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-   -   Jetstar International Pax figures... WTF??? (https://www.pprune.org/australia-new-zealand-pacific/410483-jetstar-international-pax-figures-wtf.html)

Koala Sheila 2nd Apr 2010 12:54

Great work Capt Kremin. Just because Jetstar includes its domestic NZ ops in the figures proves they are trying to spin as much dribble they can into making their figures looking better.:ugh::cool:

Capt Kremin 2nd Apr 2010 20:32

Memo Steve Creedy: This sort of regurgitation of Jetstar spin won't wash any longer...

Jetstar's overseas growth doubles: travel recovery
  • Steve Creedy, Aviation writer
  • From: The Australian
  • March 27, 2010 12:00AM
  • JETSTAR has laid claim to the title of the third-biggest international airline servicing Australia after impressive growth in February international passenger numbers that were 91.3 per cent higher than a year ago.
The doubling in size of Jetstar's international arm underscores the growing presence of low-cost carriers, which now account for more than one in five flights on Australian overseas routes.
The Jetstar figures and an overall 14.2 per cent rise in Qantas Group February passenger numbers also bode well for the recovery of the travel industry generally and will step up competition with rival Virgin.
Qantas reported yesterday that it was filling more seats on its planes across the group and that yields were continuing to improve. Group traffic rose by 3.8 per cent in February, to push up the overall seat factor by 1 percentage point to 79.4 per cent.
Jetstar International, which will service 12 destinations when it starts flying to Fiji on Monday, continued to close the gap with Qantas and carried 310,000 passengers for the month, compared with Qantas international's 462,000. Its impressive growth outstripped rising capacity to see it fill more of its seats, its load factor rising a strong 5.3 percentage points to 79.7 per cent.

Based on what we know, this figure was morely likely around 175,000 passengers in and out of Australia at approx 20% of the ASK's of mainline. The alleged growth comes almost entirely from the replacement of QF NZ with J* NZ and the carriage of NZ DOMESTIC passengers.

Thats right, mainline still dwarfs Jetstar International in the figures that matter. Any other interpretation is either lazy journalism or something worse.:ugh:

OneDotLow 2nd Apr 2010 20:46

captaintunedog777 said :

This is too funny. You honestly think the Kremin dude knows the facts. I think a bunch of sheep comes to my mind. Bah bah

It appears as though everyone, except captaintunedog777 has known for a long time that there is something very fishy about the performance of JQI. Now if this is the case with the passenger numbers, then maybe, just maybe, there is the slight off chance that we have been lied to about the financial figures as well.

Keep up the investigation!! Hopefully the other news outlets will pick up the story too...

stubby jumbo 2nd Apr 2010 22:05

Top effort Capt Kremin.:D

We always suspected the books were being "cooked"-right back to the Darth days when he would bleat over and over -first the softening up:
1. -"no Qantas mainline service would ever be bastardised by JQ"

then about 18 months later:

2.-"no Qantas mainline service would be bastardised by JQ .......if it was profit making":=

So -cook the books /skew the figures and you have your excuse for running the JQ bulldozer over the once proud QF brand.

Case in point -Gold Coast, Cairns,Perth, Darwin.

Then comes the announcement that -First Class is being removed from many services.

If it looks orange and smells orange.......its fcuink ORANGE !

Some will call me a Luddite on this -but as Capt Kremin has pointed out -sometimes the difference between FACT and SPIN can be very wide indeed.

ruprecht 2nd Apr 2010 22:08

Nice work Capt Kremin.

ROH111 2nd Apr 2010 23:30

The union really should know about this. Qantas pilot's taking flex lines and threatened with redundancies, when work is being dished out to other companies, then Jetstar's performance being well and truely over inflated.

It's bull&hit!

Reeltime 2nd Apr 2010 23:40

And while you lazy journos are copping a spanking over this, why don't you have a good hard look at the APA buyout. I'm sure there is a lot more to that story than we have been told.

breakfastburrito 2nd Apr 2010 23:56

spin city

Hard questions, because this is what came out in the wash: after analysing a five-day working week in the media, across 10 hard-copy papers, ACIJ and Crikey found that nearly 55% of stories analysed were driven by some form of public relations. The Daily Telegraph came out on top of the league ladder with 70% of stories analysed triggered by public relations. The Sydney Morning Herald gets the wooden spoon with (only) 42% PR-driven stories for that week.

Many journalists and editors were defensive when the phone call came. Who’d blame them? They’re busier than ever, under resourced, on deadline and under pressure. Most refused to respond, others who initially granted an interview then asked for their comments to be withdrawn out of fear they’d be reprimanded, or worse, fired.
My bold emphasis.
Source:Over half your news is spin- Crikey

Top work Kremin, where do I send the beer?

Mstr Caution 3rd Apr 2010 00:50

A list of those "hoodwinked" by the original traffic figures:

Travelling public
Qantas Board
Brokers & Analysts

& if the list includes Airline Exec's :yuk:

dragon man 3rd Apr 2010 01:14

Great work. Any chance you could find the smoking gun of the financial subsidies that main line provide Jetstar. Get that and ill nominate you for the board.:ok:

breakfastburrito 3rd Apr 2010 02:05

not hoodwinked

Originally Posted by Mstr Caution
A list of those "hoodwinked" by the original traffic figures:

Mst Caution, may I suggest staff weren't hoodwinked, lied to yes. The staff have known for a long time the books were cooked, but it was very difficult to prove without the books. Audited figures have been asked for repeatedly by various posters:

Originally Posted by qfinsdier
An audited set of stand alone accounts would lay waste to any theories on transfer pricing, cross subsidisation and the whole litany of crap that permeates from the likes of Buchanan (boston consulting group) et al.

Source:Where Jetstar earns its money- 11th September 2009

Then we had a whole thread started to tip a bucket on Kremin by none other that Captain Sherm - Airline Economics and Captain Kremin
I could fill a whole page with quotes about the audited results, or lack of them.

Staff hoodwinked, not one little bit. What this does prove is the staff DO care about Qantas, and take a very keen interest in its business - quite literally it's their livelyhoods at stake, unlike every other member of that list They are either on the gravy train or trying to screw anyone to get a cheap flight.

If only the airline management had tapped into that latent residual goodwill, things could have been so different, ANZ as a example. But no, we have the Neanderthals running the show. Imagine if they had tapped into people such as Kremin & many others for the good of the company, but instead management treats it people like a case of the clap & the Kremin's of the world are pushing back.

Mstr Caution 3rd Apr 2010 02:29

Hoodwinked (to deceive or conceal) by management, or lied to.

Either way, mainline staff have been had.

breakfastburrito 3rd Apr 2010 03:04

Originally Posted by Mstr Caution
Either way, mainline staff have been had.

Total Agreement.

hotnhigh 3rd Apr 2010 04:40

As a matter of interest, how is the centre for asia pacific aviation reporting its take on the numbers?

Capt Kremin 3rd Apr 2010 12:40

Dragon man....... funny you should mention that.... watch this space.

Guys, thank you but all I did was go to some publicly available information sources and do some, as mentioned, 6th grade maths. Anyone could have done it.
It begs the question, why does a member of the public have to do this? Why are our media outlets so unwilling to do some basic checking?

What Dragon man alludes to is potentially even more explosive. I won't say anything more at the moment apart from alerting our good friends at Crikey. I'll keep you updated.

altocu 4th Apr 2010 23:02

As a matter of interest, how is the centre for asia pacific aviation reporting its take on the numbers?
Given that along with Steve Creedy they appear to be an extension of the QF PR department, exactly as they're told to is my guess.

simsalabim 4th Apr 2010 23:31

Some interesting reading here which may answer some questions re: the main stream media's reluctance to cover Jetstargate.

Media Conglomerates, Mergers, Concentration of Ownership ? Global Issues

Mstr Caution 5th Apr 2010 02:00

Would these be the same traffic figures Bruce Buchanan is quoting?

YouTube - Low Cost Airlines 2010: An interview with Jetstar CEO, Bruce Buchanan

Well look, I think the markets been quite robust for us. If you look at the traffic stats that we report to the ASX or Australian Stock Exchange. You'll see that the demand has been very strong for us in the domestic market as well as the international market

Jetstar Expects Lower Costs as Demand Boosts Traffic (Update2) - Bloomberg.com

If you look at our growth rates year on year there continuing to come in at 20 to 30% every year.

Artificial Horizon 5th Apr 2010 04:17

How long have the accounting practices been like this, if this is how they have calculated pax figures since Jetstar have started operations then surely the year on year increases are valid to a certain extent because they are using the same datum. If however the accounting practices have been changed this year to make the figures look better on this single occassion then that is a worry. So the 'Qantas' man says that this is the way the figures have been calculated every year.... if this is the case I can't see what all the excitment is about :confused:

Also as stated above, all this information was there for anyone to discover, it is stated in the reports (albeit in small print) exactly what has been included in these 'international' figures. As Kremlin has shown it is all there for anyone to see if they look hard enough, hardly a big conspiracy that some are making it out to be. I certainly am not naive enough to believe the stats and figures that are presented to the public daily, by business, government etc... Did anyone see the latest crime figures issued in New Zealand, overall crime was down but on closer inspection year on year violent crime was up 20%, you can make a statistic say anything depending on how you calculate it. Were Jetstar Int. pax up from last year.... probably, were they up 70%..... who the hell knows without a forensic audit of the books.

busdriver007 5th Apr 2010 04:31

Remember the previous CFO has left because of "family reasons".........:confused:

Capt Kremin 8th Apr 2010 00:52

One million Kiwi Domestic passengers? Or One Million J* Intl Passengers?
One million Kiwis fly Jetstar since June 2009domestic launch | TRAVEL News

Which is it Mr Buchanan?

DutchRoll 8th Apr 2010 01:52

Gee Tunedog has gone quiet all of a sudden.

Capt Kremin 3rd May 2010 10:37

The Fiction continues...
BITRE released its February aviation figures today.

International Airline Activity - Monthly Publications

Compare the total PAX carried by Jetstar International figures from the Qantas February release to the ASX, quoting 12 month growth of 78.4% and a total number of pax carried of 358,000, with the actual International passengers counted by BITRE of 162271!

That's correct. The use of domestic passengers inflates Jetstar Intl figures by 121%!!!

The ACTUAL growth figure of International pax carried by Jetstar Intl in February was 26% caused almost entirely by the winding down of Australian Airlines and the gifting of their Japan routes to Jetstar Intl.

Qantas, of course seems to have no intention of presenting the true figures to the ASX. It released its Mar 2010 traffic figures today which the analysts seem to have bought hook line and sinker.


IG Markets Australian Market Wrap - International Business Times

According to the release, Jetstar International flew 310,000 passengers in March, a rise of 91% in 12 months.

My prediction is that these astronomical rises will cease in July, 12 months after Jetstar International began adding NZ Domestic passengers to its numbers.:ugh:

UnderneathTheRadar 3rd May 2010 11:40

Jetstar NZ pilots should put in a claim for the rest of their Jetstar Intl pay!

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