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Mach E Avelli 4th Jul 2022 08:42

Originally Posted by tossbag (Post 11226376)
Athiest here. I don't belief in 'beliefs'

Science is the key, not blindly following it, but reading it, understanding it, questioning it. When all of these professionals are trained in the same science and there are contrary views what do you do? Unfortunately there are zealots on both sides that find it impossible to discuss, debate and argue the differing views. To my mind the rabid vaxxers are every bit as bad as the anti-vax crew.

And the moral high grounders tend to be the vaxxers. Given recent information on the vaccines you don't find it prudent to ask questions?

Fellow atheist here.
I am not a complete moral high grounder, not rabid (except in my opinions on religion and Putin), but firmly pro-vax. With very much the attitude that natural selection will take care of those who are destined for an early departure from this mortal coil, whether due bad luck or stupidity. Having access to vaccines surely defers that date for a good proportion of the population, though we have to accept that vaccines won’t work for everyone.
But to relate personal experience of two 'elderly' people (70+). Wife had all 4 shots of Pfizer at the recommended intervals. I had two of AZ then the two Pfizer boosters, also at the recommended intervals. A few months after the second booster wife got covid from a close contact in the workplace. I could have avoided her by staying on my boat, but chose to go home and see how long it would take to catch it, because I really did not want to have a later scheduled overseas holiday spoiled. I was seeking the 12 week immunity on offer (though of course not guaranteed) which supposedly follows recovery.
After two days, I tested positive, but with no symptoms. Mild symptoms 24 hours later. Neither of us had symptoms any worse than those of a common cold, and by day 7 of our respective isolation periods we were absolutely fine.
I appreciate that good luck,(or genes) may have played a part, but I also dips me lid to the scientists who brought us vaccines so quickly.

Pinky the pilot 4th Jul 2022 10:33

Re my post, #106; I have since been able to discover that the Person referred to in that post had had BOTH Vaccinations injections and had had the booster injection the day before his unfortunate demise.

Apparently, and admittedly so far it is only hearsay, he had had reactions to both the initial vaccinations, the severity of the reactions increasing with each subsequent jab.

I will endeavor to find out more information in due course.

HappyBandit 5th Jul 2022 06:12

Originally Posted by Mach E Avelli (Post 11255888)
Fellow atheist here.
I am not a complete moral high grounder, not rabid (except in my opinions on religion and Putin), but firmly pro-vax. With very much the attitude that natural selection will take care of those who are destined for an early departure from this mortal coil, whether due bad luck or stupidity. Having access to vaccines surely defers that date for a good proportion of the population, though we have to accept that vaccines won’t work for everyone.
But to relate personal experience of two 'elderly' people (70+). Wife had all 4 shots of Pfizer at the recommended intervals. I had two of AZ then the two Pfizer boosters, also at the recommended intervals. A few months after the second booster wife got covid from a close contact in the workplace. I could have avoided her by staying on my boat, but chose to go home and see how long it would take to catch it, because I really did not want to have a later scheduled overseas holiday spoiled. I was seeking the 12 week immunity on offer (though of course not guaranteed) which supposedly follows recovery.
After two days, I tested positive, but with no symptoms. Mild symptoms 24 hours later. Neither of us had symptoms any worse than those of a common cold, and by day 7 of our respective isolation periods we were absolutely fine.
I appreciate that good luck,(or genes) may have played a part, but I also dips me lid to the scientists who brought us vaccines so quickly.

Finally, I well considered and appropriate post. Thank you Mach. I concur with your assessment of the science. We are very fortunate. The wheels are in motion for an Omicron specific vaccine as we speak too. I've seen first-hand both the positive attributes of those vaccinated and boostered, as well as those that opted for selfish attitudes. The latter definitely fair far worse. And when offered medication (eg. antivirals, convalescent sera, Mab's etc), not one have I heard say to me, "Do you know what the long-term effects are of those drugs?"

magyarflyer 15th Jul 2022 20:15

here (myself) An AME MD having had all 4 series Modena and pfizer doing a locum last December the boss (74) rabid antivaxer rx ivermectin and additional drugs to all his patients we were seeing 30-40 pts a day with Covid +….
one month later he tested + and after agonizing 5 weeks on a ventilator family turned off the machine.
just got back from London and became + on arrival business class caught mild symptoms on plaxovid did not seem to make much difference
to each his own. Most of patients in clinic who had vaccines had mild sx, those unvaccinated did not fare well
we could tell by simply checking oxymeter readings …I am same age as was the boss
Medicine is an art rather than science

Bend alot 15th Jul 2022 22:14

From 1 April 2022 QLD has 651 reported covid deaths, WA has 393 over the same period.

WA has about half the population of QLD so you would expect closer to 326 - even lower as WA has about a 20% higher vax rate than QLD.

Both states had single digit numbers before opening borders.

27/09 16th Jul 2022 01:23

Originally Posted by das Uber Soldat (Post 11262392)
It's genuinely scary that people possibly even as stupid as this could be allowed access to a cockpit.

Looks like jamsession only joined to spread misinformation. One post made, one post full of tripe.

itsnotthatbloodyhard 16th Jul 2022 03:14

Originally Posted by 27/09 (Post 11262441)
Looks like jamsession only joined to spread misinformation.

Or to rectify a perceived satire shortfall. “Vaccine-informed” is a good one, though. :D

Bend alot 16th Jul 2022 05:05

Originally Posted by Bend alot (Post 11262383)
From 1 April 2022 QLD has 651 reported covid deaths, WA has 393 over the same period.

WA has about half the population of QLD so you would expect closer to 326 - even lower as WA has about a 20% higher vax rate than QLD.

Both states had single digit numbers before opening borders.

I guess this does not meet the narrative of the "the vaccines save lives" or the under vaxed are over represented in hospitals.

Oh and QLD had far more Delta than WA.

das Uber Soldat 16th Jul 2022 06:41

Originally Posted by Icarus2001 (Post 11262418)
It was a first post so call me crazy but you know there are non pilots in here?

Yeh, though in my experience most of the Karens that sport this type of non-sequitur garbage typically remain within the walls of their enclose, ie Facebook.

My moneys on one of the clowns who got shown the door last year for refusing the vaccine and is now super salty about it. Hence the burner account and obvious emotional investment in pure nonsense.

Given this..

"An unlawful dismissal claim brought by 12 former employees of Virgin Australia and Jetstar who were sacked after failing to get vaccinated against COVID-19 is “unintelligible and rambling”, the Federal Court has heard."

Remind you of someone? :E

cxflog 16th Jul 2022 07:19

Originally Posted by das Uber Soldat (Post 11262506)
Remind you of someone? :E

Sums it up almost to a T!

They really should stick to Facebook, it’s embarrassing seeing that nonsense on here

Bend alot 16th Jul 2022 09:56

Originally Posted by cxflog (Post 11262525)
Sums it up almost to a T!

They really should stick to Facebook, it’s embarrassing seeing that nonsense on here

You have a issue with my excel math?

Or the data collection points?

Or you just jab to keep a job?

Tested they are not - they got the MAX approval.

Certainly never tested in Australia only stamped with data from the manufacturer (self reporting).

Jamsession 17th Jul 2022 03:02

Originally Posted by dr dre (Post 11262685)
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. It’s encumbent on you to provide the sources and evidence my friend.

That's a transparent self-disclosing lie then, isn't it?

Bend alot 18th Jul 2022 11:35

Originally Posted by Kelly Slater (Post 11262869)
I am not a big fan of censorship but this thread needs to be not just shut down but removed.

I doubt your truthful - many court cases in Oz states (even frontline workers) - are based on censorship and blind faith of unelected officials, by governments with zero qualifications that elect the officials.

Are starting to be heard - heavily defended by the government/s

Sal-e 18th Jul 2022 13:46


Page 30 onwards is a side effects box of chocolates. All 1,291 of them. Gotta wonder why Pfizer tried to gag this info until 2085!

dr dre 18th Jul 2022 15:23

Originally Posted by Sal-e (Post 11263669)

Page 30 onwards is a side effects box of chocolates. All 1,291 of them. Gotta wonder why Pfizer tried to gag this info until 2085!

Since Dec 2020 when the first Covid vaccine was developed there have been a multitude of rubbish anti vax propaganda links posted on this forum, and that one is no exception.

And like every single one of them that link above is easily debunked:

A scheduling dispute related to an FOIA request for COVID-19 vaccine data was misconstrued on social media.

Pfizer documents do not reveal dangers of Covid-19 vaccine

So we've had 98%+ of Australian adults receive at least one vaccine dose. Pretty much everyone in the industry except the incredibly small handful (maybe 0.2%) who chose not to have it. Now I don't like using anecdotes as evidence but apart from a bit of unwellness for a day after I've not heard of anyone in the industry suffering long term effects from vaccination. Out of many people I know outside the industry none have had severe long lasting after effects from vaccination.

Sal-e 18th Jul 2022 16:37

I’d best start fact checking these fact checkers?
But riddle me this. For all you “gotta get boosted coz the virus MUTATES” mob…with the SAME shot…for the ORIGINAL strain…4th booster. What am I missing? Insanity comes to mind.

umop apisdn 18th Jul 2022 16:51

Originally Posted by Sal-e (Post 11263788)
I’d best start fact checking these fact checkers?
But riddle me this. For all you “gotta get boosted coz the virus MUTATES” mob…with the SAME shot…for the ORIGINAL strain…4th booster. What am I missing? Insanity comes to mind.

What are you missing? A perfectly logical question to ask. Thinking you already have the answer. Insanity.

glekichi 18th Jul 2022 17:33

Not only that, but anecdotally it would seem that regions/nations with high booster rates are having the highest numbers of cases/deaths. Not that Ive done any kind of study, but comparing where I live (Japan - low boost rates, low covid deaths despite literally including traffic accidents in the numbers in half the prefectures, ageing population, high population density, lots of mass transit) vs where my parents live back home (New Zealand - sparse population, no public transport, very high booster rates, higher deaths per capita, higher case numbers per capita), it certainly seems the shot designed for the original strain isn't helping with Omicron.

New Zealand is recording roughly the same number of daily deaths despite having 1/25th the population and being much much more 'boosted'.
Infections are 3x higher per captita... deaths are 25x higher per captita...
New Zealand 96% 2x vaxxinated, 76% 3x or more
Japan 76% 2x vaccinated, 60% 3x or more.

Bend alot 18th Jul 2022 20:29

Originally Posted by glekichi (Post 11263815)
Not only that, but anecdotally it would seem that regions/nations with high booster rates are having the highest numbers of cases/deaths. Not that Ive done any kind of study, but comparing where I live (Japan - low boost rates, low covid deaths despite literally including traffic accidents in the numbers in half the prefectures, ageing population, high population density, lots of mass transit) vs where my parents live back home (New Zealand - sparse population, no public transport, very high booster rates, higher deaths per capita, higher case numbers per capita), it certainly seems the shot designed for the original strain isn't helping with Omicron.

New Zealand is recording roughly the same number of daily deaths despite having 1/25th the population and being much much more 'boosted'.
Infections are 3x higher per captita... deaths are 25x higher per captita...
New Zealand 96% 2x vaxxinated, 76% 3x or more
Japan 76% 2x vaccinated, 60% 3x or more.

Your example is one of many - but gets mostly ignored.

Wizofoz 18th Jul 2022 21:21

Originally Posted by Bend alot (Post 11263894)
Your example is one of many - but gets mostly ignored.

The older strains still exist, and current boosters are effective against then. the vacccines ARE being constatly developed, and the latest ones will be aimed at the newer varients.
No-one says any of this is perfect, but the veilied idea that it's all some kind of con is where it gets silly.

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