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Gnadenburg 2nd Dec 2007 10:23

I know of several guys who have come back in from the airlines (such as Ansett) and would be overpaid if their salary was $2
They weren't much good at Ansett either.

No surprises they returned to where they spawned. In a free market, post 9-11 aviation world. :)

bushy 3rd Dec 2007 01:05

The economic theories you espouse were widely held by a group of powerful people in Australia.
The Australian people just gave them a huge vote of no confidence.

five dogs 4th Dec 2007 01:13


I thought Blaster was my friend from Darwin, after looking at the list who have signed a new AWA on my little mates desk, I know its not.

blaster666 4th Dec 2007 06:23

Start Sliding !
Hey Five Dogs,

Even your little mate would surely have better filing than having 3 month old AWA's sitting on his desk.

........however, a snake like you could probably slide under the door to the pay office to look in all the personnel files I guess.

while your at it.......why not have a peek at your own file & let us know how much you get paid for doing :mad: all !!! ;)

Ruck Bogers 5th Dec 2007 00:39

Ah... its great to see a bunch off Pissed off Pilots backed into a corner with no room left to maneuver. Even the most sedate dog will eventually bite your leg off when poked with a sharp stick enough times :eek:

4 QANTASLINK B717's Parked against the fence on Sunday 2nd Dec due to NJS Pilots having no "Incentive" to go to work. I bet QANTAS were really happy to ask NJS CEO P. Nottage what the fuc:mad: was going on ????
I'm sure the fines QANTAS imposed on NJS would have made up a few B Scale Pilots pay balances for the rest of the year too!!!! :=

B Scale Pilots most probably were far to busy polishing up their CV's and Logbooks at home looking for far greener pastures free of NJS management Bull****, especially now most have had their wonderful AWA's rejected due to failing the Fairness Test. :D

Hah... Who needs Protected Industrial Action when most NJS Pilots are continually suffering from symptoms of the "Blue Flu" and have to take time off to ensure they operate their aircraft in a safe and non-efficient manner.

Top job fellas. Top Job. Now thats standing together!!:ok::ok:

grandesire15 7th Dec 2007 09:56

You must be really proud......:confused:

illusion 7th Dec 2007 11:53

No Grande,
Not proud- just aware that the first company to scratch an RPT jet aircraft in Australia will be almost garanteed of bankruptsy.

Capt Basil Brush 8th Dec 2007 11:28

4 QANTASLINK B717's Parked against the fence on Sunday 2nd Dec due to NJS Pilots having no "Incentive" to go to work.
Isn't that normal for Sunday's in Perth?

Sundays in Perth always resembles an aircraft parking lot.

If they were serious, they would park them during the week early in the mornings.

nig&nog 9th Dec 2007 04:00

Was just checking the afap website page for jobs and saw SA DHC8 pilots getting 100k & 60K base wages respectively. If the company can up those wages that much you boys and girls should be able to reach equal base wages with J* and VB.

Nog not nig

Diver Dan 9th Dec 2007 04:36

When NJS lose 70% of their pilots pa they may find big pay rises coming their way!

Icarus2001 14th Dec 2007 08:31

A great advert for NJS in the Australian newspaper today. I must apply to these guys.

Mr Nottage you must be a very proud man. Well done, Conrad, Geoff & Rodney will welcome you with open arms to their clan.

watching from above 14th Dec 2007 17:09

Its funny looking in on NJS from the outside, I have a few good mates in there and have meet a few guys i cant stand from there.

why is it that when ever the majority are working on something a number of individuals always ruin it for the rest of you.

Have fun boys and girls. Just remember that the more you guys bend to try and get that little bit extra in your own pocket instead of standing up for the majority you are actually stuffing yourselves over. I love watching in from the outside.

Keep up the entertaining work guys. it certainly gives our crews plenty of things to chat about on flights.

the other thing that always surprises us is we hear how close you get to actually doing good and the next thing you all buckle and get nothing of any worth. grow a back bone boys and girls and stand up for yourselves, I certainly wouldnt fly for the pathetic wages most of you guys are on, espeacially not the b scale fools.

Keep up the entertaining work

blaster666 9th Jan 2008 22:01

Another Year Another Compromise
Just wanted to reignite this thread to update all who may have previously had an interest about the lack of balls that evolved from the initial chest beating about "taking it to the man". The current status is a NON UNION Collective agreement with little (none) more than WOULD have been achieved 6 months ago by individuals prepared to sit down & talk about their own careers & conditions.

It is so frustrating that many of my pilot colleagues threaten so much about their collective strength & then fall like a pack of cards when the going gets tough.

Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !

Shed Dog Tosser 10th Jan 2008 11:34

It was taken to the man, what was sought was achieved, whats the problem ?.

blaster666 10th Jan 2008 22:29

The Problem
The continuation of suppressed wages barely maintained (particularly in the West) by a national CPI average for 5 years without the leverage of a union being a party to an agreement & the continuation of 'B' scale colleagues..............mmmmmmmm............you tell me the problem compared to the original rhetoric of 'the fight' ? :rolleyes:

Lefthanded_Rock_Thrower 11th Jan 2008 00:27


Quite interesting you are trying to cast stones at those that took action and appear quite happy with the outcome, when it would appear that you signed the first piece of paper dropped infront of you, appears misinformed and a tad hypocritical.

blaster666 11th Jan 2008 01:53

That is a fair call Rock Thrower but my point was that having beat their chests & said time we will get what we want & it will be better than what we would have gotten any other way - there WAS no action & there IS no outcome other than what would have been achieved by sitting on their hands & keeping the old agreements.

I acknowledge the right but am sick of the bravado among my colleagues without the substance to REALLY fight for what they really believe is their right !!

Chimbu chuckles 11th Jan 2008 01:59

What chest beating bravado?

The NJS boys and girls' aim was the removal of the B scale...they achieved that and more by the sound of it.

If you ask me this is a win for reason.

Capn Bloggs 11th Jan 2008 02:41

the removal of the B scale...they achieved that
Oh no they haven't.

sleeve of wizard 11th Jan 2008 02:58

Chuck, I suggest that you check your sources. I think that you will find that the NJSPG reps sold their members down the river.:{

Capn Bloggs 11th Jan 2008 03:34

Ho hum, another alias pops up. Sleeve, you're wrong too. :=

Chimbu chuckles 11th Jan 2008 05:54

Capn Bloggs check your PM.

Sounds to me like the NJSPG are doing a reasonable job thus far:ok:

sleeve of wizard 11th Jan 2008 06:06

Chuck you neglected to include the loss of 3 sick days per year, I would see this as a rather big loss wouldn't you.
I have it on good authority that the PG reps were doing a ring around before, during and after the balot trying to convince voters. They managed to get some people to change their vote, if this was a democratic system 1 vote is all that is allowed.
The TWU were not invited by the PG reps to the negotiations, I ask you why wouldn't you want them there, they do this for a living!

Capt Bloggs i maybe a virgin when it comes to posts on this site but trust me I have been around for a while.

AerocatS2A 11th Jan 2008 06:18

Chimbu, I was under the impression that that was the plan for the B scale guys from the start (the increases to ultimately match the A scale after 5 years.) Did they change that to a straight out B scale?

Capn Bloggs 11th Jan 2008 06:40

Capt Bloggs i maybe a virgin when it comes to posts on this site but trust me I have been around for a while.
You may have been around for a while, but not around here. You're about 6 months behind the profile. :cool:

Capt Claret 11th Jan 2008 06:52


You're talking so much **** you MUST be able to taste it!

Icarus2001 1st Feb 2008 02:33

So January is over...do you guys have a result yet on an ECA?

Capn Bloggs 1st Feb 2008 03:27

The ECA got up. Now it is up to the NJS management "team" to produce the contracts that they said we would not get if the boys had voted no.

Capt Wally 1st Feb 2008 05:53

best of luck NJS drivers, I've never been a fan of the TWU, lets call it many years with them & they where, well, useless in another industry!.........still the troops have voted with their fingers, now what's the middle finger for??:}


blaster666 3rd Jul 2009 03:54

Time Marches On !!
Hello to my NJS Brothers.

I just got my 3.5% increase from the AWA that I locked in for 5 years. Can you tell me what the CPI increase that you fought so hard for was this year !?:)

Mr. Hat 3rd Jul 2009 03:59

how are you going to spend it?

other professions are so jeallous.

blaster666 3rd Jul 2009 04:07

Mr Hat - you miss the point - my colleagues fought hard & vigorously for 'CPI' as the best & most beneficial way in which the riches could be returned to pilots (huh !?)....anyways.......happen to see this old thread again the other day & wondered how the passage of time had treated those views....

Capt Claret 3rd Jul 2009 04:21

4.2% if I recall correctly, significantly better than the 2% flat on offer at the time.

AerocatS2A 3rd Jul 2009 04:23

It was about 4.2% last year Capt Claret and I've heard it's 2.5% this year.

6401.0 - Consumer Price Index, Australia, Mar 2009

RENURPP 3rd Jul 2009 04:55

I wouldn't bother with the sniveling little sh&# CC. :eek:

blaster666 3rd Jul 2009 05:19

Sticks & Stones !
Would your reaction Renurpp be anything to do with the fact that your tunnel visioned, economically naive, emotional negotiation strategy has now cost your captain colleagues over $2500 in cold hard cash in base salary, overtime, allowances & value of leave provisions this year over what they would have got if they had stayed with a GUARANTEED model of salary increase rather than one at the mercy of economic downturns !!??

Me thinks the benefit of hindsight only come to those without foresight !:ugh:

AerocatS2A 3rd Jul 2009 05:44

Oooooh $2500! That's a whole $50/week! You'll be able to eat meat on Fridays Blaster!

Seriously, why are you doing such an ugly thing as gloating over a pitiful amount like $2500, don't you have something better to do? If that is such a big deal to you then you're not getting paid enough full stop.

Mr. Hat 3rd Jul 2009 06:17

No worries blaster. I wish you and your collegues the very best. I think you're worth more.

When the economy turns the corner the exodus from companies that aren't providing realistic increases will recommence.

travelator 3rd Jul 2009 09:28

Lets look at facts.

2% flat rate if accepted woul be a base increase of $5,267 over 2 years for a captain.

The CPI rate accepted (4.2% + 2.5%) is a base increase of $8,872 over the same 2 years.

So the NJS pilots have an extra $3,605 over the 2 years based on an

emotional negotiation strategy

Village Idiot1 3rd Jul 2009 10:05

Based on my name sakes comments,

I just got my 3.5% increase from the AWA that I locked in for 5 years.
he really is the village idiot, cause the rest of us got 4.2% last year and 2.5% this year. Do the math and see who's infront. :D

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