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Captain Nomad 2nd Feb 2012 13:18

To the idea of a one-world government I have one response: "Absolute power corrupts absolutely." I don't deny it is on the cards, but if it eventuates I fear it will be a bad day for planet earth and its inhabitants. Monopolies rarely operate to the best interests of anyone other than those running them...

jibba_jabba 2nd Feb 2012 20:01

Well said Trixabel !

oicur12.again 6th Feb 2012 19:53

Its worth noting the drop in the Baltic Dry Index down 65% in 6 weeks.

gobbledock 6th Feb 2012 21:17

Its worth noting the drop in the Baltic Dry Index down 65% in 6 weeks.
The storm clouds keep gathering.

ga_trojan 9th Feb 2012 00:10

A good explanation of everything being thrown around on this forum.

Satyajit Das - ABC Conversations with Richard Fidler

LT Selfridge 9th Feb 2012 11:52

While you are on the 'Conversations' website there is an episode with Robert Spillane which is also worth a listen.

It peaks at the end where he points to the 'mass medicalisation of society'. He then says that while some people call him a conspiracy theorist he prefers the title of 'conspiracy analyst'.

This has been a terrific thread - one which would have been shut (or at least shot) down only a few years ago.

As Pappy Boyington said after witnessing some of the murky business the US was involved in with China just before WW2.

It was his experience that 'there are two types of people in the world - those who know and those who don't know'.

gobbledock 10th Feb 2012 00:15

It was his experience that 'there are two types of people in the world - those who know and those who don't know'.
Absolutely agree!! What astounds me is that some people find it impossible to believe or accept that they are pawns or being manipulated. Look at 'inflation', a hidden, sneaky, subtle tax. That is all it is, manipulation so cunning that you are actually being pickpocketed by the Government and most people remain blissfully unaware.
And 'quantative easing'! People actually believe that you can simply print off money and that will solve your problems! How naieve. And for the tens of millions, probably more, that cannot see this - well that in itself is proof that masses of people can be tricked, hoodwinked, fooled or conned by a trick.
It is no 'conspiracy' that billionaire Warren Buffett's PA paid more in tax than he did in 2011. Even Buffett commented that the system is wrong to allow this.

This thread links in well to the aviation industry at present. Joyce cancelling or pushing back A380 orders based allegedly on concerns over wing cracks? Yeah sure. More like he is struggling to shore up finance from banks who have nothing left in the tin.

TheWholeEnchilada 10th Feb 2012 00:27

GD, to be fair about inflation, I think you need to quote Lord Keynes.

Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency. By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes many, it actually enriches some. The sight of this arbitrary rearrangement of riches strikes not only at security, but at confidence in the equity of the existing distribution of wealth. Those to whom the system brings windfalls, beyond their deserts and even beyond their expectations or desires, become 'profiteers,' who are the object of the hatred of the bourgeoisie, whom the inflationism has impoverished, not less than of the proletariat. As the inflation proceeds and the real value of the currency fluctuates wildly from month to month, all permanent relations between debtors and creditors, which form the ultimate foundation of capitalism, become so utterly disordered as to be almost meaningless; and the process of wealth-getting degenerates into a gamble and a lottery.

Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.

The Economic Consequences of the Peace (1919), Chapter VI, pg.235-236,
Anyone who doesn't get it after reading that quote falls into the second camp, ie those that don't know.

Foie gras 17th Feb 2012 23:07

Debasement of Currency
Another extreme view?

John Embry: I think that the current financial system, as we know it, will be totally destroyed, probably sooner rather than later. The next system will require gold backing to have any legitimacy. This has happened many times in history.

John Embry-The Matterhorn Interview-02/2012
February 16th, 2012 by goldswitzerland

“Gold is about the furthest thing from a bubble that I can think of.“
We are very fortunate to feature my very good friend John Embry in this month’s Matterhorn Interview. John who knows more about the gold market than probably anyone I know, talks about the “chicanery” in the gold market and why.
He also explains why he is so bullish about silver, about the possible demise of paper money and much, much more.
Egon von greyerz
“The Current Financial System Will Be Totally Destroyed“


John Embry, the chief investment strategist at Sprott Asset Management, talks in this exclusive interview about the motives and the means of certain interests to prevent a free gold market; tells the reason why the gold price will remain high; shows the opportunities in silver; and explains: “Gold is about the furthest thing from a bubble that I can think of.“
By Lars Schall

An industry expert in precious metals, his experience as a portfolio management specialist spans more than 45 years: John Embry, the chief investment strategist at Sprott Asset Management. He began his investment career as a Stock Selection Analyst and Portfolio Manager at Great West Life. Mr. Embry then became a Vice President of Pension Investments for the entire firm. After 23 years with the firm, he became a Partner at United Bond and Share, the investment counseling firm acquired by Royal Bank in 1987. Afterwards he was named Vice-President, Equities and Portfolio Manager at RBC Global Investment Management, a $33 billion organization where he oversaw $5 billion in assets, including the Royal Canadian Equity Fund and the Royal Precious Metals Fund. In March 2003 Mr. Embry joined* Sprott Asset Management with focus on the Sprott Gold and Precious Minerals Fund and the Sprott Strategic Offshore Gold Fund Ltd. He plays an instrumental role in the corporate and investment policy of the firm.
Mr. Embry, the perhaps best report I have ever read on the gold market was “Not Free, Not Fair: The Long-Term Manipulation of the Gold Price,” written by Andrew Hepburn and you. (1) I would like to talk with you at the beginning about the findings of that report. First of all, why do you think it is relevant whether the gold price is free or not?
John Embry: Thank you for the very generous compliment. It is essential that the gold market be free. It functions as the so called “canary in the coal mine” and its price should be allowed to reflect excesses in a pure fiat monetary system. The continued suppression of the gold price was a key factor in the many financial bubbles which have essentially wrecked the monetary system as we know it.
What has the evidence been that the gold market isn’t a free market?
John Embry: Our report which was written 7 ½ years ago revealed all sorts of chicanery in the gold market and we only used evidence which could be corroborated. Considerable additional evidence has piled up subsequently but two smoking guns are the repetitive counter intuitive price action and evidence of widespread clandestine leasing of western central bank gold.
Who are the ones that don’t like a free gold market and which objectives do they have in mind by preventing a free gold market?
John Embry: The western governments, their central banks and the allied bullion banks are the culprits. They view gold as a mortal enemy of the fiat currency system. Gold has been real money for centuries and every paper money system in history has ultimately collapsed. This drives them to continuously denigrate and manipulate gold.
Through which tools is the gold price “managed“?
John Embry: The worst damage occurs in the so-called paper gold market where derivatives, naked shorting, vicious margin hikes, etc. are employed to fleece the long side who don’t have as deep pockets. In addition, the western central banks have supplied the physical gold necessary to effect the plan through their leasing.
Recently, I was told by a former chairman of the Federal Reserve, Paul A. Volcker, that to his best knowledge “the U.S. has not intervened in the gold market for more than 40 years.“ (2) Do you think Mr. Volcker has the truth on his side?
John Embry: Mr. Volcker admitted that the U.S. had made a mistake by not intervening at one point in the gold market some 40 years, so to think that nothing has happened subsequently is extremely naïve. Technically he might be correct in the sense that swaps could have been employed and the intervention using U.S. gold could have been conducted by another party. Recently retired Fed Governor Kevin Warsh acknowledged U.S. gold swaps in correspondence with GATA just last year. (3)
Furthermore, Mr. Volcker seemed to suggest that central banks have some interest in the price of gold because of its effect on the currency markets. (4) What kind of relationship does exist between gold and the currency markets which are much bigger than the gold market?
John Embry: Very simple. Gold is a currency. Arguably it is the ultimate currency and the central bankers are acutely aware of this fact. Gold’s role as currency is once again coming to the* fore and the central bankers hate that fact.
Are gold swap arrangements between central banks a) important for the “management“ of the gold price, and b) do they represent a means of intervention in the gold market?
John Embry: They are most certainly important because it allows central bankers to technically tell the truth because it is always another central bank that is utilizing the swapped gold to intervene in the market.* It is a subterfuge.
Do you think the Western central banks have as much gold as they claim they have?
John Embry: I strongly suspect that they have materially less than they try to represent. The IMF permits a one line entry on their balance sheets which aggregates physical gold with gold receivables. That’s ridiculous and it is done to deceive analysts. For example, if the Americans had the 8,161 tonnes that they say they have, they would be delighted to submit to an outside audit and shut their detractors up. However, they stonewall all requests.
With its “QE to infinity“ program: would you say the Fed has exposed itself in a way as a hardcore goldbug entity?
John Embry: I believe they are fully aware of the extent to which they are debasing their money. We, the public, have to be the hardcore gold bugs to protect our wealth from their depredations.
It seems as if more and more gold is moving towards certain central banks and not away from them.* Is this a solid assurance that the gold price will remain high?
John Embry: I believe so. The eastern central banks (China, Russia, et al) have accumulated a lot of dollars and realize they are at risk. Ergo, they buy gold. At the same time, I think the western central banks have run their inventories down to levels beyond which they won’t go. Thus, I think central banks collective gold buying will have a salutary impact on the price going forward.
In the event of another market meltdown, which seems rather likely, do you expect a sell-off in gold?
John Embry: There could be a minor sell-off just because there are so many algorhythyms influencing the market.* It would be short lived because big money in the world now knows they need gold for protection.
Gold is in a bull market for ten years now. So an increasing number of people say it is in a bubble. Why would you say, in Gershwin’s words, “it ain’t necessarily so“?
John Embry: Gold’s price is directly related to the constant debasement of the currencies in which it is denominated. The creation of new paper money is dwarfing the amount of gold available. Gold is about the furthest thing from a bubble that I can think of.
What do you think in particular about Warren Buffett’s constant “Gold is in a bubble, I go for stocks“ talk? Does he serve here as an influential opinion maker in a specific role because he gets a lot of public attention? In other words: is he a fool or does he only act like a fool? (5)
John Embry: Warren Buffet sold out a long time ago. It’s too bad because he was a great stock picker once. Now he owns insurance companies, Wells Fargo and was a buyer of Goldman Sachs and G.E. in the global financial crisis. He is a member of the American establishment and has a lot to lose. He should have listened to his father Howard Buffett who was a U.S. Congressman and a true “hard money” advocate.
In your view, gold will gain in importance as a monetary asset in the years ahead, likely regaining an official role in the world’s financial system. Why do you think so?
John Embry: I think that the current financial system, as we know it, will be totally destroyed, probably sooner rather than later. The next system will require gold backing to have any legitimacy. This has happened many times in history.
The mining stocks both in gold and silver seem to me extremely undervalued. Do you agree?
John Embry: They are indeed, and they are being heavily manipulated by the same entities active in suppressing the gold price. In addition, many nefarious hedge funds now are active on the short side. The U.S. financial scene has become a* total cesspool.
Are there key levels in the XAU and HUI that one should pay attention to as starting points of a mining stock rally?
John Embry: I tend to pay more attention to the HUI because it is the pure gold index.* When the HUI takes out the 555 level with gusto, I think we are away to the races. However, this level is being aggressively defended by the bad guys. A higher gold price (through $2000 per oz.) will rectify this issue.
Why are you at Sprott Asset MGMT so very bullish related to silver?
John Embry: We think the supply-demand equation is ultimately better than even that of gold. New industrial and medical uses are exploding and because silver is “poor man’s gold,” investment demand for silver will go crazy when gold gets priced out of the average citizen’s capacity to buy. Given the small size of the market and very limited inventory, the price should go ballistic.
For your physical silver ETF you want to re-acquire physical silver in a big way. Do you think you could be pioneers (for other fund managers) in direct engagement with mines through direct and forward transactions, instead of going to the Comex? You certainly don’t want to “whoop” the silver price by your own buying, correct?
John Embry: I think that is a potential avenue particularly when the supply-demand equation gets progressively tighter in the future.
Is the silver market also subject of surreptitious interventions?
John Embry: Without question. In many ways it may be worse because it is a smaller market and J.P. Morgan Chase’s activities have been egregious. The fact that the CFTC has been investigating this for nearly four years without resolution is one of the great jokes of all time.
What is your information: to which extent the US silver ETFs are short and how many stocks of those have been used for covering future short contracts?
John Embry: I believe that they are but I can’t provide any information on the extent. When the very same organizations that have manipulated the market for years act as custodians for the ETF’s, it would be wise to be wary.
One highly interesting issue for me personally is the point in time when the Middle East countries will no longer sell their oil and natural gas for paper money. When do you think* they will be paid for it with precious metals?
John Embry: I suspect this whole phenomenon could occur very quickly. When confidence in paper money is lost and I think we are rapidly approaching that moment, something like that would undoubtedly come to pass.
How do you think about the conflict around Iran viewed from a perspective of the petrodollar?
John Embry: The whole Iranian issue is very disturbing and I think the U.S ‘s motives might have more to do with the petrodollar than Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
One final question. IF the financial system goes under, one can expect massive supply shortfalls and disruptions in goods and services, particularly in the energy sector. Would you recommend to our readers to take precautions for such a scenario instead of hoping for the best outcome of the global financial crisis?
John Embry: Unfortunately yes. I am a great believer in cognitive dissonance. Most individuals don’t want to face the truth, particularly if it is very unpleasant. Those that do not suffer from this condition should take precautions because the world situation is presently very dangerous.
Thank you very much for taking your time, Mr. Embry!
(1) John Embry / Andrew Hepburn: “Not Free, Not Fair: The Long-Term Manipulation of the Gold Price”, published by Sprott Asset Management in August 2004 under:
(2) See Rob Kirby: “Manifest Destiny Derailed: Treason from Within“, published at Goldseek on January 31, 2012 under:
Manifest Destiny Derailed: Treason from Within.
(3) Compare http://www.gata.org/files/GATAFedRes...09-17-2009.pdf.
The relevant passage of Mr. Warsh’s letter to GATA said:
“In connection with your appeal, I have confirmed that the information withheld under Exemption 4″ — that’s Exemption 4 of the Freedom of Information Act — “consists of confidential commercial or financial information relating to the operations of the Federal Reserve Banks that was obtained within the meaning of Exemption 4. This includes information relating to swap arrangements with foreign banks on behalf of the Federal Reserve System and is not the type of information that is customarily disclosed to the public. This information was properly withheld from you.”
(4) See Rob Kirby: “Manifest Destiny Derailed: Treason from Within,“ Footnote 2.
(5) Compare for example in this context what Marshall Auerback has said in an interview about the supression of the silver price:
“It’s in contrast to the gold suppression, which is a central-bank orchestrated scheme. You’ve got a situation now where it seems to be being done amongst the banking community, but I have no doubt that it has being done with official encouragement, explicit or implicit. To give you an example, 10 years ago Warren Buffet bought a silver position, and he liquidated it a few months later. The story I heard from one of his dealers was that he basically told them, “Boys, it’s not politically correct to speculate in silver.” Now who told him that I don’t actually know; I suspect it came from government sources. More interesting to me is that he had had a significant position, and it was liquidated with a great degree of ease with a loss at time when it wasn’t easy to do. This suggests that there was an external agency involved. I have no doubt that there is some degree of government involvement as well, but the primary agents are the investment banks, the commercial banks here.”
See: Marshall Auerback On Silver | Resource Clips.
16th February

Gold Switzerland - Matterhorn Asset Management

print version

TheWholeEnchilada 22nd Feb 2012 18:05


sb_sfo 23rd Feb 2012 16:52

Having listened to the gentleman's presentation, I would caution him to never travel on small aircraft.

TheWholeEnchilada 25th Feb 2012 01:18

The Accumulation Of Capital by Rosa Luxemburg referenced in the clip is out of copyright, and available for download.

Foie gras 25th Feb 2012 06:01

Nice Program TWE!
Wow, triple graph, inflationary deflationary economic breakdown.
FICTICIOUS Debt and Wealth.
Greece the new Egypt?

But "Swany" says Australia is travelling well, the banks are our 4 pillars?
Look out guys this is going to go pear shape.

Man "I'm moving to the country, to grow lots of peaches."

grip pipe 27th Feb 2012 02:01

Is all one and the same
Some fascinating posts on the problems that beset us and for the future of aviation. Let us ignore the matter of what we do understand, how businesses work, used to work and are now working - the globalised trans-national model and the politics of everything and focus instead what we should understand.

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored," - Aldous Huxley

These are the facts:

The exponential function. - Mans failure to understand this mathematical function which allows you to calculate the rate of increase or decrease of anything quantifiable, is mankinds greatest cognitive failure and this failure occurred because of the delusions of theology, traditional or economic which afflict our eductation and behaviour. This meant that we failed to recognised that, the iron laws of thermodynamics, which simplified are:
1. You have to play the game
2. You cant win
3. You cant break even
4. You cant quit. (CP Snow)

and therefore our energy-commodity-money use predicament is very serious and we face a chaotic and disturbing future.

Sometime ago on the basis of a flawed ecopolitical dogma eminating from the western mind we effectively decoupled capital from its physical asset base of real value and we abandoned the rule of social and legal law in the control of money and therefore for some delusional reason decided it was a commodity of its own and not a numerical representation of the agreed value of something. We also abandoned an appreciation that the world is a finite place and space as are all the elements of which it is made.

The exponential function did the rest - simple. Greed and selfishness mere motives but not acts. So the great problems, of overpopulation indentified by Malthus, the maldistribution of income identified by Marx and the problem of unemployment identified by Keynes were not solved but merely delayed, and now they are all back together. The exponential function saw to that. Entropy leaked the waste into the atmosphere and physics is taking care of the result.

So we are now in a permanent Depression or shall we call it a compressive contraction where local and small will work and big and international will not.

What you see on the news and out and about are merely symptoms of what is going on not a conspiracy. Like minds never conspire by design but by default.

A century of flight was mankind's greatest achievement and it has been a great ride but its over and we better get used to it.

gobbledock 27th Feb 2012 02:29


But "Swany" says Australia is travelling well, the banks are our 4 pillars?
Correct, and what a complete knob. These are the same 4 banks that have a lot invested in and amongst 'overseas' entities that are teetering on a precipice. When they do fall over then our precious banks will be in deep pony poo, and it is not a matter of if but when.

As an example, if Swanny thinks that Queensland having a debt of $85 billion after flogging most of its assets, having road, rail, hospital and motorway infrastructure collapsing beneath it is a 'pillar of a healthy economy' then he needs to pull his head out of the Carbon Queens mammoth klacker.

Australia has weathered the storm the best, to date, but it is a game of catch up and our day is nigh. Once the Greece/Italy/EURO falls over this year (remember their mammoth interest payments are due this year) and that impact belts the already bankrupt USA you will see the Aussie wheels fall off.
Ditch your paper money now, it is crap. Only those holding metal will weather the storm.
Tick tock........

TheWholeEnchilada 27th Feb 2012 03:07

Grip Pipe, excellent post & great insights, Dr Albert Bartlett couldn't have put it better himself. Ultimately it's ALL about the exponential function.

Albert Bartlett Arithmetic Population and Energy

This video is also available in multiple parts on youtube, just google "The Most important video you will ever see".

grip pipe 28th Feb 2012 05:18

Alas too true my friendly enchilada. It is ALL about the exponential function.

I was remiss I should have acknowledged the source of that aphorism, Dr A Bartlett (Prof Physics & Mathematics). An Prof H E Daly Chicago University - is the source of of the ideas about Malthus, Marx and Keynes. I acknowledge them now.

The rest is basic maths and physics, any one who can manage entry level differential calculus would manage, I guess if if I could learn it any fool can.

Yeah and any qualified pilot who argues against the view of agreed basic science or has a different concept of it; namely, that the depositing of gases in large quantities (burning stuff) amplifies the effects of solar energy and hence will change atmospheric processes, in ways that are delitirious but not clearly understood, should be given a fail in meteorology, they obviously never understood the gas exhange and latent heat or entropy processes. That should get a few to choke on their favourite tipple.

Foie gras 28th Feb 2012 09:54

Well I think it took me a couple of goes to get senior Com Met!
In summing up, it's the Constitution, it's Mabo, it's justice, it's law, it's the vibe, and, uh ... No, that's it. It's the vibe

Foie gras 22nd Mar 2012 00:54

End of the road.

gobbledock 22nd Mar 2012 13:07

Always good to see Griffin speaking up.
As always he makes a very basic but bold statement. Everything in life comes at a cost, including your freedom. There are no free rides. Everybody pays the Ferry Man.
For those yet to read The Creature From Jekyll Island I suggest you do. It will awaken you from the Matrix you are living in. You will see how the government has a vice like grip on one of your testicles and corporations and banks have your other testicle firmly gripped.

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