

luna landing 8th Dec 2002 22:05

Perhaps it was one of the spare parts in the plane load they "borrowed" from Ansett a bit over a year ago.....

Gnd Power 8th Dec 2002 22:17


It may seem like naive reporting to you but the reporter seems to only be stating what the passengers have said and obviously thought at the time.

Facts are facts, the engine blew up, the pax thought they were in serious do-do and told it as they saw it. Which (surprisingly!! - :rolleyes: ) was how the reporter relayed it in the press.

Just because you don't like it won't make the facts go away. Attacking the Reporter also won't make the facts go away.

This incident is a lot more serious than merely shooting the messenger, who in all probabilty has spoken to more involved in the incident than you or I.

CI300 8th Dec 2002 22:24

Sad luna, so sad.

Gnd Power, where did you get those 'facts' from ?
Allthough you and I both know your probably correct, you, like the rest of us have none.

Boeing Belly 8th Dec 2002 23:42

I really think that CASA need to have a serious look at this Airline with a view to either suspending or cancelling their rights to fly in Australian airspace. This is just the latest in a long line of safety and/or maintenance breaches that stretch back several decades at least. It's obvious that they don't have the financial resources to maintain their aircraft to an accceptable standard.

Wizofoz 9th Dec 2002 00:13

Just read on the Ninemsn website that the Aircraft "Returned for a crash landing"

:mad: :mad: :mad:

I guess the fact that he landed normally means he "Failed" to make a crash landing!!

What P!22es me off is that whenever I've had any type of incident over the years, I've had to try hard to make decisions based on what was best, and dissregard the possibility of ending up in the papers. I remember a Captain once stopping me from asking for a priority approach as we had a sick passenger because "The press listen to the radio." (Appalling decision making I agree, but it shows how it can affect some peoples thinking.)

It's just one more subtle pressure you don't need at such times.

MoFo 9th Dec 2002 00:17

The standard of journalism in this country ain't that high. Particulary Television journalism. And particulary anything to do with the mystical subject of aviation. Too much detail to worry about.

If you want the least accurate reporting on any event go straight to commercial television news.

Obviously on day one of journo training you are taught the basic rules. If you stick a microphone and a camera in front of any member of the public involved in an incident you will find they will say whatever they think you want them to say. They just want to be involved, get their head on TV and feel that somehow their 10 minutes of fame, in their life, has finally arrived.

Then you learn cliches. Doomed. Plunged. Thought I Was Going To Die. End Of An Era. Air Pocket. Witness's Saw An Explosion. etc etc.

Then you learn how to put it together. Don't worry about accuracy. If there are details getting in the way of your story just make up anything that seems feasable to your thoughts at the time. After all you are the expert journo and the public are a bunch of d*ckheads who will believe anything.

Having learnt all that you make sure you are female, big boobs, blonde or dyed blonde if possible and have a scratchy voice that becomes strident as you yell at the microphone at the top of your voice, despite the fact that your lapel microphone is only cms away from your mouth.

Any Australian TV network will jump at the chance of employing you once you've got that together.

Kaptin M 9th Dec 2002 00:56

My "Thanks" to Bernard Orsman, Ainsley Thomson and Joseph Kerr of the Melbourne Age, Brent Todd passenger on the "doomed" flight, and, Ralph Norris, CEO of Air new Zealand, for starting my week off with a chuckle at your following STUPID, LAUGHABLE, and IGNORANT (of aviation matters) quotes:

Mr Todd described seeing the engine: "The whole side of the metal casing was totally off. And the back of it was disintegrated. Apparently it ate itself out." :eek: :D

Ralph Norris, said he was unhappy about the emergency. "There were no indications prior to that engine being run up or through the climb that there were any problems with the engine," Mr Norris said. "The engine obviously did have a major malfunction at getting to cruise height."

Mr Norris' "knowledge" (or apparent LACK thereof)..."running up" a jet engine???.....and unless Air New Zealand are now flying at 11,000' across the Ditch......of airline flight operations indicates he would have been better to have kept his mouth zipped!

Again, "Thank you" to the above mentioned, for what was a highly entertaining piece of journalism! :D

Barbers Pole 9th Dec 2002 01:43

Didn't take long for the "Kiwi Bashing to start" I guess australian a/c never have incidents!

Well done to all the crew for their Professional job in carrying out a successfull (prepared emergency) single engine landing.

"Rumour" at work is that the failure may have occured in the HP turbine causing the engine to catastrophly "Lunch itself" (excuse the tech. describition Kaptain M)

cribble 9th Dec 2002 02:47


You wouldn't care to document (rather than baldly assert the existance of) the"...long line of safety and/or maintenance breaches that stretch back several decades at least..." , per chance? The only bads I recall are to do with the dogs at the late lamented subsidiary.

Or is your post merely another part of your anti-AirNZ tirade?

Boeing Belly 9th Dec 2002 03:33

Mate, it's been raining pieces of Boeing for the last six months now. Most, if not all of it has fallen off AirNZ aircraft. To quote the Sky News today, "AirNZ have an un- enviable safety record at the moment". Your major occurence is well documented so I won't re-hash it now. As far as your comment about the"dog", need I remind you who was in charge of Ansetts maintenance at that stage?

rmm 9th Dec 2002 06:30

Some pictures below, looks like another CF6 HPT rotor failure. They must be close to double figures by now.


Boeing Belly 9th Dec 2002 06:35

rmm, great pictures but are you sure you got the date right?;)

rmm 9th Dec 2002 06:38

Sorry, not my camera work, just passing them on.


Wirraway 9th Dec 2002 06:52


Air NZ engineering to get workover (03:07)
By Felicity Anderson

Air New Zealand says it is going to get an outside organisation to put its engineering workshop practices under a microscope.

The airline's chief executive Ralph Norris says it wants to put its customers' minds at rest that it is safe to travel on Air New Zealand planes.

The move follows the shut down of an engine and emergency landing of a 767-200 in Brisbane overnight on Sunday.

Craig Sinclair, Air NZ's senior vice president operations and technical, says the damage caused to one of the plane's two General Electric engines was through a section of the high pressure turbine disc "letting go".

He says it is not known yet why that had occured and Air NZ was having difficulty finding a similar incident among the worldwide fleet.

He says that's why the United States' FAA and National Transport Safety Board were interested in NZ and Australian air safety inspectors' finding. The incident may have implications for GE, he says.

Norris decribes the Brisbane emergency as the latest in a series of "random incidents that are in no way connected".

Just what organisation is to do the workshop practices review will be announced later this week.

But the airline is making it clear that it will be someone other than a "safety regulator", to get a lateral viewpoint.

Sinclair says the airline already undergoes extensive internal and external safety audits, including those by NZ's Civil Aviation Authority and its Australian equivalent, FAA and its European equivalent and through its Star Alliance membership.

The latest incident has not attracted any comment from Air NZ's proposed alliance partner Qantas.

Under the deal Air NZ is hoping to get more of Qantas' outsourced engineering work and to have work for 200 more skilled engineers.

Norris and Sinclair acknowledge that Air NZ was already out in the market place looking for more engineers and is also looking at new ways of building up a skill base through training.

Sinclair reveals Norris signed off last week on capital expenditure for new hanger facilities.

He says Air NZ manages to win overseas contracts because it is highly competitive in terms of pricing, quality of work and the turn around time.


George Ryde of the aviation and marine engineers' union says the move to bring in an external party to review workshop practices is a brave decision.

"It will be very transparent and open and I think it should reassure people that the investigation is going to be thorough," he says.

Australian authorities are leading the official investigation into the latest problem.

The high powered team includes two US experts and a representative from General Electric, the engine makers.

The NZ Civil Aviation Authority also has the power to carry out a special safety audit but says it has no plans to.

"There are safety audits going on all the time and there is no need for additional safety audits they are underway continuously," says John Jones of the CAA.

Meanwhile the passengers on ill-fated flight 132 can expect a letter of apology from the airline and some form of compensation.

Published on Dec 09, 2002

SepsOff 9th Dec 2002 07:13

You forgot to mention the media golden rule "never let the facts get in the way of a good story"
You also forgot Plummet, Slammed and Engulfed.

Was it my imagination, or did the female reporter on Holmes tonight look like she was going to puke as she was leaving the Sim?

flyby_kiwi 9th Dec 2002 08:42

SepsOff - I noticed that too. She sure didnt waste any time getting out :D
In regards to Holmes tonight I was very dissapointed with HIM referring to Air NZ's incident as the"Crash" landing - Youd expect that given he has a background in aviation his choice of words would be a little better :rolleyes:

SepsOff 9th Dec 2002 08:58

You are talking about an aviation veteran who has had numerous "incidents" (accidents) himself.
For example: Circling an unattended north island airfield as a SPL on a solo x-c looking at a limp windsock and not being able to decide which vector to land on. Then leaving in search of another, hopefully that had a windsock that pointed!

He doesn't seem to have much luck with horses either.

capt cynical 9th Dec 2002 09:35

The thing that worries me the most about the standard of journalism here and NZ is that the public tend to believe what they read and hear.
Unfortunately I suspect that does include "Maketing W#$%*&^s
and CFO's just the sort of people runing most of todays major ailines.
It really makes you wonder where we are heading.:eek:

halfrhovsquared 9th Dec 2002 10:00

Further Media Hype
To add to the hype, channel 7 news this morning was talking about a -
Good heavens, another FULL SCALE emergency. Not just a half scale emergency.

Skipper- "Ladies and Gentlemen, it appears we have lost half of our allotted engines and therefore we will be returning to Brisbane where they are preparing for a Half Scale Emergency."
:) :) :D

Jungmeister 9th Dec 2002 11:36

I am sure that Australian pilots would be familiar with the AIP definition of Full Emergency compared with Local Standby:

6.3 Full Emergency
6.3.1 A Full Emergency is declared when activation of more than just airport-based responding agencies is advisable. A Full
Emergency will be declared when an aircraft approaching the
airport is known or suspected to be in such trouble that there is
danger of an accident. In order to provide the appropriate
response, one of the following levels must be used by ATS in
declaring the Full Emergency to outside services:
a. Level I – up to 18 seats (ATC – Light).
b. Level II – up to 150 seats (ATC – Medium).
c. Level III – up to 450 seats (ATC – Heavy).
6.3.2 When a Full Emergency has been declared, the response will be
from all services including on-airport services according to the
level (I,II or III) notified.
6.3.3 If a pilot declares a MAYDAY, then this equates to a Full
Emergency condition. The AEP will then be activated by declaring

Kaptin M 9th Dec 2002 12:08

I guess, young master, that the intended REACTIVE word - INTENTIONALLY intorduced - was "scale".

"Full emergency", certainly gets the attention.
But "Full SCALE emergency" is intended to imply "lives are at risk".

Why don't you "f-off" - until you learn the sharp end of the pencil from the rubber!!

When you've done that, some of us will GLADLY assist you - rather than put you down!

Richard Kranium 9th Dec 2002 12:31

Interesting but not relevant to the thread

halfrhovsquared 9th Dec 2002 12:47


I am sure that the channel 7 reporters were also intimately familiar with A.I.P when they were reporting the incident this morning.;)

max rate 9th Dec 2002 19:34

Who overhauls these engines? I don't actually think it is ANZ, I thought they were sent back to GE? I f that is the case, maybe ANZ should send them the bill for the panelbeating as well.

375ml 9th Dec 2002 20:18

Further to snowball's original post, why was this declared - as far as pax were concerned - an emergency landing, and they were briefed by cabin crew in what sounds like a brace/crash position procedure? Like most others I'm only going off the reported story and eye witness interviews... but are we sure the hype wasn't started by the ANZ crew?

Barbers Pole 9th Dec 2002 20:29

Boeing belly, you are being a bit harsh there fella, the incidents are isolated and only one of them was AirNZ fault (wing panel not secured)

A QF 747 had a engine shut down in the Tasman the other week and you don't see QF being lambasted by the media about being an unsafe airline.

As you obvisously know nothing about AirNZ's SOP's in regards to how we are trained to deal with this type of problem I suggest you keep your fingers off the keyboard and refrain from throwing mud at the crew!!! :mad:

Putting the pax into the brace position is a stardard procedure for us in an "prepared Emergency" landing.

henry crun 9th Dec 2002 21:43

Barbers Pole, you might be a bit harsh yourself criticizing Boeing Belly.

After all, from the sounds of it, he had the inside gen and knew right from the beginning that the turbine failure was a fault of ANZ engineering.

I just hope he has passed on what he knows to the OZ/NZ/GE chappies to save them the bother of going through a long investigation.

ditzyboy 9th Dec 2002 22:27

I have spoken to two friends abroad who are cabin crew and both their airlines use "Prepare for crash landing" as the last instruction from the flight deck that landing is imminent. Also the cabin crew yelling "Heads down, stay down" from then on is a pretty standard proceedure across many airlines.

In my initial training we discussed the "Prepare for crash landing" command used by other airlines. The company I work for uses "Brace. Brace. Brace." Which we all thought was far less distressing!

Nevertheless the tech and cabin crew obviously followed their SOPs and should be commended.

And as for "the look on the Chief Steward's face".... If he wasn't running up and down the cabin, screaming and flailing his arms like a big gay banshee, then he did pretty well in my opinion!

Snowballs 9th Dec 2002 22:46

Ditzy ….. Perhaps you should go back and read your manuals again or your employee should have a long look at it’s emergency procedures. There is a vast difference between an emergency landing and a crash landing. An emergency landing is a “Non normal landing” in which sensible precautions are taken which may involve having the emergency services ready and or, having the cabin on alert and prepared for evacuation if necessary after landing. An example of this would be this flight landing with one engine shut down. A crash landing in one in which damage will result in landing for example landing with the gear up. Either the cockpit crew and or cabin crew got it all mixed up or more than likely, the media again displayed an appalling lack of knowledge of the aviation industry. To tell the passengers we are going to crash (crash land) guarantees total instant panic. To defend what was supposedly said is to say that all engine failures or loss of some flaps etc are to be treated as crash landings ………………… just astounding.

Kaptin M 10th Dec 2002 00:29

Congratulations to the Air New Zealand crew on a job well done.

Anyone know what flap configuration they used to land with? Flapless? Trailing edge only? I assume that the leading edges weren't available (and missing :eek: in one case!).

And the press missed a golden opportunity to use the phrase catastrophic engine failure - and didn't!
Too busy trying to think up other cr@p I guess.

Don't go too hard on them, Boeing Belly, it wasn't so long ago that "bits" were falling off QANTAS aircraft. remember the "piece of engine" that fell off near Cairns?

Engine failures such as this one are an irregular regularity - a JALways DC10 had a similar failure about 4 months ago after take-off from Nagoya for Bangkok, and about 10 days ago a JAS MD90 lost a donk also out of Nagoya.
And that's only two that I know about!

SOPS 10th Dec 2002 00:52

And I am fairly sure bits WERE about to fall off a lot of Ansett aircraft, but they were grounded before it could happen..... Then all the bits fell off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dan Kelly 10th Dec 2002 00:56

I'm not familiar with AirNZs procedures, nor the B767. From my observation of various photos and news reports I draw the following conclusions.[list=a][*]Leading edge devices were of doubtfull serviceablity.[*]Full extent of the damage couldn't be known by Tech or Cabin crew.[*]Better to be safe than sorry, thus brace for landing a good call.[*]Criticism of the crew's actions is poor form from Aussies. (Unfortunately it is becoming more and more prevelant and is the reason Dan K is no longer a moderator.)[*]AirNZ employees, as opposed to the AirNZ board, should not be villified for events of just over a year ago! [/list=a]

(edit to correct typo - phat phingers! :D )

Barbers Pole 10th Dec 2002 02:42

Thanx Dan, well said.

topend3 10th Dec 2002 02:55

boeing belly,

dear dear you are at it again, long line of safety breacges and incidents hey? probably no more than qantas have had in the last couple of years mate...

airnz didn't lose an aircraft off then end of a runway either:D

i can remember bits falling off qf aircraft, a 767 lost a gear door into darwin a couple of years ago and then there was the litany of safety incidents last year when qf was in the spotlight over their own maintenance

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