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ACMS 7th May 2008 11:18

ok then Capt Stoobing, just as long as we are on the same page:ok:

QF recruitment should have a rocket shot up their rears

captainstoobing 7th May 2008 12:46

That we are ACMS!!

rogoaz 7th May 2008 19:31

REX's problem with pilots...

I have heard a lot about the problem that REX in Australia is facing due to its pilots leaving the company creating some difficulties to keep the operations regular. I was asking myself why the pilots are leaving, just for making career in others airlines or maybe the labor conditions in the company is not very satisfactory?

Does anybody know something about it?


desmotronic 7th May 2008 20:01

Very very low pay compared to the cost of living here. Simple as that. Garbage collectors do better.

Oxidant 7th May 2008 20:45

Management still have a 19th Century mill owners attitude...........:ugh:

Muff Hunter 7th May 2008 23:30

When you can make more working as a flight attendant at any other airline in the country, this should answer your question....

GApilut 8th May 2008 00:01

The company is F..:mad: Staff morale is low, they are loosing top check and trainers left right and centre(many of these have asked for a pay rise but didnt get it). The answer is staring at them right in the face. How can they possibly believe that you can live on 42K PA in sydney. It's a friggin joke. In fact I have even heard they have got 1 sim instructor left. It's a shame, the company has a lot of potential.


Howard Hughes 8th May 2008 00:35

It's a shame, the company has a lot of potential.

boardpig 8th May 2008 00:36

Report in News.com
Just read the heart felt story from Rex on News.com.au.

Yeah right! Yet again I find my desk surrounded by finger pointers asking me why I, as a pilot, don't run down there with my leather helmet and goggles and help them out!!
I always enjoy the gasps of suprise when I tell them what my monthly take would be if I did. Yet again, the non flying folks simply can't comprehend it.

Rx and Ql have effectively reduced the once sought after career choice of becoming a pilot, to LESS than that of a school bus driver. (no offence to bus drivers as you guys earn more).

Roll on the 6 year cadet slaves and the 457's!! So glad I'm off overseas.


Flyingblind 8th May 2008 00:53

Simple question and a simple answer;

Short term management greed at the expense of their staff and patrons.

Reverseflowkeroburna 8th May 2008 01:20

So.........did anyone catch the ABC radio program? What did Rex have to say for themselves, and more importantly, did any pilots call up to put the truth forward?? And of course, what did Lawrie have to say??? :rolleyes:

Timber 8th May 2008 02:30

The so called pilot shortage......
There are enough competent pilots available in Australia for REX to hire.

The problem is not finding the pilots but retaining them.

Who cannot understand a REX Saab F/O moving to one of the bigger operators to fly a nicer, newer jet at double the pay..???

With their new school REX anticipates this flow-through of F/O's. As long as there is demand for pilots from the bigger ailrines, the school will provide new inflow to REX for F/O positions. When the flow-through stops the school is in trouble or has to start training for China and/or India..

For the Captains the situation is entirely different. It is essential that REX retains the experienced Captains, but even these are now enticed by the option to go to the bigger airlines for basically the same pay as they have today (when they start as F/O), with the prospect of getting fast-tracked to a jet command and enjoying the much higher pay as well....

It is very difficult to see how REX can stay viable without some drastic measures to retain the experienced pilots and trainers. As a minimum they would have to be looking at SERIOUS retention bonusses for these key people. Think about $25,000 - $50,000 a year for the next 2-3 years. And then still DEC's may have to be brought in as well....

With the shares trading at just above $1 it seems the market has also some doubts about how the future of REX will shape up.

bushy 8th May 2008 03:35

Didn't you blokes learn anything from GA?
There was a time when operators paid for endorsements and training. Then the airlines and the flying schools convinced a squillion young blokes to get qualifications at their own expense and go into GA for " a short time" until that golden airline job came along. But it didn't come along so many quit, or went overseas, and the operators found they had become continuous free training organisation for young hopefuls who demanded twin time.
So the free endorsements are now very rare.
Our airlines have learned from this, and they are smart enough not to provide free training for the transient ones, like GA did. They have learned from the GA disaster, but it seems some pilots and some operatrs have difficulty understanding this.
A proper system requires a reasonal committment from both the employer and the employee. The better employers and the better employees will shun arrangements that do not have that committment on both sides.
So they should.

ACMS 8th May 2008 03:37

A proper system requires a reasonal committment from both the employer and the employee.
So Bushy..............try telling that to a REX F/O living in Sydney on $40,000 odd dollars after he's spent huge amounts of money to get there in the first place.

It's time for Airlines to actually pay a decent fair wage and maybe a bit more for the Pilot's to WANT TO STAY.
Then the Employee might be happy to give a REASONABLE COMMITTMENT.

It's a two way street.

Simple really.

phydeaux 8th May 2008 04:59

From what I understand the heading should read "Pilots problems with REX":confused:

KRUSTY 34 8th May 2008 05:43

I normally agree with you bushy, but I think you're talking semantics. It's truely been a long time since anything like what you mentioned has existed in GA. No-one paid for any of my GA training, and the only reason some airlines require self funded endorsements is because they can still get away with it!

As for any of these operators learning anything from history, well I've yet to see it. A bunch of reactionary catch-up merchants the lot of them.

bushy 8th May 2008 06:22

Professionals or prostitutes?
While there are plenty of wannabies who are prepared to do it for low wages, they will get low wages. Just like GA.
I earned $43,000 flying a kingair fifteen years ago.
I could never understand why pilots, who I thought were intelligent people would spend so much time and money getting trained for jobs that just were not there. It's been happening for thirty years. It's still happening.
In this supposed pilot shortage, it appears that only about one in a hundred are considered suitable for airlines. Some pilots do not even get a reply to their application, and of the ones that do, three quarters are rejected before trainig starts.
The rejected ones, and those who do not get a reply often go on to have distinguished careers elsewhere. (sometimes with overseas airlines)
Airlines do not like spending money on training, and they will steal trained pilots from elsewhere if they can. It has always been so. It did not start yesterday.
A CPL is not necessarily a free ticket to a golden skygod job. People who want an airline job are taking a big risk if they spend money on training without some sort of agreement with an airline.
But still they come. And they work for low wages, and complain.
Just like GA was. What's new??

Capt Wally 8th May 2008 06:24

At around $70K as a capt on a prop plane in REX (could be wrong there but it aint much am sure) there is the EXACT problem! MONEY, and with the lack of that folding stuff loyality went out the window moons ago. You beat a loyal dog long enough & even he'll bite the hand that feeds him!:bored:

The guys that passed thru Kendells years ago with pride must be crying now to see REX dieing.
We where all stunned when Ansett went under, will we feel the same when REX goes under? Only for the employees left who are gallantly bringing home the bacon!:bored:


captainstoobing 8th May 2008 07:11

Where's the AFAP???
It strikes me as bizarre as someone new to this industry that upon reading article after article in both NSW and interstate newspapers re Rex and the pilot shortage that only one mentioned Ts and Cs.
It was not a quote from AFAP or a rep!!!
Where are they:confused:

Coming from an industry where you got value for your union fees and that the union acted in the best interests of its members, especially publicly, the AFAP is a joke!!!! Are they toothless???:ugh:

There appears no campaign from the AFAP on behalf of their constituents to 'set the record straight' to the public and expose these gastly Ts and Cs. These people (pilots) are responsible for the safety of 34 people. A huge responsibility. Trainee nurses are paid more!!:*
Surely the gloves must come off and media are approached to embarrass the management into action. The time is ripe, pilots have more bargaining power right now than they have in a long time. Strike action or threatened industrial action would kill the company - they (the company) know it, but it seems they also know that the union is a toothless tiger, nothing more.:D

Its coming time to negotiate the new EBA for REX. I hope for all concerned that there are serious discussions regarding decent wages for all and retention bonuses for their senior pilots (those who are left). Time for the AFAP to show some kohoonas!!!!

indamiddle 8th May 2008 07:18

why pay for the endorsement/type training/years of GA when you can earn more in sydney than a rex f/o when you can get a job with qf as cabin crew in qcca longhaul. they are currently employing

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