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OneDotLow 18th Aug 2010 12:46

QF and JQ B787s to be flown by new startup company
Hi All,

Apparently JQ staff were informed today that this is the plan at present.

All the more reason to show up on the 23rd!

No pilot currently (or henceforth) employed in Australia is immune to this threat that management is wielding against our conditions!

The rot must stop!!!

Jabawocky 18th Aug 2010 12:51

start up company....AOC the whole nine yards?:eek: and what about ETOPS with a new a/c and new AOC holder.............

this will be entertaining........:8

Capt Fathom 18th Aug 2010 12:59

This is news?

The B787 was never going to be flown by present Jetstar pilots!

I have mates overseas who will be given the positions with Jetstar to fly the 787.
They have done interviews and accepted the positions!

As for Qantas guys. Will they shoot themselves in the foot? More than likely!

OneDotLow 18th Aug 2010 13:01

AOC and ETOPS .... No worries at all! Those being difficult to attain is a thing of the past.

JQ Intl had 180 minutes right from the start. CASA don't really care about our industrial squabbles.

I think the aim is to do to us (QF/JQ pilots) what they did with cabin crew (QCCA, QCCD, Team Jetstar).

We can only hope that their divide and conqur mentality has finally pushed us all to unite!

Kanga1 18th Aug 2010 13:07

Start up company with ETOPS (EDTO) with a new aircraft type on a new AOC. Not impossible. V Australia did just this a couple of years ago.

Jabawocky 18th Aug 2010 13:26

B777-300ER is not exactly a new a/c type. So V Oz had a head start there.

Kanga1 18th Aug 2010 13:37

The B787 will undergo ETOPS approval by the FAA and JAA as part of the certification process and will enter service ETOPS approved. As was the B777 some 15 years ago. No big deal!

skype 18th Aug 2010 14:34

Don't worry many an EK 777 guys ready and willing guess some CX and not too mention the Koreon guys had enough of the contract job. They can just go onto another contract outfit albeit for an exciting airline :eek: the white rat.

There has been readings from the shisha smoke already of this enterprise. When the EK pilots are doing 92+ hrs lots looking for exit plan, many have buckets full and its not the cash bucket :ok:

Roxy_Chick_1989 18th Aug 2010 14:42

tart up company with ETOPS (EDTO) with a new aircraft type on a new AOC. Not impossible. V Australia did just this a couple of years ago.

AFAIK, The triple comes with ETOPS 'out of the box'

waren9 18th Aug 2010 21:53

The 787 was never going to the JQ EBA. Those who came back early from well paid jobs overseas on promises from old mates must be feeling pretty good about it.

Is there a scope clause in any of the QF mainline EBA's? If not, they'll be lucky to get one in now.

woftam 18th Aug 2010 22:01

Surprise, surprise. NOT!
This was ALWAYS going to happen :ugh:

Mr. Hat 18th Aug 2010 23:15

Qantas and Jetstar pilots, get on the phone/email/text/smoke signal to your mates at VB and Tiger and lets meet up on the 23rd at Wooli Creek in SYD.

Time for our profession to work together, pool resources to protect our jobs.

breakfastburrito 18th Aug 2010 23:34

woftam, correct. The modus operandi of the "Qantas Group" & potentially the "Virgin Group" is to generate as many possible subdivisions, with the smallest number of employee's as possible. Implicit in this strategy, is an acknowledgement of the the raw potential power of the pilot group, as a whole
The fact that pilots have been singled out, is no accident. This is the chink in managements logic.
However it needs everyone to see this how this potential is dissipated through the infinite division by the managers, to the great enrichment of these same managers.
As I have said before, the responsibility's for the outcome is in our own hands, as a pilot group, regardless of what is painted on the tail.

A. Le Rhone 18th Aug 2010 23:59

As per discussion on the Sticky thread there are sentiments on this thread that I find disturbing if not inevitable.

Examples: "Surprise, surprise. NOT! This was ALWAYS going to happen, This is news? The B787 was never going to be flown by present Jetstar pilots! As for Qantas guys. Will they shoot themselves in the foot? More than likely. I have mates overseas who will be given the positions with Jetstar to fly the 787. They have done interviews and accepted the positions"

So once again we have armchair experts all claiming to have been privvy to this alleged further attack on Professional Aussie Pilot jobs and sneering at the rest of us mere peasants who weren't in the know. Moreover there are images of hoardes of 'mates' overseas who have clandestinely already been interviewed and recruited (without anybody else knowing) for the 787 and will stealthily slip in and take your slots on the shiny new silver jet before you get a chance to. Panic, panic, panic.

Scaremongering and fear.

What better way to undermine any traces of pilot unity than to start a scare campaign with the sole intention of frightening you into persisting with the crap terms and conditions (or even eroding them further) than you currently 'enjoy'.

There is a looming global pilot shortage the likes of which the industry has never seen. Before the GFC airlines couldn't get decent pilots; they weren't there. JQ, even with the gift of ex-AN pilots had to drop their onerous interview requirements and now it's worse. Worldwide there are massive airframe orders and there has been steady pilot attrition with insufficient replacement.

So what better way to keep you supressed than to fill you with fear? Alleged this and alleged that. Masses of Asians coming to fly your planes (only this Asian isn't because JQ don't pay properly) and new companies to bypass you altogether. If I were a manager perhaps I'd try the same thing - but can't you see what the real agenda is? Fear is a powerful managerial tool.

I have no doubt the likes of JQ will attempt everything they can up to the limits of legality to undermine you guys but for crying out loud don't be swerved by the PR techniques they are deftly employing to engender fear. They know pilots are a fractured and divided lot and that many of us would kill grandma to boost our own egos and be seen flying the latest shiny jet!

The 787 is just another aeroplane, plastic fuselage and subsonic. Big deal. Don't let yourselves be swerved from the very real need to for a coherent and united group - a group with the strength to fight the real threats and dexterously manage the perceived threats.

big white bird 19th Aug 2010 00:04

What ALR said...:ok:

sunnySA 19th Aug 2010 00:08

From the current Qantas FF newsletter

New 787 Dreamliners

Qantas has announced it will receive the first of 50 Boeing 787s in mid 2012, brought forward by around two years. Jetstar will operate the Group's first 15 B787s configured for its low fare international operations.

Flying into the Future

Qantas has selected the Boeing 787 as the cornerstone of its domestic and international fleet renewal program. Under the fleet plan, the Qantas Group will acquire up to 100 Boeing 787 aircraft. The first 50 Boeing 787 Dreamliners are expected to be delivered in mid-2012.

Mr. Hat 19th Aug 2010 00:41

Enoughs enough
ALR the only way for this to be stopped before it goes right out of control is a as you say a united front.

An AIPAAFAPVIPA merger (in my dreams also) presenting to the politicians and getting into the mainstream media.

If its not stopped now it will get right out of control in a short time space.

The The 19th Aug 2010 01:38

QF and AIPA begin negotiations over the next Longhaul EBA, rumours start about a "start-up company".

Surely not a coincidence?

Keg 19th Aug 2010 01:47

And now Qrewroom down too? It's all a big conspiracy I tell ya! :}

EBA time. Guaranteed FUD campaign. :suspect:

Gingerbread 19th Aug 2010 02:26

Current AIPA President and current AIPA Secretary torpedoed a closer working relationsship between AFAP and AIPA back in 2007 . . . what chance now? Changed their tune maybe? I hope so . . . I can take hypocrisy but not stupidity.

Going Boeing 19th Aug 2010 02:44

Gingerbread, I'd like to know what you are talking about. Both those gentlemen do not have antagonistic personalities and are not shortsighted whereas the AFAP has a history of acting in its self interest - not in the interest of its members.

A. Le Rhone 19th Aug 2010 03:43

Yeah whatever - get over it and move forward or forever be relegated to the sidelines.

OneDotLow 19th Aug 2010 03:56

Well said ALR. (Your first post - the one above this one I am not really sure what/who you are talking about/too).

bugsquash1 19th Aug 2010 04:38

Sorry to burst your bubble Gingerbread, but pre-2007 I asked the top rats of AFAP about a merger and reading between the lines there is no way they were interested.
I suspect they did not want to lose the small power base they had as showed by the attempted take over of the mutual benefit fund.

Just of interest in the early 2000's I also had an informal chat to the then president of AIPA about the fact that the regional pilots would fly the QF jets for a lot less due the the lack of support the AIPA had given them. He dismissed this and also stated the AIPA would only be a QF union and regional pilots didn't count.

Then came Impulse and he made Chief pilot, so politics run deep.

I finally hope Aussie pilots can get their act together at the meeting, although I doubt this if union pen pushers have their way, remember they have their own barrows to push.

-438 19th Aug 2010 05:54

Qantas will not decide where a specific aircraft type (787) will operate or what colour it will be painted based on pilot salaries.
It may well however choose who flies these aircraft based on costs, such as pilot salaries.
Anyone who is suggesting pilots from well paid airlines (Emrites, Cathay) will flood to a new entity operating these aircraft may want to learn of the pay, conditions and basings applicable before commenting to loudly.
It's time to bury the past and unite for this race to the bottom to end. The only upwards pressure can come from a united front.

Mr. Hat 19th Aug 2010 07:23

So what do the heads of AFAP AIPA VIPA think now is the question. Is it time to present a unified front?

Boomerang 19th Aug 2010 16:48

Before ya'll get too excited. Is there a source of the info that started this thread?

Contrary to post #1 Jetstar pilots were told a couple of days ago the Jetstar 787s would be crewed by Jetstar EBA crews. Words directly from the Chief Pilots mouth.

Until I see it written, signed by the CEO and board, I'm still open to rumors though... or should that be until I'm pushing back in it ;-)

waren9 19th Aug 2010 23:52


Dont be fooled by semantics.

EBA pilots will indeed have "the opportunity" to fly the 787. What the CP didnt say is that it wont be on the EBA, and thats what should give everyone pause for thought.

Joyce has already said the 787's will be based out of SIN. Do you honestly believe that JQ will pax and pay allowances/accom for EBA pilots if they dont have too?

Remember, the latest mantra is all about being "regionally competitive".

Only when JQ EBA pilots are pushing back in it, will I believe it.

OneDotLow 20th Aug 2010 00:21

Joyce has already said the 787's will be based out of SIN
Has anyone got a reference for this? Specifically that this will be where the first ones will go?

Beer Baron 20th Aug 2010 02:35

Capt Fathom you say:

I have mates overseas who will be given the positions with Jetstar to fly the 787.
They have done interviews and accepted the positions!
I find that VERY hard to believe. They have accepted jobs flying a jet that won't be delivered for 2 years on an unknown contract???
I would suggest that your "mates overseas" are very foolish or full of s#!t.

blow.n.gasket 20th Aug 2010 02:46

Has there been any info forthcoming reference getting AusALPA up and running as "the Australian "pilots union?
If not ,why not?
There has been plenty of talk and not much action.
Come on, wouldn't the present circumstances be the best precipitator yet to finally get everyone heading in the same direction?

TurbTool 20th Aug 2010 11:46

This whole thread is just a wind up.

The CP said the 787 will relace the A330 on the current JQ network flown by JQ pilots on the current EBA. As a 787 arrives an A330 departs to QF.

Yes there may be a couple go off to Singapore at that time but that is outside of the Jestar EBA. A commitment was clearly given that B787 arrives as A330 departs on EBA 2008 conditions.

Get real everyone. A former JPA president often said "you blokes are pissing before your flies are open". Nothing has changed.

dizzylizzy 20th Aug 2010 13:00

So the A330's will be deployed on existing 767 domestic operations? Or have the international configuration?

Mr. Hat 20th Aug 2010 22:33

flown by JQ pilots on the current EBA.
Not what I've been hearing from J* colleagues. Word of contracts from all of them.

A. Le Rhone 20th Aug 2010 22:44

I tend to agree with TurbTool's post a few back - what better way to keep you scared and manoeuver you into continuing with crap contracts than wind you up with anecdotes of hoardes of expat pilots already having signed 787 contracts etc etc.

Nonetheless it is clear that for their own ladder-climbing reasons, airline CEO's will attack your Terms and Conditions wherever they can and if they are allowed to get away with employing inexperienced pilots or poorly trained foreign pilots they will. You guys are the only ones that can stop them at this stage (unless there is an accident like Garuda/Colgan when governments are forced to do something). Pity it should have to get to that stage before somebody does something.

Apologies, I reposted the following from the pilot meeting thread because I reckon it's just as relevant here:

I'm Listening to Australia News Network and they are reporting that AIPA is organising a meeting because J* pilots are dissatisfied with salaries pilots will get paid for the SIN-MEL sector.

Humble suggestion: can I suggest you concentrate on safety and the implications of fast-tracking non-Australian trained and licenced aircrew. Get a PR company to start working on this (PR is important - seen the Gruen Transfer?). Airlines can spend millions on advertising but this expenditure is pointless if the public perceives they are reducing safety margins - and as we know that's exactly what they are trying to do, purely to further line their own pockets with $.

Going-on about salaries will win no public support. That improvement will come about as a natural part of the looming global shortage (see the Asian Forum - this shortage as already savaging Tiger and PAL).

Focus on safety. This is the key to success not salaries.

LeadSled 23rd Aug 2010 09:15

One thing to be factored in ----and I don't think it has been mentioned so far.

VH registered aircraft can be based in and operate to CAAS rules if they are subject to an 83bis agreement (look it up in the Act) between Australia and the Republic of Singapore. About the only reason to maintain VH registration would be leasing/finance/tax considerations.

Ergo, CASA does not get a look-in.

Something else to bear in mind, when it come to swapping aircraft between bases, an aircraft does not have to be on the Australian register to operate on an Australian AOC.

Certainly an attractive proposition for any operator ---- without regard to who the pilots are, there are some serious savings to be made in maintenance overheads, just for starters.

Tootle pip!!

grrowler 23rd Aug 2010 09:40

The CP said the 787 will relace the A330 on the current JQ network flown by JQ pilots on the current EBA.
Well I guess that confirms it then....

Tankengine 23rd Aug 2010 09:55

Don't trust these management pricks!:yuk:

After the meeting today I hope the AFAP and VIPA etc get on board with AIPA to finish forming and improving the new body AUSALPA !:D:ok:

The meeting today showed lots of unity, the beginning of good things!:ok:

neville_nobody 24th Aug 2010 02:10

This whole thread is just a wind up.

The CP said the 787 will relace the A330 on the current JQ network flown by JQ pilots on the current EBA. As a 787 arrives an A330 departs to QF.

Yes there may be a couple go off to Singapore at that time but that is outside of the Jestar EBA. A commitment was clearly given that B787 arrives as A330 departs on EBA 2008 conditions.

Get real everyone. A former JPA president often said "you blokes are pissing before your flies are open". Nothing has changed.
Do you really believe that? Do you really believe that the Singapore base will only be a small operation with a few aircraft? Do you really think Jetstar management tell the whole truth?

Geoff Dixon once said that Jetstar would never take over Qantas flying.

This whole SIN base thing is a test. It's a test to see what they can get away with. At the moment it will probably be only a couple of aircraft and a small operation. In ten years time it could possibly be the only way to get a start in Jetstar.

I think CASA also need to be brought into this too. This country has far to much of a double standard when it comes to regulation. I'm sure if a GA operator tried to start operating foreign registered aircraft on an Australian AOC they would be doing their best to shut them down or transfer their aircraft registration, but when it comes to QF they are too scared.

halas 24th Aug 2010 07:31

Don't get too excited about expats coming to fly the 787.

If it's like the last time JQ came head hunting in DXB for the 330, there won't be too much of an exodus.


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