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witwiw 10th Apr 2009 10:47

ITS, it appears your next post will be number 100. Here's a good opportunity to make a decent, coherent, positive and worthwhile contribution for a change rather than your usual vindictive, negative and inane posts.

Otherwise, go away, stay away and don't labour on in the belief that people are interested in what you've got to say.

ASY68 10th Apr 2009 13:13

Has anyone got any photos of VH-NLK?


blackbandit 11th Apr 2009 02:25


Enema Bandit's Dad 11th Apr 2009 02:58

More tosser armchair experts. Your type make want to puke! :yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk::yuk:

feenix 11th Apr 2009 03:01

Is this the same black bandit that a few posts back was asking if they were hiring ?You sound like a disgruntled ex employee no longer living in Aussie land. I remember OJ staff and SAW staff saying not that long ago that OA was finished as they would put them out of business but they are still there and expanding.Unlike others they don't buy equipment until they have a need for it which is probably why they are still around. Also good to see ithinkso hasn't changed but I thought the moderators said he would no longer be bothering people on this thread ?

AFBL 11th Apr 2009 06:39

Congratulations OA! You're the only one expanding in a contracting market. I guess careful management and aquiring the right equipment paid off. 733 still has a lot to offer. Good luck guys.:ok:

feenix 11th Apr 2009 07:28

Thanks AFBL I don't quite understand the mentallity of the likes of ITS and BB who only wish bad on everyone by continuing to forecast doom on them. I would think in this enviroment they would be encouraging everyone to suceed and create more jobs but apparently not.
These armchair experts seem to get a thrill from others misfortune. I hope every fair employer has sucess and expansion in their future as I believe there is enough work if everybody plays fair and doesn't try to stupidly run their competition out of business by either screwing their staff or ultimately themselves.

blackbandit 11th Apr 2009 13:46

Screwing staff?
OA is renowned for screwing its staff, How much does a 737 F/O make? Come on, please be realistic! Oh and Feenix, believe me, you'd be lucky to have me back! And as far as you being there from the start, i was the start! Best of luck my lad!
Or perhaps your memory doesnt go back that far, as to who I am , the handle should give any of the real long termers the drum!!

feenix 11th Apr 2009 22:21

BB I don't know what you are on about "And as far as you being there from the start, i was the start" as I never said I was but in fact in a way I guess some of us were as OA is not ON , a fact which a lot of people like ITS and yourself have trouble understanding. I think you will find most staff more than happy with their lot even F/Os and their pay calculated on an hourly basis would leave most of the industry rates behind. It's easy to knock from the outside but as I said we are still here and have a long list of aircrew asking for work.Nothing personal meant by my post but you have taken it that way (sad). As far as ITS ,sad ,double sad. I stand by my statement wishing all well and employment for all because the alternatives are very unattractive

AFBL 12th Apr 2009 00:09

Doooomed...??!!...well...that's not new. I've heard this since ON Genesis...and I was there too, ahumm. I think this little airline is here to stay against all what haters say or wish. On the island they say "small and sandy". If you say you were there from the beginning you'll know what that means. If you're worried about the pay...typical...I think it's competitive as Feenix stated...but the lifestyle...no one comes near! I'll swap an 18k job for the lifestyle anytime.

ithinkso 12th Apr 2009 12:05

Its a real shame you people think that you are well done by. It goes to show the poor state of the industry. And as far as calculations based on an hourly rate, WOW, that just doesnt really cut it.

15 minutes in a metro will cost you a daily rate, bout $500 for a captain. My god, thats $2000 and hour, Wow 747 captains dont make that much, I must be onto a good thing, As you know that doesnt add up.

And as far as lifestyle goes, you REALLY have to get out more. Its very admirable that you are proud of your airline, however as feenix has pointed out before, the government will not allow it to go broke. By your own admission, the thing is propped up by the government, it DOES NOT stand alone as a profitable entity.

As I said and will continue to say, its DOOMED!! I know you all want to keep your jobs, but why not try to gain employment with a real airline and you wouldn't have to spend every waking moment on here justifying your own existence.

love xox

Remember girls, this is a rumour network, and try not to get too upset. (and stop paying for your own endorsements!!!!)

Friggit 13th Apr 2009 00:32

Fennix and others. I don't know why you even bother replying to ITS as he is nothing but a jealous shi-stirrer. His latest post as per usual is full of fiction ,not fact so nothing has changed.
I did bother to look back and it wasn't fennix who made the statement that the Nauru government would not let the airline fail so again ITS is wrong.As far as payrates I bet ITS doesn't even know what OA pilots are paid but he makes his assumptions out to be fact when they are not. No one in authority has stated the airline is propped up by the government so again ITS wrong . The fact is the airline stands alone and has ever since its rebirth. I think it is you who needs to get out more as most people consider lifesyle very important and I don't know any of your so called "real airlines" who can offer a better lifestyle than OA.Your example on pay is laughable and not worth commenting on further as it is just as inaccurate as the rest of your post. How can the airline be doomed if as you say yourself the government will never let it fail, bit of a contradiction.
Anyway fennix and AFBL don't let this ill informed doomsdayer bother you with his rantings instead just prove him wrong by continuing to operate

ithinkso 13th Apr 2009 00:41

You sound strangely similar to Feenix, Even your age is strangely similar, as is your location. Do you guys live together? Is that why your IP address is the same too?

I only wish you all the best, Im trying to help you see reality. All I want is for you to be employed. You wont continue to be employed for long if you stay with OA. Nauru's government is broke.

I enjoy your optimism, however things in Nauru are only going to get worse, not better. You all have to agree, and its quite sad if you dont. Facts are facts. Norfolk is the airline graveyard of the pacific. If it was viable, the big boys would be servicing it and reaping the rewards. It isnt and as a result it has been abandoned by all the real airlines.

Sorry to say it, but all true. I love your enthusiam. Enthusiasm like yours really only comes from a lack of experience.

buckshot-rick 13th Apr 2009 00:46

Sounds about right...

feenix 13th Apr 2009 00:57

ITS the big boys do service Norfolk. If you had done your research you would discover it is qantas codeshare flights. But you don't research just create facts to suit your theories. I think you will find Friggit has a different ip address and although he is known to me we are very much different people and have shared many a drink over our common birthdates. If you only wish OA well I would hate to see what you would be like if you wished them ill.

THE-BOOB 13th Apr 2009 00:58

Isnt the pacific great. They started Air Pac to get rid of all these fly by night airlines. Then in true pacific fashion they all started in fighting, and look what we have now. The whole region, with the exception of maybe two island nations, is in complete disarray.

Tonga-wrecked, Fiji, basket case, Samoa, dceimated by Virgin, Solomons: do I need to comment, Norfolk, basically a dump tourism falling and local economy failing, Nauru, no more iraqis, kiribas, sinking.

The infighting will continue until these places are underwater. Its the nature of the area.

THE-BOOB 13th Apr 2009 01:22

What you said about QF code sharing is not quite accurate. QF will codeshare with another airline if they think the market is too small for a QF operated flight, but a market exists for reduced numbers.

Basically they codeshare on high risk routes, when someone else bears the risks of empty aircraft, high number of diversions, major cost blowout due to tech problems.

Basically codesharing allows them to sell their tickets through the QF travel group, with reduced risk to QF's bottom line.

You are accurate however when you say the route is not viable for a full aircraft dedicated to it.

Le Pilot 13th Apr 2009 01:46

I don't think so
Was privy to the numbers on the Norfolk flights back when VH-RON operated the route.
It was definately a money spinner for the B734 and yes maybe because of lower costs (including salaries) Non payments of leasing costs to GE also contributed to the bottom line.
A B733 should still make the money if the leasing costs are low.

BTW OA are definately a lot happier crowd than the Virgin and Jetstar mob.
If you choose to live in OZ for lifestyle, then work in an Airline that gives you one.

AFBL 13th Apr 2009 02:02

Ok easy girls! To all you haters out there, "Happy Easter Holidays". Do yourselves favour and get out there and egg hunt. Make positive contributions somehow and fill in your blank-days. Feenix mate, I wouldn't bother. Save your breath and enjoy the real flying. Whether it be a Govt propped up airline, a stand alone airline, profit airline, non profit airline, Taiwan, Russian, I mean who cares? The bottom line is we're just pilots and as long as you have a job and paying your mortgage and topping up your super that's all that matters to you. Armchairs...well, better get off your bum and start doing some real flying. The world don't revolve around you.

Essential Buzz 13th Apr 2009 02:43

And how is Mohammed H anyway ... ?

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