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-   -   Qantas Sydney Redundancies Called Off... What about Avalon?? (https://www.pprune.org/australia-new-zealand-pacific/511705-qantas-sydney-redundancies-called-off-what-about-avalon.html)

Bootstrap1 20th May 2013 08:25

So they can send staff to NZ for a check but any aircraft going to the asian Centre of Excellence in Manila go it alone.

Great idea Tony.

ALAEA Fed Sec 20th May 2013 10:36

The don't even need the maintenance release to be valid when the aircraft takes off out of Manilla either. Isn't that right Tony.

ranmar850 20th May 2013 23:10

The airline makes the decision whether they will supply training or not. As a union the best we can do is make sure the training is handed out fairly by asking those who have current quals to withold their application for the slots.

Management aren't offering training at Avalon. I'll repeat that, MANAGEMENT aren't offering training at Avalon. It is not your union that makes this decision.

Fighting for your future? Apart from the court cases that are currently running and constant meetings to try and convince Qantas to give Avalon more work (which they continue to refuse because they want you closed down). The press to highlight that they are sending more work offshore such as the Jetconnect 737 work.....

Yes, I remember now. We had 100,000 pamphlets printed last year to hand out at train stations to support HM in this country. We put out a notice seeking volunteers to help hand them out. Apart from our Reps, not one member responded and offered to dedicate one hour of his/her time to help out. There is only so much we can do mate in the court rooms and press, without the support of members we really are pushing ****e up hill.
http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...er_offline.gif http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...ons/report.gif
And this, sadly, is where unions fail. It is meant to be a collective force, an expression of collective will--but when it comes to anything outside of attending a stop-work meeting, or maybe participating in a march, the membership will do nothing. Except whine about "why isn't the union doing something?" When it comes to a situation such as currently exists at Avalon, as an example, they really can do very little without mass , active membership support. Support that goes beyond paying their union dues, that is.:rolleyes: Long ago, I was a union member (unrelated industry), and I have seen the really ugly side of it, the one which exists to this very day, among the bottom feeders like the CFMEU, AWU, et al; I just won't be a part of it, and fear it returning to the industry I am currently in. The reps will say-"things are good now, but who will look after you when it turns bad?-" my answer? You certainly won't ,because you are powerless when the downsizing starts--you can't do a bloody thing except make meaningless noises for a TV camera.
Steve and the union he represents, is, to me, a shining example of what a union should be-unaffiliated to any political party, there for the members and not just a career step into a safe seat in lower house or senate, able to negotiate a decent EBA,and offer support to individual members with work-related issues: but, when the proverbial goes through the prop, the redundancy clauses the union had written into that EBA is all you have. If the company wants to close their facility, they will do so.
The installation does not exist to provide you with a job, it provides a function for the company, and , particularly with the apparent attitudes of the current qantas management, all he can do is smooth the dying pillow if they want to close it. Unless, of course, an unparalleled show of support from ALL of the membership , and resulting media coverage, forces a company rethink.
Difficult to imagine it happening.:sad:

genxfrog 21st May 2013 12:13

Ranmar850...... Your attempt at sharing words of wisdom is to me and many of us who work in this Industry (and Union members) just another typical example of endless excuses about why Unions are a lost cause.
The CFMEU (one of your excuses for not being a union member) don't even operate in our Industry. Rather than throw stones....you, me and everyone else in our Industry should feel an obligation to do whatever we can to keep it alive. Not only for us, but for those who were proudly here before us and more importantly for the next generation which could include our sons and daughters.
Please spare us from another pointless soapbox episode of Raising the white flag and shouting "you can't do anything to stop it....it's all too late....too hard.....don't bother.....blame the Unions".
Unions don't always get it right, but we have too many amongst us that wouldn't hesitate to eat our own just to look after our own individual backsides. That's the cancer that's allowed us to become less effective and influential........not some boring repetitive excuse about Unions.:=

Sunfish 21st May 2013 20:50

How do you think CFMEU brings Grocon to the table? Sweet reason? The only thing that will get you anywhere is to credibly threaten Qantas profitability.

Since politicians on both sides of Parliament vie with each other to see how far they canclimb up the Qantas arse, you have very little hope. Then of course the Greens hate all airlines so they are no help.

You need to strike and make it stick and bugger FWA.

griffin one 23rd May 2013 08:11

Australian logistics division of Ford to make one thousand redundant. What does Julia do. Inject another twelve million into car manufacturing on top of the thirty six million Per annum.
QF and numerous aircraft maintenance facilities in AUZ making staff redundant, what does Julia do Sweet FA

Looking fwd to September Julia

ampclamp 23rd May 2013 08:20

Griffin if you think the other mob will help out you are mistaken. I have also wondered at the sacred cow the auto industry appeared to be. Both sides of politics are guilty of propping up various car makers with billions and left aviation to rot both in a regulatory sense and the industry at large.

mightyauster 23rd May 2013 11:52

Sad, but true ampclamp. Unfortunately, the aviation industry in this country does not rate for votes.

magic8 25th May 2013 05:08

SYD redundancies may be on hold for a while but lots of rumours of VRs still happening elsewhere and some even being refused. Anyone confirm or just rumours.

Silverado 25th May 2013 05:32

SYD redundancies may be on hold for a while but lots of rumours of VRs still happening elsewhere and some even being refused. Anyone confirm or just rumours.
VR still open for AME's

LookinDown 27th May 2013 11:26

I emailed my major fears re QF's future to my Federal MP last year.
After a week or so of no response I rang his office. Spoke with one of his staff who checked and confirmed that yes their office had indeed received my email.

Informed him that I'd had no response. Guess what? Never bothered to even acknowledge my email let alone respond to it.

He is a member of the Libs. Happy to post his name.

Jethro Gibbs 27th May 2013 12:18

Informed him that I'd had no response. Guess what? Never bothered to even acknowledge my email let alone respond to it.

So What this is a common Practice all over now Its wrong but what can you do .

ALAEA Fed Sec 27th May 2013 12:46

So What this is a common Practice all over now Its wrong but what can you do .
You can join a real union that will run it's own candidates against these Wally's. When they ask for your preferences you could say something like - Well are you going to answer my f***en email now?

LookinDown 28th May 2013 11:13

I was supporting ampclamp's post that you wont do better with either side of the political fence when it comes to aviation.

I've had acknowledgments of my contact at the very least on other matters from elsewhere.

Not hard at all to send out a standard template "thank you very much for your email (even if I am going to now carefully place it in the round filing cabinet)". Even Pollies with limited skull juice know that totally ignoring communication from your constituents isnt a very smart ploy.

Bagus 1st Jun 2013 05:35

PM in Geelong for Ford,not Avalon.

Jethro Gibbs 1st Jun 2013 06:26

That's ok according to Avalons Justin Giddings and todays Geelong Advertiser The Grand Plan for Avalon is Thousands of jobs around 2031 yes that's right 2031 ! So Don't Hold your Breath.:mad::ugh: Its Over.

Bagus 1st Jun 2013 10:04

PM for Ford,must be due all AWU members.ALAEA not supporting labor so PM don't care

Jethro Gibbs 1st Jun 2013 11:26

All this Money for Ford workers is meaningless spin it will all go to Gov Employment services providers that's if it even really exists the Ford workers will get what Avalon workers got the address of the nearest Centrelink office who will fob them off onto an Employment service provider who the workers will find are next to useless .

Jethro Gibbs 2nd Jun 2013 10:57

Forstaff Managers had a meeting off site in the the past week 2 topics were discussed more bad news & finding a way to bring in some people on short term contracts due to having sacked to many staff.
What a Debacle.:ok:

cvrurass 4th Jun 2013 01:30

Bad news/ short term contracts
Bad news, rumor has it, is that we have too many avionics staff.

Short term contracts, rumor has it, is we don't have enough structures staff.

Management looking for trade off. Overall numbers to stay the same but adjust avionics and structures numbers.

qf 1 4th Jun 2013 04:26

good news if your structures :}

Jethro Gibbs 5th Jun 2013 01:49

This mob spent months sorting out there numbers required then found out the numbers were wrong then more time coming up with new figures now people have been made redundant and guess what the numbers were wrong again .

Jethro Gibbs 17th Jun 2013 01:53

What ever happened with the UFD case in FWA against Forstaff those made redundant not hearing any news has it gone forward not yet heard or over and done with .

ALAEA Fed Sec 17th Jun 2013 02:38

Hearing was in FWA couple of weeks ago. Waiting on the ruling.

griffin one 23rd Jun 2013 13:35

Rumor is the two 744 freighters leased to QF by EFR ( QF shelf co ) will be maintained offshore.

Looks like shanghai for A chks and so forth

More off shoring when Avalon or Sydney base could use the work.

Redstone 23rd Jun 2013 23:45

With trend in Au dollar this could be costly.

Jethro Gibbs 24th Jun 2013 08:36

A couple of A Checks is not going to save Avalon and meanwhile Wally seen giving Con more instructions at another off site meeting last week wont be Good News .

Jethro Gibbs 4th Jul 2013 06:53


Forstaff Aviation Avalon
In June 2013 members completed the "ALAEA Ideas Form – EA 2013", relaying ideas to the ALAEA of what they want the Federal office of the Association, to pursue for the next EA. Varying ideas were reported to the ALAEA with strong support from the membership on the following;

Keep last on first off in redundancy process of new EA


ALAEA Fed Sec 4th Jul 2013 07:07

It hasn't gone. Still in EA and used recently.

Bagus 5th Jul 2013 03:55

Is these ideas came from alaea or from members

Jethro Gibbs 5th Jul 2013 06:59

If LOFO really is being followed have to wonder why numerous people have gone .

Bagus 5th Jul 2013 10:37

LOFO does not work ,it can be interpreted in many ways.

ALAEA Fed Sec 5th Jul 2013 11:19

LOFO is usually not preferred by the last bloke on.

buttmonkey1 5th Jul 2013 21:47

BNE seems to use the squeaky wheel first off method

Bagus 7th Jul 2013 04:52

Members continue to show strong support for last on first off provisions in the EA. As result of the Ideas Form, the ALAEA will be initiating the bargaining process for a new EA in July.:=:=:=:=:=:=

BrissySparkyCoit 7th Jul 2013 10:20

Would be a nice clause to have in the QF agreement too.

That will never happen though.... don't wanna disrupt the boys club mission to train only the brown noses whilst funnelling the rest towards a points system that will make them redundant.

Keep your head down and your eyes straight ahead.... la la la see nothing, say nothing and you will go places.

Bagus 7th Jul 2013 23:46

In June 2013 members completed the "ALAEA Ideas Form – EA 2013", relaying ideas to the ALAEA of what they want the Federal office of the Association, to pursue for the next EA. Varying ideas were reported to the ALAEA with strong support from the membership on the following;

Save Avalon jobs should be a priority.

Bagus 7th Jul 2013 23:53

LOFO is usually not preferred by the last bloke on.[/U]

All at Forstaff are the last bloke now

Jethro Gibbs 8th Jul 2013 01:57

According to Avalon's Justin Giddings Freight is the Future of Avalon 300 jobs gone this year empty hangars and Qantas on the edge just how out of touch is this man .

Freight 'to be future' for Avalon | Geelong, VIC, Australia

Jethro Gibbs 16th Jul 2013 11:28

UFD case in FWA against Forstaff been about 6 weeks now how long does this take .

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