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Pass-A-Frozo 26th Oct 2007 15:45

It seems you are happy to see every pilot in Australia leave for overseas and you would be confortable sitting in a VB or J* seat being piloted by an imported pilot
What's wrong with an 'imported' pilot if they meet the requirements?

The only thing that an ad like you are suggesting would do would be to make the flying public think "So let me get this right, I can save $5 a ticket?"

Charliethewonderdog 26th Oct 2007 15:53

The only thing that an ad like you are suggesting would do would be to make the flying public think "So let me get this right, I can save $5 a ticket?"
Ok give them the aussie piloted plane or a $5 dollar cash back if they fly the non aussie piloted plain.

Small price to pay for the worlds safest skies.

Pass-A-Frozo 26th Oct 2007 16:03

So you are saying that non-Australian pilots are less safe? Are British pilots less safe? Are US Pilots less safe?

On the pricing, what you are saying is that increasing ticket prices by $5 overnight would have no effect on profit. Why don't all the airlines just increase prices $5 and pocket the money?

Charliethewonderdog 26th Oct 2007 16:10

So you are saying that non-Australian pilots are less safe? Are British pilots less safe? Are US Pilots less safe?
Why would a British pilot or US pilot move to Australia FOR LESS MONEY????:ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh::ugh:

On the pricing, what you are saying is that increasing ticket prices by $5 overnight would have no effect on profit. Why don't all the airlines just increase prices $5 and pocket the money?
I can't answer that one...... but the monkeys runnig most Airlines would probably pocket the money and park planes up against the fence rather than admidt they were wrong.

Pass-A-Frozo 26th Oct 2007 16:20

Why would a British pilot or US pilot move to Australia FOR LESS MONEY????
That's not what I asked. You said that paying extra for Australian pilots was worth it for safe skies. You imply that foreign pilots are not safe.

What foreign pilots specifically are you talking about if you are saying British and American pilots wouldn't work here?

I can't answer that one...... but the monkeys runnig most Airlines would probably pocket the money and park planes up against the fence rather than admidt they were wrong.
I don't agree!

Charliethewonderdog 26th Oct 2007 16:32

What foreign pilots specifically are you talking about if you are saying British and American pilots wouldn't work here?
Pilots from countries that dont have hour safety record, like south east Asian countries, South America, Africa, etc.... sure they might pass all our testing ec.. and be qualified but they dont came from a place that has our standards.

Pass-A-Frozo 26th Oct 2007 16:34

surely that implies a problem with our flight testing.

Charliethewonderdog 26th Oct 2007 16:45

surely that implies a problem with our flight testing.
I'm sure they can pass the tests, it's keeping to our standards which is the problem.

Pass-A-Frozo 26th Oct 2007 16:49

So the problem is that the testing performed once they are flying for an airline is too lax?

Charliethewonderdog 26th Oct 2007 16:59

So the problem is that the testing performed once they are flying for an airline is too lax?
Mate we have the safest skies in the world, the pilots we will attract will came from countries with extremly poor safety records, because pilots from the US, England, europe are not going to move here for a paycut.
If you concentrated on the

So I ask you, do you want to pay for safe skies, if that means upping the pay for Aussie pilots?

What would you prefer????? Two highly skilled Aussie pilots??? or imorted pilots???
Why do you think Aussie pilots are sought after over seas??? and given jobs over anyone from these poorer countries????? How many Brazillian pilots work for Cathay???

You can let supply and demand go so far but when you start reducing standards then thats when you go too far and are a playing a dangerous game.

Pass-A-Frozo 26th Oct 2007 17:05

I'd prefer two pilots who meet the standards. Full stop / Period!

Either someone meets the standard or they don't. It doesn't matter if they were born in Aus, NZ, US, Brazil or Chad (or trained).

Either we have a standard or we don't. To make the public believe otherwise is disingenuinous.

Import pilots in the right numbers to keep the economy ticking along.

QFinsider 26th Oct 2007 17:09

let's import a public service too...As they say walk the walk

Pass-A-Frozo 26th Oct 2007 17:10

Feel Free. I'm not a public servant, I'm a pilot in the RAAF. Import a military if you like though.

Charliethewonderdog 26th Oct 2007 17:11

I'd prefer two pilots who meet the standards. Full stop / Period!

Either someone meets the standard or they don't. It doesn't matter if they were born in Aus, NZ, US, Brazil or Chad (or trained).

Either we have a standard or we don't. To make the public believe otherwise is disingenuinous.

Import pilots in the right numbers to keep the economy ticking along.

I have an Idea, lets just move VB over seas where it must be more proftitable and import 1 2 go, or garuda. We could have the price of tickets again and every one can go flying every week end?????

Do you want our standards to drop???? yes or no

There is a reason why our aerolanes dont fall out of the sky and theirs do??? why would you want this to change.

Would you rather see 200 dead people then pay an extra $5 a seat???? we are talking about lives aren't we???

You my friend are a twit, and a dangerous twit.

Pass-A-Frozo 26th Oct 2007 17:14

There is a reason why our aerolanes dont fall out of the sky and theirs do??? why would you want this to change.
Would you rather see 200 dead people then pay an extra $5 a seat???? we are talking about lives aren't we???
You my friend are a twit, and a dangerous twit.
I fail to see your safety justification against someone trained / born overseas. If they pass the same test there should be no problem. If it is a problem you should be raising the issue with authorities saying that the tests are substandard.

Charliethewonderdog 26th Oct 2007 17:16

Feel Free. I'm not a public servant, I'm a pilot in the RAAF. Import a military if you like though.
So who do you serve then if it's not the public???? Oh I forgot the war on terror, hang on not's the war in afganistan, or could it be that war for oil in Iraq.

You my friend are a TWIT. Our taxes are paying you, you prick. I hope your job gets replaced by unmanned planes soon.

Charliethewonderdog 26th Oct 2007 17:18

I fail to see your safety justification against someone trained / born overseas. If they pass the same test there should be no problem. If it is a problem you should be raising the issue with authorities saying that the tests are substandard.
Oh lets let CASA have some responsibilty....... what dream world are you from. CASA dont care...... until they have 200 dead bodies.

It's called lowering the standards, so they can pass and pilot the aircraft so the planes are not parked up against the fence.

Pass-A-Frozo 26th Oct 2007 17:21

ok so the real problem is that you think CASA aren't enforcing standards? The old thing of keep asking questions and you get to the bottom of the problem.

Although I think QFInsider had some advice on the issue of CASA. Import CASA guys.

4PW's 26th Oct 2007 18:05

PAF isn't a pilot in the RAAF.

Let's get that straight.

Pass-A-Frozo 26th Oct 2007 18:09

PAF is a pilot in the RAAF. I think I would know. If you are correct you should probably contact the Air Force and get them to cut off my pay. :rolleyes:
Got that straight 4PW.
So how many years you been at Cathay??
Your quote on the core matter from a few years ago:

Originally Posted by 4PW
You're an idiot Foreign Worker.

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