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Bigboeingboy 27th Jun 2012 04:01

Word has it that Barry and co are concerned that there is nobody to to replace them on AIPA exec once they depart.
My concern is they can't leave quick enough after stuffing it up for everybody but themselves.
RW has cost the membership their careers after 20 years of pulling his own pude.
Please do us a favor BJ and and RW and leave.

Di_Vosh 27th Jun 2012 04:30

(Sits back to watch)...

Keg 27th Jun 2012 04:37

Yeah, cause this is the forum for it. :rolleyes:

dragon man 27th Jun 2012 05:10

If the job they have done is so bad why have so few members resigned. AIPA is not the cause of Qantas pilots problems, inept management is.

ALAEA Fed Sec 27th Jun 2012 05:20

Barry and the boys are taking up the fight as best they can. Another option would be simply to roll over and give Qantas everything they want.

ampclamp 27th Jun 2012 05:20

I'll give til this arvo before it goes click

newsensation 27th Jun 2012 05:29

Hay BigBoy, why dont you get yourself on the committee and do a better job!:D:ok:
I am sure you have all the answers....

balance 27th Jun 2012 05:29


You are perfectly entitled to your opinion. So why give it on a forum such as this. Have some "bigboeingballs" and say it in public. Then people might sit up and take notice. Or better yet, run for com! Or even better still, run for president of AIPA!

Otherwise, as amp said, "click".

ALAEA Fed Sec 27th Jun 2012 05:32

The thread is relevant. It's about the main Association representing pilots down under. It will be a problem if Barry, Dave and Richard all give it away at the same time. Fingers crossed that there are some dedicated Pilots out there ready to step up to the plate.

Trent 972 27th Jun 2012 05:35

Word is some of the AIPA 'Young Guns' are stirring the pot.
If Barry wants to take a break, I'd hope to see Woody (RW) carry on.

balance 27th Jun 2012 05:43

It is called democracy, cloudbuster.

So whats your solution, my friend?

Stalins ugly Brother 27th Jun 2012 05:54

Whilst I am a supporter of our Assosiation I have to say that the comments made in the "Australian" today (Qantas pilots protest at changes to ownership rules, flight time limits, staffing levels) had me concerned how much the com might be out of touch with the current issues.

RW said;

"If they operated with the minimum crew everywhere, as per the regulations, they would get more than 200 pilots surplus out of that,"

"We would be concerned about minimum crew operations from a fatigue point of view, and we would also be concerned about the future of our young pilots. That would be a significant surplus when we are already in surplus because the airline chose to shrink the fleet."
It is very hard to support these arguments regarding minimum crew as
a) Fatigue is a fact of life in long haul operations
b) We are very well compensated to manage the above.
c) Our competitors operate to the same standard of minimum crew
d) Crew surplus is a poor argument not to support efficiencies such as operating min crew.

Unfortunately past practices are finished, long layovers to work on the tan or to catch up with the girlfriends is over. It is now just all about the bottom line for the company. If we require an extra crew member that is not required due F & D limitations then i'm afraid we don't need them.
With the current situation of senior guys (over 60's) still hanging around and bidding pack to F/O positions on the 380 and 737 commands there really isn't a lot of sympathy being shown to the younger guys from their peers, despite all the rhetoric.

Realistically redundancies will be unavoidable so it would be advantageous of AIPA to negotiate the best deal possible for this inevitable outcome :eek:

In regard to the current award, and I do enjoy working under it and the benefits it has provided, its days are numbered. With the segregating of longhaul/shorthaul/Jetstar businesses I think "the black book" will be exposed for what it has unfortunately become, outdated and inefficient compared to what is around today.

The trick is to make sure we don't remain outdated and inefficient as well.

DutchRoll 27th Jun 2012 06:05

*Inefficient* - The word you use to blame your employees when you don't actually have a clue how to quantify or rectify what is going wrong.

I'm utterly sick and tired of sitting around on my ar$e for hours in every pattern because Qantas have to build all this "flexibility" into the trips so they can allow for the inevitable failure of their understaffed and under-resourced "support" organisations to play catchup with delayed services.

Honestly, their use of the word "efficiency" is just a joke. :mad:

And don't even get me started on "inefficient" as it applies to aircraft fleets versus fuel versus payload versus destinations! :mad::mad:

Stalins ugly Brother 27th Jun 2012 06:57


What he said!

There is no doubt the company and its pathetic management has been more inefficient than any of its collective awards or employees put together could possible be, I just thought that would go without saying. :ooh:

To be honest, I think all this industrial stuff is just a side show to what these Pr@cks are ultimately up to. Time will tell.

Keg 27th Jun 2012 07:26

Interesting. No thread running like this on Qrewroom at the moment where the heroes like Bigboeingboy could actually be up front with his thoughts regarding AIPA. Why am I not surprised! :rolleyes:

What's that famous Churchill quote about democracy? Something along the lines of it being the worst form of government.... except for all the others that have been tried. I think that applies to AIPA irrespective of who is running it.

ALAEA Fed Sec 27th Jun 2012 08:43

Excuse my ignorance. I just thought AIPA had more members than AFAP. To be honest, I wouldn't really know.

teresa green 27th Jun 2012 08:53

Bloody hell, nothing changes. Since the AIPA left the AFAP there are always the whingers, As a bloke who spent some 10 years on the AFAP commitee, if you know better, stop whinging and offer yourself and your ideas up for election, otherwise shut the :mad: up.

waren9 27th Jun 2012 09:00

AIPA just work within the Qantas group.
To my knowledge not true.

AIPA have a seat at IFALPA, are working with NZALPA and domestically, have been working with VIPA.

Happy to stand corrected.

Edited to add: I just wish what ever the differences are with AFAP, they could be sorted.

*Lancer* 28th Jun 2012 00:24

Keg, I understand your point of view, but the reality is that Qrewroom does not promote meaningful debate. Typically the usual suspects hijack threads to bully what is not necessarily the majority view. Many are uncomfortable with publicly expressing their opinions in what often becomes a hostile and confrontational environment. I've been controversial in the past to a chorus of public ridicule, only to have a bunch of private messages, emails and phone calls of support - that's not debate. Plenty of other PPRUNE vs Qrewroom examples, even now!

Although AIPA is democratic, the Exec hold most of the cards when it comes to internal political 'campaigning' (spin). For better or worse, meaningful change only occurs when a large group pool resources and form some sort of party... The last occasion might have been a political success story, but it quickly turned into an industrial failure :rolleyes:

Capt Kremin 28th Jun 2012 01:19

I just wish what ever the differences are with AFAP, they could be sorted
I sat through an AIPA/AFAP meeting once. One of the parties began airing a grievance going back to the mid 1980's and it all became clear to me why, while certain people remain rusted on in certain positions, that there will never be a rapprochement. Can anyone guess who I am talking about?

WorthWhat 28th Jun 2012 01:59

when it comes to internal political 'campaigning'....political success stories quickly turn into industrial failure
Is a cold reality of modern democracy.

Rudd and Woods have things in common. Independence and honesty was their personal strength and their political weakness. Both were elected by the masses and dumped by their party.

We get the government we deserve.

Let’s hope Australia doesn’t come to lament the demise of Rudd’s Mining Tax and Qantas pilots the failure of EBA 8.

Josh Cox 28th Jun 2012 03:04

I am not a member of AIPA, but wish them well.

It is disgraceful that there appears to be an attempt to publicly assassinate representative members, of any union/federation, if you don't like the cut of their jib , get involved in the PC and vote them out.

The only winner from this type of behavior is not the members.

I sat through an AIPA/AFAP meeting once. One of the parties began airing a grievance going back to the mid 1980's and it all became clear to me why, while certain people remain rusted on in certain positions, that there will never be a rapprochement.
That is unfortunate ( and needs to change ), but I guess that is what happens when egos overstep common sense and the reason for being there.

We are such an industry of haters, 89's, not 89's, jetstar, mainline, AFAP, AIPA, TWU, left handers, right handers, the ambidextrous, cat people and those dastardly dog people............................

I feel PPRuNe (publicly) is not the forum for this type of discussion.

Trent 972 28th Jun 2012 05:16

I feel PPRuNe (publicly) is not the forum for this type of discussion
And yet, you just did!

And who exactly did I slag off ?.
Relax Josh. I simply made the observation that you engaged in a discussion on a forum that you argue is not a suitable forum for the discussion.
Why did you bother?

Josh Cox 28th Jun 2012 05:34

And who exactly did I slag off ?.

bdcer 28th Jun 2012 06:43

Haa Haa....Rudd (or most pollies for that matter!) honest....Haa Haa!!
You gotta get out more;)

Josh Cox 28th Jun 2012 07:17

Thanks Trent,

Why did you bother?
I was hoping it might prompt some inward reflection.

Sure, punch it out behind the bike shed if that is your thing, but personally attacking someone on a public forum using a pseudonym is not the image I would like to see painted of me and my peers.

Remember, the media frequents these pages.

vwreggie 28th Jun 2012 07:30

sideline experts
After years of serving on various senior and junior amateur sporting committees as well as coaching I had to explain to my daughter once that on any voluntary committee you will have a small percentage of the people doing the work and the large percentage standing around gossiping about how the volunteers might do things better.

I am never critical of people spending their time serving on a voluntary basis in a capacity that serves me when I have neither the time nor inclination to DO any better.

Thanks for your efforts to date guys.

See you behind the shed big boeing boofhead

Keg 28th Jun 2012 07:37

I was hoping it might prompt some inward reflection.
Inward reflection? From pilots? :ok: :}

Angle of Attack 28th Jun 2012 07:51

Just to clarify an earlier poster, no AIPA is not only the domain of QF Group pilots, there are quite a number of VB pilots as members too and they receive all the legal support as per all members.

Air Ace 28th Jun 2012 08:43

Pilots generally are yet to learn the old adage:

"United they stand, divided they fall."

One profession, how many unions? No wonder the airlines can pick them off.

Derived from the Latin saying Divide et impera, "Divide and Conquer" is probably the personal motto of most contemporary airline executive managers!

unseen 28th Jun 2012 09:08

Serious question:

if you know better, stop whinging and offer yourself and your ideas up for election, otherwise shut the http://images.ibsrv.net/ibsrv/res/sr...s/censored.gif up.
If you don't what like what the Australian or state governments do - do you stop whinging and offer yourself and your ideas up for election?

I bet the answer is no - we make our voice heard to our elected officials by letter writing, phone calls, emails etc etc.

Why is a union different?

Isn't it our duty as members to say when we don't agree with the direction taken by the committee or how they go about it, even if it is not a popular view?

Does everyone who has an interest in how things are done have to either stand for election or just shut up and go away????

ALAEA Fed Sec 28th Jun 2012 21:39

Does everyone who has an interest in how things are done have to either stand for election or just shut up and go away????
No they shouldn't have to stand for election or shut up and go away. I've always said that only about 1% of any union's membership have an interest in being a Representative at any level and of those, less than half do it for the right reasons and of that half, less than half are effective at what they do.

A true union or Association will listen to the views of all its members whether they like what they are hearing or not. The organisation and its leaders should then represent the views of the majority and put aside their personal preferences. Members should then respect the views of the majority and stand as one with them.

That being said, on these forums there are a number of players who are clearly not part of any organisation other then management.

teresa green 28th Jun 2012 22:44

Unseen excuse my over reaction, but if you look at it from a committee members point of view, you see blokes who give up the little free time they have to keep the union going. You see blokes who often cop it from home about doing that extra work, as their day job sees them away so often. You see blokes who are basically community minded, who take on the fight for all of you against the companies. So you can understand when the whingers start naming names about these blokes and what they have failed to do, and you say Ok mate, how about you put your hand up, you can bet your right ball you will get, Oh the missus is not all that well, or we have a new kid, or I have to look after the ol man, etc etc etc. It never occurs to them the committee member might be in the same boat, but some how manages to find the time. Everybody has a right to a opinion without having to join the committee, but after ten years on the AFAP, I came to the conclusion, that there are the doers, the whingers, and the don't give a ****, but thanks anyway people. Committee members are not asking for a gong, they just ask for a little understanding, they are not getting paid, they are on the hate list of their company, and they are probably copping a earful from the missus, and when they get back on the flight deck. Just the view from the other side sometimes helps.

*Lancer* 29th Jun 2012 00:39

I wonder how many of the 5 or so effective representatives are in the Exec of AIPA? :hmm:

Jackneville 29th Jun 2012 03:16

Swings and roundabouts
"outdated and inefficient compared to what is around today"

So why is it that when we check in/out of our slip hotels, I see other long haul crews that comprise of two Captains and two F/o's ?

Keg 29th Jun 2012 04:56

At the current AUD and given what many of our long haul pilots earn, that's no longer an argument in our favour. Our 744 and A380 F/Os are earning better (perhaps significantly so) than many command contracts.

At 70 cents to the USD it may be a different story- probably break even. At 50 cents we're finally in front with our model

This is part of the issue that we face. We continually delude ourselves with comparisons that once were accurate but aren't at the moment. Maybe they will suit us again in the future but at the moment they just illustrate that we're completely out of touch with the current reality. Let's hope the reality changes for all our good.

clear to land 29th Jun 2012 06:21

FWIW guys, to give a fare wage comparison, I am an EK 777 TRI, living in company accomodation ie no living out allowance. If I use the ATO calculator to determine what I need to earn, before tax, to end up with what I get in the hand, and factoring the company determined accomodation value the calculator figure is just shy of $AU410k per annum on todays exchange rate. I am guessing that the average QF TRI doesn't get that. Yes I do have to live in DXB to get it, but guess what, it is what you make it, just like Nhulunbuy was in 1990. Nothing has been constant in Australia except the erosion of pilots salaries- years ago it used to be the same as a High Court Judge, now.......
When in Australia I was on a number of Pilot Committees-and the only constant was that when it came to facing the company, all the very vocal supporters suddenly shut up, and I was on my own. Hence coming to a place where I can't join a group as they are illegal, thus I keep myself out of that sort of trouble :)

kellykelpie 29th Jun 2012 07:55

I think you may find that there are QF TRIs, TREs on a fair bit more than this clear to land.

clear to land 29th Jun 2012 08:12

If so kelly-thats great to hear. :D Like I said-it's certainly no longer the equivelent of a High Court Judge.:ugh:

DutchRoll 29th Jun 2012 08:48

Originally Posted by Keg
Inward reflection? From pilots?

Couldn't agree more Keg.

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