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PegasusFury99 29th May 2009 22:22

Kiddies kiddies kiddies
YOU don't seem to get the message.

YOU all complain about T & Cs in New Zealand.
I did NOT like the Management personalities in some NZ airlines - so I took my skills overseas where they were accepted and well rewarded. I had a jet command with only 4000hr TT. Ref my previous post - if there are NO indians, there can be NO CHIEFs.

For those of you who are a little SLOW on the uptake -
I will put this in simple terms - IF YOU WORK FOR ARSEHOLES - PREPARED TO BE SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


puma pants 30th May 2009 01:56

Peg is making a very valid point. If the wonder boys who are picking up the Jet*NZ deal think that Jet* management are going to treat them with honour, then they are.... well; stupid!
If the management treat their current staff this way by under-cutting them, what do you think they'll do to the mugs who act as their "tool's" in this process.
In my experience, the wonder boys get treated very badly in the end.

Bongo Bus Driver 30th May 2009 02:59

Pegasus we do understand your point of view. You are happy to leave your home and thrive overseas. Cool. But we are not. We want your T&Cs here and we stay to fight for them. You enjoy your time away and if you return to fly in NZ you will more than likely benefit from the hard work being put in by all us whingers you currently look down on.

PegasusFury99 30th May 2009 11:16

Flying in NZ
You job is safe from me. I will NEVER fly in NZ. I dont have a NZ licence- they are no use overseas and have no intention of giving up my JAA licence.
I will only retire from aviation and enjoy living in NZ in a couple of years. Might sell a couple of houses in AKL and the Mt and buy a beach front property.

Sand Dune Sam - How are you enjoying counting the cockroaches on the beach in Casablanca ? or topping up your tan beside the mosque.


Dixons Cider 31st May 2009 07:05

Pegasus Fury
You're flogging a dead horse mate, and I can see no point in your assertions as to justifying your reasons for not flying in NZ. These guys have a desire to improve the deal in their home patch, I cannot see the reason to slate them for it. Back them up man, aviation is a small world.

I'm pleased for you that your content with your decision to head offshore, I hope the euphoria lasts for you, because many that do eventually start to hanker for the homeland one day.

Sand dune Sam 31st May 2009 07:38

All part of exploring other cultures really PF99...You would know all about that ,as you are a wellspring in International contract flying......I've seen many parts of the world...thing is, I dont need to be at a party with other loud mouths, backslap my mates about it, then feel the need to post my bravado on a public forum...... whatever floats your boat though mate....Enjoy the UK, least it's warmer than NZ at this time of year.....:ok:

blow.n.gasket 1st Jun 2009 06:11

Only just!:ok:

PegasusFury99 1st Jun 2009 22:11

Europe Weather TODAY!
Holy Sh!T - A Bloo?y Heat wave

London 27
Southampton 28
Bristol 27
Cambridge 28
Birmingham 26
Manchester 25

Amsterdam 25
Brussels 25
Paris 26
Rome 29
Munchen 26
Geneva 27

Baarrbbeeeeeeeeesssss Here we come.:ok:

Hey Guys - its been great fishing these last few days. The 'catch' has been great. One must away now and do ones duty at - YES - the BBQ:ok:

AND - ACARs gave me CHC M00, WLG 4 :suspect:

horserun 1st Jun 2009 23:15

Thats because it is winter in this part of the world, and summer in yours.
Have a look at your ACARs in 6 months time, and you may just see these trends reversed. Crazy I know!

slice 2nd Jun 2009 01:04

Well people for all the problems with Jetstar NZ at least you don't have to put up with PF99. If he talks the way he posts, he's a loud oafish tw@t, something I have found Europeans generally averse to, but he probably wouldn't notice. :hmm:

Falling Leaf 2nd Jun 2009 05:43

So I guess there is really no news about Jetstar NZ then, just the usual playground slagging that DG&P is infamous for... what a waste of time.

Horatio Leafblower 2nd Jun 2009 07:16

WLG 4?

F*ck that's cold for Walget... :eek:

rescue 1 2nd Jun 2009 07:50

Falling leaf - you got that right! :)

Agree totally...

PegasusFury99 2nd Jun 2009 09:42

Infamous playground Slagging
Falling Leaf

- I concur.:ok:

slice 2nd Jun 2009 10:29

Utterly Hilarious PF99 - you were the one that started the slagging in the first place. We don't really care what you do in Europe - except maybe stay there for the benefit of all in Aust / NZ.

horserun 10th Jun 2009 21:28

So how did the first day of domestc ops go yesterday?

fourholes 11th Jun 2009 01:40


You took the words right out my mouth :ugh: <It's like doing this with that guy.

Sunstar320 11th Jun 2009 13:43

So how did the first day of domestc ops go yesterday?
Delays basically or "teething problems" as the Mr Head Honcho said...

They are going to go through the same pain that Tiger consistently goes through with their small fleet, once one goes tech, everything else is :mad:

Skybus_319 16th Aug 2009 04:41

Seing they have been going for 2 months now, did they get their guys on that wage? Or did they up the wage that was on offer...?

And what happened with the easyjet association, things have gone quiet on the JQ NZ front.

sfoxs 16th Aug 2009 08:20

wellington 17 today!

never put your family on jet* to zqn............never

joe cool69 16th Aug 2009 09:17

Why? Can you back that up

captncannot 16th Aug 2009 16:40


never put your family on jet* to zqn............never
There's really no need to get all overstimulated about launching a space shuttle mission into NZQN. I know what they fed you at the aeroclub, but in the airline world it's just another airport. Category C/X/whatever you care to call it, sure. Famil training required, yes, maybe even a Captain's approach only :}

But it's really nothing to get all worked up over. There are tricky airports all over the world, many trickier than QN, which is a quiet country airfield in a small remote country with a mild winter. Yes it happens to have some mountains around it, but they're not particularly large or snowy.

No need to get all parochial backwater on it and slag off the entire jet* crew, I think you'll find the boys cope just fine. But they should be paid a ****load more :ok:

sfoxs 17th Aug 2009 02:15

NZCAA very sad they have no aurthority over jet* VH ops into zqn. CASA no help at all (no surprise). Zqn tower watch and wonder!
Captcant have you ever been to zqn? Commanded a 121 jet in there???

joe cool69 17th Aug 2009 02:31


If you have something to say, just say it.

"NZCAA very sad" - what about? Would a box of tissues help?
"CASA no help" - what should they be doing?
"ZQN watch and wonder" - of course they should be watching but what are they wondering about?

If you have an agenda or opinion, just speak up. Simple:ok:

belowMDA 17th Aug 2009 04:30

I think the ZQN tower is running an office bet on how long it takes them to stack one into the hills! I too wouldn't be encouraging anyone to put their family on jetstar through ZQN anytime soon and that is because I have seen some stuff that I think is stupid and reckless.

Yep the tower watches and wonders because when the NZCAA spoke to CASA about some concerns they were told to shove it. Whose interests are being looked after, the flying public or Qantas/Jetstar?

horserun 17th Aug 2009 05:21

What about the easyjet guys? They still here?? for how much longer?

framer 17th Aug 2009 18:32

because I have seen some stuff that I think is stupid and reckless.

Like what? Nobody seems to be able to give any real examples of anything unsafe.
I don't fly in there anymore but used to and it can get quite busy/tricky if you have nasty weather. The wind is the biggest thing I think, it comes from many different directions at different speeds as you make your way around the basin sometimes.
I'm with Joe-cool on this though, if you can't give an example then don't say they're unsafe.

Artificial Horizon 17th Aug 2009 20:52

Intersting, if the QN tower is really running this sort of bet then they are being 'grossly negligent' in thier postions and should be reported as such. Having a good number of friends in the ATC profession I find it very hard to believe that any ATC worth his/her wieght in salt would make childish bets instead of official complaints if an airline was really 'in thier opinion' about to have a major accident. I think what you are saying is a big load of ****. To all those who keep saying that J* is reckless in thier opertations into QN, please give us some real examples. Or is it just a fact that in a narrow minded NZ mentallity you are trying to say AIR NEW ZEALAND GOOD, all other foreign OPERATORS BAD!! Can I just ask why you think that J* poses such a risk?? The aircraft are brand new, well equipped, the pilots are experienced (not just in NZ flying either) and they have to adhere to all the regulations just as ANZ do. At the moment they don't get into QN all of the time due to certification issues with the RNAV arrival, but this is something that can only be resolved in time - no shortcuts!! I can tell you also that as stated above QN is just another airport and is a piece of p*ss compared to some places around the world that I and many others have operated into and out of.

horserun 17th Aug 2009 21:32

Intersting, if the QN tower is really running this sort of bet then they are being 'grossly negligent' in thier postions and should be reported as such. Having a good number of friends in the ATC profession I find it very hard to believe that any ATC worth his/her wieght in salt would make childish bets

Mate you must know some square controllers. The ones I know have the darkest sense of humour.

Just listen to these guys at the end of the video....

YouTube - Russian Airplane Departing Australia

27/09 17th Aug 2009 22:15

when the NZCAA spoke to CASA about some concerns they were told to shove it.
Did this really happen? If it did then you have to wonder what is going on.

slamer. 18th Aug 2009 08:59

All operations at any airport should be treated with equal respect.

framer 18th Aug 2009 09:05

Still no examples aye.....sounds like lots of emotion and no hard facts/observations to back it up.

Cactusjack 18th Aug 2009 12:57

Bowl Of Rice Salary
Perhaps the CEO`s and their buddies are willing to also take on a salary of less than 70k per year, to prove that they 'truly and honestly support the concept and structure of Low Cost Carriers' ??

kiwilad 19th Aug 2009 08:28

So now I hear that Jet* Oz and NZ pilots are flying together are the Jet* Oz guys going to band together to sort it or just enjoy the ride until they are all on the Jet* NZ deal.

About ZQN ops for Jet*, they seem to be taking it quietly, but on two occassions I bet they wished they didn't come off the approach as it was pretty pox and not ideal circling in a jet, but I guess they will put that down to experience.

How long before the NZ based guys on the OZ contract are pushed to the NZ deal? Jet* Oz guys were happy to takeover Qantas work and progress so will be sure they are happy to watch Jet* NZ return the favour. What a company to work for.:ok:

Wonder when the first Jet* NZ guys start there 787 ratings?:D

Just my 2cents

Cypher 19th Aug 2009 21:08

Well.. at least they seem to be making money...

Jetstar flies into black - Business - NZ Herald News

Who gives a s#it about safety... it's all about the price....

Artificial Horizon 19th Aug 2009 21:20

People keep saying things like "who gives a sh#t about safety", once again where is the evidence that Jetstar don't take safety seriously, some of the biggest low cost carriers in the world e.g Easyjet, Southwest, Ryanair have impeccable safety records. Cheap fares doesn't really mean cheap on safety. You may not agree with the terms and conditions on offer but that is no reason to start slanging untruths about.:ouch: 80% load factor accross the board and an operating profit within the first full month of operations speaks for itself, with more and more positive media coverage starting to come Jetstar NZ is well positioned for expansion. Is this good for the pilot community and pay and conditions.... NO its not, but lets not forget the slide towards these wages started years ago when people at the grass roots level (GA) started working for FREE, I had numerous 'job' offers straight out of CPL/IR Instructor rating training with the small condition that I could work for nothing!!! I didn't do it, many people did as I have never heard of a GA operator struggling for pilots! We only have ourselves to blame, we cheapened our 'profession' years ago and Jetstar NZ is now the result of this exploitation of peoples desperation to work which started a long time ago. Ironically Jetstar OZ pilots are now worried about being undercut by the Jetstar NZ contract, where did we all think it would end. Over here in Europe people can buy a type rating with 500 hours on type (737), the airline runs its operation with FO's who are paying to fly:eek: Is this the next step downunder probably, because as a group of professionals we are crap at sticking together.

Dixons Cider 20th Aug 2009 12:12

Talking to my dear old Mum (who knows bugger all about avaition) back in unzud a few days ago - she very matter of factly happened to mention that the Jetstar drivers are the dregs of aviation and its unsafe to fly with them!!!

Had to pull her up and point out that regardless of where she heard that, its a pretty broad statement to make, and the reality is there are plenty of boys there with good experience.

My point is, this must be the kind of uniformed gossip thats doin the rounds in NZ, and Jetstar themselves are to blame for most of it with there highly publicised start up debacle. That combined with the well known fact that they are paying their pilots poorly only adds to the illusion that its only drivers that cant work elsewhere that are willing to climb into the seat and do the job.

Dunno if my Mums opinion is indicative of the wider feeling back there, but if it is, it should be a worry for Jetstar...

captncannot 20th Aug 2009 14:32


Captcant have you ever been to zqn? Commanded a 121 jet in there???
Been there many times. I'm sure the j* boys will be just fine :rolleyes:

CTOT ON 20th Aug 2009 20:18

Jetstar NZ Profit?
If i read the Royal New Zealand Herald article correctly it refers to an Operating Profit. This doesnt include the small costs associated with management structure and capital costs of the aircraft. So the question is, did they really make a profit, or is the Jetstar PR machine still working overtime?


ZK-NSN 23rd Aug 2009 10:19

We only have ourselves to blame, we cheapened our 'profession' years ago and Jetstar NZ is now the result of this exploitation of peoples desperation to work which started a long time ago.
Dont know why you are directing this at NZ pilots, I have only ever heard Aussies driving them. Actually come to think of it, I dont know why the f#*k anybody refers to it as Jetstar NZ. The pilots are Aussies, the planes VH registered, CEO is an Aussie, they operate under Aussie rules. Its the airline equivilent to bunnings Warehouse (and dont get me started about those c#@ts)

And on a less important note, what smart b@stard decided to paint the planes grey, makes them bloody hard to sight.

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