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Capt Kremin 18th Oct 2011 23:03

He lost me with this point...

Qantas is generally more fuel efficient than other airlines because of its choice of aircraft

QuadRant1 19th Oct 2011 07:33

That's OK TALLESTPOPPY, I will accept your ignorance as the worst form of stupidity!

Qantas engineers gladly accepted a pay freeze in good faith during the SARS eppidemic in order to keep Qantas profitable and operational.

We have been negotiating in good faith for many months with our CEO to no avail. There comes a point when talk gets you nowhere.

Some advice, do some research, then make a comment.:ok:

JetRacer 21st Oct 2011 09:52

On the Qantas Facebook page today:

Today we welcome another brand new 737-800 to the Qantas fleet, but this one is even more special as it's the first to sport the new Boeing Sky Interior. It took off about an hour ago as QF610 (MEL-BNE). We bet her passengers are enjoying the flight

Kalgoorlie (VH-VZT) - our first 737 with the Boeing Sky Interior
This was posted about 11am EDST today.

So that replaces one of the 'grounded' aircraft .. :rolleyes:

Redstone 22nd Oct 2011 03:50

Joyce announced a 9 bil. dollar investment in 110 new A320's and to be quite frank I don't believe they will all end up in these minority owned offshore ventures like farQ or poQ or whatever they will be branded. What's the bet 99% of the new a/c end up with stars on the tail and covered in orange paint?

Taildragger67 27th Oct 2011 09:08

Interesting to see that a couple of the airframes which were 'stored' 10 days ago, have rejoined the fleet.

I don't recall having seen any high-profile public announcements to that effect however.

stubby jumbo 27th Oct 2011 09:31

Don't get mad ...get even

Anyone have info on the cabin crew member supposedly fired for negatives comments made over Alan Joyce?
BC......word from QCC/1:

F/A was "chatting" to a pax on a QF11..... who was "chewing the fat" re: future of Qantas. F/A dumped on AJ ......big time....saying (words to the effect) STOOGE, CHUMP, DOPE, UN-AUSTRALIAN etc etc.(can't argue with his logic:ok:)

Pax(close friend of LG) arrived at LAX and called her direct. F/A.... "held out of service". Paxed home. Punted .

You could argue that it was "hearsay" BUT this F/A had form and was in the cross hairs of the Goon Squad.

Apparently he is a starter at the AGM tomorrow.:eek:

Mstr Caution 27th Oct 2011 23:48

On a lighter note, some wise words on Celebrity Apprentice last night.

If only it could have been directed to a different individual.

You failed to deliver!
You’re responsible for the whole team.
Manager’s lead, they don’t control.
They lead & people follow.
They follow by example & they follow inspiration and strategy.
They look to you when things go wrong, when things aren’t working out. Leadership is very important and I feel on this particular challenge you didn’t’ lead.

Mark Bouris
*Quote condensed to avoid repitition of words

ohallen 22nd Nov 2011 23:47

Police discontinue death threat probe

Seems that the police investigation into those timely allegations has been discontinued.

Why would that be if there was ever a credible threat that warranted front page headlines?

It will be interesting to see how they spin this one now or will there be deafening silence.

Tankengine 22nd Nov 2011 23:53

Link broken so it looks like silence.:hmm:

breakfastburrito 23rd Nov 2011 00:10

Yes, but the damage has been done. Propaganda 101, put out an exaggerated claim, knowing full well that the it will be shown to be as such once investigated. An investigation being discontinued won't draw the same headlines as the "alleged death threat against CEO". The aim is to insert a a false meme to vilify a particular group in the gullible publics mind.

ga_trojan 23rd Nov 2011 00:14

All the unions should issue press releases pointing to this fact and asking Alan Joyce to apologise.

TIMA9X 23rd Nov 2011 00:33

new link here
Qantas death-threat probe ... dies

The NSW Police have, without explanation, dropped their investigation into alleged death threats made against Qantas's chief executive Alan Joyce and other senior managers.

Complaints from Qantas about threatening letters and emails led to police forming a taskforce during the escalating industrial dispute with unions representing long-haul pilots, aircraft engineers and ground crew including baggage handlers.
But NSW Police have confirmed that Strike Force Barrine – made up of officers from Botany Bay Local Area Command – has decided not to continue the investigation.

A police spokesman would not elaborate on the reasons that the investigation had ended.
"As far as the investigation is concerned, it was alive and now it's not," he said.
The Australian Federal Police have also confirmed that they were "not investigating any specific threats made against Qantas executives and employees".

The alleged threats received widespread media coverage in early October, but unions questioned whether they were a "PR stunt" by the airline to win public support.

Qantas contacted police after Mr Joyce received a threatening letter in May, which contained the name and address of the author. The police later deemed that the letter did not constitute a death threat, although the author was spoken to and the "matter finalised".

Police were also notified on October 5 about an email sent to Mr Joyce which contained in its subject line the words "death threats". However, the body copy of the email did not use those words.
Other matters referred to police included complaints that a Qantas employee had received a threatening letter on September 27 and several hang-up phone calls at their home.
The taskforce also attempted to "confirm reports that were allegedly made to company security officers about malicious damage to vehicles parked in a car park".

In early October as the bitter industrial dispute was escalating, Mr Joyce sent a memo to the airline's 35,000-strong workforce informing them that he had referred to police incidents whereby executives had "received menacing correspondence, including to their homes".

The memo stated: "Those who are in the business of using threats, violence and intimidation to obtain their industrial ends should know this: these tactics are cowardly and deplorable. They will not work. Anyone who is caught will face the full consequences."

Mr Joyce later said that Qantas decided to go public at the time because "the bullying and intimidation [of staff] seemed to be going to a new level".
But police say the matter will go no further

Read more: Qantas death-threat probe ... dies
You got to say, the Sydney Morning Herald have done a great job covering the Qantas events over the past few months, unlike its competitor.

Keg 23rd Nov 2011 01:04

If the wallopers have stopped investigating does this mean that they believe they have no evidence of death threats?

rh200 23rd Nov 2011 01:53

Wallopers stop investigating for lots of reasons, it doesn't mean there no threat. It can range from not enough evidence, to some one taking what was said out of context, to just PR bull. What is this, most likely a combination of all of the above.

Whilst death treats in industrial disputes are not unheard of, I would think pilots wouldn't go for it, though in my opinion the TWU and some of their cronies could.

TIMA9X 23rd Nov 2011 01:57

Let's step back and look at how this was presented on Sunrise

interesting when you look back...

Conductor 23rd Nov 2011 02:02

Whilst death treats in industrial disputes are not unheard of, I would think pilots wouldn't go for it, though in my opinion the TWU and some of their cronies could.
Nice broad brush you're using on the TWU there rh200.

rh200 23rd Nov 2011 03:25

My apoligies to the general rank and file, like the make up of a lot of groups, most of them are most likley resonable.

If I came across Tony Sheldon on fire and I had a full bladder I still wouldn't p!ss on him. Most of the heads of the traditional unions are no better than the people you are fighting against, two side of the same coin

Ultralights 23rd Nov 2011 05:41

will the state govmint invoice QF for the costs of the police investigation? PR at the cost of the taxpayer...

QF94 23rd Nov 2011 12:06

will the state govmint invoice QF for the costs of the police investigation? PR at the cost of the taxpayer...
As this is not a life threatening event, the NSW Police won't be investigating it any time soon, as they're looking at having their own strike against the NSW state government.

woollcott 23rd Nov 2011 13:25

Mildly amusing
Everybody has probably seen it:

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