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ramble on 17th Dec 2011 21:36

"the banks are corrupt and are defrauding us"

Too right

Boycott these institutions

Arnold E 17th Dec 2011 21:41

Boycott these institutions
I do. I have got nothing left to put in them.:p

Anthill 19th Dec 2011 13:20

Sent to me by a friend:

CONFIRMED: The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny

flyingfox 19th Dec 2011 13:29

I'm with Arnold! I'm boycotting the banks and they're boycotting me. Financial equilibrium? Maybe that's what bank-balance means!

teresa green 19th Dec 2011 23:22

I pissed off the banks 25 years ago. Joined the QF Credit Union, best thing I could have done. The staff actually talk to you, they try to help you, their rates are fairly competitive, often you might make a few more dollars at a bank, but at what cost. If you have not tried them do so, I don't think it matters what airline you fly with these days, but I have found them excellent, and were certainly a help on retirement. Oh and if you ring them, there is a human at the other end and not in the Philippines, but actually at Mascot. Amazing.:D

onetrack 20th Dec 2011 00:25

Anthill - Those blokes on that "Divine Cosmos" site you posted the link to (David Wilcock and Benjamin Fulford), haven't just been smoking the drapes, they've been smoking the carpet, too! :rolleyes:

I mean to say, cmon?... Dragon Families, Illuminati, Sabbateans, Masons, KGB, Serbian Intelligence, Yakuza, Triads, some obscure Martial Arts leader, 911 conspiracy Truth, Titanic conspiracy, Rothschilds, American Bonds fraud, Federal Treasury conspiracy, Armageddon organised, massive hidden gold hoards... there's not much that they've missed, all rolled into one, is there? :rolleyes:

The sad truth is that conspiracy theorists can see conspiracy in any event, from two people whispering, to natural disasters. They really are the saddest group of people on the planet.
What is even sadder, is that millions of people are sucked into believing these long-running, always-linked, conspiracies.

The real truth lies in simple human greed, and manipulation of the worlds economic system by unelected people, who have acquired massive wealth by spending all their lives scheming on how to acquire it, and increase it.
There's no long-running conspiracies, no centuries-old secret plans, no hidden massive gold hoards, and no schemes involving secret societies.

In fact, the bulk of the people charged with keeping the worlds monetary system running, are nearly always at a loss as to what to do when the wheels start falling off. This includes numerous bankers, as well as politicians.

However, the scheming that does go on, by powerful bankers, out of public scrutiny, does always involve keeping people and nations in debt. Without debt, bankers have vastly less behind-the-scenes power.
If you owe no money to anyone, you're not beholden to them. Once you owe others substantial sums of money, the lenders can then start to dictate to you.
I've been there and done that, to the tune of many tens of millions of dollars.

The current fiasco of the Euro is one generated by excessive lending to nations who should never have been lent the money initally... as they had no way of repaying it in full, within the foreseeable future.

The aim of the banking coterie is simple, and involves no conspiracies requiring millions to keep their mouths shut .. it is simply to ensure that nations are permanently in their debt, and unable to repay capital, so that virtual economic slavery can be instituted... and so that any nations generated wealth is transferred to the banking coterie, to ensure that nations cannot become more powerful than bankers. It really is that simple.

This simple scheme can even accommodate currency crashes, economic recessions and depressions, nations bankruptcies, and economic booms. In economic boom times, it's so easy to continue to advance excessive credit to nations, thus ensuring that when the economic boom ends, the country is in debt more than ever to the bankers.
Hitler understood the concept, but went wrong by blaming a single group (Jews), and instigating war against them, as representing the banking coterie in its entirety... when the Jews are only a part of the banking coterie.
Look how rapidly Germany rose in the 1930's, and how powerful it became, when it reneged on debt repayment! The bankers were appalled in this period, because they lost control of Germany via economic means.

The Chinese are the fly in the ointment in this scheme. The Chinese are exceptionally shrewd business operators, and are wised up to the problem of excessive debt, and the control accordingly exercised by the banking coterie.
What is currently being played out is the game of top dog in the worlds premium currency... and the US$ is steadily and continously losing ground as that currency.

Look for the Chinese usurping the previously-ascendant position of the US$, and the financial centre of the World shifting to the East, rather than New York or London.
When that happens, the economic world really will tilt on its axis... and it won't be because of any secret society plans hatched in dungeons 200 years ago... :suspect:

prospector 20th Dec 2011 00:49

The real truth lies in simple human greed, and manipulation of the worlds economic system by unelected people, who have acquired massive wealth by spending all their lives scheming on how to acquire it, and increase it.

I mean to say, cmon?... Dragon Families, Illuminati, Sabbateans, Masons, KGB, Serbian Intelligence, Yakuza, Triads, some obscure Martial Arts leader

Is it not conceivable that these may be some of the unelected people???

(Only playing the devils advocate here)

onetrack 20th Dec 2011 08:17

Prospector - Well, if you are a conspiracy theorist and believe all the conspiracy theories that involve vast numbers of people keeping a secret plan secret for 200 years... well, yes I guess they could be.
I prefer to believe that the simple answer (as to how many do not grasp or understand the monetary/economic links) is in plain view, but cannot be grasped by the multitude.
Besides, conspiracy theories come over so much better... provided the listener will willingly accept stories, group links, and secret plans, that make anything from a top-selling spy novel, look positively simplistic.

Anthill 20th Dec 2011 21:26

Onetrack- Yep. Fair call. The link was released without comment. However some the news links made for some very interesting watching, particularly the clip regarding $134B USD in smuggled bonds.

You do make a very valid point regarding the integrity of source material- it simply MUST be intellectualy robust. One cant jump at shadows or on unverifiable rumours.

I have no objective evidence, personnal, regarding the existance of 'secret societies' or Illuminati or whatever. What I do have is personal past contact with an Australia Super Rich family. Being a 'fly-on-the -wall' and occasional confidant, I observed a real disdain for the 'little people' of the Australian middle classes. There exists a resentment that the middle class had acquired an increase in personal wealth over the last 100 years and plans were afoot to ensure that this wealth would be transfered back to its 'rightful owners' in due course. We are seeing this process at work right now.

What is being fought over (and we are losing) is the allocation of resources of the political, financial and natural kind. Over the next 100 years, if these people have their way, I predict that the middle class will pretty much cease to exist; the standard of living, quality of life and personal freedoms pretty much eroded to nothing. Meanwhile, the Super Rick will enjoy ever increasing access to health, wealth and power.

Sunfish 21st Dec 2011 18:31

Similar situation to Anthill. The very rich work through intermediaries - very well paid intermediaries who do their bidding. I was once groomed for that role but proved to be not quite biddable enough for their tastes.

Thier lifestyle isn't all it's cracked up to be; they are scared and worried people most of the time - they worry about their physical security as well as the financial. Take Kerry Packer for example; why do you think he celebrated New Years eve in 1999 on the deck of his world girdling ocean going yacht with Bill Gates and their immediate families?

Hint: This is a lifeboat not a self esteem toy:


The children and grand children of another Grandee do not go anywhere without at least a Five man security detail and a prearranged security plan. If one of them accepts an invitation to your country house, expect an initial visit from their security planner. The detail arrives with your guest and puts out the movement sensors, etc, etc.

There are companies that specialise in providing this sort of service, right down to terribly well spoken and well dressed young men and women who can accompany you or members of your family anywhere and everywhere. I've dealt with them.

What has been exercising the minds of the very rich since at least 2000 is the reality is that there are not enough natural resources on the planet to allow a Chinese and Indian middle class to aspire to the same standard of living as the Western middle classes. Thanks to pervasive western communications technology, the Chinese and Indians can see what they would like to aspire to.

Now this is going to cause trouble - and you are living through it - "The Global Financial crisis" represents the failure of Western Governments to borrow enough money to keep their masses happy. The American middle classes don't yet understand that the current reduction in their standard of living is permanent. When they do, well, that is why their police forces have been turned into paramilitary organisations over the last Ten years.

Don't worry about the Europeans and the Euro - Europe has enough money to look after itself - not without pain of course, but enough. Instead, you should be worrying about America - where the very rich are trying to ensure that attention is focussed on Europe and not their own, much worse, problems.

And against this we have little Qantas, bravely making fantastic plans for its future instead of battening down the hatches to survive the next financial tidal wave....

As announced in previous GEABs, in this issue our team presents its anticipations on the changes in the United States for the period 2012-2016. This country, the epicentre of the global systemic crisis and pillar of the international system since 1945, will go through a particularly tragic in its history during these five years. Already insolvent it will become ungovernable bringing about, for Americans and those who depend on the United States violent and destructive economic, financial, monetary, geopolitical and social shocks.
GEAB N°60 is available! Global systemic crisis

my oleo is extended 20th Jan 2012 04:27

Put Your Gold Where Your Mouth Is

my oleo is extended said on 9th August:
Gold will be $2000.00 an ounce before Xmas.
Critical Reynolds,
When I said that, the price of Gold was sitting at $1740.00 per ounce. It then rose to $1899.70 on Spetember 6, 2011, a world record! It rose earlier than I had hoped for but it was a world record price and one that not many others had expected, so I didn't do to bad at all. I notice you left that bit out conveniently?
Damn close prediction in my book. Naturally people like Critcial Reynolds like to critisize when things don't pan out to the letter. But I am happy to bet that YOU didn't predict a rise to $1900.00 did you?
So, how about we make a bet? I am betting that Gold will be $2600.00 per oz by December 2012. Maybe it will come in shy of that price mark and maybe it will peak before December or just after, but I am so confident that I am still puchasing gold monthly, it is just the amount that differs. I have done that for 8 years and am quite wealthy now due to one precious metal.
What about you Critical, are you an investor? You critisize others so what is your prediction for this year? Lets pen our forecasts into the diary and see who the winner is in December?? Or do you prefer to invest in airlines or whoever the other Wall Street thieves are recomending?

jibba_jabba 20th Jan 2012 06:49

$10 TRILLION Liquidity Injection Coming? Credit Suisse Hunkers Down Ahead Of The European Endgame | ZeroHedge

I believe that gold/silver is partially in a depression due to the stage of this economic fraud called a fiat monetry system. Soon if the EU print on this scale, gold will dip initially on hope of the lie continuing, but then explode in price.

There is no other way to hide the debt once the EU starts to default, then Bernake will do the same printing and boom?

Time will tell, but every currency usually fails after 50 years so our time is up and how convienient.

gobbledock 20th Jan 2012 11:32

Jibba Jabba it sounds good to me mate! Let them bring out the magicians, play some magic tricks and use illusions to fool the masses. If the article holds any weight then yes you are correct, gold WILL likely tank and drop dramatically. Fine by me as I will simply buy even more at the lower price, but the end game is inevitable as fiat money will collapse and then the gold price will rocket through the sound barrier. All the liquidity talk is simply another way of stretching for or buying time, and in the long term that is even more concerning because the pile of debt gets larger. They are already beyond the point of no return so they figure they should just borrow more or print off more and stretch things out.
Oleo is not too far off the 'money' to 'coin a phrase'! Gold WILL do some amazing things and it is inevitable that the price is going to soar beyond what we have ever seen, it's just a matter of when and by how much, not if.
2012 - 2014 is going to be an interesting and uncomfortable ride for most.

jibba_jabba 20th Jan 2012 19:56


jibba_jabba 25th Jan 2012 08:31

Ron Paul & Mike Maloney Hit It Out Of The Park - Gold, Silver & Debt Based Monetary System | GoldSilver.com

ga_trojan 25th Jan 2012 08:50

Now they want Australia to contribute funds by going into debt. I imagine John Howard would blow up if he reads this. Only took him 10 years to pay off the debt....

Read more: IMF seeks $1 trillion to stave off '1930s moment'

THE world will face a "1930s moment" of the kind that brought on the Great Depression unless money can quickly be found to support nations such as Italy and Spain, the International Monetary Fund says.
Before releasing dramatically downgraded economic forecasts early this morning Australian time the IMF chief, Christine Lagarde, told an audience in Berlin $1 trillion would be needed to support ailing governments and stave off a deeper crisis - half of which would have to come from Fund backers such as Australia.
The Treasurer, Wayne Swan, backed Ms Lagarde, saying without "larger firewalls" to protect embattled European nations the global economy was at risk.
But the shadow treasurer, Joe Hockey, questioned whether such payments were in Australia's national interest.
The IMF has shaved three quarters of 1 per cent off its previous global growth forecast, issued in September. It expects the world economy to grow by 3.25 per cent this year and advanced economies 1.2 per cent. China would grow 8.2 per cent, down from 9.2 per cent. The euro zone would shrink 0.5 per cent before growing weakly next year.
But Ms Lagarde said the world was facing "a 1930s moment, in which inaction, insularity and rigid ideology combine to cause a collapse in global demand".
"This is a defining moment," she said. "It is not about saving any one country or region. It is about saving the world from a downward economic spiral."
The IMF economic update warns of "adverse feedback loops" in which countries that have trouble paying debts cut spending further, depressing their economies even more, making it harder to repay their debts and imperilling financial institutions worldwide.
In Berlin Ms Lagarde attacked the "worrisome tendency to view fiscal policy as a morality play between profligacy and responsibility".
While governments should commit to cutting spending in the medium term, the US in particular should avoid further cuts at the moment. Countries such as Australia which could readily finance higher deficits should allow them to climb rather than cut back if the world turned down.
Mr Swan endorsed the IMF analysis, saying no country can expect to be immune from the global threats it identified.
Mr Hockey said should the IMF ask Australia for more money "the government must explain to taxpayers whether it would be in Australia's national interest to contribute, and from where it plans to fund any such contribution".
A spokesman for Mr Swan responded: "Mr Hockey would be better off working out how he will pay for the $70 billion budget crater that he announced on breakfast television, rather than undermining half a century of Australian governments meeting their responsibilities."

Read more: IMF seeks $1 trillion to stave off '1930s moment'

gobbledock 25th Jan 2012 12:16

Seems like the IMF is trying to shore up funds ahead of time to ensure that the greedy bankers, corporate thieves and bonus driven Wall Street types are reimbursed for any financial losses that may be incured during the coming meltdown.
The IMF, part of the relatively toothless UN seems to be suddenly growing in power with the blessings of governments worldwide who cannot bail their citizens out of this spiraling mess.

As for Swanny, the compliant servant of big business, he of course backs the IMF. What's another 9 billion dollars worth of debt loaded onto the taxpayer. Hey no problem, I am happy to sacrifice more of my quality of life, my children's future, my retirement funds and my retirement age so that the corporate filth of this world can receive a bail out to ensure they don't lose their luxurious, opulent greedy lifestyle.
Hate to tell you this Swanny but look around you, in the real world buddy boy, I will set the streets on fire and burn Rome to the ground before allowing you to give away any more of my money you :mad:.

Jet-A-One 25th Jan 2012 18:04

I thought it was the Australian tax payer that 'paid off the debt' Trojan...

Ultralights 25th Jan 2012 20:40

please Juiliar, don't throw us into massive debt for the IMF! unless you can negotiate a deal in which we acquire a big part of the euro gold reserves in exchange...

Trixabel 2nd Feb 2012 12:16

good post onetrack - i won't disagree with much of what you say. except on the issue of 'conspiracy theories'. The phrase has been given a much maligned reputation and is unfortunately thrown at anyone who questions the 'official' (ie mass media released) version of events. like the mass media have no hidden agenda to propagate anything but the truth? pretty much anyone who counters 'conventional wisdom' is now considered a 'conspiracy theorist'! a few hundred years ago anyone who entertained the idea that the earth was anything but flat was considered an idiot (and history is obviously littered with similar examples). truth always goes through 3 stages: First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident (Arthur Schopenhauer). i mean - what exactly is a 'conspiracy' anyway (the phrase 'conspiracy theory' did not even appear in the oxford dictionary until after the mel gibson movie 'conspiracy theory)? according to wiki, it 'explains an event as being the result of an alleged plot by a covert group or organization or, more broadly, the idea that important political, social or economic events are the products of secret plots that are largely unknown to the general public'. if that is the case, how can you ridicule conspiracy theorists when you yourself have stated that:

'The real truth lies in simple human greed, and manipulation of the worlds economic system by unelected people, who have acquired massive wealth by spending all their lives scheming on how to acquire it, and increase it...However, the scheming that does go on, by powerful bankers, out of public scrutiny, does always involve keeping people and nations in debt'

that, by my interpretation of the word, is a pretty good definition of a conspiracy. of course there will always be people who analyse events and turn them into something that they were not, but if the argument is backed up by solid, critical thinking, involving the comprehensive use of grammar, logic and rhetoric, then just because it counters 'conventional wisdom' does not mean that it should be disregarded without any further thought or investigation. if the 'conspiracy theory' does not contain any of the preceding, then fine - disregard it. use your own abilities to 'critically think' to filter out the wheat from the chaff. but don't use the fact that some of these theories are 'nuts' as an excuse to dismiss all such theories that counter 'conventional' wisdom as ludicrous.

the world is a very different place to the one that most people imagine it to be. i think that both einstein and lennon said once that 'reality is merely an illusion', and i guess vice versa. in my humble opinion (and i will be the first to admit that i have no idea about what goes on in this world), it is a little foolhardy to dismiss point blank some of these theories without giving them further investigation. a lot of these theories are backed up by far more evidence and documented fact than the majority of stories documented in popular history and our immensely powerful mass media. people are only limited by their imagination. is it such an unbelievable idea that there might be a group of people out there who want to take over the world?

"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." (Aristotle)

as i have already said, i know that i know nothing about this world in which we live. but the only people who know less are those that think they know, as this prevents any further learning. for what it's worth, i believe that within 3 generations we may well all be living under a one world government with a single global currency. but hey, guess i'm just a conspiracy theorist who arrived at that conclusion after reading a couple of 'wacko' conspiracy nut articles on the internet. i might be (and truly hope) that i'm wrong, but i'm also willing to listen to anyone who is able to present to me a coherent and logical argument regarding any topic, regardless of how crazy or 'out there' it may seem on the surface. our minds are umbrellas - they only work if they are open.

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